About Time
Page 3
The moment Hallan pulled his suspendcraft up to her family unit’s home, Amsen’s chest tightened. Part of her didn’t know what she was doing here, but the bigger part needed to confront her parents, ask why they put her in such a situation, and why had they dragged Hallan into the mess?
The craft lowered to the ground. “Amsen.” Hallan’s voice came out tight and tense.
In Hallan’s residence she thought they might have a chance, but then the damn cube vibrated, it literally was a time block to everything good. Her life was controlled by cubes and by males, but somehow she won a small victory when she convinced him to take her to her home during their Merging Time. The fact he gave in made her emotions toggle between hope and despair. “Thank you for doing this.” She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“We did not inform your family of our visit. They are not expecting us and we are taking up others’ time,” he growled.
No one was every pleased with her. She could do no right. Rather than waiting for him to help her out, she slid the panel of the suspendcraft open and ran toward her home, or her old home, she didn’t know what anymore.
The door opened and she dashed past her father, noticing they already set up for her arrival.
“Amsen!” Her mother shook her head and motioned for Amsen to follow her. “What are you doing? You can’t be here until the Union Ceremony.”
“Well, I am here and now you have to deal with me.” She followed her mother to the meal preparation area.
“Shh.” Her mother shushed her.
In an effort to calm herself she took a deep breath. “Were you that desperate to get rid of me? Forced partnerships were done away with star cycles ago.”
Her mother put her hands on her hips. “It was time to get your life together.”
“What did you do to me that I woke up in bed with a male I didn’t know?” Fine, she stomped her foot.
“You can’t tell me that was the first time that happened,” her mother whispered.
“At least it was my choice. At least I lived.” She let out a yell and rushed away from her mother, into the front room where she only stopped for a moment to glance at her father and Hallan. Unable to face any of them, she charged into her bedchambers.
Already the room appeared different. Her artwork was off the walls, her knickknacks gone.
“My daughter.” Her mother entered and softly slid the door closed. “Please understand we had to take action. It was time.”
Amsen wrapped her arms around her shoulders. “Why does everything have to be on such a schedule when the things that really matter aren’t on a schedule?”
Her mother came up behind her and gave her a hug. “You always felt things deeper than everyone.”
“They said grandma had more time and they were wrong. They said if my brother had more incubation time he would live.” Unwanted tears blurred her vision. “So it was time for me to find a partner, it’s Merging Time, a Union Ceremony. What does it matter?”
“It matters because we have to control what we can.” Her mother’s voice softened. “Now let’s talk about something that matters right now.”
She turned and took in the female who raised her. Gorgeous in her elegance, her iridescent hair dulling a bit with age, but still she was stunning.
“Tell me, is he…” Her mother smiled and shrugged. “…satisfying.”
“Mother.” How could she answer that? Did she tell her of all the males she had ever been with this one seemed the most experienced, the most caring, the one who wanted to please her? Did it have to do with the fact he felt she was his partner? Did such a relationship make that much of a difference?
“When we met him, I had a feeling he would be excellent.” The woman let out one laugh. “That’s extremely important, you know.”
She glared at her mother. “There is something about him.” Something she didn’t even want to admit.
“He’s a good male. He will take good care of you. As time goes on, he will become a part of your heart and you will barely remember when he wasn’t in your life or you didn’t want him.” Her mother smoothed down her hair.
“What if it wasn’t my time?” Too many questions wracked her mind that there just wasn’t enough time to sort them all out. “Why does everything have to be so controlled and contrived?”
“Did you ever think it was time for something and maybe you just didn’t know it?” her mother asked. “Don’t you at least owe it to your family and to Hallan to make it through the Merging Time? He let you come here, it seems as if you are sharing control.”
“He let me. What if I just wanted to go.” She continued this age-old argument.
“That is a partnership.” Her mother countered.
“What if I decide not to go through with it?” In a bit of defiance, she lifted her chin. “You let me start this on a lie of the worst kind.”
“You will make it to the Union Ceremony and we will never speak of how your partnership began other than it was arranged, which is not a lie by any means.” Her mother’s tone took on a hardness, a finality. “I know you would never disgrace the family by ending a partnership with a good male for no good reason, and you would never divulge secrets which you yourself can’t remember and would make your family union appear in a bad light.” She stood up taller and gave her one of those knowing looks, one that truly told Amsen who had the control.
Amsen paced around her room, stopping at the bedding, picking up her favorite blanket and hugging it to her chest. Partnerships cut short for any reason were disgraceful, and the parties involved had a hard time recovering if they ever could.
“Now, go to your partner, get back on schedule, and I will see you in seven days.” Her mother patted her back.
Blanket still in hand, Amsen returned to the front room. “Hallan.”
Instantly, her partner stood and crossed his arms. “Amsen.”
