Pacific Destiny and Bear Flag Rising
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Michaud, André
Michilimackinac Island (Great Lakes)
Miller. Alfred
Miller, Joaquin
Miller, Joseph, 1778
in Oregon
1842 consolidation
Hudson’s Bay Company’s suspicion of
Indians’ request for
self-sufficiency as ideal
Wilkes’ opinion
See also Lapwai Mission; Waiilatpu Mission; Willamette valley
women as
See also Indians—Christianizing of
Missionary Herald
Mississippi River
Carver’s expedition on
Missouri Fur Company
Missouri Gazette & Public Advertiser
Missouri River
flora of
overland expedition on
Saint Louis-Independence segment of
Three Forks of
Miwok Indians
Mojave Indians
monogamy, Cayuse rejection of
Monroe, James
Monroe Doctrine
Monterey (California)
Montreal (Canada)
Morgan, Dale L.
Morison, Samuel Eliot
Mormon Trail
mosquitoes, smoldering chips for chasing away of
mountain men
as guides
rendezvous for
Mount Hood
Museum of Westward Expansion (St. Louis)
nankeens, definition of
Napa valley
Narrative (Wilkes)
Narrative of the Adventures and Suffering … (Jewitt)
Nashville (Tennessee), Jackson’s gunfight in
Nauvoo (Illinois)
Nereid (ship)
Nesmith, James M.
New Albion
New Orleans (Louisiana), Kelley in
New Orleans Picayune
New York City
French-Canadian voyageurs at
Jason Lee in
War of 1812 blockade feared in
New York Daily Tribune
New York Ethnological Journal
New York Tribune
Nez Percé Indians
language of
Nicollet, Joseph
Niger River
Niles’ Register
Nodaway River
Nookamis (subchief)
Nootka (ship)
Nootka Indians
Salter and Boston crew killed by
Nootka Sound
Spanish expedition to
Nootka Sound Convention (1790)
North American Review
North West America (schooner)
North West Company
Astor and
Fort Astoria purchased by
Hudson’s Bay Company merged with
Robert Stuart in
War of 1812 and
Northwest Passage
Nuttall, Thomas
Oblate missions
Ogden, Peter Skene
last days and death of
Waiilatpu prisoners ransomed by
Oglala Sioux Indians
Okanogan River (and Fort Okanogan, British Columbia)
Old California Crossing (Platte River)
Old Smoke, Chief
Omaha (Nebraska)
Oregon, source of word
Oregon American
Oregon City (Oregon)
Cayuse trial and execution in
McLoughlin’s interests in
nine-pounder cannon contributed by
Oregon Country
American emigration to discouraged by Hudson’s Bay Company
1841 population
in 1847
Farnham and
proposals in Congress
See also Willamette valley
American spy in. See Slacum, William A.
British-American competition in
British claim to
British fifty-gun ship sent to
cattle in
exploration of coast of
first steamship to visit
first white child born in
Gray’s claim for U.S. of
Great Reinforcement in
Hudson’s Bay Company in.
See also Fort Vancouver
joint occupation by U.S. and Britain of
protests in Congress
U.S. termination of agreement
Kelley and colonization of
Lewis and Clark in
Panama shortcut to
plan to trap beaver to extinction in
Polk’s negotiations with British on
Polk’s policy on
proposed U.S. military occupation of
Russian renunciation of
sailing-ship passage to
southern boundary established
statehood proposed for
territorial status granted to
territorial status proposed for
U.S.-British boundary dispute over
final settlement
United States Exploring Expedition in
White appointed U.S. “subagent” for
See also Fort Astoria
Oregon Dragoons
Oregon Mounted Riflemen
Oregon Pioneers Association
Oregon Spectator
“Oregon Territory,” in preamble to First Organic Laws
Oregon Trail
in British press
campgrounds of
Cascades road constructed from
Congressional reaction to
costs of emigrants on
deaths on
description of route of
discipline in wagon trains of
disease on
1844–46 number of emigrants on
1849–50 argonauts on
first American westbound party on
first organized emigrant party on
Frémont’s exploration of
Gantt party on
grand total of pioneers on
Greeley’s dismay at stories of
guides to
Indian danger along
Indian name for
jettisoning of items along
murders and executions on
pioneers of
Polk proposes armed escorts for wagon trains on
profits of post traders on
provisions on
Sublette Cutoff
as testing of will and endurance
women on
Oregon Trail, The. See Parkman, Francis
Osage Indians
O’Sullivan, John Louis
Oto Indians
Otter (steamer)
overland expedition to Astoria. See under Fort Astoria
Pacific Fur Company
Pacific Springs (Oregon Trail)
Pacific Trading Company
Paiute Indians
Pakenham, Richard
Palmer, Joel
Palouse Indians
Pambrun, Pierre
Panama, shortcut to California and Oregon through
Papago Indians
Parker, Eliza
Parker, Samuel
Parkman, Francis
background of
later life of
The Oregon Trail
Feltskog’s edited edition
trip west by
Pawnee Indians
Pawnee Mission (Iowa)
Peacock (sloop-of-war)
Pecos River
Pedlar (ship)
Peel, Sir Robert
Peel, William
Pend d’Oreille Indians
Perkins, H. K. W.
