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Harem Nights Online

Page 13

by Mark Summer

  "Where is the machine now"

  "The police took it, all of it"

  Amber then bit her lip and returned to the book

  Chris shrugged he watched the strange woman look at his book with amazement. Maybe she was telling the truth, the thought that entered his mind stayed and made itself coffee. But ultimately was dismissed as a crazy notion, Fairyland didn't exist.

  "What is your friend's name," said Amber

  "Nick his name is Nick"

  Mathew's car pulled up to the house

  "Speak of the devil, he is back"

  Mathew got out of the car and walked up to Chris and Amber

  "Great you two meet each other"

  "Hi dad I was just leaving"

  "Good, got all your weird books"

  "Yes, I'm going to drive Amber to a hotel, she wanted to say goodbye to you"

  "Ok, well goodbye"

  "Listen, dad, why don't we have dinner tonight"

  "I don't have food"

  "Well lets something to drink"

  "I don't drink much anymore"

  "Why are you treating me this way"

  "Because I don't approve your lifestyle"

  "I don't understand"

  "You know what I mean, you and your California buddies"

  "Do you mean being gay, it's 2025 gay people are a thing, it's not a big deal"

  "To you but you killed your mother with that shit"

  Chris become angry and walked up to his father

  "Listen you old bastard I didn't kill nobody, it was you who dragged her out to Arizona not me.

  "Whatever, you got your stuff and I think it's time for you to go"

  Matthew walked past them and into the house

  Chris tried to smile but he has hurt Amber felt it, so she gave him the book and walked into the house.

  She found Mathew and hugged him whispering in his ear in her language.

  uths wife is wit' Uth always

  She then walked back out of the house

  "What did you say to him"

  "I told him she is always with him"

  "That's nice are you ready"



  "Tell me about Fairy Land"

  Amber smiled and looked over at looking at her brown thighs but quickly looked away.

  "Your kind, Chris what do you wanna know"

  "I don't know, how's the food"

  "The food is great, I work in the kitchen in my city it's a very esteemed job for a jolt.

  "What is a Jolt"

  "A jolt is a worker, it comes from a fairy saying when the Queen requests the first to jolt to her aid will be rewarded with sweets and affection"

  "You love your Queen"

  "Oh yes she is very beautiful but something has happened to her"

  "What do you mean"

  "She has been cursed with something horrible"

  "Oh no what do you mean"

  "I don't know, but that is kind of why I'm here"

  "On earth"

  Amber nods smiling at Chris

  "Do you live around here"

  "I do"

  "Your father said you lived in commie California"

  "Is that what he said, that crazy old man, no I live here in the hot desert"

  "It is hot isn't it," said Amber wiping sweat off her chest"

  "So do you have a boyfriend in Fairyland"

  "Jolts don't have relationships as you humans do"

  "Oh do you know how we do"

  Amber smiled and laughed a little

  "Sorry my grammar is horrible but really I know more about your little world then you realize"

  "OK teach me then"

  "What do you want to know"

  "Well how do humans date"

  "Dating is stupid and a waste of time"

  "Why do you say that"

  "You think you can get love from one person, and when you do you cling on to that one person till you die"

  "Well the way you say it makes it sound pretty horrible"

  "It's a rotten deal for everyone"

  "Why is that"

  "Love is everywhere it is in everything, in Fairyland we know this fact and so we don't date"

  "Do you make love"

  Amber looked over at Chris with a sly look

  "Did you hear what I said"

  "I heard you but I'm curious how do fairies make love"

  "We don't make love we are love"

  Chris gulped when he saw Amber touch her lips, first we kiss with our lips

  Amber then touched her breasts

  "Then we feel these"

  Then amber put her hands down into her warm brown thighs

  "Then we connect"

  Chris staring at the thighs of the beautiful fairy girl in his car made him lose sight of the road.

  A car slams into the side of the car causing Chris to lose control of the vehicle.

  His body slammed against the seatbelt and after the spinning and screaming. There was a brief second of silence and peace. He looked over at Amber who was breathing hard.

  "Are you all right"

  "I, I think so"

  Then out of nowhere a figure in black pulls Amber out of the car, Chris has no time to react when another figure knocks him out cold.


  Chris awakens on the stone ground floor. Liquid pours down onto him his face feels like tenderized meat numb. The pain in his body is rejecting and its unbearable. His hair is tugged by a strong hand and his body is pulled up from the ground.

  The man holding his head takes off his mask and drops it to the ground. He is a handsome man of Asian descent. He looks at Chris with an intense glare that makes Chris's stomach drop.

  "You are Chris Black are you not"

  "Who wants to know"

  The Asian man slaps him across the face

  "You are Chris Black are you not"

  "Yes that's my congratulations"

  The man unleashes his hair and slams his body against the stone wall. The room is a classic interrogation room. He must be in a government building or something. Is this Asian dude an FBI agent or CIA, Chris looks at the mask on the floor. Why was he wearing a mask at all?

