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The Anime Trope System: Stone vs. Viper, #11 a LitRPG [Alice Edition] (ATS)

Page 8

by Alvin Atwater

  I’ve got some time before we launch the plan , she thought. A quick trip to Lot City, to at last get into Tear’s panties…oh who was she kidding, Lilith wanted to find HIM.

  That warrior.

  She spawned her wings into existence and took off. If she Jumped, her minions would sense that use of magic and barge into her room. Or worse, notify her friends. This flight…a secret flight of love. Lilith was going to pull that man with all of her charms.


  Sawing Glades…


  Alice watched Clyde get dragged away by an old man and pouted. So much for taking a bath together. She supposed she could do more training, work up a sweat. Clyde should be finished by the time of her return.

  The half-demoness eyed a box of chocolates sitting carefree on the table. She tried to look away, tried to focus on the front doors—just one step outside into the cold breeze…Well, one chocolate wouldn’t hurt anything. They were for the guests! Meant to be eaten. Yet they were just sitting, ignored by those who probably couldn’t afford to enter the overpriced hotel. Alice would do the right thing.

  She grabbed the box and sat on the overly soft lobby sofa. Unwrapping the first chocolate sent her to a land of bliss, her face flushed. She glanced at the box. Rum-infused chocolates.

  What’s rum, the half-demoness thought. She shrugged. Maybe it was some sort of sugar or spice to get the unique flavor with the chocolate. The nutty crunchiness made the young woman grab another. And another. And another. She hiccupped.

  “Mmm, so good.”

  Episode 56 (Part 3)

  Stolen Castle…

  Aunder couldn’t shake off the unnatural scorn Su Yang’s “spirit” directed at Dire. She loved the munchkin during her living days. Maybe…his hallucinations were simply projecting his own frustrations?

  Was he missing something? As an esper, Aunder could virtually breathe psychic energy. It helped him easily utilize chakra, his favorite source of power. On the contrary, Ki made him sick. It wasn’t exactly a weakness; he simply didn’t like it.

  The man aimed a hand outside his main room’s window.


  Suddenly, smoke burst from his hand, followed by a brief, but intense blast of pain. The gods probably blocked Aunder from this source of power, not that it helped much. The man could access taint. Hell, if he wanted Venus dead, she’d probably be dead. All deities and beings of celestial were weak to taint. One would think creatures of evil and darkness would use that element exclusively to wipe out their enemies of the light, but an element that was too good to be true would of course be a double-edged sword. Taint was neither good nor evil, just itself. The manifestation of corruption.

  Aunder allowed his mind to wonder back to the main object of his thoughts. Su Yang.

  Abruptly she appeared in the mirror, staring at him with caring eyes. She smiled. Why did he hallucinate this? What was she trying to communicate from wherever the hell her soul rested? No…that wasn’t possible. This image formed from the mind, a result of him missing her presence. He pictured all of her expressions, from the times he pissed her off, to when they ate together.

  Really, Su Yang kicked his ass into gear when he felt like lounging for the day. On the other hand, Aunder could never cross the line with the woman. He knew what he’d done. They started the fight really and in return, he soul-bonded them. Of course the man left their free will intact. There would be no fun in getting stuck with mindless zombies. Somehow, all of that led to him saving countless lives and performing heroic deeds—all outside of his original plans. He supposed the Venus sisters were clever enough to influence him to do so. As servants of the “light,” they couldn’t stand by and allow people to die horribly before them. In a way, Aunder underestimated the sisters just as much as they underestimated him.

  Su Yang’s peaceful expression shifted to tears, then utter hatred, before she vanished. He saw Dire cheerfully approaching his room in the reflection.

  Why did he hallucinate this? What was his brain trying to tell him? This couldn’t be some mere jealousy from the beyond.

  “Aunder-sensei, I found it,” Dire said, passing him a glowing box. He opened the medium-sized box and pulled out the read cloak inside.

  “Try it on,” Aunder instructed. “Your magic should make it work for adult form too.”

