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Loving Thy Neighbor (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 8

by Carol McKenzie

  "What's the address? I'll be there."

  "The showing is in twenty-five minutes. Let's see, it's at 3494 Sackman Place. It's that new subdivision south of Hodgkinsville."

  "Got ‘cha. I know where it is."

  "You'll be there, then?" she asked, relieved.


  "I appreciate it, Charley. I don't know what I'd do without you."

  "Don't think a thing about it."

  "I'm sure this guy's fine."

  "I'm glad you called."

  In a few minutes he parked in front of the red brick, one story ranch home. Nora's car and another green car parked on the driveway. At one point, he saw her. She stood beside a curtain-less window. Her lips moved and made hand motions while the elderly, white haired-man looked around the room, nodding. He opened a closet door and inspected a bathroom. Though the stranger seemed safe, Charley felt honored that Nora had him to wait nearby. He fiddled with the turn indicator knob wondering when the bad guy would return to terrorize Nora again. I've got to be there for her.

  * * * *

  The discussion they shared at the bed and breakfast lingered in Charley's mind long after they had left town. Would Nora like an erotic spanking?

  He strode into the kitchen, noticing that his jeans stretched tight over his bulge. He searched for screwdriver that he'd left behind a few minutes earlier when he'd fixed a plate on an outlet.

  Just thinking about her turns me on.

  The phone jangled drawing him out of his reverie. He let his gaze skim over the shiny Formica counter searching for the phone. He whisked the handset off the base and brought it up to his ear. “Hello.” I hope it’s her.

  "What are you doing?" Nora asked.

  Her voice pleased him and made his afternoon complete. "I'm nearly finished on the room downstairs. I just came up to get some glue and my screwdriver."

  "Great. I saw it last night. Awesome."

  "Thanks." Standing at the sink, he shifted his weight onto one leg, grinned and peered out the window at the green, waving branches of an oak. Sun sliced between the two panels of the curtains and illuminated the sink, the refrigerator, and him. It shined like ice on a lake on the white, tiled floor. "Are the buyers keeping you busy?"

  "You bet. I'm waiting on a couple now. They're going to see the Byerly property that’s way out in the country. They're very interested. It'll be their first house."

  "I know where that is. Byerly used to sell cars on Ford's Ridge, right?"

  "Yep, that's him. Well anyway, wish me luck, Charley."

  Her need for his best wishes, touched his heart. "You've got it." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "When will you get to come home?" He twiddled with the phone base's cord as he imagined her pouty lips moving as she talked.

  "Aw. That's so sweet, Charley. This afternoon. Hopefully by four. I have to stop by the post office first."

  "Good. Tonight we'll have broiled fish."

  "It sounds yummy.”


  “Sounds good. Oh. Excuse me a second." She spoke to a woman in her background about work for a moment and resumed their conversation. "The reason I called is, well, because I've been thinking."

  He shifted his weight to the other leg. "Okay."

  She laughed. "It's dangerous when I do that...think."

  He nodded. "No, it's not. But go on. I’m listening."

  Nora surprised him when she burst into a short discussion about how she planned to put the house up for sale and move into an apartment.

  Charley rubbed his day-old beard. I don’t want her moving away. He insisted, "No apartment. Move in here, with me."


  "Yes." An elongated pause seemed to stall on the line. He imagined her expression as she thought about the possible implications. He saw her pouty lips purse and her widened eyes. "You still there?"

  "Charley...I need to do some fixing up first, you know—to sell it. It's just too much house for me to keep up. And I just don't have time or the know-how to fix it up."

  "Don't worry," Charley said and shrugged. "When I'm off, I'll work on it."

  "Oh no. I wasn't even hinting at that. Charley, I couldn't ask you to..."

  "I know you weren't hinting. I insist."

  The next day, carrying his tool chest, Charley tapped the security code on the keypad at Nora's door and let himself in. He immediately began checking the walls, floors and cabinets for spots of disrepair. He checked the kitchen, hallway, living room and bedrooms. However, when he discovered a purple vibrator, it disturbed a good way. The contraption sat ready for action in its charging base next to a pile of towels in the linen closet.

