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Harem Nights Online

Page 9

by Mark Summer

  When you awake in the world it is called being born.

  The armies of Nod make their way to the city of the screaming tombs. They are five hundred strong. Moving at a speed of twenty miles a day, they will reach the ebony gates in three days.

  I'm a traitor a banned prince, I have walked this path alone and will make to the gates before the army. What I will do there I do not know they will surely kill me. But death is not on my mind, but revenge is for they have taken the throne of God away from me. They have killed my father and raped my mother and sister. They are lead by the cruel warlock knew as Leaper, Leaper wants me dead the final nail in my families coffin.

  I will not let this happen I'm young and powerful but I'm alone and in need of friends.

  The desert around me is an endless void of dirt, brown and empty. The sky is a deep purple and the mountains in the distance are black as a witch's heart.

  A crow flies overhead and lands on a cactus. I rest next to him on a rock I pull my feet up and pull out the various hard minerals.

  "You are a long way from home aren't you young prince"

  I squint up at the crow

  "I have never met a crow who could talk"

  'How many crows have you meet"

  'Not many, you are the first if I'm honest"

  "Well pay no mind, this is not my only form but it's fitting for the landscape that we find ourselves in"

  "You say you are a magician then"

  "Yes my lord"

  "What are you doing out here in the desert"

  "I have been following you, young prince"

  "But why"

  "Because I sense that I may help you"

  "Are you friend or foe to the family of Porter"

  "I have not heard of the family of Porter"

  "But how do you know I'm a prince"

  "I see into the future and see two roads for you one is death the other is a celebration"

  "Magic crow, I'm tired and in need of some water is there any oasis close by where I could dip my tired body into"

  "Why yes I will show you"

  Chapter Three

  The lake had a small island in the center

  "This is Mortal lake"

  "Mortal lake"

  "Yes, it is the home of a small shine, there on that island"

  "Whose shrine is it for"

  "For the Amazon Goddess Boone"

  "Amazons you say"

  "Yes, I sense you are drawn to those savage women"

  "Why do you say that"

  "I must confess, one of my powers is to read thoughts"

  "I see, I wish you wouldn't"

  "Of course, but I must warn you don't seek out the Amazons they are shameless and violent"

  There was silence for a second then I look up at the black crow on the small tree

  "You'll still at it"

  The crow started to laugh which made my skin crawl

  "Very well then you know that I believe my mother is an Amazon"

  "Was an Amazon you mean"

  I shoot a quick glance at the crow but knew she was right

  "I wish to think she is still alive"

  "Don't be a fool human, amazons are strong but they are not immortal"

  "Tell me more about Boone"

  "Boone is an often admired and much-idolized goddess. Mountains, chains, and fights are several major elements this divine being is associated with and most would describe her as pretentious and enthusiastic.

  Often depicted as a form of a mammoth Boone is usually worshiped through sacrifices and vows.

  There's one main place for those who thirst for the powers and blessings of Boone, but carried symbols and dedicated clothing pieces are typically found to be a good place to start.

  Worshipers are quite numerous and tend to come in the form of advisers and politicians and it's tricky to be accepted otherwise among worshipers of this goddess. Even if the right sacrifices and vows cannot be aided by.

  Boone has many lovers, but the main one is Perilous. This changes little in regards to the aid Boone will provide, but without allies, you're on your own in times of peril.

  "How do I get there"

  "There is nothing to see at the shrine, treasure hunters have already stripped it of anything of value"

  "I'm not looking for treasure but I have a feeling that the shrine is holding something for me"

  The crow laughed

  "I have brought you here you may do what you wish, but I'm only a crow"

  I look around the lake for something to use to build a small raft. Walking around the lake the muddy beach becoming thick and wet.

  An arrow passes two inches from my face and lands in the water, a warning of some kind I turn to the bushes on the other side.

  The crow is nowhere to be seen

  I walk out of the mud closer to the bush, my hand on my sword

  The armies of Leaper couldn't be here already, another arrow this one landed in my thigh and I fall back in pain.

  I pull the arrow from my flesh, my blood dripping down the arrowhead. Mixed with my blood I see specks of purple liquid.


  A woman about six feet tall stands over me and the purple sky is all I see as I pass out

  Chapter Four

  "Who are you," I say my voice cracked

  "Drink this"

  The woman pulls my head back and a hot liquid pours down my throat. It tastes of Mint and berries.

  "This will keep you awake"

  "You poisoned me"

  "Not poisoned, you are paralyzed"

  I sense this is true when I can't seem to control my body, I'm a mind without a body.

  The woman squats down takes off her bow and arrows and places them on the ground.

  The place is some type of cave hidden in the desert mountains. How long was I out, the mountains are five miles away from the lake at least. Did she carry me all that way?

  "What do you want from me"

  "You are trespassing on sacred land"

  "I was simply in need of rest, I meant no harm"

  "That is for the goddess to determine"

  "The goddess do you mean Bourn"

  The woman then took off her top and her large tan breast were seen and she turned toward me.

