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Harem Nights Online

Page 11

by Mark Summer

  That place was FairyLand it grew from his mind like a bubble.

  The land was sphere shape, the sky and the ground formed. Then the mountains and then islands and the sea.

  The creatures of the land started in the sea and grew large and wide. Some continued to grow and grow these became giants.

  The giants roamed the ground eating the smaller creatures and making love on mountain tops and bathing in the lakes. The smaller creatures of the land grew tired of the giants. So they banded together and started attacking the giants. The Giants having nothing to defend themselves from the hoards of creatures with sharp sticks and hard rocks. Went to where Aeon was sleeping. They begged and pleaded for him to awakened and save them from the savages that threatened to kill and eat them.

  But Aeon did not wake up, so out of desperation the giants pulled out large trees and threw them at the god.

  This worked and Aeon awoke but he was very angry and turned the giants into stone.

  The small creatures praised Aeon and watched as it went back to sleep.

  As a tribute to their god the creatures which became the four races of Fairyland, would gather around Aeon.

  They would tell stories and dance all night long. Drinking ale and getting pretty messed up.

  While at the party a young fairy named Deema arrived at the party to bake Aeon a pie. But this wasn’t any ordinary pie this pie would awaken Aeon from his slumber.

  So the young fairy went along with her plan and started to cook the pies and the wind blew the scent of her pies over the entire event. All the races stopped their activities when they smelled the pies and started to line up to get a taste.

  The young fairy started to feed the others and then to her surprise and delight she saw the god awaken.

  The others made a path for the god to walk and the god walked right up to the young woman.

  "Hello your highness would you like a pie"

  The god nodded

  The young woman gave the god a pie and it sat down making the entire land rattle.

  It sniffed the pie and then placed it into its mouth.

  "Do you like it"

  "I want more"

  "I will give you more, but I request something from your highness"

  "What is it," said the god

  "I wish to be the queen of the land"

  The others held their breath they never seen such a thing

  "You wish to be queen," said the God

  "Yes and I will give you another pie"

  "Are you god like me"

  "No dear sir I'm a humble fairy"

  "Not so humble that you wish to rule over your fellow creatures"

  "I wish to make Queen because, well someone has to do it"

  "Very well if that is your desire"

  A man this one a human came forward

  "I think this is crazy, why should she be queen"

  "Because she asked," said the God chewing the pie up

  "So you just give someone complete control if they ask"

  "Well did you make this pie," said the god

  Holding up the pie to the man

  "No I mean I'm not much of a baker"

  "What can you do then"

  "I can hunt and use a bow pretty well"

  "Ok give me four arrows"

  The god then threw the arrows in four directions

  "If you or anyone finds all four arrows and brings them back where they can be king or queen"

  The god then put up it's greasy finger

  "but until they are all found the young woman who made me these delicious pies will be queen"

  "Thank you, your highness"

  The queen bows before the god and he smiles down at her

  "So since you are a fairy this land will be called fairyland and you can use the giants for stone to build your city"

  The fairies cheered but the other races cursed the fairies in silence.

  Chapter One

  The last time Chris saw his brother was on a cold winter night. He was reading Nick's short email.

  I have created a world

  I want you to see it

  meet me in Fairyland

  Nick was missing in action for over five years. No phone calls, no emails no letters nothing went without a trace. They went to college together in the Santa Cruz Mountains, they did a lot of drugs and went on crazy adventures. They were just kids then and hadn't a care in the world. That was when Nick started to have an interest in virtual reality. Over time it grew to an obsession, with Chris returning to their dorm room to find Nick covered in computer wire. He said he was trying to get to the other side.

  Chris and Nick parted ways, and Chris moved in with his girlfriend Jessica and over time they lost contact.

  Nick appeared at a bus stop, his blonde hair was dirty and long. He looked like he hadn't slept or showered in weeks.

  "Hey man what's going on haven't heard from you in a while," said Chris trying to break the ice as best he could.

  The sky was grey and it made Nick look much older than his twenty-four years he looked at Chris but didn't smile.

  "Do you got a light"

  "Sure, Sure I do"

  Chris moved next to his brother, he dug his lighter out of his coat pocket and handed it to Nick.

  Nick lit his cigarette

  "It's good to see you, Have you spoken to Dad"

  "Where have you been, we are worried sick"

  "How's Mom"

  "Jesus Nick, I hate to tell you this but Mom passed over a year ago now"

  Nick's face didn't change but he did smile and showed his teeth, they were black as coal

  "Is that so"

  "We tried to contact you but we didn't know where to begin"

  "That's my fault, I'm truly sorry about that"

  "What have you been doing all this time"

  Nick dropped his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out with his doc martins and started to walk away.

