Page 77
Project Sandra (intelligence facility on Cyprus) 321–3, 348, 356
Public Interest Immunity certificates 505
Public Key Cryptography 489–93, 508, 512
Public Record Office (Kew) 355
Puerto Belgrano (Argentina) 393
Punta Arenas (Chile) 414
Purple (Japanese cypher machine) 29, 38
Purves, Peter 348
Pym, Francis 423
Pyramider satellite 377
Quinlan, Sir Michael 493
Racal (telecoms company) 401, 433, 469, 524, 590
radar 110, 126, 132, 133, 136, 138, 145, 154, 202, 266, 285–7, 301–2, 306, 406, 408, 466
Radcliffe, Lord 239–40
Radcliffe Inquiry into Security in the Civil Service (1962) 381, 418
Radio Corporation of Cuba 341
Radio Operators (GCHQ) 15, 185, 186, 228, 261, 382, 418, 419, 420, 422, 432, 435, 458
Radio Reconnaissance Teams (Afghanistan) 535
Radio Security Service 37, 58, 79, 221
Radio Warfare Special Branch 133, 134
Rainbow Warrior (Greenpeace ship) 446
Rangoon (Burma) 110
Rattan (Soviet radio intercepts) 75
RC-135 ‘Looking Glass’ aircraft 273
Reagan, Ronald 398, 403, 457
‘Real IRA’ 501, 502
Reenan, Cyril 479, 480
Rees-Mogg, Lord William 481
Reeve, James 196, 197
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) (2000) 547
Reid, John 516
Reijn, Joop van der 308
Reilly, Patrick 205, 206
rendition programmes 539–40
Rendle, John 578
Rennie, John 156
Res (reserved cypher material) 44–5
Review of Intelligence
Requirements and Resources (1994) 493
Review of Intercept as Evidence (2004) 541
Rhodes, Miriam 378
Rhodesia 3, 209
Ribbentrop, Joachim von 31
Richards, Brooks 387
Richards, Francis 504, 511, 526
Riddington, Tony 598
Ridley, Nicholas 392
Rimington, Stella 372, 494, 521
Ring of Five 442–3
Ritter, Scott 470–1
Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) 513
Roake, Alfie 147, 265
Robinson (computer) 349
Robinson, Robin 493
rockets and missiles 5, 108, 110, 131, 169, 201–2, 203, 207, 266, 271, 301, 306, 315, 322–3, 335, 337, 376, 390, 439–40, 510, 511, 515, 525
Rockex (UK cypher machines) 57–8, 194
Rolf, Vic 213
Romania 52, 256, 257, 284; foreign intelligence service (DGIE) 253–4
Rome 372
Rommel, Erwin 5
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 39, 41, 47, 73, 84, 87
Rose, Michael 472, 473, 474
Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius 83
Rosenheim (Germany) 48
Roussilhe, François 254–5
Rowe, Vivian 402
Rowlands, Ted 390, 399–400, 401
Rowlett, Frank 44, 174
Rowntree Foundation 361
Royal Air Force (RAF) 369, 537: 192 Squadron (monitoring aircraft unit) 113, 122, 125, 149, 159; 199 Squadron (radio wafare unit) 113, 125, 131; invited onto Blue Peter children’s programme 348; loss of Avro Lincoln (1953) 125–9, 580; and Malayan Emergency 149–50; near-miss incidents 131; negotiations on air corridors 129–30; 100 Countermeasure Group 112; as part of GC&CS 20; RAF Akrotiri 273, 295, 296, 323, 325; RAF Brampton 469; RAF Brawdy 377; RAF Brize Norton 204, 375; RAF Celle 128; RAF Crail 369; RAF Digby 230, 231, 237; RAF Gatow 112, 370, 383; RAF Habbaniya 155, 161–2, 230; RAF Hammersley Hayes 231; RAF Lakenheath 116, 142; RAF Leconfield 126; RAF Mildenhall 257, 273, 284, 297; RAF North Luffenham 153; RAF Northolt 537; RAF Oakhanger 