  That evening after putting a full day of work in on Nora's house, he carried an image of the vibrator with him home. Before Nora arrived for supper, he decided it was time to bring up his ideas regarding adding a little kink to their sex. If she doesn't agree, I'll still love and stay with her. It's up to her. Since he'd met Nora, creative, tantalizing themes crept into his ideas of potential themes in bedroom activity. His previous wife had not tolerated anything kinky other than the traditional missionary position. Nora seems open different types of sex, he thought as he put his tools in the garage, went inside and found several old ties and a belt. When she called a little later to let him know she was on her way home, he said, "I've found the ties I'm going to use tonight." He waited with bated breath for her response.

  "Oh yeah?"

  "Mm hm." I'll confirm my suspicions. "How do I say this? A little trip into the forbidden might be fun." He left the sentence hanging so that she could absorb the idea.

  After a pause, she asked, "Come what may, eh?"



  He shrugged. "I don't want to scare you."

  "I'd never be afraid of you."

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nora grasped the knob and pulled open the closet door in the spare bedroom and began the arduous task of deciding what to wear. Some clothes had hung for months without being worn. Tops, skirts and slacks draped hangers: most out of style. Shoes. A dozen or so pairs, occupied the floor. She clucked her tongue when she brought out a green striped suit. What possessed me to buy this? I need to take some of these to the Goodwill Store soon, if I’m going to sell the house. She pushed several garments aside, searching for one special, sexy outfit that would heighten Charley’s interest.

  “Oops.” A hanger dropped to the floor when she pulled a black mini skirt from the dark depths. “Hmmm.” What will look sexy with this? Feeling like a high school girl going to the prom, she pulled out a pair of ruby-red stiletto heels, and matching red voile top next. This is a scandalous outfit. Do I have enough nerve to wear it? Using scented soap and shampoo, she showered and toweled off, wondering how Charley would react to seeing her in such a slutty outfit. There is no other way to describe it. Should I? She daubed her mocha body with a terry towel. Peering in the mirror, she blow-dried her hair and applied makeup, taking a second to run the blush brush over each high cheekbone. She slipped on a red, silk bra, red thong and red garter belt that she’d kept hidden for the past year, saving it for one super naughty encounter. I’ll probably fall over wearing stilettos. The push up bra plumped her ample cleavage.

  Josh didn’t look at my clothes. He treated sex like it was a bodily function or watching the nightly news.

  Charley has shown interest in taking an occasional excursion into the darker realms of risqué behavior. Maybe he’s not tried it before. I want to do everything I can to make our sex unforgettable.

  Once Nora finished dressing, she slipped the strap of her purse onto her shoulder, stepped through the open doorway and gazed about the quiet neighborhood. A dark car sat parked at the edge of the property. Thinking that the people next door had company, she muttered, “Thank God it’s nighttime. No one can see me.” Making sure the security light shined, she left the house, without turning on the outdoor lights.

  She shuddered. Will this outfit make Char
ley laugh? I should go back home and change. Charley’s head popped outside and his line of vision slid down her body. A lazy grin spread over his rugged face.

  It’s too late. Damn, I'm busted.

  * * * *

  Charley concealed his pleasant surprise, but just barely at her attire. "Come in. I have supper ready," he said in an unemotional voice. She nearly toppled into a planter while trying to walk in the six inch heels. "Careful," he said, taking her arm and guiding her inside. "Take them off."

  "I wore them for you."

  For me? "I don't want you to hurt yourself."

  An involuntary groan erupted from her throat. After putting them behind the door she said, "I'd never be able to walk down a runway like a super model."

  "You're sexy without them," he said and circled her. "Where'd you get them, by the way?"

  She sighed long and loud. "Just the back of my closet. They’ve been there so long that I can’t remember where…wait, my step-sister gave them to me."

  “Ohhhh, all right.” He laughed. "Come here. I'm not laughing at you. I’d never do that."

  "Yes, you are." She frowned.

