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Lesbian Erotica, Volume 2

Page 4

by Carla Blake

  Then she ate her, sweeping the full length of her pussy from clitoris to cunt and back again, over and over until Jan shuddered and gasped and buried her hands in her hair, pulling Lindsey’s face even closer to the liquid centre of her.

  Lindsey licked her, running the very tip of her tongue along both sides of her pussy and sucking her vulva, until Jan groaned and juice oozed from within her to fill her mouth. She teased her, pushing her tongue into her cunt and swirling it around until Jan begged her to fuck her and she replaced her tongue with her fingers, her chin wet with juices as she withdrew her head and pushed a finger deep inside Jan’s vagina. Then she fucked her, using more force than she might have ordinarily have used but knowing that Jan was so juiced up she would need to be firm for her to feel it. Screwing her, she added another finger and drove them both into the heated heart of her, screwing her with another force to lift Jan’s heels off the floor with every thrust, whilst with her other hand, she played with her pussy, her thumb teasing her clit before sliding off to coat itself in liquid.

  “I’m going to come.” Jan gasped, “play with my clit.”

  Pushing her thumb hard against it, Lindsay continued to fuck her whilst rubbing her off. She could feel Jan’s insides starting to clench now, her whole body beginning to tense as her orgasm started to build and she thrust harder, coating her fingers in cream whilst she rubbed her clit towards its ultimate climax.

  She came all at once, her insides clenching Lindsey’s fingers as her orgasm ripped through her and she was forced to hold on hard to Lindsey’s shoulders to stop herself from collapsing.

  “Fuck!” She cried. “Oh,God!”

  But Lindsey didn’t stop. Instead, she carried on, driving her fingers in and out of Jan’s soaking hole, her thumb circling around her clit, refusing to stop and thrusting in and out until Jan came a second time and she could do no more than shudder and gasp and moan out her pleasure.

  Then she let her crumple to the floor, her head resting on her lap, her breasts pressed against her legs as she sucked in air and ran a shaky hand through her hair.

  “My God.” She said at last. “That was amazing.”

  “My pleasure. You have a lovely body. Very juicy”

  “Very fucked.” Jan smiled. “Your turn?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  Jan made her stand up and bending her over the back of the sofa, she unclasped her bra and taking both of Lindsey’s breasts in her hands, she squeezed the nipples until they were hard as stones.

  Then she kissed her, following the curve of her spine as she gradually made her way down to her buttocks and hooked her fingers into the waistband of her knickers. Tenderly, she slipped them off, stooping to kiss her backside and knead the soft flesh before clasping both her thighs and coaxing them apart.

  Then her hand slid around and cupping her mound, Jan pressed hard until her palm came away damp and her fingers could join in, exploring the swollen, pink flesh that parted under her touch to expose Lindsey’s throbbing clit. Using only her fingertip, she applied pressure, and felt Lindsay shudder. Another touch, as fleeting as the first and she groaned, her pelvis thrusting backwards in an effort to prolong the contact.

  “Are you ready?” Jan breathed into Lindsey’s back. “Are you hot and wet and dying to be fucked?”

  “Yes. Yes!”

  “Then let me fuck you.”

  Her thumb slid in, wetly and smoothly and quickly followed by the other. Carefully she worked them in and slid them out, using the leverage her thumbs gave her to stretch Lindsey’s vagina until she had enough room to really fuck her whilst her fingers slid along either side of her pussy lips, tantalisingly brushing against the moist folds without ever reaching her clit.

  She screwed her, pushing in and out with ease, her passage helped by the creamy white moisture seeping from Lindsey’s cunt whilst Lindsey gripped the back of the sofa and moved with her, desperate to feel every thrust of Jan’s thumbs.

  “I think your clit needs some attention.” Jan sighed into her ear and withdrew her thumbs. They came away sticky and she wiped the moisture across Lindsey’s pussy, feeling her tremble beneath the unexpected touch.