262; RAF Pergamos 162, 323; RAF Scharfoldendorf 128; RAF Sharjah 271; RAF Strike Command 270; RAF Upper Heyford 457; RAF Watton 112–14, 122, 125, 131, 159; RAF Wythall 153; RAF Wyton 273, 295; ‘Rock Apes’ Regiment 154; sigint and elint operations 110–14, 116–18, 121–2, 124, 131–3, 153, 154, 206, 218–19, 269–70, 272–3, 285–7; Signals Units 153, 154, 161; surveillance operations 537–8; and U-2 overflight programme 202; Y stations in Kent and Cheshire 34, 63, 111
Royal Commission on Criminal Justice Procedure 425–6
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers 499
Royal Marines 390, 391, 394, 402, 411, 413, 524, 535; Y Troop 524, 525, 535
Royal Navy 159, 441, 474, 477; and Buster Crabb incident 140–2; HMS Affray 133; HMS Albion 259; HMS Anderson (sigint station in Ceylon) 69, 92, 93, 94, 160; HMS Antrim 409, 410; HMS Ardent 410; HMS Conqueror 404; HMS Coventry 406; HMS Dolphin 265; HMS Endurance 391–2, 394, 396; HMS Glamorgan 410; HMS Glasgow 406; HMS Hermes 402–3, 411; HMS Invincible 407; HMS Maidstone 139; HMS Mariner 134; HMS Mercury (RN Signals School) 133, 134, 139; HMS Pickle 134; HMS Pucklechurch 133, 134; HMS Sheffield 406; HMS Sir Galahad 400; HMS Superb 259; HMS Taciturn 144–6; HMS Totem (later Dakar) 137, 264, 265; HMS Truculent 133; HMS Truelove 134; HMS Truncheon 264, 265; HMS Turpin 135–9, 140, 143, 146–7, 264; influence on GC&CS 16; intercept sites at Scarborough and Winchester 63; Kipling story involving 13; Provost Branch 139; and radio station at Polyarnoe 34; ‘Room 40’ code-breakers 15; sigint and elint operations 6, 114, 133–9, 143–7, 218–19, 264–7
Royal Radar Establishment (Malvern) 501
Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) 501, 502–3; RUC Special Branch 499, 502, 503
Rumsfeld, Donald 511
Rushworth, Edward 48, 78
Russian Mafia 504
Ryolite satellites 345, 346, 376, 421
Sabah (Borneo) 165
Sabri, Naji 530
Sadat, Anwar 296
Sadi, Sener 314
Safford, Laurance 39
Samford, General 101
Samsun (Turkey) 301, 311
San Carlos Water (Falklands) 408–11
San Francisco 92
Sangin province (Afghanistan) 535
Santa Fe (Argentine submarine) 397
Sarafand (Palestine) 20, 32, 155, 162
Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 473, 474
Sarawak 165
Sarell, Sir Roderick 308, 312, 313, 315, 319
Saudi Arabia 164, 467, 468
Saunders, Andrew 458
Savimbi, Joseph 454
Scan Odd (airborne radar) 121
Scarborough (Yorkshire) 63
Scargill, Arthur 416
Scarman, Lord 431
Scarus (portable interception kit) 534
Schlesinger, James 294–5, 326, 329, 330, 332
Schmidt, Hans 21
Schröder, Gerhard 520
Schulze, Reinhard and Sonja 455–6
Scott-Farnie, G.R. 34
SCUD missiles 251, 468, 469
SDECE (French secret intelligence service) 442
Second World War 135, 335; end of 47–50, 59–60; events leading up to 22; and improved communications 5; and release of sigint material 355–6; Russian interceptions in 30, 31–2; sigint and code-breaking in 2, 5, 28–9, 32–46, 250