Her eyes darted over to her artwork then back to him. Maybe he didn’t know she was forced into this relationship, but now he knew she was a worthless artist. She refused to apologize for her creation and stood up straighter.
“Is there anything else you need to tell me?” His tone came out terse and accusatory.
She swallowed. There were too many things to tell him. All things that she would have to hide. Maybe with time she could move on, she couldn’t disgrace her family. “No.”
He pointed toward the exit. “Then get in the vehicle. We have no more time to waste.”
She walked forward, stopping at the door to turn and look back at him. There were parts of taking control that were scintillating, if kept in the proper place.
“I said its time to go home.” He led her out.
She let him take her to the suspendcraft, but swore if her life was going to come down to minutes and seconds she wouldn’t make it to the Union Ceremony. However, for the sake of her family unit she had to give him another chance.
“I know we are late, but how about I prepare some food?” Amsen walked past Hallan and into the meal preparation area.
She put her hands on her hips and looked around. While she was no expert in domestic affairs, she could try to navigate her way around the space.
Hallan joined her and crossed his arms.
With a smile she began opening cabinets and drawers. She took out a bowl, found a spoon, and then went over to the cold unit and peered inside. “I don’t really know what you prefer.”
“Perhaps you would know if we would have been allowed to continue with our schedule.”
Well, if nothing else, she managed to get him to speak to her. The entire ride from her parents’ home back here, he had remained silent. Of course she hadn’t said a word either, his orders back at her family’s home both intrigued and disturbed her, but it did leave her speechless. “There is something to be said for the art of discovery. First, I have to assume that you must like anything in here.” Once assessing the goods, she chose some v
egetables, bread, meat and other ingredients.
“That would be correct.” He helped her and got out a cutting board and sliced the bread.
Without a word, she slid next to her partner and shared the cutting board, chopping up the vegetables then putting them in her bowl and adding some seasonings.
Hallan retrieved some dishes and arranged the bread and the meat. She topped it off with the spicy spread.
“That looks good.” Hallan reached above her head and took down two glass goblets.
The heat from his body radiated through her. Even with their circumstances, she had to admit she was more than aroused by him. He possessed an elegant strength, and even though she hadn’t known him long, there was a safety that swirled around him. “It does?” She glanced up at him.
He curled around her, chose a bottle of ale from the rack on the counter and stared down at her. “Delicious.”
The way he said the word made her stomach do a delightful little twist. “Maybe you need to taste it before you pass judgment.”
Keeping his focus on her, he took the ale and goblets to the sitting area. She grabbed the plates and sat next to him among the cushions.
She waited while he poured the drink and offered her one of the goblets. “I suppose we can try to get back on schedule.”
“I think you’re determined to make sure we are off.” He tapped his goblet against hers.
They both sipped the drink, and she smiled as the bubbles tickled her tongue. She had to give him one thing, he may be upset, but he was being fair. Maybe she needed to give back. “I’ll make you a deal.”
“Now we’re bargaining?” He put his goblet aside.
“It’s a one-sided bargain.” She took his utensil, cut off a piece of the sandwich and held it up. “One where you win.”
“I’m listening.” He didn’t take the offering.
“For the rest of the day I promise I will stay on the schedule, no matter what.” Maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing.
“All right. I’ll take it.” He took the bite and nodded. Once he swallowed, he motioned for her to feed him once more. “What happens tomorrow?”
“Can we talk about tomorrow, tomorrow?” Again, she served him.
Not giving in yet not refusing, he tilted his head and took the second bite.
“Now tell me what is on the schedule next.” She moved a little closer to him and rather than feed him, she took her own bite right off his plate.
His gaze settled on her mouth then back up to her eyes. “The Union Ceremony.”
If she went through with the ceremony, there would never be any turning back. She might be one of the only females who didn’t spend their youth dreaming about the event. “What do you want, Hallan?”
“I don’t want any expense spared in making this a gala we will always remember.” His voice became stern. “I want all of Tempore to know you are mine.”
The way he spoke did make her heat a bit. “Why don’t we focus on that all day tomorrow.” She slid his time block in front of him. “Now tell me, what else is there?”
He quickly gave the cube a glance. “We are supposed to be conversing about our plans for the future.”
“Oh that’s too bad.” She continued feeding them.
“Do you not want a future?” He got in the act and gave her some of the drink out of his goblet.
“I think everyone wants a future,” she told him. “It’s just that I was hoping to do something else at the moment.”
“What might that be?”
She answered by widening her eyes. “But I suppose we will have to wait.”
“We are going to wait.” He said the words as if he were laying down the law.
“I told you I would stick to the schedule.” She gathered up the dishes and stood. “For the record, in my future I would like to join.”
“Has anyone ever told you how brazen you are?” he called after her.
She shrugged and put the dishes on the counter. “What do you want, Hallan?”
“Right now I want to watch you.” He reclined back.
Her cheeks heated. “I’m only cleaning up.”
