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The Order of Events: The Council of Eight

Page 10

by Haines, C. J.

  As both stood feeling confident in their victory, a growl sounded form behind the two as another Nefer stood, well-armored and sturdier than the other. Samana bit her lip as she drew her other blade from her side and stood with one blade pointing at each beast on opposite sides, as she spoke of the current situation. “Well…looks like things are going to be a little more interesting, right, Kurlank?”

  The metal one nodded as he held his blades at the weakened beast atop the stone and took to the side of Samana. “Sure does, you ready to take them?”

  Samana nodded and smiled devilishly as she pressed her back against the metal form of her companion and stood facing the strongest of the beasts to approach them, speaking as she held a firm defensive stance. “I’m ready when you are, ready…GO!!!”

  As the word of advance was made, both beasts took charge to their opponents, paws striding swiftly upon sand as the beast made way for Samana, the other diving from the stone above with claws stretched out. The beast was not yet willing to admit defeat in its injured state.

  As blood seemed about to be spilled quite readily upon the sand in battle, a figure cut through the sunlight above, a shadow crawling to the side of Samana. Not seeing the curious shape at her side, she ran.

  Kurlank stood still to survey, on the sand, as he looked up, seeing glimmers of light bounce around the shape as they met the leaping Nefer in mid-air, both being sent sprawling in a spinning cycle upon the sand, twisting and wrestling around as the beast let out cries of pain. Samana charged ahead with her blades to meet her beast, but it avoided conflict with her and leapt over her, to give assistance to its fellow beast.

  The wounded Nefer felt claws digging into its ribs deeply, as blood spat outwards and filled the sand. The second Nefer took a leap upon the attacker, but was sent head over tail into a stone column as it was swiftly backhanded and discarded.

  Kurlank watched as sand mixed with blood in spray, the grounded Nefer being lifted into air above the head of the mysterious attacker and then to the disbelief of Samana, as she took the side of metal one in curiosity, it was torn right in half, blood spewing all over as both halves were discarded, writhing on the sandy ground as the second and only remaining Nefer regained its feet and soon left in a fleeting tread.

  Samana watched as the sand cleared, the figure turning to Kurlank and Samana and speaking in a voice they soon found was one of familiarity. “I knew you guys would need my help, but you wouldn’t listen, would you?!”

  As the dust cleared, it was revealed that the figure of mystery was actually the boy, Sen. Decked out in red cloth and steel armor, the boy stood with blood flecked on his face, hands and body, his claws having grown sharper, his skin more ill, his eyes more yellow and his hair slightly stringier since the last time of their meeting.

  Samana approached him as she had surveyed his being and spoke. “Well, we’re thankful you came, but Sen, you’ve changed so much more, since we last saw you!”

  The boy looked his body over and swiped blood from his face and hands as he spoke.

  “Yeah, well, I couldn’t just sit back there and do nothing. I asked Hatchlen to let me, but he wouldn’t, so I just took some armor and snuck out! I’m going to change anyway, might as well put this to use while I can!”

  Finding some sense in his words, Samana and Kurlank nodded silent agreement with each other as the metal one spoke with his booming voice. “You seem to have put it to good use so far, young Sen. Now, what’s the next move, Samana? The Keraij are not here!”

  Samana looked around and surveyed the area in wide glance and sheathed her sword, resting a curious hand on her chin as she spoke her mind. “I know. They’ve moved on somewhere, but where?”

  As all stood in thought, Sen stepped forward and spoke his thoughts on the subject with a slow bow of his head. “You said these things are all one, right, one mind? I may not be entirely one of them yet, but I can sense something moving about!”

  Samana brought her attention upon Sen heavily and placed a sturdy hand on his shoulder as she looked into his eyes and spoke urgently. “You’re right. You could possibly sense where they are, since you share their thoughts! Try hard! See if you can sense their location!”

  As Samana and Kurlank stood in wait, Sen closed his golden eyes and focused his thoughts, trying hard to reach out and find those who had cursed him, and succeeded.

