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The Order of Events: The Council of Eight

Page 8

by Haines, C. J.

  Hedes and his wife were saddened but accepted the conclusion, and thanked the girl for trying. They soon took their child back to the City of Oomer and continued giving their blood to him as he grew.

  As the years passed, the child was now twenty years of age and had traveled with his parents many times to the Order, there he had met and befriended a young warrior in training, Kermana, Kermana’s lover, Sinul, and a girl who Bledlus had soon become lovers with. She was named Kanel, and she held an incredible gift. Her blood had a high reproductive rate.

  As the years carried on, Bledlus parents had passed away, and the rule of Oomer had passed to their son. Bledlus felt great sorrow from their passing, but this did not stop Bledlus from going to the Order to see his friends. The time Bledlus spent at the Order was well-spent. As he built his friendships, he also trained his skills with a blade, with his friend Kermana. As Bledlus spent his time at the Order, he also found himself offered the blood of Kanel, as she could easily obtain her blood once more in reproduction of her life fluid. This also brought the two even closer as the very blood that flowed through Bledlus was of the one he loved most.

  Time had passed fruitfully for Bledlus. He had turned thirty years of age. His friend, Kermana, had been made leader of the Dawn Bringers, and was now bound to his love, Sinul. Bledlus had fought many battles alongside Kermana and his warriors. One very important battle was to be remembered, one in which the Order, now under the rule of Omegeira, had been attacked by vicious beasts called Justielle.

  In his heroic efforts, having driven the Justielle back into the desert that they had come from, Bledlus found himself summoned by the Mother and rewarded with a blade that had been crafted specially for him. Taking the blade with honor, Bledlus left the presence of the Mother and then returned to Oomer as he had received news that his wife, who had been pregnant, was soon to bear their child.

  As the child was born, he was soon given the name of Sinfus, and on the joyous day of his birth, he was soon found to bear the same cursed affliction of his father, Bledlus.

  But this did not concern the ruler of Oomer much, as his wife held a gift that would help both him and his son, but as Sinfus had aged only but a few years, Kanel had become afflicted with a deadly disease and had passed away.

  Sinfus watched at the side of his father as his mother was buried in the sandy grounds within the walls of Oomer, Sinfus left to be raised by his lone parent.

  The years passed well for the father and son, though difficult, as the father had lost his lover, leaving the child to be raised without a mother. Sinfus was now ten years of age and stood upon the high walls of Oomer, looking out to the west across the sandy distance as sand blew across the vast surroundings, flecking the walls with their dark grains of grey as the young Sinfus stood decked out in a blue-linen jacket, lined with silver trim, and with chains dangling from breast to breast of his jacket in a connecting manner, the manner of which all of Oomer were dressed.

  The young Sinfus watched the distance sway in heat, as the sun hung high above his form. The forms of many figures on horseback were coming upon his view as he stood watchful in the heat, his thoughts held within as he watched the approaching sight eagerly. They had finally come.

  Rushing down from the wall top, the young and handsome Sinfus sped down many wall steps, and soon found himself bumping into a massive form, causing him to fall backwards, landing on the stone ground. His eyes of gold looked up as the sun made the figure standing before him only a silhouette to his view. The sun’s flares bounced off the massive form as four arms could be made out in extention as the figure held their hands out in a manner of assistance, speaking in a deep accord. “Be careful, young Sinfus. You’re going to hurt yourself if you rush about like that!”

  Sinfus took the hands of the helpful figure and rose up, dusting himself off as he spoke in a quite and rather monotone manner. “Thanks for the hand, Karkor. I wll be more careful. I just was kind of excited, as the Dawn Bringers are here.”

  The massive form put a hand about the shoulder of Sinfus and took him for a walk about the massive stone structures of housings, walking down a wide cobblestone street as he looked about through one single eye, which sat at the bridge of one none existent nose, one that left only nostrils to view as he breathed in deeply and spoke upon the young one at his side.