“I know, but now it’s like you’re here,” he said.
Fine, she couldn’t stop a smile. “That’s right now, what about the future?”
“I want a partner who I know.” His voice was smooth, his intentions clear.
If she wanted anything with this male she had to abide by what her mother told her and never say a word. Thankfully before she could respond, his block vibrated. “Now what do we do?” For once the schedule came in her favor.
He lifted the block. “We are supposed to go over where all your belongings are located.”
“All right.” She wiped of her hands and went to him. “What’s after that? I just want to plan ahead.”
Cube in hand he stood and led her to their bedchambers. “Then we clean up and…”
She turned, standing close to him, their bodies almost touching. “And?”
He caressed his fingers over her cheek. “Then we join.”
“That seems like a long time from now.” She went over to the closet. “I suppose we better keep our minds occupied.”
“I hung your clothing in here.” He pointed inside.
“I saw this in the morning,” she took inventory of her items, “you hung them very neat.”
“I figured I would keep my clothes on this side of the closet.” Once more he motioned inside.
“You don’t have a lot, perhaps we need to go shopping. Can we schedule that?” she asked.
He tapped something on his block. “I will make a note of it.”
“What else?” In all honesty, she didn’t really know what she was talking about anymore. The thought of being able to join with him took over everything else. Her mind wandered to this morning when he remained inside her and hardened, and her need consumed her. How much longer did they have to wait? Since she left her block in the other room, she took hold of his and gazed inside. The minutes ticked slowly and there at the bottom of their list of tasks was joining.
He wrapped his arm around her. “I put your items in the drawers. I wanted you to feel like this was your residence from the beginning.”
“Can I schedule a time to tell you something?” The simple contact with him made her core heat.
“Tell me now.” He led her toward the bath chamber.
“I feel at home.” She didn’t know why, she didn’t know how, but there was a familiarity here, a comfort.
“That’s what I want.” He brushed his lips over hers.
“I don’t think it’s time for that.” She backed up, and he let out a groan. A quick glance at the front of his pants told her he was more than ready for their later activities as well.
“Not yet.” He grunted and pointed to a basket in the corner of the room. “That is where we put our clothing that needs to be sent out for cleaning.”
“Shall we put our clothing in here now? It’s almost time to clean up. We may as well get prepared.” Without waiting for an answer, she unfastened her dress and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of the garment, bent down, and then tossed it into the basket. “Well, I think I have the hang of that.”
“You’re not wearing any undergarments.” His tone lowered.
“I got us off schedule this morning and didn’t want to go fishing through the drawers.” She reached for the fastening of his shirt. “Is it all right if I help you?”
“I think that is definitely on our task list.” He cleared his throat.
His form-fitting red shirt outlined his muscles, leaving little to the imagination. Still, she couldn’t wait to slide down the zipper and reveal his skin. She slipped the shirt off and kept going.
The second she rid him of his pants and undergarment, his erection sprang free and all she could picture was having him inside her again. “Hallan.”
He wiped his brow. “I’m getting ready for our time.”
“May I tell
you something else?” She skimmed her hand down his chest and stepped closer, his cock pressing up against her.
“I believe in our partnership we should be able to speak freely.” He cupped the side of her breast.
His words warmed her, he didn’t seem hyper concerned about control even though he made the rules. “I’m as ready as you are,” she said, “but there is something to be said for anticipation.” The fact they waited made her want him more.
“There is also something to be said for joining.” He wrapped his arms around her and ground against her.
“We have to wait. I promised I would stay on schedule.” She leaned in and kissed his neck.
In her hand, the cube vibrated. “It’s time for us to clean up.”
“All right.” Instead of moving, he dipped his head down and gave her a kiss.
“Is that on the schedule?” She closed her eyes and held on to him. The way he seemed to let go gave her hope.
“Kissing my partner is always on the schedule.” He treated her to a deeper kiss, their tongues touched, and he pulled her closer. “You are making me mad with desire. I can’t even think.”
“I thought you were angry with me.” She guided his hand to her breast and arched her back when he tweaked her tight nipple. The sensations he generated radiated through her entire body and riled her to no end.
“I am.” He kissed her breast. “I was. I don’t know.” He buried his head between her breasts. “I have to have you.”
“Hallan.” Though thrilled beyond belief he was willing to forget the timing, she had to stay true to herself and right now that meant remaining on schedule. “We have to wait.”
“I can’t.” Once more he took hold of her and crushed his mouth to hers. “I finally have a real partner, I want to join.”
No matter what, they were waiting. Maybe she wanted to prove a point, maybe she enjoyed the torture, maybe she wanted Hallan to ache for her or maybe it was all of it. “I thought we were cleaning up.”
“The schedule has been off all day. I think we just start again tomorrow. I need to fill you, I want you to call out my name when you hit your climax.” He went as far as to pick her up.