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Bow to Your Partner

Page 6

by Raven McAllan

  "Over to you, love. Show me what you like." Callan had difficulty forming his words as the impact of her caress occupied every last inch of his mind. Every fiber of his being focused on her.

  Mason slid down his body until her mouth was level with his cock, and knelt on the floor in front of him. The tiny telltale pulse in her neck beat faster than usual. A sign of her arousal, or her agitation. He hoped it was the former.

  "Lean against the wall please, Sir."

  The enticing scent of Mason and arousal filled his senses as she put a palm on his chest. Callan rested his back on the wall and waited with interest to see what she'd do next. The contradiction of sub telling Dom what to do didn't bother him. Callan never prescribed to the concept of one BDSM hat fits all. Each relationship was unique, and theirs worked for them.

  Slowly, she licked the tip of his cock, taking the tiny droplets of liquid into her mouth. Her throat rippled as she swallowed and her tongue snaked out to stroke the hot skin of his shaft from head to base, and back again.

  The sensation was too much for Callan to cope with. If he wasn't careful he was going to come like a randy schoolboy. He recited the twelve times table in his mind—backward. Anything to control his urge to spill.

  Mason took his cock into her mouth. A flame of heat and desire so strong it made him shake hit him.

  "Love, pet, either I come in your mouth, or we move to the bed and I come inside you. Your choice, but I'm on a knife edge here." His words tumbled over each other. Callan pulled her hair gently.

  Mason loosened her lips, and slipped them slowly up and off his prick. "Aw, decisions, decisions." Tone light, she smiled. "I guess for our first time, I’d like you inside me."

  "Then get yourself onto the bed."

  She scrambled to her feet and ran across the room. "How?"

  "Like your favorite ice cream." Callan followed her, knowing she'd get the inference. Vanilla ice cream, vanilla sex. "On your back."

  Mason gawped at him.

  Thought that'd make her wonder.

  "Mm, but you know, Sir? I've started to like rocky road and all sort of unusual flavors these days."


  Mason's skin tingled as she rested on her back, and spread her arms and legs out. Even though they'd played many times since their first meeting, Callan had led her forward carefully. He'd pushed her, but he'd done it slowly. The fact he never suggested sex worried her at first, even though she’d been grateful at the same time. One minute Mason thought she led a straightforward uncomplicated life, no real highs or lows, but nothing to make her heart beat faster, and the next she was on a roller coaster. Her emotions and her comfort zone went in directions she hadn't realized existed. It was exhilarating and scary, and she loved it. Each day she fell in love with Callan, and each scene showed her how much she'd missed not having a Sir. It was nothing like life with her husband, and that Mason decided, was how it should be.

  Now they were going to consummate their relationship. Stupid expression.

  Callan stood by the bed, a foil packet in one hand, and looked down at her. His cock stood out hard and proud, the head slick from her caresses and his juices. Mason's pussy clenched as her own juices coated her thighs. Her mound, bare of hair, glistened with that telling evidence of how she felt. She swore her clit jumped up and down, shouting “touch me now”.

  "I'm shaking." Callan held out his hand to show her how it trembled. "Even though we've done so much, and I've wanted to come inside you ever since we met, I'm shaking." He climbed onto the bed and knelt between her legs. "I'll warn you now, pet, I won't last long."

  That was what she wanted to hear. Mason was under no illusions she'd be any better. She ached with the need to experience him inside her. As she looked down her perspiration-covered body toward him, Callan grinned. It was sex, one hundred percent sex, and if she could bottle it she'd make a fortune. He didn't say a word, just tore open the condom packet he'd brought with him, and rolled the latex over his cock. Mason was glad he hadn't asked her to perform that act. She'd probably rip it in her excitement. Even now, just watching him, her body trembled, and her mouth went dry.

  She swallowed as Callan lifted her legs and put them onto his shoulders.

  "Touch your nipples for me, love." He moved and the tip of his cock grazed the entrance to her channel then edged slowly inside her.

