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Hunger of the Heart (Wolves of Ravenwillow Book 1)

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by Magenta Phoenix

  “Don’t think to get too comfortable in your job here and don’t think to run to my mother when I fire you. I will be the one paying your wages and I will decide the length of your employment. Furthermore, I don’t give a damn about your references or how you acquire them.”

  Any other woman would have felt insulted, but not this woman. Rebecca simply shrugged her shoulders in acceptance. It was oblivious that she wasn’t going to be an easy woman to control. But his mother was right; he couldn’t go on stretching himself too far. He needed to focus on the pack and his business. If another pack or even a member of his own pack, felt his leadership was weak, challenges would be issued for his title.

  “When did you usually show up for work in that past?”

  “Six in the morning until three or four in the afternoon,"

  “You’ll start tomorrow. Be here at 4 A.M. Your shift will end at 6 P.M. We’ll discuss conditions of your employment then. Don’t be late. You can show yourself out.”

  Eric couldn’t prevent the smile of satisfaction that came over his face as he strode from the kitchen and back into his office. He would be accepting her resignation by the end of the week. She wouldn’t last three days after spending so much time in his domineering presence. He could guarantee it.

  * * * *

  Rebecca ignored the pain as her teeth sunk down into the soft flesh of her bottom lip. She prayed for patience, forcing her expression to remain blank as the man before her glared and growled. She’d seen his type before. How this man came from such a warm hearted person as Sarah Daniels was a mystery. His looks favored his mother’s but not his personality. He had the same blue eyes and dark chocolate richness as her, with the exception of the silver streaks throughout Sarah’s flawless locks. His skin held a dark, sun-kissed tan from the amount of time he must spend outdoors.

  She refused to be drawn in by his attractive good looks. She was here for a job, not to make friends. Eric would just one of the many jerks that she’d worked for in the past, and he wouldn’t be the last. Rebecca needed this job. Not that it was her only option, but it was if she wanted to stay in Ravenwillow.

  Ravenwillow had always been her home. Years ago, the death of her family had driven her away and forced her to make a change. She’d worked for a family in Darkwood Springs; a small town nestled in the woods of Canada. But it was time for her to come home and face her demons.

  Ravenwillow a lot like Darkwood Springs, it was a small overlooked town in Virginia. It was seventy-five percent of forest land and not many jobs were available. Not that she was complaining. Rebecca loved children, despite their parentage. She’d finally gotten enough courage to come back to her hometown and she’d do just about anything to keep from resorting to relocating for work. She’d be damned if she let Mr. In-need-of-manners was going to change that.

  As he strode from the room, Rebecca let out a sigh of relief. Uncurling her tightly clenched hands, she felt them slightly shake from fear. He had to know what she was, just as she knew what every person in this house was, Werewolves. He moved just like the men that guarded the compound where Doyle’s pack resided. Doyle’s family or those that lived under his protection never knew her secret and she would make certain it stayed that way. Just by watching the way he moved and how his muscles shifted and danced under his dark skin, she could practically see the wolf that lurked beneath his skin.

  Her small hand reached up to cover her racing heart. To any other person Eric Daniels would have seemed like an ordinary man, but beneath his rough skin, Rebecca saw a dangerous animal. Beneath her clothes she could still feel the scars, burning painfully against her skin as a silent reminder. Memories long buried, threatened to resurface against her will. Memories of the fateful night that she’d discovered the existence of shifters and the danger that came with them.

  “Rebecca?” Jerked from her thoughts, she turned to see Sarah walking towards the table, a concerned expression on her face. “Are you alright? I know my son can be a brute sometimes.” Sarah seemed to be at a loss to explain why Eric didn’t want her here.

  It's because I'm human, weak, worthless and unpredictable a threat in the eyes of all shifters

  Rising from her chair, Rebecca plastered a false smile on her face. “I’m fine.”

  “I hope he didn’t make you reconsider taking the position. Travis and Emma are wonderful children, despite their father’s personality.”

