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Fighting for Desire

Page 3

by Sarah Bale

  A man in a uniform said, “Good morning, Ms. Bray. I have been instructed to take you to Mr. James’ home.” He held open the door.

  “What about my car?” she asked.

  “It will be taken care of, ma’am.”

  She stood for a moment, contemplating her options, then acquiesced and slid onto the white leather seat. Being alone in the back of a limo was strange. The only other time she had been inside a car such as this was on prom night and Dev had been with her.

  Her chest clenched in pain as she thought about that night. Her “special night” was supposed to be filled with wonderful memories but turned out to be the opposite.

  Dev had gone all out, using three of his paychecks from his job at the grocery store to rent a tuxedo and the limo. Though she had protested she’d been secretly excited that he wanted to do up prom night in a big way. And she was more than excited about the hotel room they had rented for afterward.

  When she’d walked down the stairs wearing her lilac dress she had heard him gasp but it had been she who was breathless. Always the jeans-and-a-t-shirt type of guy, he had looked like a god in the black tuxedo. A small purple flower pinned on his jacket matched her dress perfectly and she’d spotted a corsage box in his hand.

  “Dev, you shouldn’t have.” She had objected as she’d gone into his open arms, much to the dismay of her parents. “We agreed I didn’t need a corsage.”

  His face had lit up with his million-dollar smile. “Babe, you are worth every penny.”

  She’d stood still while he’d carefully pinned the lovely flowers onto her dress. Even the brief contact his fingers made with her skin had sent her heart pounding. Next they had to stand together, wearing cheesy smiles while her mother snapped photo after photo.

  Finally Dev had grabbed her by the hand and said, “She’ll be home by ten tomorrow, Mr. Bray!”

  They were out the door before her father could object…and knowing him, he would have objected. Loudly.

  At the limo Dev had opened the door and let her slide in before he sat next to her.

  “I never thought this could be possible,” he’d said in a low tone as the limo pulled away from her house.

  “What’s that?” she’d asked him.

  He’d taken her hand into his. “That I would be going to prom with the love of my life.”

  Shannon remembered how her heart had ached under her breast as she’d whispered, “I love you, Dev.”

  He’d leaned in and kissed her slowly. She had sighed against his lips, thinking, this…this is bliss.

  “I have something I need to tell you,” she had confessed.

  His eyes had lit up. “Your parents agreed to let you go to college in California?”

  She had shaken her head, barely able to contain her excitement. “No, it’s better than that.” She had bitten her bottom lip and then burst out with her news. “I’m pregnant!”

  Shannon’s head ached and she rubbed her temples as she forced the memory to end. Dwelling on that night did her no good. Her hand rested absentmindedly on her stomach and she quickly moved it. She couldn’t think about that, not tonight. Not when she was unsure what Dev wanted with her.

  After several minutes the limo came to a stop and the driver opened her door. She shouldn’t have been surprised to find herself standing in front of a mansion but she was shocked. The big white house stood with large windows that welcomed a visitor to peek inside. The sound of cascading water came from somewhere nearby. She smiled wryly. Dev had always wanted to live by the beach.

  She walked up the marble stairs and past two massive pillars. The house had clearly been designed to look very Greek. A bright blue door provided the only color but even that felt right. She reached out to knock but it opened before she had the chance.

  An elderly woman wearing a blue maid’s uniform smiled at her. “Good morning, Ms. Bray. Please come in. I’m Mrs. Ingram, the housekeeper.”

  Shannon smiled back, liking the woman right away. She followed her tentatively into the house, overwhelmed as she looked around. The massive foyer felt cold with its white marble floor and white walls but the bright red frames around the wall paintings brought it to life.

  A glass table was off to the right, upon which sat a large vase filled with fresh red roses. Above the table a mirror caught the reflection of a painting on the opposite wall. She lifted her eyes to scan a balcony on the second floor that overlooked the foyer. A beautifully ornate, black iron railing brought a sense of importance to the entry.