  Mason bit her lip as the glorious feeling of being stretched and teased spread through her. She pinched her nipples lightly and the sting zapped her, creating a red hot line of arousal to her clit. Callan pushed, and she tightened her muscles around him. He moved, and she matched him, setting up the perfect rhythm. Her climax built. The hairs on her arms stood on end, and the telltale prickles dancing over her got stronger.

  Callan threw his head back, and the veins on his arms stood out as he took her clit between two fingers. The tiny pinch and caress was enough to send Mason spiraling over the edge of the inferno waiting for her. She saw stars as her body let go, and she came with a scream. Even as Callan shuddered and joined her, Mason held onto him. Without that, she'd lose what little grip on consciousness she still had.

  No wonder it’s called the little death. She'd had climaxes before, many times, but never one that filled her and touched her soul so completely. She held him tightly to her, and rubbed his back.

  "Thank you."

  He lifted his head. "I should be saying that. I'll move when I get life back into my body. I'm heavy,"

  True, but I love it. "Yep, but I like it."

  "Maybe, but still." Callan moved backwards out of her, and gestured to the condom. He slid off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. Mason stretched and grinned. She couldn't believe how enervated she felt. If they weren't in the middle of the city, she could've climbed a mountain and shouted “yee haa” at the top of her voice. As it was, she contented herself with a wriggle and a mental high five. Life was good. Just one hurdle to conquer now.

  Callan reentered the room. "Shower or bath?” he asked. "And boy, do you look like the cat who got the canary."

  "I'm happy," Mason said simply. "Utterly and gloriously sated and happy." She rolled over and he tapped her ass as she got off the bed. She giggled. A nice, gentle tickle more than anything else. "If we're going out, then a shower, please. Otherwise, I'll entice you into the water and we'll get nowhere fast." Her heartbeat sped up as he stared at her. The urge to assume the position hit her suddenly. It was the way he looked. His Dom mode persona. Just as she knew she'd have to do as her inclination suggested, Callan spoke.

  "Shower then."

  Chapter Nine

  Mason wriggled as the leather car seat heated up under her. Now the time had arrived she didn't know how she felt about scening in public. Oh, she wanted to try, wanted to be proud of how Callan made her feel. But wanting and doing were two different things. They'd talked over what was going to happen, and for that she was grateful. Callan warned her it wouldn't always be so, but as with everything else they'd done, this next step was being taken slowly.

  Mason bit her lip. She didn't want to let him down

  "Second thoughts, pet?" Callan signaled and turned into the car park of the club. "Color? Remember, you're in charge."

  Yes I am, and I need to pull my big girl panties up. That made her want to giggle. No way could the tiny, barely-there thong be classed as big or panties. "Green. I'm just being a wuss. I'm scared but not in a ‘don't do anything’ way." She tried to explain. "It's more in an ‘oh my god, I hope I don't mess up and disappoint you’ way."

  Callan puled onto his parking spot and stopped the car. "You won't. Ever. Because I want what's right for you. Always and only that. Yes I'll push you, as you well know. As you also know you have the power of veto, and no go."

  Mason rubbed her ass. The red stripes she wore there most days were perfect and loved—proof of that pushing. She'd never allowed herself to enjoy a flogging until Callan showed her how many ways she could.

  "I know and I lo—"Mason st
opped. They'd never said love to each other, apart from when he used it as a term of endearment. Callan took her hand.

  "And I lo—” He stopped as well and laughed. "Yeah, and I love you. So, pet?"

  "So, Sir." Mason laughed. "Green, green, and green, and I love you. I'm ready." She stifled the butterflies that danced in her tummy. Callan took hold of her chin and turned her head toward him. What he saw in her eyes obviously satisfied him, because he nodded and kissed the tip of her nose.

  "Then let's go." He got out of the car, walked around the front, and opened her door to help her. "Remember everything we've discussed." He locked the car and held her arm as they made their way into the building and up to his office.

  The building was as silent as ever. Thank goodness for soundproofing, I reckon. The police wouldn't take kindly to being summonsed by a concerned citizen who heard screams, only to discover a happy and willing sub enjoying a nice whipping.

  She giggled. Callan looked at her, a query in his eyes.

  "Thinking thank goodness for soundproofing." She told him her thoughts and he laughed.

  "As you say. Right, are you still happy to go ahead, pet?"