  Her fingers replaced her thumb. All four of them slipping into the gorgeous space she had created with her thumbs. Groaning, Lindsey’s cunt gripped her, the muscles drawing her in and sucking hard, silently begging her not to stop but to go deeper still. To really fuck her, touch her, make her go crazy with want and desire and make her come.

  Jan’s finger found her clit and she smiled, thrilled by the way the tiny nub twitched beneath her fingertip. Applying pressure, she pushed down and held her finger steady, keeping it perfectly still whilst her other hand moved in and out of Lindsey’s now sopping cunt. Then, still fucking her, she moved her finger over Lindsey’s clit the smallest amount, allowing the tiniest of thrills to ripple through her groin and deep into her belly.

  “Play with your tits.” Jan instructed her and waited for one of Jan’s hands to leave the back of the sofa and grip her breast. “Squeeze your nipple.”

  The sigh that slipped out of Lindsey was all Jan needed to tell her she had done as she asked and whilst Lindsey played with her tit and raised her backside still further to give Jan maximum exposure of her pussy, Jan screwed her and rubbed her clit. Loving the way Lindsey was so wet she could barely feel her own fingers sliding in and out of her hot, little hole as her other hand continued to tease her clit, rubbing and circling, fast and then slow, occasionally leaving it all together to glide smoothly up the swollen channel of her pussy before returning again and rubbing Lindsey into fresh bouts of groaning.

  It certainly had the desired effect because it wasn’t long before Lindsey breathed that she was coming. “Fuck me hard.” She added. “You won’t hurt me. I just want to feel you deep inside me.”

  “No problem babe.” Jan whispered and thrust her fingers in with renewed vigour. Immediately Lindsey juiced up still more and liquid poured over and around her fingers to coat Jan’s hand as she screwed her with as much force as she dared. It wasn’t difficult. Lindsey’s cunt was a hot, dripping channel and her fingers moved easily, thrusting in and out whilst she furiously rubbed her clit and told her to come, come hard!

  “Yes!” Lindsey cried and fell into her orgasm, her groin pushed hard against Jan as her cunt and clit both throbbed and pulsated at the same time and she tipped over the edge, coming and coming until finally she slumped, exhausted, over the back of the sofa where ‘fuck’ seemed to be the only thing she could say.

  “I take it that was alright then?” Jan said, slowly removing her fingers from Lindsey’s cunt and licking them clean. “It felt bloody marvellous from where I was standing.”

  “Oh, it was.” Lindsey breathed at last. “I haven’t been fucked like that for ages! Do you do that to all your customers?”

  “Only the ones I like. And I really like you.”

  A short time later, Lindsey left Hilliers.

  It was still raining outside, but for some reason Lindsey didn’t seem to mind. She had her dress and her shoes and a body that had been nicely fucked and was feeling very good indeed.

  She also had an appointment next Thursday to try on another party frock and she was already counting the days. She had a feeling she was going to be buying a lot of new clothes from now on.

  The Big Day

  Hannah looked at herself in the full length mirror and decided that for a wedding, she didn’t look too bad at all. The dress she was wearing was a delicate green in colour and cradled rather than hugged her curves, which was fine with her. She didn’t want to be wearing anything that might upstage the bride or anyone else for that matter, especially as she had only been invited to the ceremony because her boyfriend, Pete was best mates with the groom.

  She just hoped there was someone else there she knew other than Pete because knowing
him, as soon as he’d ensured she was supplied with a glass of wine and a few nibbles, he’d be off, chatting to his footie mates and totally forgetting he had a girlfriend who just might be interested in talking about something other than the bloody off-side rule!

  The ceremony was lovely and the bride, Sally, looked absolutely gorgeous in her wedding dress, attended by three bridesmaids and one cute as a button page boy, whilst her new husband, Paul, beamed proudly throughout, looking pleased as punch that he had landed such an amazing wife.

