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Games Empaths Play

Page 5

by Cynnara Tregarth

  Taking her time going down the stairs, she watched as Flit passed her and headed toward the kitchen. At least Flit made things seem normal. “Flit.” The silver and blue ball stopped as she spoke. It hovered near eye-level, always awaiting her next command. “Please have someone make me a piece of toast or a small breakfast sandwich before I leave. I’m starved, and I doubt I’ll get to eat anytime soon once I leave the house.”

  “As you wish, Lady Astra.”

  “Thank you, Flit. I appreciate it.” Once downstairs, she stopped in the hallway as a stray thought caught her short. Before her was one of the few pictures she had of her mother and father together.

  Staring at it, she wondered why on Peruth her mother had married her father. He was a good businessman in House Crysomark, but Allista had had the chance to marry outside the House. Guaranteed her freedom through Sedonia, Allista instead chose Giles Crysomark. No one had understood the reasons, not even those closest to her parents. Allista looked much like Astra, with long blonde hair, a curvaceous body, and a straight nose. The only difference was that Astra had her father’s eyes, while her mother’s were a pale, icy blue. Seeing her father standing there smiling alongside her mother, his dark hair not tinged with silver, Astra wondered if her mother’s death had somehow unhinged him. Allista had died suddenly, but no one in the House had ever told the young Astra the cause of her mother’s death. Questions filled her, but as the smell of eggs wafted past her nostrils, her stomach clenched in hunger.

  She walked past the picture and took the left fork, entering the gleaming grey and white kitchen. Approaching Verona, the family cook, Astra asked, “You heard the news?”

  “Yes, Astra. How are you?” The older woman embraced her, providing Astra the only comfort she had known for most of her childhood and adult life. “I’ve made you an omelet. If I remember how these things work, you probably won’t get food ’til later tonight, child.”

  “Thank you, Verona. What would I do without you?”

  “Eat out all the time and ignore the basics in nutrition, which would kill your abilities,” the woman teased while forcing Astra to sit at the small table. “Eat.”

  “Yes, Verona.” Astra picked up her fork and stabbed at the luscious omelet before her. “How did you know I’d want something like this?”

  “I heard you come in this morning. What happened that you stayed out all night?”

  The blush was there before she could repress it. “I fell asleep at the Negotiation Hall last night. I guess my worrying on things and then the blowout with Father knocked me for an emotional loop.”

  She felt Verona’s gaze on her, but there was no way she could explain everything that had happened, not with her and the brothers Helspawn. In fact, in some way, part of her debated if it had really occurred or if it was a release that had been a long time coming. Concentrating on her food, Astra ate the delicious egg-cheese-and-vegetable dish. She sipped on tangelo juice, enjoying the sweet taste with the savory food.

  Flit hurried back into the room. Astra wondered when he’d left, as normally she was attuned to the little flying computer’s action, since he was her prototype to the FLI8 series out on the market. “Flit, where did you go?”

  “Company is here for you, Lady Astra. I’ve taken the liberty of seating them in the living room.”


  “Head of House Helspawn and his brother.”

  “Ah. Thanks, Flit. Verona, time for me to go. Thanks for being here. I don’t know when I’ll get back. Can you put something in the fridge for me that I can reheat and eat?”

  “Not a problem, Astra. Go wash up and go see your young men.” Astra whirled and looked at Verona, who smiled not-so-innocently back at her. “Did you think I wouldn’t guess? You’re much like your mother before she married. They are good men and ones whom I think you need more than you realize. Go. They won’t be patient for much longer.”

  Impulsively, Astra hugged the older woman. “Thank you. But this means, later, you need to explain that comment about my mother.”

  “I know, and now it’s time. Before now, no, I’d have never risked it. Go.”

  “Love you much, Verona.”

  “And I, you.”

  Feeling a bit lighter inside, Astra left the kitchen, stopping in the bathroom to quickly brush her teeth before meeting Noah and Timeon. Why she was preening when she wore no makeup, she wasn’t sure, but still, her mother had told her often when she was young that bad breath was offensive, even when in sorrow. Once that was finished, she strolled easily through the archway into the living room.

