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Kinkaid (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 2)

Page 17

by Warren, Rie

  He flipped the vest around. To my relief the name badge didn’t say Magic Mike or any other stripper-related roadname. They’d kept it simple with Ryder. Wholly appropriate and somehow a fitting tribute to the grandfather whose last name I bore.

  “So I guess we’ll just call you Ryder from now on.” Brodie jerked his head at me and I turned around, lifting my arms.

  Tears thickened my throat as the heavy leather cut eased over my shoulders.

  Brodie stood close for a moment, squeezing my shoulders and saying, “Take all the time you need to gather yourself.”

  It wasn’t just patching through. It was being part of a larger family when I’d lost my own so recently. It was the honor shown to my grampa by giving me his name on my vest.

  I rested my chin against my chest and closed my eyes for a moment.

  When I turned around, the ceremony wasn’t done.

  Brodie, more talkative than his older brother, clasped my arm. “Just to be clear. This isn’t because of what I said before.”

  The unspoken implicit, that I had to make good with Sadie before I could make good with the club.

  “It’s because you care about your people, and we’ll be lucky to have you as one of ours. You’re a strong man, Kinkaid Ryder, and you got a big goddamn heart.” He hugged me with a slap to my back then set me free. “Welcome to Retribution!”

  I received congratulations from everyone, deafened by the cheers. I ended up at Sadie’s side, happily pulling her into my arms.

  “You look damn good in that vest.” Quieter for my ears alone, she murmured, “Can’t wait to get you out of it.”

  If I kissed her then I’d have her stripped down and on top of the bar in two seconds flat. Given the fact I didn’t really want anyone else seeing her naked, I held her face between my hands and brushed my lips against her cheek. “Later. Like you said.”

  “I can wait.”

  I pumped my hips against her, my intent obvious. “Not sure I can.” I grinned ruefully.

  A hullaballoo half an hour later pulled me out of fantasies about just how I was gonna fuck Sadie as soon as I got her home and in my bed, or close enough to it.

  “I’m looking for Captain Maverick.”

  I rubbed my eyes in case I was seeing a mirage. A very pretty woman walked up to the bar, hounded by half a dozen MC goons she ignored. She wore catwoman glasses on her pert nose, but that wasn’t the half of it. She couldn’t have looked more out of place if she’d shoved a badge under my nose amid all the black leather and lace and boots. Wearing a pair of tight slacks and a prim blouse, she was honey to the bees.

  She pursed her lips, a frown forming between her eyebrows. “Bo Maverick?”

  “I don’t know what you want with Bo, but I reckon I can supply you with anything you might need.” Tail swaggered up, cupping the woman’s elbow. Two thin twin braids of black hair twisted against his temples and he’d never looked more like a shark hunting the waters.

  The woman looked him up and down, a pleasant smile on her lips. “Don’t even try it. I can read you from a mile away.” She tapped Tail’s chest. “You use your sex appeal to snag the ladies and try to take everything at face value to avoid anything even remotely resembling affection or emotion.”

  Hoots and hollers and So busted!

  Tail chuckled, but he removed his hand. “Damn, woman. No need to twist my balls, unless you really want to.” He bowed gallantly. “Who’d you say you were?”

  “Veronica Hartley. Not at your service.” She might’ve looked out of place, but holy fuck, the woman put Tail in his place. “Now, about Bo. Is he here?”

  “You can pick your eyeballs off the floor now, babe,” Sadie said pertly, appearing beside me.

  “I wasn’t staring at her. It’s just, does Bo have a lady?” I tucked her against my side. “Besides, you know I only have eyes for you.”

  “And other things.” She caressed my chest, and dropped her hand to the low waist of my jeans.

  “All the other things.” I agreed, a husky pitch to my voice.

  Bo showed up, cutting Tail clean out of the picture as he drew up straight and tall in front of his Veronica Hartley.

  “You’re Ronnie Hartley?” The man looked absolutely astounded and completely out of his comfort zone

  “Doctor Veronica Hartley, yes. I take it you’re Captain Maverick, the man who keeps making appointments and never showing up?”