  “What is it?” Dire asked.

  Aunder pulled the hood of his cloak up.

  “A chance for you to be just like me.” He grinned. “That’s the Red Reaper’s cloak. I’m not compatible with it, but it will surely provide you the protection needed from the dark goddess we’re about to visit.”

  “It smells funny,” Dire said.

  Aunder sighed.

  “Just put the damn…” He shook his head. “You’re going to be the death of me if I don’t teach you the ways of gratitude.”

  Dire stuck her tongue out at Aunder, gaining his comical snarl.


  Sawing Glades…


  [Congratulations, you’ve learned the Soul Heart Cooking Line . Your cooking abilities will adjust to this automatically. The ass-kicking training enabled you to think differently about the process of cooking.]

  [+ 300 Cooking points.]

  [You have gained a cooking level. You have jumped to cooking level 25. You have jumped from non-cook to Average Chef. You still have a way to go before you could ever hope to stand up to Yuki.]

  [You have learned Food Summoning Fighting Food-Ons. Type: spiritual. Class: *Legendary * You may mix food ingredients then channel your Ki into the concoction to summon a creature to fight for you. It will gain your combat level and skill, so keep training! It will also have a special attack that you may will it to use. Caution: it’s a one-use ability that will unsummon the creature afterwards, so think carefully. The cooldown for this randomly shifts and can be lengthy at times. Have fun experimenting! Who knows what kind of creature you could make… ]

  [You have received 3 cooking talents. During a cookoff, you must spend CKP to activate them. You can only activate them once. Sometimes a condition must be met before activating talents.]

  [You have received Cooking Passive Skill: Soul Heart Style. Class: *Legendary * You can make it so that everything you cook has a Soul Heart spin on it. 0.01% chance of +9M% to flavor bonus. ]

  [You’ve earned the title, Cooking Guru.]

  Clyde took the opportunity to glance at his new cooking profile.


  Cooking line: Soul Heart Cooking Line.

  Cooking level: 25

  CKP: 320

  Cooking Talents:

  -Balancer seasoning: at the right time, you can get an upward of 15% to the flavor bonus. Talent rank: C

  -Spicy flash: add in a spicy forward or aftertaste to your dish. Perfect for those craving spicy food. Time it right for an upward of 12% towards the flavor bonus. Talent: B. Chance of accidentally going all out with the spicy: ???%. It is up to you.

  -MSG. Cheat. MSG makes many foods taste better. Talent rank: Evil and F. You can only use this if you actually have the food additive available. No worries, it is perfectly safe; however, using this will definitely show people that you’re a complete amateur. Judges may outright refuse to eat your food. Use this as a last resort and in secret. However, you will always know that you’re a chump, sore loser. This is not a part of the Soul Heart style package.

  -DOODLE DOODLE CRISP! Crisp up your food. Adds an additional flavor profile to your food. Time it right for an upward of 23% toward the flavor bonus. Talent: B.

  Cooking skills:

  Soul Heart Style . Class: *Legendary * You can make it so that everything you cook has a Soul Heart spin on it. 0.01% chance of +9M% to flavor bonus. [Passive.]


  - Sweet-berry Alethian Soup recipe. Rank: C.

  - Comforting soup recipe. Rank: D.

  - Alonian Chicken Soup Recipe. Rank: C.

  -Soul Heart
Cooking recipe package . Rank: S*

  Cooking Battle Abilities:

  -Food Summoning Fighting Food-Ons. Type: spiritual. Class: *Legendary *

  He cut the prompt off there, having read the ability already. The young man performed a Japanese-style bow to the old man.

  “I know I was a pain in the ass, but thank you for teaching me,” Clyde said. The old man chuckled.

  “Just make sure you properly use what I taught you, boy,” he said. “Now that I’ve passed on that cooking line, it is up to you to add to it.” He turned. “Maybe someday, you’ll start challenging Master Chefs. Don’t embarrass me.”