Secret Intelligence Service (SIS; MI6) 1, 57, 82, 91, 97; agents sent into the Eastern Bloc 123; at Bletchley 23, 27; and Automatic Data Processing 353; and Berlin-Vienna tunnel operations 169–76; and bungled surveillance operations 140–2; buys missiles on the open market 407; closer relationship with MI5 and GCHQ 503–4; considered organisational basket-case 24; and Cyprus radio station 156; and end of influence over sigint 142; and Enigma decypherment 21; funding of 494; move to Broadway Buildings 17; move to Century House (1966) 195; move to Vauxhall Cross 496–7; no trade unions in 417; obsession with Russia 17, 31; origins of 14; and Penkovsky 322–3; and post-war re-absorption of GC&CS 67; recruitment to 61; Section V 37; Section VIII 57–9; Section Y (Carlton Gardens) 171, 178, 372; Technical Collection Service 132; and Yemen 164
Secret Service
Committee 15
Security Commission 368–9, 381–2, 384
Security Service (MI5) 1, 57, 182, 361; and Automatic Data Processing 353; Britten affair 237; bugging operations 177; closer relationship with SIS and GCHQ 503–4; and CND 368; fears concerning Communists in trade unions 418–19; funding of 494; interception of telegrams and telexes 239; and John Cairncross 37; and Libyan Embassy affair 456; no trade unions in 417; origins of 14–17; and Peter Wright 223, 224; and polygraph 433–4; and possible sub-agents 382; problems with Orford Ness 287; and sigint security 70–1; ‘Squidgygate’ affair 482; and Venona 79, 84, 85, 86; ‘watchers’ operations 183–90; and West German defections 455–6; Whetstone radio monitoring station 190–1
Selby-Bennett, Harry 134, 139
Selwyn Lloyd, John 128, 158, 159
Semipalatinsk (Soviet Union) 107, 302
Services Liaison Department 70
Sexton, Jamie 305
Seychelles 334, 335
Shanghai 19
Sharq el-Adna (radio station) 156
Shayler, David 521
Shedden, Sir Frederick 86, 92
Sheldon, Robert 459
Shergold, Harry ‘Shergy’ 142
Short, Clare 523–4
Sidewinder air-to-air missiles 441
Sigaba (US cypher machine) 98–9
Sigdasys project (improved flow of sigint to front-line units) 451, 456
Sigint Conference (1946) 95
Sigint Electronic Warfare Operation Centre (Afghanistan) 535
sigint satellites 437–8
sigint ships 259–67
Sigint/EW Operations Centre in Regional Command (South) 534
SIGMod 539
signals intelligence (sigint); in Afghanistan 534–9; airborne 121–2, 125–33, 144, 202–7, 223, 251–2, 257, 267–74, 295, 377; and allied cut-offs 444–7; American 39–40, 143–4, 271–2, 273–4; benefits of 401–2; blue jackets (BJs) 17, 70–1; bugging 176–82; cost of 218–23; Croatian success 473–5; and Cuba 341–2; cypher security 57, 191–3; in Cyprus 320–39; D-Notice affair 238–41; defections from 228–9; dependence on SAS-type activities 250–1; and ‘Dodgies’ or Mystery Trips 6; and domestic/ international blurring 344; during Cold War 1, 5, 8, 108–24, 125–47, 257–8; during WWII 2, 5, 32–46, 57–8; expansion in India 30; failures of 253–5; and Far East 148–51, 164–8; GCHQ at heart of 5–10; German 35, 49–50, 62; global alliances 89–101; ground-based 117–20, 252–3; and Gulf War (1991) 468; in Hong Kong 151–5; importance of bases 151–5, 277–8; and Indonesia-Malaya confrontation 164–8; and invasion of Czechoslovakia 245–6; and invasion of Falklands 397–415; and Iraq War (2003) 525–6; and Kipling 13–14; legalities of 344; and making/influencing of foreign