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he said between gritted teeth.

  “I came to follow up because you keep wasting my time and I don’t appreciate it.” She laid her hands on her hips, not one bit daunted. “You can’t run away forever, Bo.”

  With a shudder that coursed through his whole body, Bo cracked his neck and made a visible effort to relax. “Can we take this outside?”

  “Do you think that’s a wise idea?” I asked Hunter who watched just as avidly as me.

  He held up a hand. “Hang on.”

  “No we cannot take this outside. You can take this to my office tomorrow. Last chance.” She shoved a business card in Bo’s hand, the picture of elegance with steel in her spine and no-nonsense on her mind.

  She turned to Hunter with a nod. “Nice to see you again, Hunter.”

  “You, too, doc. Take it easy now. I’ll make sure Bo takes you up on your offer.” He shook her hand warmly and escorted her to the door while Bo murderously glared at their retreating backs.

  With a vicious curse the broad-shouldered ex-Marine downed a shot of vodka and stalked in the opposite direction.

  “And we’re done.” Hunter released a deep breath when he returned. “See? No worries. I know Ronnie. Takes no shit from anyone.”

  “Are we all totally fucked up?”

  He slung an arm around my neck. “Pretty much. But ain’t life grand?”

  I had to agree with him an hour later. When we returned home, Sadie didn’t just get me out of the new cut, she got me all the way out of my clothes in the middle of the living room.

  “Are you drunk?” I asked.


  “Happy drunk then, and you want to paint me now?” I thought we might rather just fuck.


  “Okay.” I padded bare-assed to the kitchen and returned with a large glass of water. “Drink this. Don’t want you falling over on the job.” Not before I got the chance to be inside her. The night had been one big tease start to finish and I aimed to end it right, with her howling my name.

  “Yessir, Big Daddy.” She quaffed the water.

  Big Daddy indeed. My cock stretched against my stomach, the long shaft throbbing as I watched her lick her lips.

  “You say that again, and I might have to put my cock in your mouth.” No joke.

  “Later,” she murmured, her gaze drifting over me. She rapidly sobered. The promise of sex, the scent of it filling the air, could do that. “After I paint you.”

  Far be it for me to say no. I docilely turned, flexed, lifted my arms, and posed to her demands as she squirted paint onto a palette and brandished a brush.

  “You know”—she dipped her paintbrush into a jam jar of turpentine—“you’re not supposed to be hard for this.”

  “That’s hardly my fault.” I reclined on the couch, one foot raised on the cushions, my other leg rolled open. I took one long careful stroke up my bastard cock and grinded my teeth. The head engorged, pulsing dark red above my fist. “You’ll just have to call it an erotic painting and keep it for yourself.”

  Hairs raised along with shivers on my body as she worked across the canvas. My eyes dipped between her legs. She clenched her thighs. My gaze roamed up to her tits. Nipples, hard.

  She was getting off on this as much as me.

  “Take off your clothes too.” My voice echoed, hushed with longing to see her.

  She set the brush in the jar and slowly slipped everything off.

  I blew out a whistle between my teeth. “Fuck, Sadie.”

  Golden and glowing
, she set fire to my body. The teardrop tits, the tight tummy, the turn of her legs and the small arrow of dark blonde hair between her legs . . . I groaned.

  She dabbed her brush in more paint and squinted at me. “We will. Later.”

  Turned on by her motions, her bare skin, I strained to stay still. Minutes elapsed, blood stampeding to my swollen cock.

  “’Bout done yet?”

  “Nope. Perfection takes time. And you’ve got a perfect body, Kaid. I aim to take my time on it.”

  I’d never been hotter. I shifted on the couch. My hands curled at my sides. My cock had a heartbeat of its own. Drops of clear precome slid down my shaft, the warm fluid just as much of a tease as her hot-tipped breasts and the curls between her legs.

  “How long are you gonna keep this up?”

  “How long are you gonna keep that up?” she countered.

  “Want to me get off for you?”

  She gasped, rolling her hips on her seat. “Oh yeah.”

