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Games Empaths Play

Page 11

by Cynnara Tregarth

  “Have you abided by your oath, Trifecta?” Astra asked, inclining her head slightly while lifting her hand to encourage them to speak.

  Valinora nodded. “I have upheld my oath to all Peruth -- nonempath and empath alike, Mistress Astra.”

  “And you, Hect?”

  “I don’t have to --”

  “I invoke Truth Right along with Mistress Astra,” Timeon said, his tone light, but filled with determination. “Thus with two heads of House invoking said right, if you don’t answer, you’ll be held in contempt of the Prefects as well as your own oath and removed from your position.”

  Hect glared at her and the brothers. Astra tried to restrain a smirk, but Timeon and Noah were supporting her perfectly. Thank you. This will prove to be interesting. You up to disbanding the Trifecta?

  Sure. Do we want to?

  Yes! Noah’s voice rang out in their minds.

  I think it’s time to force the issue. They either help bring empaths on par, or we have them disbanded.

  So you know about the others?

  I know there are others, but not any details.

  Quickly the men caught her up on what they’d found out from Valinora’s room, while she showed them what she’d researched and more. In the space of five heartbeats, all the information was transferred and digested. They realized that their world stood on the precipice of a new beginning. They would lead the way, just as Valinora and others like her wanted, after all. There was no choice, no game -- only a way to love and a free life.

  “Mistress Astra?” Flit twittered, his lights flashing a private code at her.

  “Yes, Flit?”

  “I’ve discovered the key to your father’s codes, and this might be the opportune moment to share what I deciphered.”

  “Please do, Flit. Thank you. Perhaps then we can see if Hect and Gavin are willing to answer the question put to them.”

  The little robot hovered closer, making sure that all saw him. Projecting a picture of Giles into the air before him, he began reading the suicide letter to Astra while putting the emotional subtexts in place. “This is how it reads. The code is actually the pattern of emotions. Anger, despair, anger, resignation, desperation, anger, hope, anger, despair, fury.”

  “What does this have to do with us?” Gavin demanded.

  “Everything, Sir Trifecta. The code is based upon a word-emotion association. By correlating the pattern with Giles Crysomark’s codes. Your name as well as Lord Hect’s are mentioned, Lord Gavin. The letter’s secret contents read:

  “Though you were not my child, I was elected to raise you because it wasn’t known that you weren’t mine genetically beyond honouring the eye colour chosen by Verona. But you have been watched by those in the highest levels. When it was time to allow you your rightful place, Gavin and Hect of the Trifecta came to me and offered me the place as head of Crysomark, if I was willing to go against policies to help empaths. Since you were not easily controlled, I jumped on it, helping you to take those government jobs. You thought they were because you merited them, but in reality, it was to force you out of the ruling position of the House. You are abhorrent to me and many like me who know that high-level empaths are nothing but living machines to be used for those meant to rule. Hect and Gavin agree. Only Verona stops them from passing legislation to guarantee that empaths are to be completely regulated and controlled. Please note that I never loved you, and I kept you only because you were useful. May you be cursed by my death. Giles Crysomark.”

  The silence was daunting, but not uncomfortable. It was just as Astra had thought. Internally, she patted herself on the back while shoving aside the painful comments of the man she had called Father for so long. So now the truth was out, and with it there was freedom. She was glad it was over. No more lies. There would be no more lies in her life or ruling her life. “Well, gentlemen?”

  Both men blanched at her words, her icy demeanor. They knew she had them. With this information, she could easily have them exiled to the hotter islands near the equator, which was unlivable. It wasn’t what she wanted to do, but they would be forced to being more open. As she clasped her hands, she moved her fingers, signing what she wanted from Flit. His acknowledgment told her that he had anticipated her and had been taping the entire process and sending it to one of the television stations.

  “It’s a desperate man’s letter. There is no proof.” Leave it to Gavin to clutch on to anything to avoid what was happening.