  "No, my goddess is Gaagi"

  Around her neck was a necklace with a horned figure and a female body

  "This is Gaagi, Tonight she will show her self and tell me if I need to kill you or let you live"

  I gulped

  "You wish to kill me"

  "I'm simply a servant"

  The woman then rose and made her way deeper into the cave and lit a small fire while the sun was setting.

  The fire lit up the cave walls which were dark before and on them were crude cave paintings.

  This woman is clearly insane, how can I get out of this one, that crow that damned crow lead me to her

  Around the edges of the cave I could see skulls and bones, horror sought into my mind.

  The woman knelt down around the small fire her dark thighs and slim waist on full display. She then took out a small bag, opening it she threw in some type of blue colored powder and the flame turned blue.

  "What is your name"


  "Are you an Amazon"

  "That is my race but I do not belong to any sisterhood, I only belong to Gaagi"

  Xoanke, she took a small bowl and held to the fire.

  "This bowl is Gaagi," she said

  She took a vase filled with a liquid and poured into the bowl

  "This is her blood"

  Xoanke took the bag of powder and poured into the bowl and stirred with a stick

  She placed her fingers in the bowl then rubbed the blue paste over her face.

  She looked feral and freighting

  Xoanke stood and went to me even though I knew I could not escape the thought entered my mind and it was torture

  She knelt beside me and she took out a bone knife and cut
my shirt open she placed the blue paste over my chest.

  "What are you doing"

  "Silence male"

  She took the knife and went to my trousers and cut them open leaving me naked before the insane Amazon.

  She cupped my manhood and rubbed it, to my amazement it becomes hard.

  she then placed it in her mouth and sucked it

  Her thick dark lips going up and down my shaft was pleasurable I wanted to grab her but couldn't.

  The Amazon was in complete control, in this erotic nightmare I saw the crow looking in. It seemed to be smiling.

  After reaching a climax, Xoanke spits out my spent into the bowl and went to the fire. She dumped the bowl into the fire and it grew large.

  Xoanke spoke to the fire in a foreign tongue and she looked over her shoulder at me

  "Gaagi has spared your life"

  I closed my eyes

  Chapter Five

  I awoke with a massive headache but my body was back under my control. I yawn and look over at Xoanke who is making somewhat smells like roasted; pig over the fire.

  "You are awake"


  "Breakfast will be served shortly"

  I rise from where I'm sitting

  "You know, I don't know how to say this but last night"

  Xoanke looks at me, her dark eyes showing warmth

  "I will not kill you"

  "Yes well I thank you for that"

  Xoanke smiled then picked the meat out of the metal pan and placed it on a wooden plate

  She comes over to me and squatted down and hands me the plate

  "Eat, good meat"

  I take the plate and sniff at it, it's definitely pig but there isn't a market for miles

  "Where is the meat from"

  "It is from wild boar"

  "Yes but where the desert doesn't have boar"

  "The boar come from far away up north"

  I sensed she didn't want to continue to talk anymore so I didn't press on

  She smiled looking down at me, realizing I was still naked I covered it with the blanket

  "You are shy"

  "Well we just meet"

  "I did what I did because of Gaagi"

  "Does she make you do that with a lot of men"

  "No you first one"

  "I'm honored" I smile trying to ease the tension

  She sat closer to me

  "Gaagi said you will make a good mate for Xoanke"

  "Is that right"

  She placed her hand over my face and smiled down at me she kissed my check and looked out the cave.

  "There is a bird there," she said

  I turned to see the crow was staring at us

  "So she followed me here"

  "You know the bird"

  "We meet yesterday, she isn't a real bird"

  Xoanke got up and grabbed her bow

  "No wait, don't do that"

  "The bird would make a nice meal," said Xoanke

  "I get that but let me talk to it

  Xoanke chuckled

  "Talk to a bird you are mad"

  I laugh at Xoanke calling me mad, but it was probably true but I got out of the covers and walked to the bird.

  "So you found the Amazon"

  "What do you want with me"

  "I have a favor young prince"

  "Why should I grant you any favors, you left me to die"

  "You do realize I'm a bird young prince there was not much I could do against six-foot Amazon witch"

  I look over my shoulder at Xoanke who was staring at us her bow ready

  "Listen, she wants to kill you so tell me what you can do for me"

  "I will come clean, my name is Lucy I was the court magician for your father"

  "You are lying"

  "I'm not lying, your father banished me from the court before your birth and I have been trying to win back his favor for twenty odd years"

  I nod

  "Go on, bird"

  "I traveled far and wide for a treasure that would wow the king and I believe I have found it"

  "what is it"

  "the dragon sword of Shtick, I found it in the tomb of the cult of Fagin"

  "Let me guess they cursed you and turned you into a crow"

  "It is true I'm a crow not by my own magic but the magic of the Leaper"

  "Did you say, Leaper"