  “Gonna paint me while I do it?” Spreading my thighs, I lifted my heavy balls.

  “Fuck yeah.”

  She worked faster to capture me, and so did I. Pulling on my cock with a reversed grip, the muscles and tendons of my forearms stood out in sharp relief. Spitting down, I worked with my saliva, wishing it was hers. My toes bent and my hips bucked. Sweat broke out on my forehead, the sharp tang dripping down to my mouth.

  “Are you wet?” I held one eye on her.

  Nipples dark and pebbled, face flushed, hips rocking, she answered, “Yes.”

  “Open your legs and show me.”

  Hooking her heels on the stool’s rungs, Sadie spread her thighs. One hand lowered to open her labia, revealing the dark pink glossy entrance.

  My legs shook with the effort not to come, but then it became pointless. I fucked both my hands, throbbing inside the tight two fisted tunnel.

  “FUCK!” I geysered across my stomach, up to my chin, down my neck.

  Sadie raced to me, capturing the last spurts in her mouth with her lips closed around the top of my cock. She swallowed my sticky come then cleaned me up from top to bottom, ending with her mouth clasped to my shaft. She made me hard again instantly, her tongue slurping into my slit, daggering me with staggering intensity.

  She blew me. My glans was hypersensitive, but I just didn’t care if it meant keeping her lips wrapped around me.

  The peach scent was there. And sex. And spunk. Her come, too. And . . . linseed oil, paints, turpentine.

  “Gotta have you.” I pulled from her grasp and turned her around on the couch until she hung over the back, legs splayed, ass jutting out.

  Her cunt bared to me, she was plumped and primed for taking my dick.

  No more time for playing around, I ripped into her. Every ridge of my cock stretched her tight hot hole.

  She shook and shuddered, screaming, “Kaid!”

  Her ass slapped against my hips and her back curved into a deep arch. I dug my thumbs into her ass dimples, holding her tight.

  I was so fucking hard I felt every inch shifting inside her ridged tunnel, and the tight sucking of her sex made me bare my teeth. I set them on her skin, her flesh, the tattoo marking her back as I marked her body inside and out.

  Pushing her harder, I rose to my feet, lifted her ass, and drilled straight down into her pussy. Her hands flung out, swatting away cushions, pulling at her hair, clasping her inner thighs to bare it all and give me everything in return.

  I dragged in and out, panting wild and half out of my mind. Fucking Sadie with insane passion, I blasted away at her. When my hand cupped her ripe sex and I felt the steamy heat of her in my palm, I curved on top of her. I tugged her clit piercings, dragged my thumbnail against her nub and gave a dirty laugh.

  She bucked beneath me, her head tossing, the heat of her nailing me in the nads.

  She came with a wrench of her body, sucking me so completely inside I lost myself, lost my mind, lost everything in the fast paced fury of release. And I gave it all up to her. My heart. My soul. My life. My body blending with hers in a moment of completion so deep I only ended where she began.

  I knew I was too heavy to rest on top of her for long, but goddamn. My mind. Consider it blown. And the rest of my body? I wiggled my toes. Thank fuck. They still worked.

  I dropped a kiss onto her shoulder and cupped her ass as I drew out. I was just barbaric enough to enjoy the sight of my come slipping white and thick from her pussy.

  “Water?” I asked, my voice rusty and hardly there.

  She lifted her head and wiggled her hips.

  I’d take that as a yes.

  When I returned with two glasses in hand I inspected the painting. It was damn good. Hot in fact. She’d caught me at the moment of release. Broad shoulders roped with muscle that continued onto my chest and narrowed to my hips. She’d captured the curl of my lip and the starving look in my deep green eyes as I was about to come. My cock grasped in my hand, I returned the painter’s stare. The intimate, seriously sexual moment played out in brushstrokes on canvas.

  “You like?” Sadie rolled onto her side, her skin glistening.

  “I like.” I hunkered in front of her and drank my water. “We fucked up the Scrabble game.” I glanced aside.

  The little table and board had gotten kicked out of the way in our hurry to fuck.