  “Actually, Sir Gavin --”

  “That’s Lord Gavin, you piece of metal!”

  Astra held up her hand. “It’s Sir Trifecta Gavin; it’s questionable how much longer Lord could be used. Your actions go against the meaning of the Trifecta. In fact, we know the Trifecta has no basis in the laws of our world. And don’t threaten the computer again. He’s mine, and millions of viewers who are watching this would be very pissed off at you both.”

  “You tape us without our permission!” Hect roared, storming toward Astra, his hands outstretched. “You wretched empathic bitch!”

  Both Noah and Timeon moved in front of Astra, Noah grabbing the enraged man and subduing him in two quick movements. Timeon shot a look at the standing Gavin. Astra never moved, never flinched. This was what she had trained for her whole life. To deal with those who hid their emotions, who hid their intentions to the ill of all Peruthians. She inhaled deeply and turned her gaze toward her mother/aunt. The glitter in Valinora’s eyes and the smile on her face told her what she wanted to know. Valinora had done this just so, and now it came to fruition.

  Then Flit spoke. “I’ve also uncovered the correspondence between the two Trifecta members and Lord Giles, Mistress Astra. Shall I forward it to the proper authorities?”

  “Oh, yes, indeed. Include anything you feel is necessary. Use the standard six-eighty encryption code, Flit.” She turned her gaze to Gavin. “So, you’ve violated your own oath, you’ve lied to the head of House, and you’ve tried to kill, hurt, or reduce the status of empaths, which is against the core of beliefs established by our ancestors. Why?”

  “Because I’m not an empath and I’m perfectly fine. Why should empaths be given more benefits, more training, or any other luxury that’s not given to nonempaths?”

  “I agree that empaths and nonempaths should have equal opportunities at learning and developing their skills,” Astra explained patiently. “In fact, I’d say that nonempaths should be given opportunities for more schooling, as empaths and other psi talents usually pick up their training fairly easily. But that doesn’t answer why you’ve treated them as less than human. The genetic records as well as Peruthian law shows that not only are we empaths humans, we’re the hopes of the past to help keep this world alive and functioning in a peaceful manner.”

  Gavin spat before her. “Empaths are nothing more than useful tools. You are encased in a human body, but you can be misused, just like any other machine. More controls are needed in order to make sure that you don’t tap into a person’s mind you’re not supposed to.”

  “I see.” And the thing was, she really did. It was the ultimate of fears. But it was based on a lie. Time to break the lie out in the open. “I’m sorry you feel that way, especially when evidence shows that empaths can’t read the mind of anyone unwilling, only the emotions. The only time empaths can read minds is if they’re a fellow empath. The whole mind-reading fallacy is just that -- a fallacy made by the conspiracy theorist because he refuses to acknowledge his own guilt.”

  Gavin stood there, clenching his hands. His career was in ruins, and they both knew it. Everyone in the room and watching the impromptu live conference knew it. Astra decided to be done with it. There was the funeral to deal with, as well as her personal life. Standing, she placed a hand upon Gavin and another on Hect. “With the power vested in me as head of House Crysomark and as Prefect within our governing body, I remove you both from office for failure in your duties and for breaking the ancient binding laws of our land. As the Trifecta is not w
ithin the legal binds of our ancient laws, I formally disband it. Lady Valinora shall be taken back into House Crysomark with full honour for maintaining integrity, and when the time comes, she’ll become head of Crysomark when I take over the duties of matriarch of House Helspawn. This way, our tradition of those best suited for the ruling of our House is maintained.”

  She pushed on both men, letting them know that she controlled this moment, that she did what Peruthian law demanded. Then she smiled at her betrotheds. “I do believe we have my father’s funeral to attend.”

  Walking past all of them, she left the room and ran for the stairs to her old room.