  "Your brother is Nick Black that is correct"

  "Who are you, where is Amber"

  "My name is Agent Chow and Amber is safe" The voice of the Asian man turned soft and almost caring.

  "Listen, Chris, we brought you here because we believe you can help us"

  "Help you with what"

  "In completing your brother's mission"

  "My brother, you mean my crazy brother who fried his brain"

  "He didn't fry anything"

  "What are you talking about"

  "What if I told you your brother succeeded"

  "Ok so I need to get some type of lawyer or something"

  "Do you have a lawyer"

  "No, but it seems like the time to get one"

  "You are not being arrested or anything"

  "Who do you work for then"

  "I work for a very secretive and powerful group called Council of 300"

  Agent Chow sat pulled a metal chair over to Chris and sat down

  "We build doorways from this world to the next"

  "I see so you are the fuckers who financed my brother"

  "That's right, we helped your brother build Liquid, his genius was responsible for building the first real doorway to the other side"

  "To fairyland"

  "But something is happening, something unexpected is happening to Fairy Land"

  "What is it"

  "There is a glitch inside the game that wants to get out"

  "A glitch, do you mean Fairy Land is a game"

  "A video game yes very much so"

  "Then what has this have to do with doorways and shit like that"

  "We can create games but they can only be experienced on a screen or in a VR headspace. Liquid the system your brother created allows the player to be transported to the
game fully"

  "So you are a game company"

  "That's right, the council is scared that if this glitch gets out he will create a doorway and the creatures that inhabit that world will come here"

  "Fairyland is populated by fantasy creatures and magic"

  "Yes and our weapons will be useless against real magic the type you see in movies and novels"

  "You do realize that my brother is in a coma"

  "Not really, at least that's not we think, we think that your brother is in Fairyland at least his conscious mind is"

  "What do you want me to do about it"

  "We want you to go in and find him and get him out"

  "What if I say no"

  "Then we keep Amber, our boys will love to turn her into their own personal plaything"

  "You can't do that, she is"

  "She isn't real, she is not from this world and the government of the world will do everything they can to prevent the world from know about her"

  "Why do you need me, I'm not special"

  "Yes but we believe since Fairyland is partly your brother's game that you are the logical choice to play it"

  Chris sighed

  "I can't do this, please send me home"

  "Very well but you may come to regret your decision"

  Chapter Seven

  Days turned to weeks but Chris never forgot about Amber. He hadn't been sleeping well and he hadn't been doing very well at work. Chris was a head cook at the green hat diner. The green hat diner was a popular place for all types. They would gather, the old folks the home bums the gutter punks. The dinner served cheap food quickly and Chris was proud to be a part of it. He loved to cook and would spend time creating recipes he even started dating a pretty waitress named Holly.

  "Life throws us strange balls of slim," said Jose while he cleaned out the dishwasher.

  "Yes you are right"

  "You said this lady was a fairy"

  "She was like a fairy, I don't know if she was real"

  "Where did she go"

  'I shouldn't be talking about this I'm sorry" said Chris sweet dripping from his forehead

  "It's OK boss"

  "No, listen why don't you take the rest of the day off"

  "Really, I mean I do have to get to my kid's soccer game"

  "Yes why don't you do that, I'll take care of this stuff don't worry about it"

  Chris watches Jose get his stuff and wished he could switch place with h young man.

  The rest of the night was spent digging out the trash and cleaning the various prep tables.

  Putting the kitchen stuff away and finally ordering some new stock for next week. Food goes bad quickly and it was Chris's job to see that the kitchen was well stocked. The owners like to do surprise inspections on Chris and he had to be prepared for the next and he felt it was coming up.

  Chris was banging out the order when in walks in Holly who sits on his desk. Crossing her long legs, Chris looks up at her and smiles she has dark lipstick on and Chris watches her open her mouth ever so slightly.

  "Hey cowboy we still on for tonight"

  "Yes cowgirl"

  She leans in for a kiss pouting her lips and Chris leans in as well peeking her lips but she drags him closer and she lays a long thick one on him.

  "You were an animal last night"


  "Where did you learn to play like that"

  Chris shrugged "Lot of porn I guess"

  Holly laughs and hops down from the desk her long hair brushes up against her shoulders.

  "Hey there were some guys dressed in black looking for you"

  "Was one of the Asian"

  "I don't know, they said they will come back tomorrow after I told them you were busy"

  "Thanks, Holly"

  "You are so cute when you are stressed"

  "Thanks to your cute too"

  "I'll meet you in the parking lot OK"

  "Ok meet you there"

  Chris watched Holly walk out of his office, but his mind was thinking of something else man who the hell where those men in black that Holly saw.

  Before he logged off from his computer he noticed a new email from a mysterious ender named 300.

  He had never seen this sender before and when he opened the email he saw that it had a video.