  “You were losing anyway.” She drew a finger down the center of my chest.

  “But I won with you.” I finished my water and pulled her up into my arms so I could carry her to bed.

  We talked quietly through the night, touching and kissing. Sadie’s eyes mirrored everything I felt, the friendship we’d always shared morphing into a love we’d grow old with.

  “I don’t know if I’m good for anything else, you know, other than stripping.” The sky was beginning to lighten, shifting from night to dawn.

  Her hand moved soothingly over my chest and down my arm then back again to complete the circle. “Of course you are. You’re good for me.”

  I dipped my head to her neck. “You sure about that?”

  “Well, yes. Apart from when you do dumb shit.” Her light chuckle melted away, and she delicately traced the lines of the cobra tats on my back. “You’re the most beautiful man, Kinkaid.”

  I snorted.

  “Shut up. You are. You know it, but maybe that’s all you think you are.” She lifted my face. “You’re so good with your hands—and if you wisecrack about that, buster, I’ll break your nose.”

  I made a suitably solemn face.

  She kissed each big knuckle on my right hand, then flipped it over to stroke my palm. A shudder raced through me.

  “You’re strong, and you take care of your people. You’re smart. You could go to college, or throw your hat in with Chrome and Steele, or Stone’s Garage. No one knows his way around an engine like you do. Grampa Dean taught you well.”

  I pressed the tingling palm of my hand against the long curve of her neck. One edge of my mouth curled and my eyes narrowed.

  Sadie stilled and watched me closely. “What’s the meaning of that particular look, Kinkaid Ryder?”

  “Well, I’ve been thinking about something.” I moved my hand up to her face, cupping her cheek. “You know I’m good at what I do. What I did.”

  Her lips compressed. “I am well aware of your skills.”

  “I may have come up with something.”

  “Care to share this grand plan? Or are you going to make me work for it.” Playfully sexy, she nudged her lips against mine.

  “What if I teach other guys instead?” I could use the bulk of Grampa’s money to rent a studio to begin with before the business started to pay out.

  Her grin spread, and she linked her hands behind my neck. “Dance School for Wayward Strippers?”

  “Somethin’ like that.”

  “That sounds like a damn good idea.” Long and tantalizing, her kiss tasted like love and lust and light.

  “Now what was all that about kno
wing my way around engines?” I slid her onto her back. “Think I can make your engine purr?” My fingers roamed down her body.

  Sadie shifted her legs, arching to my touch. “No brainer.”

  Two of my fingers surged inside, and she hummed and gasped. I added my thumb, curling around the soft nub where sensation centered. Sadie stretched from the column of her neck to the tips of her toes. She came quickly but the flush of arousal didn’t fade from her skin. I felt it, too, this time a slow burning fire we had time to build until it ignited around us.

  Stretching on top of her, I touched her body with every part of mine.

  “I was thinking.” I kissed a path from her collarbone to her ear, nibbling on the lobe. “If I spend the rest of the spring fixing up this place, we could sell it and buy something else? Make our own new start.”

  “I don’t have any money to help with a down payment.” Reaching down, she grasped me in her hand, guiding me to her entrance.

  “Sadie, what’s mine is yours, body and soul.”

  “Yes, Kaid.” She shivered.

  And the flame burst to life.

  Keep reading for the first chapter of

  Bo: Bad Boys of Retribution MC #3

  From the world of the Carolina Bad Boys! A four-book spinoff series speeding your way one after the other summer 2015!

  Hunter is available NOW! June 2, 2015:

  BO IS AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER NOW! Release July 14, 2015:

  Coletrane, the final book in the MC summer series, coming in August:

  Chapter One

  I GASPED FOR BREATH, fighting against the arms holding me down. The arms changed, becoming slender and pale with fingernails that dragged down the length of my body. My struggling ceased. My body seized up in a knot of hot arousal. The fingers teased, landing with soft strokes on the muscles of my lower groin. My cock lifted, hard and rearing against my stomach as the fingers coasted lightly up and down my aching shaft, never reaching the swelling head.


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