policy 321; in medieval times 4; and Middle East 155–64; modern formation of 58; and political leaders 2–4, 7; and private companies 17; problem of language 512–13; public disclosure of 356–64; rethinking of targets 345; relations between Western allies 444–7; release of wartime material on 355; and rescuing of enemy matériel 47–56; risks 203; and Russians 33–8, 280–1; seaborne 114–16, 133–47, 208, 259–67, 377–8; security disasters 228–38; size of 227–8; and speed of communication 4–5; support for front-line units 449; tactical units 250–2; and Third World 169; in Turkey 300–19, 330–1; value and importance of 60, 62–71
Signals Intelligence Centre 93
Signals Intelligence Service (USA) 74
Sillitoe, Sir Percy 86, 190
Silvey, Reg 412
Simakov, Alexander 478–9
Simkin, Anthony 187
Sinclair, Hugh ‘Quex’ 16, 22, 23
Sinclair, Sir John 142
Sinews (Sigint NEW Systems) 496
Singapore 19, 40, 96, 164, 166, 167
Singleton, Valerie 348
Sinkov Mission (1941) 39
Sinn Féin 500
Sinop (Turkey) 301
Six-Day War (1967) 253, 263–4, 271, 284
Skardon, William 87, 188
Skynet (communications satellite) 347–8, 403, 408, 438
Slessor, John 190–1
Slim, Field Marshal William 65
Sly, Ken 153–4, 375
Smallwood, Sir Denis 271
Smith, F.M. 302
Smith, Ian 3
Smith, Jack 151
Smith, Jacqui 543
Smith, Rupert 474–5
Smiths Industries 495
Snow, Leading Seaman ‘Snowy’ 135
social intelligence 178–9
Solidarity (Polish trade union) 432, 465
Somerville, John 121, 317–18, 419, 420, 428
Sony 480–1
Soothsayer (Army intercept equipment) 537
SOSUS (undersea microphones) 377
South Africa 209, 446, 454
South Georgia 390, 391, 393–6, 409
South-East Asia Command 110
Southern Thule 389, 390–1
Soviet Air Force 118, 119, 360; Air Defence Command 201; Strategic Air Command 256; Strategic Rocket Force 256
Soviet Army 175, 371; General Staff 255–6
Soviet Communist Party 19, 368
Soviet Navy 114–16, 133, 256, 301; Naval Intelligence 73; Northern Fleet 136
Soviet Union 33–8, 336, 349; apparent war preparations 255–7; and Berlin-Vienna tunnel operations 169–76; and biological weapons 611; capture of German cryptographic assets 50–1; Cold War espionage 8; elint on invasion of the Falklands 401; end of Cold War 493; enters WWII 28; ‘ferret’ programmes 112; Hitler’s invasion of 29, 32–3, 290; invasion of Czechoslovakia 244–7; Italian code-breaking concerning 52, 54; nuclear weapons 107–8, 112, 114, 116; and post-war confrontation 47; raid on Arcos building 18; Red Army 46, 78, 245–6, 249, 319; release of UK intelligence material 355; secret submarine missions against 6; and ‘strayed’ aircraft 126–33; successful sigint operations against 279–81, 344, 361; Turkish (Anglo-US) operations against 301–2; UK-US obsession with 17–19, 30–2, 45–6, 321–3; and Venona Project 72–88; and Yom Kippur War 291
Spain 44, 505, 533
Special Branch 141, 150, 151, 166, 187, 453, 456, 459, 509
Special Liaison Units 57–8
Special Radio Installation Flight (SRIF) 114
Spedding, David 494
spy planes 257, 267–74, 292–3, 296–7, 538
‘Squidgygate’ affair (1990) 479–82
SR-71 Blackbird Mach 3
reconnaissance aircraft 284, 292–3, 296–7
Stalin, Joseph 31, 33, 46, 47, 173