  Loving the delightful way the top showed her bra, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She fidgeted with the strap of her purse, shifted her weight from one foot to another and peered at the carpeting. His lips brushed hers. His voice lowered and turned husky. "No, I'm not." His mouth swooped down and captured hers, a bit on the rough side. When his mouth left hers, he added, "I see you're being a bad girl, hm?"

  Nora restlessly shifted. "Oh, you think so, eh?" she asked in a challenging voice that gave him new ideas.

  "My my. Your dressing like this does something to me."

  Her eyes avoided his. "This was a crazy notion. Maybe I should go—"

  "Now why did you say that? Stay. I love you dressed like this."

  Looking as though she'd been completely thrown off balance, a smile curved her lips. "You do?"


  A tentative, sheepish grin followed. "It's called hooker love."

  "Oh? Well, I don't care what you call it, it’s a turn on."

  “I’m kidding.”

  A moment or two after they'd finished eating and retired to the living room a knock sounded on the front door. I'm not expecting anyone. "I don't know who that can possibly be." He excused himself as he left the room. Upon opening the front door, he realized he stood face to face with Josh. His mouth dropped. "Yes?"

  "May I talk to Nora?" he asked in a quiet tone. Josh's gaze caught Nora and stayed on her as she approached.

  "It's okay, Charley." She nabbed an afghan off a chair, wrapped it around herself and glanced Josh’s way. "What is it?"

  His eyes didn’t divert from her face. "I don't want to...can we talk?"

  "Charley and I are a couple now. You can say what you want."

  Josh frowned and shook his head. "I repaid the money."

  “A gambling debt, right?”

  His hair hung in oily straggles to his shoulders and he needed a shave. Unkempt, different of the Josh of two years ago who had to have a neat garage and perfect yard.

  "I started thinking about it. It bothered me. I thought you should know, I paid back the girl’s tuition."

  "Oh, Josh.” She pulled the afghan more tightly around her body. “A guy stole my money.”

  “What guy?”

  “I thought he’d kill me. He said he was getting back what you owed him."

  "Oh no."

  “I told him we were divorced.”

  Charley tamped down his anger, barely able to stay quiet. This son of a bitch is responsible.

  Standing before the open front door, at Charley’s arm, she explained to Josh what had happened and described the mugger's appearance.

  Josh nodded. "Damn." He crossed his arms at his chest. "I have to repay him. If he doesn't kill me first. Or hurt you.”

  “See one of the consequences of your habit?”

  “I can’t pay him back now. Yeah, he's bad. If you ever see him, call the police."

  Nora shrugged. “How much do you owe?”

  Josh brought a stretched hand to his forehead. “It was up to twenty grand. Now it’s down to two.”

  “Oh dear God,” Nora said in monotone.

  "Don't you see?" asked Charley.

  "See what, man?"

  "That you've put Nora in danger."

  "Damn it,” she said, her temper flaring. "Who or what possessed you to borrow money to gamble?"

  Josh sighed, turned away and turned back. "Look. I'm sorry." An awkward, painful moment passed. He ran a spread hand through his tousled hair. “I made a mistake. Have you ever fucked up?”

  The scent of whiskey or bourbon on Josh’s breath wafted Charley’s way. He's been drinking.

  "I couldn't help myself. It's an addiction." Tears washed down his cheeks. "I quit."

  Nora shook her head. "I've heard this before. I hope you really do quit. Be sure to repay everyone."

  "I've ruined our marriage. We'll never get back."

  Nora slowly shook her head. "No we won't, Josh."

  "I see." His hands spread, he backed away. "You and Charley have a happy life together." Josh turned, floundered down the sidewalk, driveway and disappeared into the night.

  Charley ached for Nora. He closed the door, enfolded Nora in his arms and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "If there is anything I can do, let me know."

  "I'm fine. I've heard this dozens of times. Where were we?"

  Charley locked up and brought her back into his arms, vowing to watch over her until she was safe and to give her what she wanted...especially in the bedroom.

  His voice was soft, his lips so near her ear she could feel his breath. “Are you up to this?”

  * * * *

  Maybe Charley thinks Josh’s appearance probably turned me off altogether regarding making love. I’ll show him that is not true. She sighed inconsolably, or so she thought. He can do with me what he wants, when he wants. “Yes.”

