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About the Author
Adam Leith Gollner has traveled around the globe to report on the fruit underworld. He has written for The New York Times, Gourmet, Bon Appétit, The Globe and Mail and Maclean’s. The former editor of Vice magazine, he is also a musician.
This is his first book. He lives in Montreal.
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Anchor Canada edition published 2009.
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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Gollner, Adam Leith, 1976–
The fruit hunters : a story of nature, obsession, commerce, and
adventure / Adam Leith Gollner.
eISBN: 978-0-385-67351-8
1. Fruit. 2. Tropical fruit. 3. Fruit-culture. 4. Fruit trade. I. Title.
SB354.8.G65 2008a 641.3′4 C2008-900588-0
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