Peter the Great (czar)
Peupeumoxmox, Chief
Spanish trade with
Pierre’s Hole (headwaters of the Snake)
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery
Pilcher, Joshua
pioneers, official definitions of
Place of the Rye Grass. See also Waiilatpu
Plains Across, The (Unruh)
Platte River
bridges over
description of
water of
Poinsett, Joel
Point, Nicholas
Poison Springs (Oregon Trail)
Polk, James K.
death of
Meek’s mission to
Polk, Sarah Childress
Ponca Indians
Pond, Peter
Portland (Oregon)
Portneuf River. See also Fort Hall
Potawatomie Indians
Potts, John
Powell, Oliver S.
“prairie schooners”. See also wagons
Prairie Traveller (Marcy)
Pratt, O. C.
Prattsburg (New York)
Prentiss, Clarissa Ward
Prentiss, Jane
Prentiss, Stephen
Presbyterian missionaries
Preuss, Charles
Prevost, Jean Baptiste
Pribilof Islands
Provost, Etienne
Puget, Peter
Puget Sound
Puritanism, Mencken on
Putnam, George
Puyallap Indians
Pyramid Lake
Queen Charlotte (ship)
Queen Charlotte Sound
Raccoon (sloop-of-war)
Red River
Reed, James Frazier
Reed, John
Reed, Margaret
Reed, Virginia
Rees. See Arikara Indians Register Cliff (Wyoming)
Register of the Desert. See Independence Rock
Reports (Frémont)
Resolution (ship)
Reznor, Jacob
River of the West
Robidoux Pass (Oregon Trail)
Robinson, Edward
Rocky Mountain Fur Company
Rocky Mountains
Ashley-Henry expeditions to
mountain men in
Shining Mountains as name for
See also Continental Divide; South Pass
Rodgers, Andrew
Rogers, Robert
Rogue River
Roi, Jean Baptiste Antoine
Rollins, Philip Ashton
Romaine (traveling companion)
Rose, Edward
Ross, Alexander
Rupert’s Land
Rush, Richard
fur trade of
Astor and
Ledyard in
Oregon Country renounced by
Pacific explorations of
Sacramento valley
sagebrush, odor of
Sager, Frances
Sager, Henrietta
Sager, Henry
Sager, John
Sager, Louise
Sager, Naomi
Saint Joseph (Missouri)
Saint Lawrence River
Saint Louis (Missouri)
Dickens in
history of
Indians seek Christian God in
Jedediah Smith in
Kelley in
Parkman’s return to
Stuart’s arrival in
St. Peter (ship)
Salem (Oregon)
Salish Indians
Salmon Falls
Salmon River
Salter, John
Salt Lake City
San Diego (California)
San Diego (ship)
San Francisco (formerly Yerba Buena; California)
1849–50 number of sea arrivals in
San Francisco Bay
San Gabriel Mission (California)
San Gabriel River
San Joaquin River
San José (California)
San Juan River
San Miguel Island (California)
San Salvador (frigate)
Santa Anna, Antonio López de
Santa Fé (New Mexico)
Santa Fé Trail
Sapling Grove (near Independence)
Saunders, L. W.
Schenectady barge
Scott, Sir Walter
Scott, Winfield
Scotts Bluff (Nebraska)
sea beaver. See sea otter
sea otter (Lutra enhydris marina)
Indians’ hunts for
Sea Otter (ship)
Selkirk, Fifth Earl of (Thomas Douglas)
sequoia trees
Shasta Indians
Shaw, Quincy Adams
Shawnee Indians
Shawnee Mission (Westport Landing)
Shewish (Indian)
Shining Mountains, as name for Rockies
Shoshoni Indians (Snake Indians)
Shunar (Chouinard; Shunan; bully)
Shuyelpi Indians
Sierra Nevada
first white men across
Simpson, Alexander
Simpson, Sir George
McLoughlin and
Sioux Indians
Siskadee River. See Green River
Sitka (Alaska)
Hunt in
Slacum, William A.