  Mrs. Ingram said, “Mr. James hand-selected the design for the balcony. He said it reminded him of his time in Italy.”

  Her chest clenched as she struggled to keep her face neutral. Long ago they had shared dreams of traveling to Europe together. She tried not to let it sting that he was living their dreams alone.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said, speaking the truth.

  “I think so as well,” Mrs. Ingram replied. “Now if you will follow me, I have been directed to take you to one of the guestrooms. Mr. James thought you might want to freshen up before your meeting.”

  Meeting? This was news to her. She didn’t say anything but followed Mrs. Ingram silently up the grand stairway.

  “Mr. James’ living spaces are to the left and your room is this way.”

  Shannon followed Mrs. Ingram to the right and they walked past several closed doors. Good lord, how many rooms did this house have?

  Finally they stopped and Mrs. Ingram opened a door. “Here you go, ma’am. If you need anything else, just pick up the phone and someone will assist you. There are fresh towels in the bathroom and you will also find some clothing in the closet.”

  Shannon nodded and walked into the spacious room. The door shut silently behind her and she wondered briefly if the knob would be locked if she tried to run. This wouldn’t be the first time she had been locked in a room. She could admit the irony to herself when she remembered how Dev used to get locked in his room as a child.

  The guestroom was bigger than her entire apartment, which wasn’t saying much but spoke volumes for Dev’s apparent wealth. Houses in this area didn’t come cheap and from what she had seen, Dev had gone all out.

  She walked to the bed, noticing how the white marble floor and cream walls worked well together. The bed had to be the biggest one she had ever seen and her face flushed just looking at it. The mattress sat in a black iron frame with a black mesh canopy and was covered with dark-red bedding. Reaching out, she let her fingers trail across the satiny material.

  Directly across from the bed was a huge, floor-to-ceiling mirror. A blush swept across her face. If she were lying in the bed, she could see herself in the mirror, which was probably the intent. She turned away before her mind could run away with foolish ideas.

  The only other piece of furniture in the room was a chaise lounge covered in the same red material as the bedding. This room screamed passion but she refused to dwell on the decadent décor.

  Walking to the balcony, she opened the doors and gasped. The ocean was off in the distance and palm trees lined the rest of her view. Directly below her room a garden filled with vibrant flowers in every color gave off a delightful aroma. Oh how she would love to sit on the balcony and read a book while the scents of the flowers rose to meet her.

  Sighing, she remembered she wasn’t here to relax. She went back inside and made her way to the bathroom. Dev was right about one thing. A quick shower would refresh her before she faced him and finally found out what he wanted with her. She just prayed it was something she could deal with. At this point she wasn’t sure how much she could handle.

  Chapter Four

  Dev glanced at the clock hanging on the office wall. Shannon had been in his house for nearly an hour and still hadn’t emerged from the guestroom. Smiling wryly, he wondered what she thought of the room he had put her in, purposely chosen of course.

  His cell phone rang and he answered, “You’re up early, Marco.”

  He knew his f
riend well. Marco had called to check up on Dev.

  “How did she take the news?”

  He held back a smile and reclined in his leather chair. “She didn’t.”

  Marco sounded surprised. “She told you no? I didn’t see that one coming, man.”

  “No, I mean I haven’t talked to her yet. She just got off work from that shitty diner so I arranged for her to freshen up before we talked.”

  Marco didn’t respond and the phone went silent.

  “Spit it out,” Dev said.

  “Dev, you know I am against this in every aspect but you are going to do what you damn well please. Just try to remember that what happened between the two of you was a long time ago.”

  “And what is that supposed to mean?” he asked, his anger starting to rise.

  “Don’t try to punish her now for breaking your heart then.”

  His jaw clenched. “I appreciate your concern for her…” Ice dripped from his words. “But need I remind you who you work for and where your loyalties lie?”