  Her gaze found both brothers standing in front of the fireplace, gazing at her family pictures. They spoke quietly and shielded their thoughts to where she couldn’t pick up any emotions from them beyond concern. As she stepped forward, they straightened and turned simultaneously.

  “Are you okay?” Timeon asked, offering her his hand. “We grieve with you.”

  “I’m all right,” she responded, stepping forward to take his hand with hers. “Thank you for being here.”

  Noah said nothing, but went behind her and wrapped his arms around her in comfort and solace. Warmth and acceptance flooded her at his touch. Then Timeon pressed against her, and in their arms she felt safe, protected, cherished. They said nothing, just enveloped her in their strength, and for once in her sheltered life, she realized what it meant to be special.

  Yes, you’re special to us, Astra.

  Truly, Timeon?

  Don’t doubt us, love. We’re not going to leave you alone through this. We’re here together now, and we’ll be here for you whenever you even think our names, Noah answered. You’re a damn special woman, and you deserve this.

  Thank you, Noah. I -- I have to admit, this is a lot tougher than I thought it’d ever be.

  “Talk to us angel,” Timeon coaxed as he pulled back a bit. “What about this death has you so worried?”

  “Besides the fact that you and your father didn’t seem to see the same way on things,” Noah remarked, pulling Astra to sit on the couch between them.

  “That’s part of it,” she sighed, laying her head on Noah’s shoulder while her fingers intertwined with both men’s. It seemed so natural to be affectionate with both of them. “Father and I never seemed to get along, not even when Mom was alive. Never a kind word, but always pushing me to be the best empathic receiver, sometimes making me try for things I didn’t understand.”

  “Like what?” Timeon stroked her hair.

  “Once, when I was about fourteen, he had me try to focus on one mind only and to drop my shields and see if I could read it, not just interpret the emotions.” Astra felt them look at each other, then down at her. Could they know something that she didn’t? Feeling that what she remembered could hold a key to understanding her father’s death, she continued. “Many times when growing up, I felt more like a thing than a person. Granted, I went to the best schools and had some of the best empathic trainers, but the only warmth at home was my mom and Verona, who’s now my cook and majordoma for this place.”

  Stopping, she bit back the tears that threatened. Talking about her mom often brought up a shock of emotions, but this time it seemed to want to overwhelm her. A finger softly wiped away a tear as she sniffled. Her gaze rose and met Timeon’s. “Do you want to continue?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes. My mother died when I was thirteen. While she was alive, Father wasn’t as harsh in how much he pushed me. Mom wouldn’t let him. Once Mom died, the only restraint on his behaviour was removed. What’s tough is that no one will speak about my mom’s death.” Sensing their rising anger, she sought to defuse it. “It’s not like he abused me physically or mentally, but he was cold and uncaring. At Mom’s funeral, he cautioned me to not cry, to not shed a tear, as the daughter to the head of House was to be elegant and in control. Thing was, he hadn’t been confirmed as Mom’s replacement as head. I don’t think many in the family wanted him to be. But somehow, he was chosen.”

  “Do you think he had blackmail on other family members?” Noah’s voice was warm. She needed warmth; speaking about her father always made her feel ice cold. But his words made her pause. Her initial thought was No, that’s not possible! but now, part of her wondered if that was how her father got the position.

  “I don’t know. I really don’t. But I wouldn’t rule against it, Noah.”

  “’Tis okay, Astra. We don’t know, and we might never know, the truth on that, but continue. What else has you upset?”

  She gave Noah a wan smile. “My shielding isn’t so grand right now. I guess seeing my mom and father’s picture combined with his death has really affected me.”

  “Why do you call him Father and not Dad?”

  Startled, she blinked. “You know, I’ve never called him Dad. Not any time in my life. He was always Father. He never encouraged informality. But Mom was always Mom, never Mother.”