  He walked off. Clyde blinked as he noticed the plate in front of him. A meal prepared by Master Chef Hector…

  The young man paid his respects, enjoying the super-incredible flavor profiles of the meat and seasoned rice, and sushi.

  “You’re so lucky,” a hotel staff girl said. “Not only do you get to eat his cooking without paying an arm or leg, but he taught you. Are you related? Do you know him? Are you single?”

  Clyde waved away the staff girl’s comments.

  “He probably saw a part of himself in me.” He shrugged and finished the meal.

  “Well, let’s see, who do I make the bill out to—hey!”

  Clyde was already back in the front lobby, not in the mood to deal with some jealous clerk. Alice anime-dove into him, flushed.

  “Clllllyyydeee.” She giggled. “Let’s make babies right here.”

  Roaming hotel staff blushed, sighed, shook their heads or a combination of the three.

  He eyed the chocolates on the table. Of course. Alcohol-spiked chocolates. And Alice actually got drunk from them.

  “I’ll take her to the bath,” Tear said as she emerged from a hall. “Care to join us?”

  “I’ve got nothing better to do,” Clyde said truthfully. A butler, seeming to be in his twenties, glared daggers at the young man. Clyde ignored him. After spending an hour or so with his massive boner swinging and smacking for training, then brutally trained for another set of hours by a manic master chef, he needed a break.

  He almost fell asleep in the relaxing bath. It was only by luck that he caught Detective Tetra in the front room by herself later that night. Dressed in a black night gown and a robe with matching slippers, her presence brightened the room, even with the lights on the lowest setting, allowing the moon to do most of the illumination. Long black hair, hazel-colored eyes, pointy ears, and Yuki-level breasts, the dark elf seemed lonely.

  “Can’t sleep?” Clyde said, taking a seat on the couch next to her. He made sure to leave enough of a gap as to not invade the dark elf’s personal bubble. She moved closer to him anyway, glass of scotch in her hand. He knew that because of the bottle on the table in front of her. To think this world imported drinks from Earth and didn’t know it.

  “I’m just thinking about my homeland,” Tetra said.

  Clyde nodded.

  “Messalay. You said you weren’t born there.”

  Tetra eyed him.

  “I was born in Royiko. Nation’s seat of Yaponiya. What about you?”

  “You know I’m not from this world,” Clyde said. “Honestly, some things here are the same, but a lot of it…well—it’s different.” He couldn’t exactly tell the woman that Satovia was created by a god that loved anime.

  “Do you…want to go back?” Tetra said.

  “At first, I did,” Clyde told her. “Everything was foreign, but overtime, I came to love it. So to answer your question, no.”

  Tetra laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Good. You’d truly be missed. You’re a unique individual Clyde, housing knowledge and customs of another plane of existence. And you’re goddamn hilarious.” She chuckled. “Natalia told me how that training went.”

  “Oh god,” Clyde said, spiraling the dark elf into laughter. He grinned, making a mental note to scold the loli later. He could almost see an image of her smirking evilly at him. “Can you believe that it actually works.”

  “I sure can,” Tetra said as she righted herself.

  The two talked a while longer. Somehow Clyde managed to steer the conversation onto food. He convinced the dark elf to let him prepare her a late-night snack.

  The hotel staff didn’t mind allowing the young man to put the Soul Heart cooking style to use as long as he made enough for the entire graveyard shift. Only six people. They were all impressed, especially Tetra. She believed him to be a spoiled man, letting Yuki do all the cooking. And sure while her food still beat his, it was surprisingly tasty.

  [You earned 10 cooking points!]

  [Congratulations, your cooking has risen to level 26!]

  [Quest completed. Road Trip Stage 2! Bonus EXP awarded for blowing her away with witnesses! Well done!]

  [You’ve jumped to level 145! Stats increased! You can now command your food monsters to explode onto unsuspecting enemies.]

  [Your relationship with Tetra has increased to Friend- Closer level 7.]

  A double increase in level! Nice , he thought.