  Hannah was genuinely chuffed for them both and more than a little relieved that Pete, having stood in a church, surrounded by flowers and a choir and elderly relatives dabbing at their eyes, hadn’t suggested they try something similar because she was so not ready for marriage yet and certainly not to Pete. Yes, he was good looking and funny and for the most part fairly reliable when it came to making arrangements and sticking to them, it was just his insane mania for football that put her off. He absolutely adored anything to do with it whilst she thought it was a load of excessively paid rubbish and a total waste of eyesight.

  They’d had more rows about that than anything else.

  Feeling a hand slip into her own, she allowed Pete to lead her out of the church. Outside it was bright and mercifully dry, a bit of a bonus for July in England, and with everyone gathered together for a series of photos and confetti throwing, it was just over an hour before they headed off to the reception at the very plush Landsmen hotel.

  The Landsman was famous. Originally a huge manor house with several additional wings and a south facing tower, the Landsmen had played host to gentry and royalty alike since its earliest construction in the 18th century. Since then, additional construction had resumed, including a huge conservatory and a downstairs function room where the reception was to be held. Outside, four acres of land had been neatly divided into stately gardens, a small woodland area, a massive pond and a wildlife conservation area.

  It was extremely beautiful and grand and Hannah would have loved to have had the opportunity to leave Pete and everyone else and just stroll around all by herself.

  An hour later, she almost had the chance.

  After enjoying the expansive buffet and free bar it wasn’t long before Pete spotted one of his football cronies and true to form, abandoned her, muttering a quick ‘won’t be long’ before leaving Hannah with her glass of wine and a table full of strangers.

  It was hugely embarrassing and even though she could have put money on it happening, she still felt disappointed and let down and totally awkward at being left by herself with absolutely nothing to say to the elderly couple or the pair of spotty teenagers she had been left with.

  Which left only her handbag for solace and for want of something better to do and desperate to look busy and not as if she had been totally forgotten, which she had, she lifted it onto her lap and started to sort through the contents.

  “You as well eh?”

  The voice made her jump and dropping her lipstick; she glanced up and saw Pete’s place had been taken by another woman about the same age as herself.

  “Men,” the woman sighed, taking a sip from the wine glass she had carried with her. “Why do they always think its okay to just swan off and leave us to it?”

  “I don’t know.” Hannah replied, sighing heavily herself and looking across the room to where Pete stood in deep conversation with four others. “But it doesn’t stop them from doing it.”

  “Sure doesn’t and I don’t know why we put up with it. I’m Karen by the way and that lump over there with the red tie is my other half, Jamie.”

  “Hannah.” Hannah said and they tipped their glasses towards each other. “Are you a friend of Paul or Sally?”

  “Neither. Jamie knows Paul. They play snooker together and I know exactly one other person in the room, the girl over there in the blue dress. She works at the same place as I do and I hear, has recently started a relationship with another woman.”

  “No. Really?”

  “Oh yes and good on her I say. At least her other half won’t rattle on about bloody call of duty all day. Sally looks lovely though, doesn’t she? Love the dress and what she’s done with her hair. Gorgeous.”

  “It is. Are you and Jamie married?”

  “God, no!” Karen snorted. “He’s nice enough, but not long term. How about you and..?”

  “Pete.” Hannah finished for her. “And no, we’re not married either. Not likely to be either. He’s too into his football for all that.”

  “Poor you.” Karen said sympathetically, “A sports widow at your age. I’m more an X box widow myself. Don’t know what he sees in all that stuff, but apparently the world will not go round without it.”

  “I know what you mean.” Hannah laughed. “Football is the be all and end all in Pete’s eyes and woe betide anyone who says otherwise.”

  “Indeed.” Karen nodded, “So how about you and I go and find something a little more exciting to do rather than sit here like a pair of lemons.”

  Hannah smiled, “what do you have in mind?”

  “Exploring.” Karen replied, raising her eyebrows. “This place. I mean, it’s huge! Wouldn’t you like to have a poke around some of the rooms? See what we can’t afford.”