  Opening his eyes, Sen grinned and gestured his head off to the distance as he scraped his claws together. “I can feel something heading north. They have to be that way!”

  Samana smiled with favor for the boy and gripped his shoulder firmly in appreciation, and turned to Kurlank as she spoke of their next move. “Alright, north it is then! Let’s get going, maybe we can catch up to them before they bring any harm!”

  Grinning sharply, Sen grabbed Samana by the arm, careful not to scratch her with his claws, and spoke. “I’m coming then, right?”

  Samana looked upon the excited features of the cursed one and spoke. “Well, you only have so much time, right, might as well use your curse the best you can! Now let’s get going!”

  All three took off, leaving the ruins of the once great city behind them as they found their purpose once more, and with another companion amongst them in their tread.

  -Chapter 3-


  As the night was soon filled with a wild breeze, scathing against the great stone mass of Oomer, council had taken session. Bledlus stood at the center podium, watching as Kermana walked about the chamber and spoke in echoing tone as his voice carried out to all seated about the stone structure. “You now know that the Elushu are coming. I’m sure you’re thinking, now it is only a matter of when and how they will come, but I know when and how. They should be a good three days away from your city, and they will come to kill and slaughter, in great numbers. That is why I have come. Not just to warn you, but to ask you this.”

  The Council sat amongst the stone seating and was silent as Karkor stood up from their mass and spoke. “What do you ask, Kermana?!”

  Kermana looked upon the mass with his one green eye and spoke return upon Karkor, voicing his question to those of the Council. “I have come to ask you for help.”

  The Council looked upon each other as voices rang out in muddled heaps, Kermana speaking over the noise as he drew his sword and slammed its flat form against stone to resounding result as to gain the attention of the Council, and he accomplished just that, his voice filled with urgency as he spoke. “Everyone, listen to me, for time is short!”

  Fenra stood above the others and spoke upon Kermana in serene manner as he always spoke. “We will listen. Carry on, my friend.”

  Kermana gave nod to the bear of human manner and spoke to those of the Council.

  “The Elushu’s numbers are great and my Dawn Bringers are not enough to fight them. We could only distract them for a good amount of time, but I fear winning the fight is another matter. That is why I have come to ask you to fight with us!”

  The Council looked about their mass in disbelief to his words, one taking rise and speaking against Kermana. “You wish us to fight? Our people are not trained by the way of the warrior! You could not possibly expect us to train them in such short time.”

  Kermana shook his head and spoke return to the Council, his helmet held at side as he spoke. “Maybe not three days, and maybe not that well at all, but any numbers will help, and we can get you more time by keeping the Elushu away. But you must see we can only achieve victory through gaining your help!”

  Kermana looked about the Council for answer as Bledlus did so in accord, the leader of Oomer awaiting the word of his council. One named Masta, took rise and spoke upon Kermana in question. “I understand your need, but are there any other options that you have for us, besides fighting?”

  Kermana looked back to Bledlus. Both knew of the options that were present for Oomer as Kermana turned back upon the speaker and spoke his own words. “I fear the only other option would be for us to bu
y as much time as possible for you to all leave Oomer, in fleeing.”

  The Council shook their heads upon Kermana, Masta speaking as he thought the idea absurd. “Leave, Oomer? Where to, the Order of the Aura? We’d have to walk for days to get there, and the Elushu would easily catch up by horse! We’d leave ourselves open to the slaughter! At least here we can hide within the walls for safety!”

  As many of the Council agreed with Masta, Bledlus took place at Kermana’s side and spoke to those of the Council. All listened to their leader as they expected him to agree with them, but instead, found he did not. He wished not to go into battle, but he felt an overwhelming loyalty to his friend of many years and his warriors as he spoke. “But for how long? How long could we stay here and hide? How long could we do nothing? If we stayed here, we would only end up dead, with more days having passed, but that will not change our course. It will not change the inevitable destiny that would be upon us if we do nothing. Friends, council, we must come to a decision. But in the end, you must ask yourselves. Would you rather die fighting, or die hiding? There’s nothing else to say, make your choice.”