  “It would take more than some parent growling at me to do that.” She teased lightly, hoping that her words didn’t give away her secret.

  Smiling warmly at her, Sarah motioned toward the living room. “Would you like to meet the little ones?”

  “I’d love to.”

  Following Sarah into the living room, Rebecca silently prayed that Travis and Emma were as easily fooled as their father. All she had to do was keep her head down and survive long enough to do her job. And pray that her secret remained hidden. Because the moment they discovered what she knew, it would mean her life.


  Three Month Later…

  “Damn you, Rebecca!” Eric cursed out from down the stairs; his voice flowed down the stairs into the kitchen. Emma and Travis looked up from their breakfast and then at Rebecca. Sitting next to two wide eyed children, Rebecca had found her morning beginning as normal.

  For the last three months her routine had remained the same. Around 4 A.M. she showed up to cook breakfast for Travis and Emma then she would wake them up, get them ready for school. But every morning for a month she would sit at the table and share breakfast with the two wonderful twins while reading the news paper. It was usually then that Eric would come storming down stairs growling at her over some adjustment that she’d made in the household and how it infuriated him.

  Setting her newspaper aside, she released a deep, tired sigh. Bringing her coffee mug to her lips, she was thankful for the rich caffeine that rushed through her. Something told her she’d need it today.

  “Can I have some?” Emma’s small voice asked.

  Rebecca’s heart nearly melted at the look of innocence in little Emma eyes. In such a short time she’d found herself growing impossibly more attached to Eric’s children.

  Chuckling, Rebecca shook her head. “Coffee is for grownups. You wouldn’t like it, drink your milk instead.”

  “Dad lets us have whatever we want after you go home.” Travis remarked, while placing a fork full of pancakes and syrup in his mouth.

  “Well, I’m not your dad and I say the last thing you two need is caffeine.”

  After both gave her a disappointed look, Emma and Travis turned their full attention back to their plates. The silence was short lived, just as Rebecca turned her attention back to an interesting news article, Eric’s booming voice vibrated down the stairs.

  “Rebecca! Get up here, now!” Rolling her eyes, Rebecca rose from her seat, tossing the newspaper down next to her steaming mug.

  “Eat your breakfast. I’ll be back.”

  Striding through the living room, she kept a relaxed pace as she climbed each step, leading to the second floor. Passing both Travis and Emma’s bedroom, she stopped just outside of the master bedroom.

  Inside the room, Eric was presently stalking back and forth across the length of his bedroom in a desperate search of something. His chocolate brown hair was slicked back, still wet from his shower as moister glistened off his square jaw. The strong columns of his legs were incased in gray cotton suit pants while his white button up shirt hung open, not a single button done. Against her will, she found her breath catching as a shiver of awareness that shot through her body at the sight of him.

  Leaning against the door jam, she tried to look away from his glistening sculpted and defined chest. “You bellowed?”

  Turning to glare at her, Eric approached the door, anger evident on his face. “Why do you do this to me? Of all days, why did it have to be on the day I have a meeting? Now I’m going to be late because you couldn’t leave my things alone.”
br />   “Eric, if you want me to help you need to speak in plain English. What’s the problem?”

  “Where the hell are my ties?” he growled out.

  Why don’t you sniff them out? Biting down on her lip to keep her laughter from escaping, Rebecca folded her arms across her light blue t-shirt.

  “Did you try your sock drawer?” she smirked.

  Narrowing his eyes at her, he stomped over to his dark five drawer dresser. After jerking the top drawer open, Eric rolled his eyes as he let out a sigh of relief. Jerking a silver silk tie out of the drawer, Eric quickly buttoned up his shirt while looking back at her.

  “I don’t care how you clean the rest of the house, but leave my room alone.” He growled out, his hands busily tucking in his shirt.

  Pressing a finger to her chin in an attempt to look pensive, she mumbled in a low voice. “I don’t remember that clause in my contract.”