  Chapter Nine

  Later that evening

  Astra leaned against the back of the couch in her home, letting out a sigh. It was over. The funeral had gone off without a hitch, even with all the reporters and other government officials who were there. She reached over, taking both men’s hands in hers and squeezing them. They had run interference, letting only select people into her presence. Noah had been a bit more vocal on them intruding, but Timeon’s steadying presence had helped to make the process simple as he came clean to the public about having hidden being a touch empath because of his fear of being taken from his twin and his family, thus making the plight of unusual kids into the next crusade to save those who were taken illegally.

  Their group marriage contract was approved by both Valinora and the twins’ parents. Though they weren’t required, they wanted it on record because the aftermath of the corruption fallout put the three as contenders for the position of Trifecta leaders, something none of them wanted but might be forced to accept.

  “So, my beloved betrothed, what runs in that head of yours?” Noah asked, kissing her neck.

  “Honestly, just the government stuff. Feel like you were bamboozled into it, and now you’re stuck doing what Valinora and the families wanted from the outset?”

  Timeon sighed, nodding his head. “Yes. I feel we’ve done exactly what they wanted. Did you see the look on their faces at the funeral? You know they were talking about it.”

  “But what counts is that we’re together,” Noah insisted. “You will make this a permanent marriage contract, right, Astra?”

  She stood up, pulling the men with her. As she led them to her bedroom, she answered. “Yes, I want it permanent. I don’t know if I want to bring anyone else into this marriage, unless Timeon wants someone for his regular playmate besides me.”

  “Maybe one day. Right now, I’m thinking my brother and I would enjoy sharing you enough to not need another person in our group,” Timeon replied, his lips whispering against the back of her neck. “As for everything else, it’ll become clear what is wanted from us in the next week or two, once our business merger is finished.”

  “True,” Astra agreed, walking into her bedroom. She gestured for the men to sit on the bed while she stood looking at them. “I love you both. I’m sorry I went away like I did, but it was necessary. When I tell you I need time alone, I mean it.”

  “We were afraid that --”

  She kissed Timeon on the mouth, silencing his explanation. When the kiss ended, she smiled. “I know. But know this, if I ever need time alone but need you to come for me, you’ll know. Trust me.” Sliding her hand down his shoulder, she paused at his hand. “I promise that.”

  “Good,” Timeon remarked. Her hand caressed his cheek, then went to Noah’s. She mimicked the same gesture down Noah’s arm, stopping at his wrist. Leaning in, she captured his lips with her own.

  After a moment, she pulled back and smiled. “I love you.”

  “I love you,” both men vowed simultaneously.

  “Now, remember when you both teased and taunted me?” Astra asked, knowing a sparkle lit in her eyes.

  “Yes,” Noah answered hesitantly.

  “Check your hands,” she chuckled. “You’re both my captives now. That means that you will do as I say.”

  Both men tried to move their hands and noticed them attached to the poles and to each other. “What the hell are you doing, Astra?” Noah demanded.

  “Sexual revenge at its finest,” she replied, peeling off her gown, exposing her naked body to them. She grabbed a small pen-like instrument from the nearby nightstand and put it to the seams of Timeon’s clothing. When the device clicked, Astra did the same to Noah. Then she tugged, watching their clothes fall apart, leaving them completely naked before her. She put the device back on the nightstand. “I’m going to tease you both, and neither of you will be able to do a damn thing to stop me.”

  Then her lips closed over Noah’s erect cock while her left hand stroked Timeon’s. As she hummed, both men groaned in simultaneous desire.

  “Oh, gods, the games empaths can play,” Noah moaned in happiness.

  “Yes, indeed,” Timeon responded as both men submitted to their soon-to-be wife’s loving revenge.

  Cynnara Tregarth

  Born in Chicago, currently living in the Peninsula state, aka Florida, Cynnara loves to write, has always been writing or telling stories. Unfortunately for her, it means that her sense of direction sucks on occasion, but she can tell you all about ancient history. She always writes hot, but on occasion, delves into various other genres. Yet her first love is paranormal with various other genres tossed in for good measure.