  “They are, are they? Well, we should greet them then, and be sure to tell your father of their presence, as I am sure he will be glad to see them!”

  As the two, younger and elder, made their way through the stone streets, they soon found themselves coming across two other figures dressed in royal robes of blue and silver. One named Borka stood scarfing a huge piece of vegetation through tusked features as he was a boar of human quality, a vicious spear upon his back at all times. He was a seasoned fighter. At his side was another figure, one whose name was Fenra. He was a tall and grand looking sight, as he was serene in presence, taking the form of a bear of human relation as he stood with his hands clasped together as usual.

  Karkor and Sinfus stood before the figures who were members of the council of one-hundred, as was Karkor. The one known as Fenra spoke upon the two as the boar finished scarfing his meal. “Good day, my friends. How are you today, young Sinfus?”

  Sinfus stood to answer the bear, and spoke. The boy’s hair was long and black, and his form slender as he stood about the stone street. “I’m good. We’re heading to meet the Dawn Bringers at the gate. They’ve arrived!”

  The bear shook his head in nodding fashion as the boar swallowed his last bit of vegetation and spoke. “We know that, young one! We’re heading up this way to the high dome, to tell your father that they’ve arrived! How about you come with us?”

  Sinfus nodded agreement as Karkor spoke in his deep voice. “Sounds like a great idea. Let’s go immediately!”

  The four companions made their way up through the stone streets and to what was called the High Dome. It was fashioned in a manner of wonder out of the bluish, grey stone which the entire city was made of, the dome making itself the center of the entire city, many pillars about its rim, allowing light to stream inward to grace the surface of many stone seatings that took encirclement of the inner chamber of the dome.

  Sinfus and his elder companions had entered the vast dome. The young Sinfus looked about as all the stone seatings encircled one point at the center of their mass where a podium stood. The leader of the city would stand there, before the council, and hear the voices of all speakers.

  The dome was empty though, as council was not in session, the only one within the great dome being those searching for Bledlus, and the one of their search, Bledlus sitting upon one of the many stone seats in silence.

  Sinfus rushed up the seatings and leapt nimbly to the side of his father and hugged him tightly as Bledlus did the same in accord, the three council members taking presence before the leader as Fenra spoke. “The Dawn Bringers are here, my lord.”

  Bledlus looked upon his council and spoke as Sinfus sat at his side, Bledlus’ voice was calm and peaceful, his hair long and black, like that of his son. His eyes were dark, like the night, yet peaceful as they took view upon the three, a hood hanging back across the leader’s shoulders without use, a red stone hanging by a chain on its rim, as when worn the red stone would hang upon the forehead of Bledlus, this being the sign of a leader to the people of Oomer. “They are?! I wasn’t expecting them for another month. Something must be wrong. Let us hurry, we must speak to them!”

  The three council, and Sinfus, followed the leader of Oomer. Bledlus and his followers and his son took stance before a great gate that garnered the city in protection, Bledlus signaling guards above the gate in gesture to allow the opening of the gate, the guards waving in acceptance of the order and taking firm grip of rotating levers, the force of their effort turning massive gears that allowed the gate to open to a creaking and resounding manner.

  Bledlus stood waiting as his son stood at his side, their eyes watch
ful as the gate allowed the image of the many Dawn Bringers to be brought before the eyes of the watchful ones as crowds of people who lived within Oomer stood dressed in accord, the Dawn Bringers pouring into the city, their golden armor of runic fashion gleaming in the high sun as they were led by a sturdy and royal figure, the warrior garnering a helmet with twin horns bending forward in curved fashion with a fearsome appeal. A slit was cut into the forehead of the helmet as a visor made itself to cover the face of the bearer, a green light that was bright in wonder peaking from the armored slit as the warrior sat atop a royally armored horse and spoke peacefully from within the fearsome armor of his form. “Bledlus, my friend, I’ve come to speak to you. It is of great importance!”

  Bledlus nodded in agreement as he spoke, the gates closing behind the armored mass of Dawn Bringers. “I thought as much. Come with me, my friend.”