  “You loved your mom very much. We’re like that with our parents. Dad had a tough time with his parents; they were very into the whole head of House thing. But he and Mom always made sure we knew we were loved and wanted.”

  “You’re lucky. Both of you. For the longest time, Noah, I felt almost like Father hated my mom and me for some unknown reason. Granted, Mom was head of House and he wasn’t even considered for the job when Sedonia’s husband died, but she was also the empath and he wasn’t,” she said slowly, piecing together things she’d picked up, overheard, and other puzzle pieces that had remained apart for her entire life until now. “There was something -- something I thought I imagined I overheard as a child, but now ... now I wonder.” Glancing up at the stuccoed ceiling, she tried to piece her thoughts together without sounding stupid. “My parents fought on things, often out of my hearing, but I had gone down after finishing with the upgrades to Flit, and they were arguing over me.”


  “My computer that opened the door to you. It’s the beta for the FLI8 series. It’s like an interactive date book, communications center, and more. Expensive, but I think he’s more than worth it. Luckily for me, I didn’t have to pay for him, just create him and make him feasible.”

  “What did they say about you, dearling?” Timeon asked.

  “I only caught bits and pieces of it. Something about my ‘genetic makeup is Crysomark,’ and there was a comment about my mom’s past. Her old boyfriends? Something I didn’t quite understand, and my mom slapped him and reminded him that he was only there because of what he did. Not for any other reason.”

  “Dearling, I don’t want to upset you --”

  “Just ask, Timeon. Right now, there isn’t anything more that could get me more upset.” She watched as the brothers exchanged glances and sighed heavily. “Please, just ask. No more silent glances and such. If you know something, tell me.”

  He stroked her cheek, flooding her with caring and support. “Is it possible that you’re not Giles’s daughter?”


  “Could another man be your father, love?” Noah asked again, his hand now stroking her hair, urging her to lay her head back down on his shoulder.

  The idea stunned her. Was it possible? Mom, did you cheat on Father? Is that why he never loved me? Part of her considered the question logically, dissecting all she knew surrounding her conception and birth. There were rumours about where she had gotten her empathic talent because Crysomark had no history of any class-ten empaths. But her mother had other psychic talents that could have upped her daughter’s empathy. Couldn’t they?

  “I don’t know. I guess, maybe, it’s possible.” She stumbled over the words as her mind processed what they were saying. The idea seemed so preposterous, but with the memories flooding her, she wasn’t so sure anymore.

  Before she said anything else, Noah’s hand cupped her chin as his lips moved slowly over hers. “Shh, it’s okay, love. It’s okay. Don’t think. We’re here. We won’t leave you.” Then his tongue slid possessively against her lips, delving past them to mate with her tongue. The emotions behind the movements were of concern, caring, and something deeper. Something that called to her and begged her to reciprocate. She hadn’t known them long, but they made her feel whole, most especially this man, this empath who put her welfare first in her moment of need.

  Her arms went around his neck, her body pressing against him. Then she sensed Timeon scooting closer against her. The feel of his hand against her lower back sent her forward more, until her ass lifted slightly off the couch. A tugging up of her dress and she felt the cool air against her naked backside. She shivered at the sensation, then moaned as his hands cupped her ass.

  Timeon’s emotion tugged at her, giving her quick images of what he wanted her to do. She pushed against Noah and slid one knee up on the couch, so she was almost pouncing on Noah while giving his brother access to her naked ass. A small voice told her that this wasn’t appropriate behaviour for the head of House to be doing in the time of mourning, but she shut it up. She needed this, this loving, this affirmation of life and care. They knew it, and without satisfying themselves, they were giving to her unselfishly. It touched her heart and soul. The need for something more than what she had was finally filled, if she were honest with herself. “Please, Timeon. Touch me,” she whispered against Noah’s neck.

  “I will, my dearling,” he purred.

  Before she could urge him, she gasped as his tongue slid down her slit. Her body instinctively arched toward his open mouth, urging him onward as she renewed her attack on Noah’s throat, placing openmouthed kisses up and down it. Each lick that Timeon gave her, she mimicked on Noah’s neck and lips. “You both feel so good, so safe,” she whispered.