Indians and
Texas annexation and
Willamette prohibition of
smallpox, McDougall’s threat of
Smet, Pierre-Jean De. See De Smet
Smith, Jedediah
in Ashley-Henry company
California expeditions
fight with Arikaras
background of
death of
at Fort Vancouver
grizzly mauling of
in new partnership
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Samuel F.
Snake Indians. See Shoshoni Indians
Snake River
Oregon Trail along
trapping beaver out at
Soda Springs (Idaho)
description of
Sonoma (California)
South Pass
Frémont expedition and
Sowle, Cornelius
Adams-Onís Treaty (1819) with)
Nootka expedition by
Nootka Sound Convention between Britain and
on Pacific coast
Spalding, Eliza (daughter)
Spalding, Eliza Hart
husband’s epitaph for
Spalding, Henry Harmon
on Catholics as murderers of Whitmans
Lapwai Mission of
later life of
and murder of Whitmans
poisoning of Indians charged to
Spaulding, Josiah
Split-Lip, Chief
Spokane (Washington)
Spokane Indians
Spokane River
Stanislaus River
status quo ante bellum
Stewart, Sir William Drummond
Sticcas, Chief
Stuart, David
Stuart, Elizabeth Emma Sullivan
Stuart, John
Stuart, Robert
Astoria-St. Louis trip led by
encounters with Indians
South Pass “discovered”
winter quarters
background of
later life of
Rollins’ book on
on Tonquin cruise
Sublette, Milton
Sublette, William
Sublette Cutoff
Sugar Grove (Iowa)
Sultana (brig)
Sumatra (ship)
Sutter, John Augustus
Sutter’s Fort (California)
Sweetwater River
ferries across
Tamsucky (Indian)
Taos (New Mexico)r />
Tauitau, Chief
Taylor, Zachary
Teton Pass
Texas, annexation of
Thackeray, William Makepeace
“Thanatopsis” (Bryant)
The Dalles rapids
Applegate boys lost at
Cayuse prisoners held at
Waskopum Methodist station at
Whitman’s plan to move to
Thomasson, A. H.
Thompson, David
Thompson, John
Thoreau, Henry David
Thorn, James
Thorn, Jonathan
background of
coastal trading trip of
at Columbia mouth
death of
on voyage to Oregon
Thornton, J. Quinn
Thrapp, Dan L.
Three Crossings (Oregon Trail)
Thurston, Samuel R.
Tillamook Bay
Tillamook Head
Tillamook Indians
Tiloukaikt, Chief
Times of London
tobacco, sold by the foot
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Tomahas (Indian)
Tonquin (ship)
massacre of crew of
Toronto (Canada)
trading posts for argonauts
description of work of
“free” (“freemen”)
rendezvous for
See also French-Canadian trappers (voyageurs); fur trade; mountain men
Travels to the Rocky Mountains (Farnham)
Treaty of Paris (1763)
Tres Reyes (ship)
Truckee Pass
Truman, Harry S.
Tualatin Indians
Tyler, John
Umatilla Indians
Umatilla River
Umpqua Indians
Umpqua River
United States Army
Arikara battle of
Sierra Nevada rescue work by
Topographical Engineers
United States Exploring Expedition
United States Magazine and Democratic Review
United States Navy, Thorn in
Unruh, John D., Jr.
Valerianos, Apostolos. See Fuca, Juan de
Vallé, André
Van Buren, Martin
Vancouver, George
Vancouver Island
as British in final settlement
Hudson Bay station transferred to
See also Clayoquot Sound
Vavasour, Mervin
Victoria (ship)
Victoria (Vancouver Island)
Vincennes (Indiana)
Vizcaíno, Sebastían
Voyages from Montreal Through the Continent of North America (Mackenzie)
Voyages Made in the Years 1788 and 1789 from China to the Northwest Coast of America (Meares)
Voyages to the Pacific Ocean (Cook)
voyageurs. See French-Canadian trappers
Waa-nibe (Arapaho girl)
animals for
average distance per day covered by
circular encampment of
in crossing rivers
downhill descent by
first crossing of Continental Divide by
on Oregon Trail
description of
Whitman’s faith in use of
wagon wheels
Waiilatpu Mission (Oregon)
Wakarusa River
Waldo, William
Walker, Elkanah
Walker, Joseph Reddeford
Walker, Mary
Walker, William