  As the armored warrior, Kermana, left his steed, he turned to a young warrior atop a beast of his own and spoke, the young warrior bearing long, grey shaded hair, and armored lightly, without a helmet worn. “Son, come with me.”

  The young warrior left his beast’s back and followed his father as the rest of the Dawn Bringers took to nourishing themselves by the hospitality of Oomer. The young warrior walked alongside Sinfus as the council members and both their father’s took the lead, the young warrior speaking to Sinfus in a calm and strong voice. “Sinfus, it’s good to see you. It’s been far too long, three months since I’ve seen you. How’s life here at Oomer?”

  Sinfus smiled upon his friend as they had been friends since they were children, Kaimana only five years older than Sinfus, the son of Bledlus speaking as they took pursuit of their elders. “It has been too long, Kaimana. Life here has been good. What brings you to Oomer? Father and I hadn’t expected you this early.”

  Kaimana looked about the stone walls and spoke as he had a look of urgency on his face.

  “We couldn’t help coming early. Something is coming this way!”

  Sinfus spoke curiously as they made their way to a chamber that was held high on the end of a pier, stretching off of the high dome. “Something’s coming this way? Is it Justielle?”

  Kaimana shook his head and spoke as the two took upward tread upon steps, following their fathers and council members across the pier of stone as Kaimana spoke to his friend.

  “No. It’s far worse. It’s the Elushu!”

  Sinfus looked upon his friend as fear gripped him. The Elushu were vicious warriors who wreaked death across the land wherever they went, as they cared not for the lives of others, but only to quench their lust for slaughter.

  Kermana stood within the chamber that took place upon the end of the pier, its inside well-fashioned with cloths of blue upon its walls, banners hung from the ceiling as an inlet was fashioned into the floor and padded with soft bark, covered with fine linen of blue fashion. The leader of the Dawn Bringers removed his helmet and held it at his side as he spoke, his face cut with many scars of battle, a long scar drifting down his left temple and down the side of his neck, his left eye blinded from a scathing arrow, and his hair black and grey streaked as it hung in longer fashion. “The Elushu are heading for your city.”

  Bledlus sat upon the cushioned inlet and spoke as he took view upon his friend of many years. “I guess it was only a matter of time before they tried to come for us. What do you plan?”

  Kermana stood before his friend and spoke, Sinfus and Kaimana sitting about the chamber at one end as they listened to the great warrior speaking, Borka, Fenra, and Karkor sitting at the other. “My Dawn Bringers will take them on! We can push against their forces and hold them off from Oomer for a good time. While we hold them off, your people should be given a good amount of time to prepare for battle!”

  Bledlus rose and spoke upon Kermana with a questioning tone as he attempted to reason with him. “Prepare for battle? The people of Oomer are not warriors, my friend. We could not fight agains the Elushu with you, as I am the only truly seasoned warrior present within these walls!”

  Kermana rested his hand upon Bledlus’ shoulder and spoke as he looked upon his friend’s eyes with loyalty. “They have to! There is no other way! The numbers of the Elushu have grown far too vast. The time we can give you can be used for training and crafting weapons. It’s the only way, unless…you wish to abandon Oomer.”

  Bledlus shook his head and left the grasp of his friend, and sunk his head in thought as Kermana, Sinfus and Kaimana awaited the response of Bledlus as they soon received it as the leader turned to Kermana and spoke. “I see what you’re saying, but this must go before the council, my friend. It is not my decision alone to make. How many days do we have?”

  Kermana spoke in return upon Bledlus, his eyes looking out through a window across the chamber as light leaned into the confines of the chamber. “We have about three days. When can you gather the council?”

  Bledlus spoke as Sinfus and Kaimana rose and took to the sides of their respective parents. “We shall take council tonight, my friend. In the mean time, make yourselves comfortable and take what you need of nourishment.”

  Kermana took the arm of his friend and bowed his head thankfully as he spoke.

  “We shall. Thank you, my friend.”