  “Well, sure, but what if we get caught? How bloody embarrassing is that going to be?”

  “Well, we’ll just have to make sure we’re not and if we are we’ll just make up some excuse about trying to find the toilets or something. Come on. Anything has got to be better than sitting here slowly decaying.”

  Together they left the main reception room looking for all the world as if they were off to the ladies. Outside it was quieter, the heavy Oak doors blocking out most of the hubbub coming from within. It was also a lot cooler and Hannah felt the wine she had consumed swirl lazily around her head and turn some of her inhabitations a little softer around the edges.

  Grinning, Karen fanned a hand in front of her chest. “That’s better.” She smiled. “Was beginning to think I might bake in there. So, where shall we start?”

  They chose the staircase. Crafted from a dark wood with a wide expanse of expensively carpeted risers, mahogany banisters and newel posts topped with giant acorns, it resembled something out of a classic movie. It also smelt heavily of polish and Hannah felt almost guilty running her hand along the banisters gleaming surface.

  “So how long have you and Pete been together?” Karen asked her as they reached the top of the stairs to be faced with a long expanse of corridor leading off in both directions. “Long?”

  “Bout seven months.” Hannah said, eyeing a life size portrait of some dark haired dandy with a whippet at his feet. “How bout you and Jamie?”

  “Too bloody long. In truth, I’m a bit bored with him now. I mean, he’s okay and everything, just not really my type.”

  “So why did you go out with him?”

  “Fancied a change I guess. Let’s try this one.”

  Hannah glanced up nervously. So far, they had met no one, but in a hotel this size it was surely only a matter of time before they ran into a member of staff somewhere and it had just occurred to her that there might be cameras, although she didn’t see any, but that didn’t mean anything, they might be very discreetly hidden.

  Karen though, didn’t seem to care and twisting the ornate handle, she opened the door in front of her.

  It led into a bedroom and one that didn’t appear to be occupied even though the bed was still neatly made ready to be slept in. The lack of suitcases and the unopened welcome pack still sitting on the dresser was enough for Karen to conclude that they were not about to run into anyone coming out of the bathroom and she stepped inside gleefully, gasping at the opulence of it all.

  “Amazing.” She breathed, taking in the ornate surroundings. “Bet it costs a bloody fortune to stay here
for the night.”

  “Probably.” Hannah agreed. The room was gorgeous, light and airy and ridiculously clean, as was the en suite bathroom. The sight of a neat row of toiletries lined up on a glass shelf almost tempted her to sneak a few into her handbag.

  A thought that clearly had crossed Karen’s mind too because at the sight of free shampoo, conditioner and hand cream she wished aloud that she had brought a bigger bag.

  “You know what we should do?” She giggled, picking up the free bubble bath and reading the label. “We should have a bath.”

  Hannah gaped at her. “Are you kidding me!” She exclaimed. We’re at a wedding! We can’t just hop into the hotel’s bath like we own the place!”

  “Why not? We can lock the door. No one will know. We’ve even got towels!”

  “But.. but...”

  “But nothing! Where’s your sense of adventure girl? If nothing else, think what a brilliant story it’ll be to tell your grandkids. Come on, it’ll be fun.”

  The door to the hotel room was locked from the inside as was the door to the en suite, yet still Hannah’s heart was beating nineteen to the dozen as she watched Karen unscrew the lid of bath foam. She no longer knew why she was here or what the hell she thought she was doing. Pete was bound to miss her soon and then he would start looking and then, when he couldn’t find her, he would call a general alert and everyone would start looking and they would be discovered, illegally and fucking embarrassingly having a bubble bath! It was insane!

  Karen, however, didn’t seem to give a shit. She had the water running already and the entire contents of the bubble bath upended into the steaming water. If they heard someone coming, she said, they would both pretend to be outrageously drunk and pretend they didn’t really have a clue what they were doing and yes, it would be embarrassing for a little while, but they would get over it and really, what harm were they doing, aside from giving the housemaid an extra tub to clean?


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