  "Yes the same that killed your father"

  "Tell me, Lucy, did you try to sell the sword to Leaper"

  "No my prince I tried to kill Leaper with the sword but I was defeated the sword would not pierce the flesh of the warlock"

  "But the dragon sword can cut through anything"

  "Because I'm not pure, the dragon sword was forged to be held by the royal bloodline"

  "I know this, I have thought many times of the dragon sword and how to get to it"

  "The dragon sword is not the only one my prince but there is two"

  "That is impossible"

  "Not impossible but very real and the location of the sword is under the city of the screaming statues"

  "Impossible then, the army of nod marches there now as we speak"

  "This does not matter, we will seek out the loyalists to your father"

  "There is no loyalists left they have been hunted down and killed the last one was killed last winter"

  "Not true, the reason I wanted to speak to you is to tell you that an underground army is waiting for your lead across the land.

  "If you are lying to me trickster then I will have you for lunch"

  Chapter Six

  "The army of the warlock has reached the city," I said

  "We are not going to the city," Lucy said flying above us

  Xoanke and I are riding on top her horse Inca

  I'm not happy with riding bitch but Xoanke was stern and I didn't want to upset her.

  "Thank you for helping me," I said to Xoanke

  "I go where my goddess wants me to be, and she wants me to mate with you"

  "About that, is there any way we can talk about that"

  "What's there to talk about"

  "I don't know, I just think, never mind"

  We galloped across the desert and in the distance, a giant figure emerges.

  As we get closer the giant seems to be smashing giant piles of desert rock with a large bat. The bat is the size of a house and the giant is the size of a castle.

  Xoanke stops a good distance away, we are on higher ground and there are several boulders around us,

  We get off Inca and I follow the Amazon to one of the boulders.

  We watch as the giant smashes the bolder, Lucy the crow lands next to us.

  "Is this the only way"

  "I'm afraid so," said Lucy

  "Did you know there are angry giants"

  "How could of I known that"

  I turned back to the giant and saw it was gone

  "That's odd, where did he go"

  Xoanke tapped my shoulder, turning I saw the massive giant standing before us. The smell hit me first, a rotten garbage pit. I almost threw up but I couldn't the feeling stayed with me.

  The giant brought up his large bat

  "Come on," said Xoanke as she ran to the Inca I followed as fast I could, we hopped onto the horse and by the favor of the gods we escaped the blow.

  But we weren't done the giant seeing that we escaped. He started to follow us at great speed.

  "Grab my bow and arrow" screamed Xoanke

  I took the bow and arrow and aimed it at the giant, shooting the arrow at his eye.

  The arrow flew past his large head.

  "This is useless," I said

  "keep trying we have to delay him until Inca can sprout her wings"

  I tried to contract when I noticed something in the giants left the side, it appeared to be a giant thorn.

  "Turn us back around"

  "Are you crazy"

  "Do it I know how to stop him"

  Xoanke let out a groan but she pull
ed Inca upwards and she started to grow wings. And we were flying now toward the giant.

  "Get me close to his side, do you see it that thorn is pissing him off"

  "Get me as close to that as possible and when I get it come back to me and we will pull it out."

  When Inca got close enough to the giant I hopped off and jumped on to his waist my hands around his massive belt.

  The giant was swinging at Inca like a fly but I had enough strength to get to the throne until he noticed me.

  I climbed up the mountain using the belt as a way to climb. Once I got to where the Thorn was I jumped onto it from the belt and onto the thorn, I held it with both hands and just before I feel Inca was hovering next to me. Xoanke grabbed me by the legs and with enough pull, we released the Thorn from the giant. But Xoanke didn't have the strength to catch me and I feel, thinking this is the end. The giant grabbed me in his large hands, pulling me up to his face.

  His rage had subsided and he had a look of peace and gratitude.

  "Thank you, human, what is your name"

  "My name is Prince Tuto my father is King Rodin"

  The giant then sat put his bat down and placed me safely on the ground, he sat down next to me. Inca and Xoanke flew down in a safe enough distance, the actually watched.

  "Thank you, Prince, I'm a peaceful giant but an evil warlock cursed me that thorn"

  "No need to apologize, we don't mean any harm we are making our way down this path"

  "Where are you going"

  I looked around but Lucy was not anywhere

  "That damn bird"

  "What did you say"

  "I'm sorry sir, this the most embarrassing I do not know, my friend and I were traveling under the guidance of a crow"

  "A crow you say"

  "Yes I know it sounds crazy"

  "Not to me, I have many bird friends, what is yours called"


  "Well young prince the road leads to the Jungles of Moore"

  "I see"

  "The jungles of Moore are home to the Heinz amazons"

  "My friend is also an Amazon"

  "Do you know of their race'

  "Not very much"

  "The Amazons are a complex collection of tribes, each one is unique some are peaceful and some are crazed savages. They do however seek out male slaves as mates, but they quickly kill them after the season is over.


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