  "Yes, Sir." She was.

  "Then dress off and let's go." Callan walked across to his desk and leaned against the edge. He never took his gaze of her. That penetrating look no longer made her feel like an insect on a pin, ready to be dissected. It made her feel cherished.

  She slipped the dress off and checked her reflection in the mirror. Just as they'd decided. Her lips were coated in the same red of her shoes and thong. Her red bustier trimmed with sexy black lace sat low over her breasts, and skimmed the top of her nipples. Mason knew that wouldn't always be the case, but, as ever it was, one tiny step at a time.

  "Ready, Sir." Mason walked over the oatmeal-colored carpet and knelt in front of him. Her body throbbed with excitement. She clasped her hands loosely behind her and bent her head.

  "Good girl." Callan tugged her hair until she lifted her head and looked at him. It was a heady feeling to see the approval, pleasure, and now she knew, love in his expression.

  "Are you happy to wear your token?" He picked up the delicate silver chain she wore on their previous visit.

  "Yes please, sir." Mason held out her arm and Callan fastened the chain around her wrist. He bent to make sure the clasp had closed properly. His own scents of musky male and citrus cologne swept over Mason. Her pussy spasmed and she was sure her thong darkened with her juices.

  He knew, of course. His amused glance swept downward and then back to her face, bringing a fresh wave of heat powering over her. She grinned, and waved her hand to see the beautiful diamond knot on her wrist glint and sparkle in the light.

  "I love this."

  "Good. Let's go, pet. Remember protocol matters now." Callan took her hand and led her toward the door.

  Mason swallowed as excitement tightened her skin, and her heart beat erratically.


  Callan felt the faint tremors rippling through Mason. She looked pale under the flush of arousal that washed over her in ever increasing waves. It was up to him to ensure the next hour or so was good, perfect, and proper for them both.

  Wax play, his favorite scene. They'd played a fair bit at home, and Mason could climax almost immediately the first drops hit her skin. If he let her. They both loved the build up, the way she held her emotions in check until he told her to fly. Here though, she had to hold back that immediate reaction. To scene in public was a giant leap. One he thought she was ready for, but unbeknown to Mason, Callan had decided this playtime would be only semi public. He had no intention of going too fast, not after everything they'd learned.

  He locked his office door, and led Mason along the corridor and into one of the dungeons. As agreed, she kept her head bowed and didn't speak.

  "In here pet." He opened the door.

  "At last." Sean's cheerful voice brought Mason’s head up for a split second. Callan pinched her wrist. "I thought you'd wimped out, Callan, and gone for a pizza."

  Callan chuckled. "Food for the soul first, the stomach later." He lifted Mason's chin with the hand she wasn't holding on to tightly. "You can look around now, pet."

  He tried to see the room with her eyes.

  No hoards of people waiting to watch. No one except Sean and Jane, and four other carefully chosen Doms and subs. No one to freak her or make her feel judged. It was, he'd decided, the way to continue. A discussion with Sean a few days previously resulted in his plans for the evening. Okay, they'd been delayed by their explosive lovemaking, but now they were back on track.

  "Ready to scene, love? Just a little wax play? By me, not Sean, a nice double act?"

  Mason gasped, and he watched a flush run over her skin.

  "Can we, Sir?"

  "Come on." He lifted the ropes and escorted her into the scening area.

  She glanced at the half dozen or so people who sat quietly on chairs and cushions in the darkened area of the room.

  "Friends, all of them," he said in an undertone. "We've all been at this stage, and so I decided they were the best people to be here for us. You'll soon find they're friends of yours as well. Before you ask, no. No Marco. That would be too much for both of you at this point." He didn't bother to add, but not for ever. They both knew that scenario would happen sooner of later. She nodded.

  "Yes, Sir, and thank you."

  Chapter Ten

  Is this really me or am I going to wake up, in my bed, with an itch that needs scratching and only my vibrator to do it? Whatever, I'm going to enjoy it. Mason followed Callan across the wooden floor to where Sean stood. Next to him a woman of about Mason's own age and build, but with red curly hair scraped back and fixed with what looked like a million hair grips stood quietly, head bowed. The woman looked, up and gave her Sir a quick glance. He nodded and she smiled at Mason.