  The video contained to Chris's horror, his fairy friend Amber in a darkened room. She was chained to the wall and then two guys dressed in black and wearing masks began to do horrible things to her.

  Then one of the men took off his mask and stared at the camera. Chris couldn't believe what was happening. But the man who took off his mask was Chris, not someone who looks like Chris but Chriss himself staring straight at the camera with a strange smirk on his face.

  Chris shut the video down and sat back in his seat in horror.

  "This isn't going away I have to bring this to the cops or something"

  Chris noticed on his phone a new email as well and then another each one was the same video but from different days.

  Chris left his office and walked about of the diner and out to the parking lot where he saw Holly playing with her phone and smoking a cigarette.

  Holly looked up as Chris walked up to her

  "Hey babe I got a weird email"

  Chris took the phone and threw it across the parking lot

  "What the hell man I had all my stuff on that thing"

  "Listen to me, someone is fucking with me"

  "Who is it, who is fucking with you"

  "I don't know, I really don't know but I need your help"

  "How am I going to help when I don't' what is happening"

  "Your dad is a lawyer or something right"


  Chris opens his car and gets in, he waits for Holly to walk around and she gets in.

  "I'm scared Chris I never seen you act like this"

  "Is your Dad around"

  "He might be at his office, do you want me to call him"

  Chris sees across the parking lot a black Mercedes pull up with tinted windows

  He turns to Holly

  "Listen, Holly I have to do something, and I don't know if it's smart or not but I think I have to do it"

  "Chris please tell me what's happening"

  "I have to go to Fairyland"

  With that Chris gets out of his car and walks to the black Mercedes Holly begins to cry.

  Chapter Eight

  Chris finds himself in a garden, dirt covers his body and only his head appears above ground. From his viewpoint, he sees in front of him a large cabbage. Next to the cabbage is another large cabbage, Chris is confused as anyone would be. "What the hell am I doing in a cabbage garden" A large man was coming down the row with a large sharp sickle. The man was humming a melody and chopping the cabbage.

  "Hey, man," said Chris

  The man turned to see Chris he squatted down

  "Now you are a very strange looking cabbage"

  "I'm not a cabbage"

  "I wonder how you will taste"

  The large man takes out his sickle and chops off Chris's head and places it in the cart with the other cabbages

  "What the hell why am I still alive"

  "People don't die in Fairyland," said the man picking up the bag of cabbages that Chris found himself in

  "Where are you taking me"

  The man didn't answer and Chris was stuck in a bag full of cabbages for what seemed like hours.

  Then the man put the bag onto a table and opened the bag and placed it onto a clean surface

  "Hey why did you chop my head off"

  "Because that was the orders"

  "What orders"

  "My name is Henry Apple, I run the apple farm but we don't grow apples so don't even ask"

  If Chris had arms he would have put them up in a whatever mankind of pose

  "I would really like my body back"

  "Can't do that son, what I can do is offer I new one"

  "I knew one,
Henry I really liked my other one"

  "Just go along with what I'm offering it will make life a lot easier for the both of us"

  Chris sighed

  Henry walked outside the room and then returned with three bodies on a cart

  "I got three that might suit you"

  "Wow what a selection"

  "Don't get smart, now pick one so we can get on with your mission"

  Chris looks over the bodies, they are all the same but then he notices hovering over them, a menu.

  The menu drops down when he stays on the bodies for more than a few seconds. The first body.

  A merfolk that died in the sea battle of 39FE against the human navies, his stats are as followed,

  Gender: Male

  Race: Merfolk

  Class: Warrior

  Strength: 12

  Intelligence: 18

  Wisdom: 8

  Charisma: 14

  The next body was a Human wizard died in the battle of 38FE his dates are as followed.

  Gender: Male

  Race: Human

  Class: Wizard

  Strength: 9

  Intelligence: 18

  Wisdom: 15

  Charisma: 10

  The third final body was of an Orc Trader who died under mysterious circumstances his dates are as followed.

  Gender: Male

  Race: Human

  Class: Trader

  Strength: 10

  Intelligence: 11

  Wisdom: 5

  Charisma: 19

  "Hey man I thought you said no one dies in Fairyland

  "So what"

  "These guys look pretty dead to me"

  "This is a video game my friend, these weren't players they are simply coded, they don't die"

  "Ok got it"

  "Pick already"

  "I'll go with he merfolk dude"

  "Really are you sure"

  "Yes why, do you have something wrong with MerFolk"

  "No, I really don't but" Henry stops himself

  "What tell me"

  'Nothing it doesn't matter let us get this over with"

  Henry picks up Chris's head and places him onto the merfolk body and then starts to sow the neck shut. He then takes out a vile of skin colored glue and places it around the holes covering them up.

  "Alright you'll all set"

  "That's it"

  "Yup that's it"

  Chris with his new body lifts his arm and looks at the strange blue skin and his fans make him uncomfortable and Henry notices this

  "Hey you wanted to be a mermaid, can't back out now"


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