  As Bledlus took the side of Kermana, the Council murmured amongst their mass and spoke to one another of their opinions, Bledlus speaking to Kermana as he stood looking at the Council. “My friend, I fear you will not get the help you wish to have. They seem unwilling to join your cause.”

  Kermana shook his head and spoke as he looked down upon his helmet. “We will march into battle without aid, if it so be that way. The Dawn Bringers have been capable of great miracles before on the battlefield, perhaps this will be one of those times!”

  As the night was smooth and silent, Sinfus and Kaimana walked about Oomer’s streets, the cobblestone beneath their tread, still and dark as Kaimana spoke. “I guess it’s for the best. Some things you aren’t meant to hear just yet. I’m sure your father will give you the outcome when it’s over.”

  Sinfus looked upon the streets and housings about Oomer and spoke as he walked forward, without loss of motion. “I’m sure you’re right. I just hope they arrive at the right decision.”

  Kaimana rested his hand on the shoulder of the younger Sinfus and spoke.

  “Don’t worry, they will.”

  As the two continued their way across the streets in the dark, Kaimana couldn’t help but feel the thoughts of his mother coming upon him as he spoke to his friend. “I hope my mother is okay. We’ve been separated only days, yet it feels like it’s been far longer.”

  Sinfus put his hand on the form of Kaimana, on his shoulder, and spoke. “I feel your pain, my friend. The loss of a mother is one everlasting and painful. I hope you fail to meet that experience anytime soon.”

  Kaimana nodded his head in thanks to Sinfus’ caring words and spoke return upon him.

  “Thank you, Sinfus.”

  As Sinfus and Kaimana continued their tread through the streets, the moon sat hung high above and silent as it spread its glory to those below, the wind blowing across the stone walls as the night had only just begun, and there was still much to take place.

  -Chapter 10-


  The sky grew solemn and dark as the Council flew ahead, their blue cloth and silver garnered forms taking head of the Keraij as they flew ever closer to their destination.

  Over many miles traveled, Gelga was beginning to drag back into the mass of flying creatures, and soon found herself falling into the dark of the night as she felt sleep overcome her. Sinfus kept ahead as he kept his mind firmly on the journey and little else as the night went on, the leader of the cursed finding himself overtaken with his hunger.

  Taking ground, Sinfus stopped the horde and looked to his council and spoke his mind to them. “I need blood…where is Gelga?”

  The Council looked among their numbers and searched the Keraij, and found that Gelga was not with them. Karkor stepped forward as he spoke his thoughts. “I don’t see her! I can’t sense where she is!”

  Sinfus looked about madly, and in worry, as he felt his hunger overtake his body, the mass of Keraij beginning to stir as he spoke in a thought of panic to the others. “Try and find her, maybe she fell behind. I should’ve kept my mind on her more! Quick, find her, I’m losing control!”

  The Council flew in separate directions, all except Hersei, who watched the maddening Sinfus as the Keraij began to break formation from the ground and take to the air. Sinfus watched as they began clawing at one another and then he saw what the mass saw in the distance, not far from where he stood. There was a small village, surrounded by a wooden fence, and very aged.

  The Keraij flew for the gathering of housings as Sinfus fell to his knees, helpless to stop them as they tore through the air to wreak havoc upon those who dwelled in the sands.

  Karkor kept a watchful eye on the ground as it was dark, surveying the ground madly as he searched for Gelga and found nothing. The others searched and were no more successful than he was.

  Hersei took the side of Sinfus and placed a claw on his shoulder as he surveyed the Keraij taking dive upon the city and spoke. “Watch, Sinfus, watch! Look at what they’re doing!”

  Sinfus looked up and watched as the town was soon to be overwhelmed by the vast numbers of the cursed, speaking his thoughts as he stretched his hand out in feeble attempt to stop them. “NOOO!!!!!”

  A wooden door opened to a sturdy dwelling of old wood. A strong man was standing heavily clothed in desert fashion as he held an axe over his shoulder, looking out, surveying the night sky as he saw a great multitude of strange shapes heading downwards for the town.