  "Hi, I'm Jane O'Connor. Sean is my Master and my husband. So you and Callan are going to double act with us, eh? Cool."

  Mason gulped. What should she do?

  "You can answer her, love. Chat and be reassured whilst I set things up. Sean is going to explain to the punters what's going on." Callan touched her shoulder in a reassuring way. "They may all be in the lifestyle, but we're treating this as a demonstration. It'll help all of us." He bent, kissing her hard on the lips. It was the first proper embrace they'd exchanged, since they'd entered the club, and the heat flooding her was enough to make her hope to hell her legs weren't damp and showing her arousal. That would be more than embarrassing. It was all well and good looking forward to feeling the tiny stings and tingles as the wax hit her, but to show how a mere kiss affected her was all too much.

  She stared as Callan walked across the demo area, to engage in deep conversation with Sean. The sight of the two of them together, all macho male and dominant, made her groan and close her eyes at the fresh rush of moisture that gathered inside her. At this rate she'd be able to wring out herself and her thong.

  Jane giggled softly. "A bit overwhelming together, eh? I had them both do wax play on me together once, and I nearly came on the spot. Luckily Sean knows me well enough to know where a well-placed drop of wax was enough to slow me down until He decided I could fly. So, is this your first time here?"

  "First time scening in public," Mason said. "We've been building up to this. It was a big no go at first. Callan gave me time to grow. However, I trust him."

  Jane looked at Mason's wrist and raised her eyebrows. "Good."

  Mason waited for her to expand on the word. When it seemed she wasn't going to, Mason said what was uppermost in her mind. "I'm scared but excited, and oh my god, so turned on. Is that how it should be? My late husband and I never did anything in public, and I thought I'd be embarrassed or not interested." She gave a soft laugh, and ran her hands down her sides. "And instead I'm excited and don’t care about the audience."

  "That's good." Jane's mind appeared to be on other things. Mason watched Jane pull back
her shoulders, and blink. "Right we need to tie your hair back, and get ready. If we go over there," Jane pointed to a door set in the back wall, "there's a dressing room we can use. I need to change anyway."

  Mason looked at her. Jane wore a full bustier and stocking and suspenders. "Into what? You look great."

  Jane smiled as she opened the door into a tiny dressing room, not much bigger than the two of them.

  '"Thanks, but tonight we're showing circles on the skin, so I need to be as bare as possible. And believe me, if you'd have asked me six months ago if I'd do this the answer would have been a big fat no. But love and trust is a wondrous thing. Not to mention how I feel at the end. Here." She handed Mason a hairbrush, a bobble, and some grips. "Pull it back, and tie it in a plait if you can. Then we can ask your Sir how he wants it secured."

  The statement sounded so natural, Mason nodded. She scarcely noticed as Jane stripped off the bustier and left herself in thong, suspenders and stockings. By the time Mason's hair was as neat as she could make it, there was a knock on the door. Before either of them had time to answer, with more than, "Come in," Callan opened it and looked around.

  "Ah, good girl. Can you do it as a coil on your head?"

  "Yes, Sir." Mason got the hang of the sirring now. It tripped of her tongue as easily as his given name. She moved her hand in a flapping movement. One he knew was a “yes, happy” gesture.

  "Jane, Sean's ready when you are."

  "Thank you, Sir." Jane slipped past him.

  Mason looked up to see his eyes following her hand movement.

  "Are you sure, love?" His voice was gentle.

  She bit her lip. Didn't he want to do this? His eyes narrowed and she realized he was waiting for her answer.

  "I want what you want, Sir, so far."

  He laughed. "Then let's do it, and then we'll depart to somewhere private for a little personal loving, eh?" He leaned in and kissed her, his tongue thrust between her lips, demanding the admission she gladly gave him. Even as he deepened the kiss, Callan rolled the top of her bustier down to expose her nipple, and pinched it just shy of pain. The waves of hot, instant sensation, and the shards of desire bombarding her were enough to make her legs feel like jelly, and she held on to Callan for support. He growled deep in his throat.


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