  Bledlus shook the arm of his friend and nodded to his three council members, the three nodding response and taking leave to get the rest of the council to make preparation, for there was to be a meeting of great importance. Bledlus took his son in arm as he led his friends out of the chamber and spoke. “Kermana, I see Sinul is not with you. Where is she?”

  Kermana walked at the side of his friend and spoke in return as he held his helmet at side, the sun dancing on its golden craft. “She’s currently at the Order of the Aura. She sustained some vicious injuries on our last encounter with the Elushu. The Mother Omegeira is treating her.”

  Bledlus looked upon his friend and spoke in care. “I’m sure she’ll make a grand recovery. The Mother Omegeira bears a gift like none other!”

  Kermana looked out to the sun as it began to take fall, his eyes hopeful as he spoke.

  “I hope so.”

  Sinfus tread at the side of his father and spoke as they made their way down stone steps. “Father, do you think the council will agree to fight?”

  Bledlus looked upon his son and spoke as he felt uncertain as to the judgment the council would produce from the situation, but knew that time was escaping every second and that a decision must be made in good time. “I do not know, but whatever conclusion they come by, I’m sure it will be for the best.”

  As the four made their way to the stone streets of the city, Sinfus held thought and fear within as he feared being alone, wishing the council would vote against conflict, so that his father, his lone parent, would not leave him for battle.

  -Chapter 8-


  As the days passed with travel, Samana and Kurlank made their way far from Murta Sota and were nearing the great Khergy Pass. As they tread heavily, the wings of Hoosun flung greatly as he sped his way to the Order. The three of Amen, Henk, and Mensh were walking on the outermost wall when they saw the great owl making his approach. He saw the two girls flail their arms in greeting as Amen stood still and watchful among them.

  The owl passed over the wall and flew a sharp, circular bend, diving down for the wall, landing before the three with spread wings soon placed at his sides as he straightened his posture and greeted them with speech. “Greetings, young ones, how have you been in my absence?”

  Henk hugged the owl and spoke cheerily as he noticed her and Amen holding hands as if they had been turning the tight vice into a normal habit. “We’ve been good, Hoosun…how is Samana?”

  Hearing the concern in the tone of the young one, the owl shook his feathery head and placed a wide, feathered limb behind her back, and spoke. “She is attending another purpose that has risen to meet her, young one. Let us go to the Mother. I must speak with her.”

  The four sha
red conversation as they made their way up the winding steps of the great towering tree, regaling the owl of the search for Amen’s past and the conclusion, the owl telling them of the city and its sights, and his journey of return.

  The Mother stood awaiting the four as they entered her great chamber, the owl bowing his head to her dislike as he smiled through his beak and spoke. “Mother Dhahn, it is good to see you, after having been so distant these past many days!”

  The Mother took the owls feathery hands and smiled as she looked upon his feathery form and spoke quietly to him as the others stood behind him at the entrance of the chamber.

  “It is good to see you too, my friend. I am glad you are back, my focus on your thoughts is drifting as I sense something dark is on the rise!”

  The owl shook his beaky features and smiled in seriousness as he spoke. “Yes, I sensed it, too. I fear that what the boy said is true. The Keraij have risen, again, from darkness!”

  The Mother nodded to the others, gesturing their leave, as she clasped her hands and shared steps with the owl out to the balcony, the others leaving in respect, down the steps.

  The sun shot down brightly as it began to dim and dip away. The owl felt the warm rays dissipating upon his form as he held his arms behind his back as the Mother spoke, looking out into the distant light. “It seems dark times are upon us, Hoosun. If only the Dawn Bringers were not gone.”

  The owl smiled upon himself and spoke. “We still have one Dawn Bringer…Samana! One can do much good with a heart as steady as hers!”

  The Mother nodded and placed a hand on the stone railing as she spoke. “Yes, she is capable of much, but if she does not make it, I can make as Shirindul and sacrifice myself to stop the coming darkness. It would be a price worth paying!”


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