  Marco sighed. “Point taken. Forget I mentioned it. I’ll see you in the gym later.”

  Dev hung up the phone and dropped it on his desk. Who the fuck did Marco think he was, trying to make Dev feel guilty? He wasn’t the one who had fucked things up eight years ago. Pushing back from the desk, he stood. He had given Shannon plenty of time to come out and face him. Time to go get her.

  He stormed out of his office and took the stairs two at a time. With each step he took his anger rose. Who did she think she was, making him wait? He reached the guestroom and threw open the door. The sight before him stopped him in his tracks.

  Shannon lay curled in a ball at the end of the bed, fast asleep. She wore the white robe he’d left in the bathroom…and nothing else. The robe gaped open at her thighs and he glanced away before he did something stupid. Such as reaching out and touching her.

  Her damp hair curled around her face and the light from the morning sun bounced off it, catching the natural highlights. He moved closer and realized some habits die hard. He never could resist caressing her while she slept.

  She stirred and a soft sigh left her lips. What could she be dreaming of, he wondered. He sat next to her on the bed, careful not to wake her. The dark circles under her eyes stood out against her pale skin and his gut clenched.

  The investigator reported that she was working both jobs six days a week…sometimes seven. She went into the club at eight and worked until one in the morning. Then she went to the diner and worked until five or six.

  Between the two jobs she made a decent amount of money but still lived in a shady part of town in a run-down apartment. And her car…he cringed at the memory of that old clunker. He had been surprised not to hear the damn thing backfire when she’d driven off the other night.

  What surprised him the most, though, was that she apparently had no contact with her family whatsoever. The investigator had discreetly contacted her parents but they claimed they had no daughter. A far cry from the doting mother and father who’d tried to keep them apart as teens.

  Of course her old man had been a dick even back then so he couldn’t blame her for not wanting to keep in contact. He was surprised she still didn’t speak to her mom though. They had always been so close.

  Weighing his options, he decided to let her sleep before they talked. He didn’t want her to agree to anything because she was tired. He wanted her aware of the choice she would be making. With a sigh, he pulled back the covers then scooped her into his arms.

  “What are you hiding, Shannon?” he murmured as he laid her down.

  Trying not to disturb her, Dev removed the robe and tossed it aside. She always slept better in the nude. Frowning, he turned and left the room.

  * * * * *

  Sunlight shone through the window and Shannon grumbled in her sleep. Why in the heck had she forgotten to close her curtains? She opened her eyes and found herself looking up at a black canopy. Sitting up, she gasped as she realized she was completely naked. The robe she had put on after her shower lay across the foot of the bed.

  Her heart pounded as she looked around to make sure she was alone. Had Dev undressed her and put her under the covers? Her face flamed and she quickly scurried from the bed. A stupid reaction…he had seen her naked a ton of times but she couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

  She grabbed the robe and put it on as she went to the walk-in closet. Mrs. Ingram hadn’t been lying. Clothing in different sizes and colors filled the closet. Her heart ached as she realized how many women Dev must have over to need such a variety of outfits.

  She walked down the length of the closet and picked out a pink, floor-length skirt and a white tank top to wear. Keeping with her beach theme, she grabbed a pair of simple, white, high-heeled sandals.

  A dresser at the end of the closet held lingerie in every color and she blushed as she touched some of the barely there materials. She quickly chose a light-pink bra and panty set made of lace. The lingerie was probably the most modest thing in there but still felt risqué.

  In the bathroom, she located a tube of toothpaste and a brand new toothbrush, still in its package. She quickly brushed her teeth then hung the robe on a hook by the shower. For a brief moment she debated putting on her own clothes and making a run for it before she saw Dev. Fleeing wouldn’t work, she realized. If he had taken the time to find where her second job was, then he had also probably learned a lot more.

  No, running wouldn’t do any good. He would just find her and she didn’t know if she had the energy to keep running from the problems plaguing her life. The only solution was to face him and see what he wanted.