Standard Cable & Wireless Ltd 17
Standard Telegraph & Cable Ltd 342
Stankovic, Milos 473
Stanmore (Middlesex) 62, 68
Stannard, Robert ‘Fred’ 210–11, 213, 218, 242
Starmer, Keir 543
State Research Association 361
stay-behind patrols 247–50
Stella Polaris (sale of Russian codebooks) 91
Stephanie operation (Canadian embassy intercepts in Moscow) 280–1
Stephenson, Sir Hugh 207, 221
Stevens, Geoffrey 40, 45, 50, 94
Stewart, Brian 353
Stewart, Michael 228
Stockholm 192
Straw, Jack 505, 519
Stripp, Alan 109
submarines 6, 114–17, 125, 133–9, 142–7, 197, 259, 264–7, 337, 377–8, 384, 397, 404
Suez Crisis (1956) 156–9, 160, 181, 182, 213
Sugar (Vienna tunnel code) 171
Sugar Grove (West Virginia) 262
Suharto, President 168
Sukarno, President 164, 165, 167–8
Sunay, Cevdet 311
Super Antelope programme (modernising/upgrading Polaris submarines) 337
Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) 256
surveillance operations 4, 183–90, 197, 201–7, 208–9, 247–53, 292–3, 295, 296–7, 322, 368, 406, 421, 472, 480–1, 500, 506, 537–8, 540–50
SUSLO (Special United States Liaison Officer based in UK) 381
bsp; Sutton Common (Cheshire) 500
Sweden 31, 212, 214, 269
Switzerland 52, 212, 214, 215, 457, 492
Sykes, Richard 297, 298, 335, 593
Syria 156, 157, 271, 291, 300, 301–2, 304, 308, 336, 344
Tai Mo Shan (New Territories) 154
Taipei 195
Taiwan 152, 195, 323
Taliban 535, 537
Tanzania 511
Taper (Soviet cypher traffic) 54, 108
Tartus (Syria) 331
TASS News Agency 190
Taylor, Telford 43
Tebbit, Kevin 498, 504
Technical Committee of London Signals Intelligence Committee 267
Technical Radio Interception Committee 131
Tedder, Lord 5
Tel Aviv 157–8, 180
telephone tapping and intercepts 170–6, 180, 244–5, 299, 340, 341–6, 376, 377, 474–5, 479–83, 486, 499, 500–1, 523, 541–5
Tempest (radiation/emanation phenomenon) 209, 215–18
Templer, Sir Gerald 150, 219
terrorists, terrorism 9, 168, 277, 307, 320–1, 452, 531; and 9/11 509–15; domestic 539; and Heathrow plot (2003) 515–16; and IRA 498–503; Libyan 455–8; see also kidnapping and hostage-taking
Teufelsberg (Germany) 478
Thatcher, Margaret 8; and Falklands conflict 298, 396, 400, 403–4; and mole-mania 363, 367; 1987 general election 433; obsession with secrecy 492; and polygraph 434; and removal of trade unions from GCHQ 415, 416–17, 423, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430–1, 435; and tightening of the Official Secrets Act 363; and Zircon project 442, 460
Third World 203, 259, 334
Thistlethwaite, Dick 255
Thomas, Richard 544
Thomas, Teddy 234
Thompson, Julian 402, 410–12
Thompson, Ralph 94
Thompson-CSF (arms company) 489
Thomson, Mike 131
Thorneycroft, Peter 163
Thorpe, Peter 535
Tiananmen Square massacre (1989) 476
Tickell, Crispin 290
TICOM (Target Intelligence Committee) teams 48–56, 76, 78
Tiltman, John 19, 31–2, 42, 44, 67, 78, 79, 96, 213
Tirpitz (German battleship) 35
Titchner, Lambert 186
Tito, Josip 4
Tomlinson, Richard 521
Tonkin, Derek 330, 333
Tornado Multi-Role Combat Aircraft 345
Toumlin, George 432
Tovey, Brian 167, 414, 415, 421–2, 423, 424, 428, 433, 442, 448, 461, 490
trade unions 317, 368, 389, 416–36, 497–8