  Standing beside her, with one hand, he captured a nipple between his thumb and forefinger. The stubby fingers of his other hand, skimmed down her top and bare midriff.

  His fingers slipped under the hem of her skimpy, black skirt and under the waistband and crotch of the tiny thong. After rubbing the patch of pubic hair on her mons, a thick, rough digit scraped against her clit.

  All this and we’re fully dressed and standing at his front door.

  Under his other hand, the voile pressed to her sensitive areola. It chafed as he pinched. No man has the ability to play me the way Charley does. The digit that had so dutifully toyed with her clitoris slid into her clenching pussy. An elongated inhalation followed and her ragged breath caught for a second or two. Heightened expectation swirled deep in her core. The sensitivity intensified, slinging her headlong into an unexpected orgasm marked by breathless, tiny screams.

  “I’m just getting started.” He curled his hand around hers, crooked a finger, and motioned for her to follow him down the hallway toward the bedroom.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Nora nabbed her stilettos and carried them with her, following Charley to his bedroom. Once inside, she dropped the shoes and shed the afghan by dropping it onto a chair. The readout on the clock radio read 7:15 PM. The room smelled of a mixture of Old Spice and fabric softener.

  With a shove of each foot, she slipped the six-inch high heels on, turned and re-directed her attention onto him. The soft carpeting sunk underfoot.

  Charley untied the belt and brought his arms from the sleeves of his robe, revealing his powerful body and thick phallus. He said in a husky voice, "I like our plans this evening."

  She swallowed hard at the potent picture he portrayed. He'd make a picture perfect U.S.M.C postcard. Her pussy throbbed as he came to her, pulled the red voile top over her head and tossed it to the dresser.

  "Are you sure you want me to discipline you?"

  She blinked at the word discipline, looke
d down and nodded, knowing what he meant.

  "You're absolutely sure? I want to hear you say it.”

  "Yes, I do."

  Charley touched a thumb under her chin and raised her head so that their gaze met. “I care about you,” he said as he reached around and unfastened the bra. His hands cupped and massaged her ample, freed breasts. His words comforted her. "You're beautiful, Nora."

  Before she could speak, he covered her mouth with his lips and delivered a kiss she wouldn't soon forget. He thrust his tongue into her mouth. It slid between her lips, glided back to her throat.

  An old, familiar tug curled low in her belly as her surroundings, the world in fact, blurred. Knowing her mission, she warred internally. Craving completion, she responded with deep-throated kisses of her own. She smoothed her hands up his chest and over his tattoos.

  Wearing only the garter belt, hosiery and matching thong, she enjoyed his scrutiny. Wicked, sultry emotion stirred inside her as his eyes feasted; blood surged through her veins like white water in a swollen creek bed and she could almost feel his eyes feasting.

  As though Nora had the poise of a skilled seductress, surprising even herself, she strolled to the far wall, knowing his attention stayed and spread her legs. Grinning at him, she leaned over and braced by flattening her palms on the wall. She allowed him full view of her bottom while swaying to imaginary music. Want goaded on. With a loud smack, she slapped her ass in open invitation. “Come here.”

  * * * *

  I’m addicted and Nora is my fix. Like a current of electricity, he felt the strong energy that flowed between them. His need had festered since the previous night and came to a head. I'll never get my fill.

  Charley stepped up to her, curled one hand around his shaft and with the fingers of the other, he played with the silky fabric covering the rear entrance to her pussy. She gasped when he delivered a few intimate touches to her breasts at the same time. Her head turned and she glanced back. He heard her whimper and knew her anticipation grew by the second.

  Nora wore a longing expression when she eyed his erection. The reaction served to whet his voracious appetite. A low, male growl escaped his throat as positioned himself. Charley raised his hands to her butt and grasped each voluptuous ass cheek, parting them. He considered the tight place he could push his cock into, forgetting about foreplay, but it'd be just another fuck. Orgasm would come soon enough, like a tidal wave, draining him. He stopped short of pulling the crotch aside.


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