  Picking up a bottle of lotion, she opened the lid and sniffed. Her heart lurched and she set it down. Had he purposely bought her favorite lotion or was it just a coincidence? She picked up the lilac-scented lotion again and squeezed some into her palm.

  As she rubbed the creamy moisturizer across her skin she realized how pale she had become. Working two jobs at night left little time for sunbathing during the day. Besides, it didn’t matter anymore if her skin was tanned. She wasn’t trying to impress anyone.

  She finished putting on the lotion and grabbed the undergarments. The lace lay soft against her skin and she could only imagine how much the ensemble had cost. Next she put on the high-heeled sandals. She didn’t recognize the brand but knowing Dev, they were expensive too.

  Wearing only her undergarments and shoes, she went to the vanity and sat down on the plush chair. Since she had fallen asleep right after showering, her hair was now a hopeless mess of curls. She ran her fingers through it, separating the ringlets as best as she could.

  She grabbed her light-pink gloss from her purse and smeared some on her lips. Briefly she regretted not having more make-up with her but then decided her au naturale look would have to do. She puckered her lips and grinned at her reflection, trying to lighten her dark mood.

  She stood and put the tank top on, noticing how it clung to her curves. She stepped into the skirt and then gazed at her reflection in the mirror. The time had come to face Dev. At least she could do so knowing she looked decent.

  She walked out of the bathroom and picked up the phone.

  A man with a slight accent answered. “May I help you, ma’am?”

  “Yes, I’m ready to see Dev…Mr. James.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I will send someone up to assist you.”

  She hung up the phone and walked to the door. She was so nervous her knees were weak and she felt as if she was going to throw up. On a table next to the door she spotted her old cup of coffee from the diner. She picked it up as someone knocked on the door, startling her. She opened it and found Mrs. Ingram smiling back at her.

  “I’m glad you were able to rest, my dear. You looked dead on your feet when you got here this morning.”

  “This morning? What time is it now?”

  “It’s just after noon.”

  Noon! Her mouth dropped open. Had she really
slept for five hours? She couldn’t remember the last time she had slept that long. Usually she napped here and there, never quite able to fall fast asleep. It was hard to sleep when you were worried for your safety.

  “I hope Mr. James isn’t mad at me for sleeping so long,” she said cautiously as she followed Mrs. Ingram down the hallway.

  “Of course he isn’t mad! He’s the one who told us to allow you to sleep. We also held breakfast in case you were hungry. Would you like something to eat before you see Mr. James?”

  Dev had told the staff to let her sleep? Her entire body warmed at the thought but she pushed it away. The staff was probably used to letting strange women sleep in.

  “Uh, I’m not hungry right now but I would love something to drink. Do you have any sweet tea?”

  Mrs. Ingram smiled. “Mr. James mentioned you liked sweet tea so the kitchen staff has already prepared a pitcher and has it chilling. I’d be happy to bring you a glass.”

  “That’d be great. Thank you.”

  Mrs. Ingram led her down the stairs and they headed toward a set of double doors that opened to the outside.

  “Mr. James is in the gym right now,” Mrs. Ingram explained as they walked out the door.

  The scent of flowers from the garden teased her nose and she grinned. “It smells lovely out here.”

  “Mr. James has the best local flowers planted at each of his homes. The house in Colorado has my favorite garden though. It reminds me of my youth and playing with my cousins.”

  “Other homes?”

  “Oh yes. Mr. James owns several properties around the country and some in Europe. When he’s on the road for a fight he likes to have a place to stay.”

  Holy cow. That would explain why he had a house in Miami, the last place she had thought she would see him. In fact she had picked Miami specifically for that reason.

  Mrs. Ingram interrupted her thoughts.

  “I believe Marco is the only one training with Mr. James today. Have you met him before?”

  Shannon shook her head. “No, but I have seen him in photos with Dev.”


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