  Glaring at her, his fingers moved with efficient speed as he knotted the tie around his neck. “Enough of your sass, Rebecca, It’s too early for it.” Crossing over to the bed, Eric shrugged his arms into a dark gray suit jacket. Turning his attention back to Rebecca, his expression softened. “Listen. I’m probably going to be late getting home tonight, so if you could go ahead and put Emma and Travis to bed for me.”

  “No problem.”

  “Also, I may be bringing some of my workers back with me to go over this new house I’ve been commissioned to design.”

  “The work of an architect is never done?”

  Chuckling, he shook his head, “Not for me. Any way; as soon as me and the guys get here, you’re free to go home.”

  “Alright,” She nodded in agreement. “Wait; your tie is crooked.” Approaching him, Rebecca leaned into Eric’s warm frame.

  With quick movements, she loosened his tie to straighten the knot around his neck. Unconsciously; Rebecca moved closer to Eric, examining her completed work with approval. Looking up at his face she was surprised to see that he was studying her. Not looking at her, but studying her. His eyes narrowed and Rebecca felt herself go still. Her heart pounded so loudly in her chest that she was for sure that he could hear it.

  Out of nowhere, she felt a shift in the air around them. A heat swept through her body like a rush of liquid fire. The warmth of his body flowed over hers, bathing her in his masculinity. She longed to feel this hard arms wrap around her, caressing her, loving her. Her hand unwillingly slid from the smooth cloth of the tie to lie over the heavy muscles of his chest. At the soft touch of her hand, his muscles flexed and shifted beneath his sun kissed skin.

  Struggling to fight off whatever had come over her, unwillingly, her eyes drifted from his tense expression to his firmly set lips. He possessed lips that made a woman just want to nibble on. The thought brought amusement to her and a strange need to attempt such an action herself.

  * ~ *~ *

  Her scent assaulted his nose, playing havoc on all his senses. Causing his wolf to awaken and fight for supremacy, fighting for the female he wanted. His wolf had never reacted to a female like this before and it concerned him. The worst part was; his wolf wasn’t the only one to react to Rebecca’s close proximity. Instantly he could feel his cock jump and pulse beneath the fabric of his clothes as her fingers brushed against his chest and her hand encircled his tie innocently.

  Why was he reacting this way to her? She was human, after all. His interest should end right there because of that fact, but instead, he felt a strong force pulling him closer to her. The temptation was almost too strong to resist. In the last few months everything about her seemed…he didn’t even know the right words to explain it to himself. All he knew was that she seemed…more, more than she had been since he’d first met her.

  Her melted chocolate hair and eyes shined, nearly glowing with an ethereal beauty. Her smooth, porcelain skin nearly had him begging to place his mouth and tongue against it. His hands ached to glide over the soft curves of her flaring hips and round buttocks. And don’t even get him started on her mouth.

  Against his will, Eric watched as her eyes focused on his tie as her small pink tongue slipped out to wet her bottom lip. She may have meant the action to be innocent as she was lost in her concretion, but it stirred a need within Eric that he thought he’d long since buried.

  For a moment he simply watched her. There was something different about her. Slowly he felt her hand drift down from his corrected tie to his covered chest. The brush of her small, soft fingers were like a drug and in the back of his mind it left him craving more. His eyes locked with hers before drifting down to her plump sinful lips once more. All he needed to do was to cut away the space between them and then he could taste the forbidden fruit standing tauntingly in front of him.

  There’s no harm in just one taste, is there? His inner wolf inquired.

  Like fingers brushing at the inside of his mind, Eric jolted at the voice echoing inside his head. It was his wolf. Never had he heard his wolf’s voice so clearly in all his life. His thoughts of surprise at his beast emerging were quickly pushed aside as a need beat through his being like a battle drum. His cock hardened and pulsed with a painful need that he couldn’t name, it was a hunger for something—no, not something, it was for her.

  No. He wouldn’t.