  "Wait where are you going," said Nick holding on to his shoulder

  "I have to get back, I'm close you can come if you want"

  "Where are you living now"

  "I have a small studio not far from the college, Mister Kennedy letting me stay there. You remember Mister Kennedy"

  "Sure always had a chocolate stain on his coat"

  'Ya the guy is pretty into his sweets, I think it's going to rain I'm going"

  Chris followed Nick to his studio which was in an old building that used to be the fire station for Santa Cruz.

  Nick turned on the light and what Chris saw was beyond his imaging

  "What is that Nick"

  Chris pointed at the solid black machine that stood in the center of the room.

  "That is liquid"

  "Liquid I have never seen anything like it"

  "That's because there isn't anything like," said Nick with a smirk pulling out another cigarette"

  "What is it for"

  Nick's smile got bigger and Chris could tell he was dying to talk about it but he kept his tone soft and to the point.

  "I have built a doorway into another dimension"

  Chris laughed he looked around the room there was no sign of any bed or even a desk. The only thing in there was a large black thing with wires reaching out from every angle connecting to it.

  "With Liquid I will be able to travel to Fairyland a place of pure light and joy"

  "Nick, I'm scared"

  "Don't belittle brother, Liquid is my masterpiece"

  "Where have you been sleeping"

  Chris walks over to Nick puts his hand on his shoulder

  Nick doesn't look at his brother

  "Nick have you been sleeping at all"

  "I, I mean do you wanna see how it works"

  Nick pulls out of his brother's grip and walks over the many wires to get to the large machine. He then presses an invisible button on the left and the machine transforms into a large seat. Chris thought it looked like a gothic dentist chair.

; "Wow you can sell a million of these to hip beauty salons"

  Nick didn't seem amused not even acknowledging the joke but he sat on the machine.

  "So let's say you get to Fairyland what then"

  "What do you mean"

  "I mean what are you running away from"

  "Who said I'm running away from anything"

  "This thing looks awesome but it's not going to bring you happiness"

  "Did you get all religious on me"

  "No, I'm just saying I think you are here for a reason and building these things to escape"

  "There you go about escaping, it is not escaping it about exploring the mind, you see this machine will transport me to a world of pure imagination. This is where we are going. The future is now, I'm going to be like Neil Armstrong or Columbus"

  "Well don't go murdering native fairies or anything"

  "Listen, Chris, I brought you here because I want you to see me off"

  "Ok how am I going to do that"

  "By pressing that button right beside you"

  "This one"

  "That's the one"

  "Before I do, if nothing happens will you come with me to see Dad I think he will really want to see you"

  "Is he still living in Tucson"


  "Too fucking hot for me I'll pass"

  "Then I'm not pressing it"

  Nick rolled his eye

  "Fine, I'll go if that is what you want"

  Chris pushed the button and warm electricity started to pour into Nick his body started to shake violently. Chris pushed the button several times his brother was killing himself. He ran out of the studio and down the hall where he found the main power switch.

  He pulled the plug and it went dark and that was the last time Chris saw Nick.

  Chapter Two

  The fool appears before the queen. He is dancing, his dance is energetic and his smile is large. His eyes are perfect circles spinning round and round.

  The fool is small and non-threatening, and he makes the queen smile and laughs. This is how he came to be in her court.

  The queen is young and beautiful, her skin is as white as a dove and her hair as yellow as the sun. She sits upon the throne her mother sat and her mother sat before her. Her race the fairy's are the most advanced race in the land. They built cities that seem to float in the air, and their towers pierced the sky like large spears.

  The fairies had long ago given up the forest, to live in the open as equal to the other races of Fairy Land.

  In the palace of the fairy queen the fool dances for three days and three nights. Visions start to appear in the young queen's mind of far away worlds. Far more beautiful than her own. Castles of pure light dot the landscapes, creatures with rainbow skin and their cries are music.

  "What is this you are showing me," asked the Queen

  "Do you like it?" said the Fool

  "Yes, do these places exist"

  "They exist, they exist"

  "How do I get to them"

  "Watch me, Queen"

  So the Fool dances, the court is closed no one may enter. The Queen's friends and family look on as the Queen becomes a different thing a dark thing. The guards try to unlock the door but are unsuccessful. They only can watch through the large windows. Banging and scratching at the glass, the only way she communicates is by writing small notes passing them through the large court doors.

  The notes are riddled with strange requests, demanding treasures that don't exist.

  Sending her armies to fight imaginary battles. The high priests of the court worry about her sanity.

  To the outside world, the queen had lost her mind and has locked herself in her throne room.

  They try to keep this fact under wraps from the citizens of the city.

  "The queen must be saved from herself"

  "Yes but how"

  "We must get in"

  "We are powerless the door is locked and we don't have the magic to open it"

  "She is using her power for insanity, there must be a way"

  "She holds the four elements of fairyland"

  The priests look in as the Queen sits on her throne, her eyes dazed and staring intensely at what appears to be the floor.