  After another hour of chatting, Clyde and Tetra hugged in the middle of the hall, but instead of parting ways, the young man’s erected tower sparked something within the dark elf. A light kiss exploded into passion. She pulled him into her room. The feeling of large breasts, tight and wetness, and lust brought the duo closer to each other.

  He pulled out in time.

  “You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you that it was my first time,” Tetra said.

  “What? Really?” Clyde said.

  “I normally work maybe twenty-hour days,” she said. “Relaxing and time off come to others easier than it does me. My friend, Ling, complains about it all the time.”

  “You seemed quite relaxed when I joined you on the sofa,” Clyde said.

  “It felt strange,” Tetra said. “No papers, no cases, no interviews or making arrests. I needed the scotch to calm my nerves. When you joined me for a conversation…well, I was quite happy. My friends sometimes joke about me being unapproachable. Deep down, I thought it was true.”

  Clyde eyed the woman with a new respect.

  “You’re not unapproachable,” he said. “Although…some people can get intimidated by your beauty.”

  Tetra blinked then laughed.

  “Every woman likes to be told their beautiful. It’s mostly a human thing, but when it rubs off, there’s no going back.” She kissed Clyde. “Thank you.”

  A round of intense sex later, Clyde found himself in the bath. Here’s to hoping he could improve himself for day two.

  He opened his hotel room door via keycard, slipping into the bed. His fiancées were in their own rooms, knowing damn well that the bed wouldn’t hold them all. The fancy rooms appeased their anger. All thanks to Tear’s good tastes in hotels.

  Wait…someone was in his bed asleep. He pulled back to see Yuki’s sleeping face. Clyde shrugged as he crawled into the blankets. The demoness immediately cuddled into him. In fact, she tossed her leg over the young man, triggering the erection.

  Miraculous libido and high endurance. The next morning began exactly as one would expect. Wild sex with Yuki. At least he didn’t forget to pull out.

  Episode 56 (Part 4)

  Lot City, Yaponiya…

  Early afternoon…

  Arch Priestess Ichiko and the high priestesses, Megu, Emi, Jade, and Yami were on their way to meet this Head Maiden. If the Stone chose her to be the head, Ichiko and the others had no choice but to accept that. Duty, protecting the world, came before the personal needs or preferences of the Stone Maidens. None of the young women were going to abandon the teachings after all of the hardships.

  It was late night on the Stone’s side of the world, but Clare sent a text message on behalf of the Stone Maidens, requesting a formal introduction.

  Ichiko honestly couldn’t wait to meet him. She was so relieved to hear Clare’s praise, although deep within that voice sounded like a woman who wished….
she could be closer to him. Stone Maidens were only allowed to lose their virginities to the Stone, but that didn’t exactly apply to shrine maidens. Clare helped relive a huge question. What if this Clyde turned out to be some creep? Sure, the maidens weren’t going to take the abuse, but Ichiko was afraid that attempting discipline on the Stone with just five, instead of thirteen of them, would go horribly wrong.

  The young woman allowed her thoughts to drift to Team Stone. She saw most of them thanks to the news camera’s persistence. There…were more women than men. Way, way more women. Ichiko had no problem with this as it felt a bit more comforting than being at the whims of a bunch of unknown men, but…that number was just too many.

  Ugh. She wasn’t sure why she secretly hoped to forge a relationship with the Stone. It wasn’t fair that they were bound to him and him alone. Not fair! But the duty of a maiden did not involve love. Nope…Instead it was wisdom and combat and blah blah blah. She could picture her grandmother laughing at her. What a cruel woman.

  “Jae could you lower the volume of your crunching,” Megu snapped. Jae ignored her, lacking emotion as usual. In fact, her munching grew suspiciously louder.

  “Don’t start with her,” Emi whined. “You’ll only make things worse.”

  “Don’t defend her,” Megu said.

  “Knock it off,” Ichiko barked at all of them. “You’re supposed to be High Priestesses. Act like it!”

  Yumi smiled at her sadly. Ichiko pet her head.

  “Without you Yumi, I’d have a head of gray hairs,” Ichiko said.


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