  “We won’t ever hurt you,” Noah promised as his hands caressed her breasts, encouraging her to touch him how she wanted. Moaning his name, she leaned into his hands while her mouth covered his.

  Their tongues met, both demanding and giving. This was what she’d wanted for so long, and now it was here, with him. His taste was exquisite -- chocolate, mint, and something more, perhaps a touch of cinnamon. Whatever the taste, she loved how he seemed to meld with her, around her. His emotions were open to her, except those most private. He cared for her, and he loved how she touched him.

  She slid her fingers down his grey shirt, enjoying how he shivered beneath the silk material. “You entrance me, Noah Helspawn,” she whispered.

  “You fascinate me, Astra Crysomark,” he replied as his fingers speared her hair. “You make me want to rip aside the mask that houses Lady Astra of House Crysomark and find the woman who craves to be loved, touched, and cosseted.”

  “Yes, I’m here,” she cried, his lips covering his again, her fingers stroking down the shirt and back up. “I’m here, Noah. Please don’t leave me. Neither you nor Timeon.”

  She felt Timeon’s response as his fingers entered her wet pussy and his mouth brushed against one ass cheek. “I won’t leave you, Lady Astra, dearling. I won’t. We will be with you always.”

  Her body tightened as Timeon’s fingers continued plunging deep within her, pulled out slightly, and slid back in, each time harder and further. Moaning, she arched with the rhythm, allowing herself this moment to feel complete, allowing herself to let go of the problems before her, giving herself this moment with these men. Trembling, she bit Noah’s lip as her orgasm rumbled through her body. Suddenly darkness overtook her, along with the sensation of happiness.

  Noah eased Astra off his body, helping Timeon to lay her down on the couch. “That was unexpected,” he grunted as he rubbed his temples.

  “She’s repressed a lot of feelings. Class-ten broadcaster, at the least,” Timeon responded as he looked at Astra. “Getting her to believe and testing it will be tough.”

  “Considering we just got bashed by her orgasm, and that was with only our personal mental shields being up, nothing more, I think we should be able to get others to believe in it.”

  Timeon shook his head. “We can’t do that, Noah. You know as
well as I do that the official records list her as receiver only. Her father lied about her broadcasting skills. He’d have lost her from the House if the truth were known.”

  Noah let loose with a string of curses as he knelt beside the woman he thought of as mate and wife. There was no way she’d survive the governmental bullshit that would come if it came out. They’d strip her of House, home, and job, all in the name of keeping the planet safe by utilizing her talents for the planet. To lose everything, including the protection of a House, would decimate most people, no matter how resilient they were. “But why hide her true talents? Even if he wanted to prevent her from being taken, he could’ve claimed her as heir to the House -- which she was anyway, without declaration.”

  “Because she would’ve been put through genetic and full testing, which couldn’t be allowed,” said a voice from the doorway.

  Both men jumped and stared at the person. “Who are you?”

  “The one who knows the truth about Astra and, until today, the only one who truly loved her beyond her mother.” The woman stepped into the room. “I’m Verona, her nursemaid, her mother’s best friend, and Sedonia’s daughter.”

  “Then you should’ve been --”

  The woman held up a hand. “We will not discuss House Crysomark policy. But know there is more to the young woman you love than even you’ve guessed at. I know much about House Helspawn. Both Gerard and Kaledonia are friends of mine.”

  “You came to see us when we were just tykes,” Timeon noted.

  “Ah, you do remember me, then,” she answered, a smile brightening her face.

  Noah squinted at her. “You changed the results. When we were ten and tested for the Academy.”

  “Yes, I did. I created the damn tests and the machines. I saved you and your parents much grief.”

  “Like you did for Allista, Astra’s mother.”

  She said nothing, but went straight to the unconscious Astra. She bent over and brushed back the younger woman’s hair. Timeon spoke again. “You helped Allista.”


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