  The fool stops his dancing on the seventh day

  "My Queen I'm exhausted I must return home"

  "Please don't go, sir," said the queen

  "But I must my legs are soup and my throat is dry as the desert of Ire"

  The queen rises from her throne

  "What can I do to keep you here"

  The priests on the outside look in

  "What is happening," said a priest

  "She is talking to a spirit"

  "What kind of dark magic is this"

  "Very dark, this has happened before"

  "Nothing my lady," said the fool walking toward the throne room door"

  "You've shown me things, things I can't keep out of my head"

  "Yes I have shown you these things, but I'm not the creator of them"

  "who is"

  "You are," said the fool

  "Do not insult me, sir"

  "No insult intended your Majesty"

  "Please, I must see these paradises in person"

  "They are inside your mind, I can not bring you to them"

  "How do I get to them without your dancing"

  The fool stops and turns

  "There is a way, but you must give up something close to you"


  The fool steps closer and closer eventually he reaches the Queen's ears

  "The arrows"

  "I can not do that"

  "It is the only way, I hope I have not offended thy"

  The queen slumps down the fool whispers

  "I can help, I will be here to help you get to paradise"

  "Follow my instructions and all will be yours, my queen"

  "Very well, when do we begin"

  The fool whispers like a snake into her ear

  "We already have"

  Chapter Three

  In the royal kitchen, a young girl reads. Her name is Amber and she is the most beautiful fairy you ever have seen. Even more beautiful than the queen herself and that's saying a lot. Unfortunately for Amber, she was born low class, she was what was called a Jolt a very low Jolt. Jolts lived nowhere and they were not really seen as real citizens of the royal city of Lind where the Queen and her court were housed. Amber was reading in a cabinet in the corner of the large royal Kitchen.

  She read everything, all the cookbooks in the kitchen and now she had raided the library. She read everything she could get her small fairy hands on. The book that she was reading was called the Hero Codex.

  The codex was odd in that half the book was blank and the other half was the story of a young man who created the world. He was from another place and built fairyland using the resources of his world. The strangest thing about the book is that Amber began to get dreams when she slept.

  Jolts don't have dreams they work and if they do dream they dream of work. Amber was different though for the last couple nights she was getting dreams. Strange dreams of her flying through landscapes of unspeakable beauty. She liked to sleep now and would look forward to sleeping but this made her work less than perfect. This caught the attention of her superior. A harsh and large woman named Waver, Waver wasn't a Jolt she was a normal old fairy. She hated jolts more than most and would hit and abuse them to no end. But she had yet to land a hand on Amber, not that she didn't want to but there was something preventing her. A sort of mental block whenever she should have hit Amber for not peeling the onions fast enough or didn't be a dish good enough.

  She always thought of hitting Amber after the fact. This made Waver mad and angry but for some reason, she couldn't get mad at Amber. Strange isn't I think so, anyway so While Amber dreams of faraway worlds.

  Waver is just arriving in the kitchen and with her is a royal letter from the queen herself. Waver is happy you
can tell by her skin is extra rosy and her large body sort of dances and she enters the Royal kitchen.

  She turns on the lamps and dust off the large wooden prep tables. She checks the letter over and over.

  "The Queen is expecting something different today then her egg white omelet and fruit. This is very exciting I hope I have enough ingredients"

  "Where is that damn girl when I need her she is already late"

  Waver shrugged it off and began pulling out the strange ingredients that the queen had detailed in her letter. A dash of Cine burns, a tablespoon of Horse spice a cup of Griffin butter. Another cup of Seep Milk and a couple of teaspoons of Kin Ginger.

  But the last ingredient stumped her

  "What the heck is a Melodic Crystal powder"

  Waver pulled out her ingredient book which was handing on the shelf above the cutting board.

  She looked through the crusty pages trying to find the recipe for Melodic Crystal powder

  "No luck, no fucking luck, where is that girl"

  Waver heard the small sound of Amber reading to herself.

  The sound of the girl's mumbling came from across the kitchen and Waver turned her large pink head to the direction of the sound.

  "I swear if that is who I think it is it she is going to get it"

  The reading got louder and louder while she walked up to the door of the cabinet she opened and out feel amber onto the floor. Amber was much much smaller than Waver and she looked like a scared mouse when she opened her large brown eyes. And looked up at the large woman staring at her with daggers

  "Amber get the fuck up up you lazy Jolt"

  Amber rose to her feet in a half second"

  "Sorry boss, I'm sorry to maim"

  "What are you doing in there"

  Waver saw the books on the floor

  "Are you reading"

  Jolts were not allowed to read, it was against the law. They couldn't read in their free time and especially during their work time.

  "You know what they do to readers like you"

  "Yes ma'am please don't report me"

  The mental block happened and she couldn't hit the girl but she wanted to very very much wanted to.

  "I have a job for you girl"

  Amber wanted to rubber yes and yawn but she held it in and nodded


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