  Like a deer caught in headlights; he froze. He hadn’t even realized that he’d been so enthralled with watching her that it was then he realized that his hands were reaching out to touch her face. What was he doing?! What was he thinking? Rebecca was not for him. Not even for this moment.

  He had to put an end to this before it went any further and before he wolf gained power over his mind. With his wolf so close to the surface, he knew if he stayed in the same room with her a moment longer, he would do something that he would regret. He had to get away from her. Shoving his wolf back into its isolation, Eric forced his hands slowly back to his sides, praying that Rebecca had been so focused on her task that she’d not seen him move.

  “Are you done yet?” He forced the harsh words from his lips.

  Surprised, Rebecca stepped back, letting her hands fall away from him. Eric didn’t miss the embarrassment that she quickly hid. More than anything he wanted to draw her close to him.

  Hold her close? What was wrong with him? Why was he even thinking of doing something like that?

  Shaking his head at the absurdity of the idea, he pushed it from his mind. Fearing that he may not be able to hold back from her any longer, Eric quickly grabbed his black leather jacket off his king size bed and left without a backward glance.

  *~ *~ *

  Left standing in Eric’s room as he stormed past her, Rebecca found herself shaking her head with confusion. Closing her eyes, she covered her face with both of her hands before dropping them with a groan. What just happened? How did simply fixing his tie nearly turn into her nearly kissing him? What was wrong with her? Forget about how much she’d probably embarrassed herself in front of her employer. Did she have so little regard for her life? The moment Eric or any other shifter discovered that she knew about them, her life would be forfeit. No amount of kisses or lust would change that.

  Releasing a heavy sigh, Rebecca’s hand stroked the scars that lied beneath her soft blue t-shirt. Reminding her that she could never trust Eric, no matter how much she wanted to. She needed to build some space between Eric, herself, and whatever this building infatuation was.

  More likely his werewolf allure, simple chemicals in the brain, nothing more.

  “Becca!” The high, sweet voice of Emma shot up the stairs, startling Rebecca out of her haze. Quickly leaving the alluring atmosphere of Eric’s room, she made her way down the stairs with relative ease. Waiting at the bottom of the stairs, Emma was struggling to hold up her pink, Dora the Explorer book bag while she struggled to zip it up.

  “Here let me.” Gently taking the book bag from her and zipping it closed, Rebecca proceeded to help Emma slide her small arms through the short pink straps. “Ready to go?”
she asked smiling down at Emma’s calculating expression.

  “Yep!” Emma beamed up at her, excitement lighting her eyes.

  Chuckling, Rebecca rose to her full height, “Let’s get you and your brother to school before you’re late.” Enfolding Emma’s small hand with her own, they made their way back into the kitchen. By the front door, Travis stood with his entire focus on the game boy in his hands.

  “Travis, do you have everything you need?” She inquired while grabbing her purse and keys, with Emma still clinging to her other hand.

  “Yeah,” His mumbled out answer caused Rebecca to smirk. Shifter or just plain human children were all the same.

  Her routine of getting Emma and Travis off to school began as normal. After a short drive up the road, she pulled up in front of their school, a familiar teacher waited by the curb to escort children from the vehicles and onto school property. The teacher smiled at Rebecca as he bent down to look inside her small gray Honda from the passenger side.

  “Hey Becky, how's it going today?”

  “Hello Rick, Just the same usual stuff.” Rick Evert, Emma and Travis’s Math teacher. Rick was a thickly built man; he was tall, but not as tall as Eric. His hair was the color of dark wheat. Rebecca had met him the first time when Eric requested that she attended a parent-teacher conference with him, giving the teachers a chance to meet her.

  Nodding with a smile, Rick moved away from the passenger door and opened Emma’s door, helping Emma and Travis out of the car. As they disappeared inside the building, she couldn’t prevent her eyes from roaming over to three small giggling children rolling around on the soft green grass. Often times she wondered how many teachers and students were shifters. She only prayed that Emma and Travis had a few fellow shifters that would understand them.


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