  Feeling urgency take him, the man rushed for the center of the town and started striking the side of his ax against a huge bell, alarming those of the village as he called out, loudly.

  “Everyone, we’re under attack!!! Something’s come!!!”

  As houses opened to more armed individuals, children and women were sealed away. Many stood with sharp implements that they used for carving, to take on the horde as they shot down upon the town and swallowed it in terror. Cries of pain and horror rang out, as man was slain by vicious claw, houses were broken into, and women and children were killed.

  Sinfus sat knelt on the sandy ground, afar, and was helpless as he could not stop the bloodshed, as the only thing capable of doing so was his wife.

  As the Council searched high and low amongst the sandy dunes and darkness, hope was seemingly lost upon them. The twins searched together and flew over the land, surveying the vast darkness with hope still in their thoughts as they saw a shape ahead on the ground laying in a pile of sand…it was Gelga.

  Taking her from the ground in their grip, the twins flew speedily back to Sinfus, spreading their thoughts amongst the rest as they charged ahead. “We’ve found her, we’ve found her! Lord Sinfus, we’ve found her!”

  The other council members soon took the side of the twins and flew among them as they made their way to Sinfus.

  Hersei stood watching the horror inflicted upon the distant town and felt impression and admiration of the power that he had witnessed fill his mind. What a power the Keraij had, if only one such as Sinfus was not controlling them, then someone could put their power to better use, becoming a great conqueror. This idea was well-fixed into the mind of Hersei and was to be clouded by his effort so that none knew of his intentions. He would have to take control of them, but when would he, and how would he? The only way would be to kill Sinfus, and that would be hard as many were loyal to him, even the sadistic Mastaba. But Hersei would find a way, as they would travel he would construct his plan for dominance and when the time was right, make his move!

  Hersei assured Sinfus with a thought as he patted his shoulder from behind. “You need not worry anymore, Sinfus! They have found Gelga!”

  Sinfus felt dazed as his veins began to flow dryly. The Council arrived bearing Gelga amongst them, and produced her as she was now awake. Taking the side of the weak Sinfus, Gelga tore his mouth open and allowed him to feed u
pon her neck as she caressed his hair in caring manner, her thoughts spreading to him as her inner voice was one of sadness and self disappointment. “I’m sorry, my Sinfus! I fell behind, I was greatly worn. I’ve caused you great pain, my love!”

  As Sinfus drank in, the town in the distance grew silent as the sounds of battle were extinguished, Sinfus, now back to his full strength, brought the Keraij away from the city and back amongst his council as he stood holding his wife close and spoke his thoughts to all.

  “It is not my pain, but theirs that I fear!”

  Both looking out upon the destroyed town, the lovers nestled their heads against one another in shame as Sinfus spoke his thoughts once more. “I am a curse. My hunger destroys those who are innocent. I thought I could control them, but when the hunger comes, I cannot!”

  Gelga pressed a soft hand against the cursed features of Sinfus and spoke her mind as the Council stood watching the two. “It’s not your fault, Sinfus! This is what you were born as!”

  Sinfus shook his head and took the hand of Gelga from his face and looked upon the encircling Keraij as he thought. “I was not born a king of cursed creatures! There is only one way we can ensure that none get hurt again. We shall take the mountains of Khergy, through the snow we shall travel! There are none that live there anymore. It will be safe for us to travel that way.”

  Gelga nodded as the twins stepped forward and shook their forms in frigid imitation as to their discomfort at the thought of the mountainous weather. “Oh no, I hate cold! It’s going to be horrible, we’re going to freeze!”

  Karkor stepped behind the two and grabbed them with his massive grasp, and shook his head as he sent his thoughts out amongst the congregation of cursed and council. “You’ll be just fine, little twins! Put those hoods up and you’ll make it just fine!”

  Ripping their mouths open to stick their tongues out, the twins shook their heads at the one-eyed giant and then did as he said, their faces sealing back up as Sinfus shook his head at them and spoke his mind. “We’ll make it, upon my honor, we will! It’ll be cold and harsh, but it’s better than to be swift and risk death upon others!”


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