  You can find Cynnara on the Web at, or email her at

  * * * * *

  Read on for a tantalizing glimpse of

  Jack’s Back

  by Cynnara Tregarth

  Available Now from Loose Id

  Jack’s Back

  Ian watched the exchange, listening as the two ladies quickly exchanged pleasantries. Hannah was a great waitress and always kept her mouth shut when the other members of the Metropolitan came into the diner. Tiana was hot, intense about her work, and somehow turned him on more than he wanted to admit. Yet, they were colleagues. He couldn't just let lust take him over. He doubted she realized that she was tempting him. That's what made it almost unbearable -- she had no clue what she did to his body. There was a peace in touching her so casually like this, though he was ready to do something drastic, like kiss her. Once they were done conversing about the owner, Ian spoke. “Hannah, when you're ready, can I have my usual?”

  “Sure thing, Ian. Two eggs over-easy, light toast, fruit cup, and a glass of juice.” Hannah turned toward Tiana again. “What about you, Tiana?”

  “Hannah, tell the cook I want a New England breakfast and thank you for placing heaven in London.” Tiana licked her lips in anticipation.

  I'd make you lick your lips if we were alone. In fact, I can almost guarantee it'd be pleasurable for us both . Ian bit back a groan, turning it into a cough, trying to not think of a naked Tiana on her knees before him. Both women rolled their eyes at his coughing fit.

  The waitress giggled. “Will do. Good thing his name isn't Joe, huh?” With that, she headed toward the kitchen while Tiana laughed hard, her face lighting up with pleasure.

  “Thank you so much for bringing me here, Ian. This is a treat that I've not had in ages.” Tiana chuckled. “‘Eat at Joe's.' I love it that she knew the old joke!”

  Ian reached and squeezed her hand. “Anytime. I'm glad. This must be a taste of home for you and remind you of your father.”

  “Definitely. Plus, to be honest, American breakfasts are awesome.” Tiana sipped her coffee, savoring the hot, strong brew. A lusty sigh emerged from her. “Oh, gods, real coffee. I think I might have to buy stake in this place to make sure I get real coffee beans.”

  Ian threw his head back and laughed, causing several patrons to turn their heads toward them. Again, he kissed her hand, scooting her closer to his side. “You're hilarious, Tiana. You're the first woman I've known that actually enjoys food and drink with a passion.” Carefully, he brushed back a lock of her auburn hair, delighting in the feel of it. Imagining the caress of it against his naked flesh as she leaned over him, sucking on his cock.
br />   “When you've done without and think you're going to die, you learn the art of appreciating the simple things that you take for granted. In addition, like my mother, I do not function well without two cups of good coffee. The sludge that Al claims is coffee is water compared to this.”

  Within ten minutes, their orders arrived. Tiana's face lit up at the sight of English muffins, two jams, two hardboiled eggs, and a small bowl of cinnamon oatmeal. It helped to distract herself with food so she wouldn't focus on how Ian's touch was making her feel. Feel? Hell, I want to undo his pants and fuck him. Hades to high water, I've been too long without a man's touch. Maybe Jules was right -- perhaps I need to start dating again. I'd love to fuck -- I mean date Ian. Damn professional ethics . “Oh, Hannah, tell the chef, I love him and will need to negotiate regular meals, since I live a couple hours or so away.”

  “Will do, Tiana. I've never seen a customer so happy before.”

  Tiana grinned at the woman. “This is a special treat I've not had in years. My thanks to the cook.”

  Hannah skipped happily away. Ian turned his gaze to Tiana as she spread grape jam on the muffin, then took a solid bite. The moan of appreciation caused his cock to stand up, and his body tightened with a rush of desire. If she made that kind of sound during sex, she'd make him climax in a heartbeat. She ate her food with relish, pausing only to lick her lips for crumbs. He felt his cock press hard against his slacks. Bloody hell, this woman has me hard. It isn't fair that she has this effect on me when she seems to be so nonchalant about things.


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