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The Order of Events: The Council of Eight

Page 13

by Haines, C. J.

  All in agreement, the three pushed what they could to the side, tables and seating, and then took to the pile, removing stone after stone, quick but careful in their efforts.

  -Chapter 5-


  The night was still, silent, and serene. Bledlus had left the high chamber and soon found Kermana taking place at his side, the warrior speaking from the confines of his helmet to his friend. “I do not blame them for not wishing to fight. Do not hold it against them, my friend.”

  Bledlus turned to Kermana and spoke as he shook his head, the two taking tread down stairs that left the pier and met the streets below. “I do not blame them, Kermana. We each have our own choices to make, and I would rather they disagree than rush into battle behind me, for the purpose of a belief they do not hold solid in their hearts.”

  Kermana shook his head in agreement and was to speak when he and Bledlus found themselves joined by Karkor, Borka, and Fenra, the giant, four-armed figure speaking as he rested two of his hands on the shoulders of each figure from behind. “With permission, lord Bledlus, we would care to join you and Kermana in battle against the Elushu!”

  Bledlus rested his hand on that of the giant, Kermana turning upon him as well and bowing his armored form as he spoke thanks and acceptance, Bledlus speaking in a shared tone. “Thank you. We would be honored to have you three at our side.”

  Borka swiped his snout with the back of his arm and spoke as he took grip of his spear and spun it in hand, skillfully. “It’s been a good, long time since I’ve put this thing to use. It’ll be nice to use the old spear again!”

  Fenra stood tall at the side of the shorter Borka and spoke. “Though I disagree with fighting, I must join you, for the purpose you serve is one worthy of blood upon my hands!”

  Bledlus bowed his head to those before him and spoke thankfully upon them.

  “Thank you. I’m glad I have a council so willing to sacrifice. Now I must go and speak with Sinfus, alone. Please excuse me.”

  As Kermana took rise, the Council bowed to their leader, Bledlus taking leave of their presence as he continued his way down the streets in search of his son. Borka spoke to those amongst the street as his leader strode away. “How do you think Sinfus will take it?”

  Karkor shook his head as did Fenra, the bear closing his eyes as he spoke.

  “Not well. I imagine the boy will be quite upset to hear his lone guardian taking leave to battle.”

  Kermana shook his armored head and spoke as he stood amongst the Council, the moonlight dancing on his armor royally as the gold gave a glimmering image to view.

  “We can only imagine, as none but the stars can predict what may come, and the night seems to grow too dark for us to see what they say.”

  As the Council stood behind Kermana, all watched as clouds roved in the sky above, darkening the sky and blocking the moonlight from reaching down in royal fashion to the city below. The four were left in darkness as further down the streets, Bledlus kept his tread strong. His view fixed ahead as he saw Sinfus and Kaimana standing at some battlements, their forms growing closer as Bledlus tread onward, his thoughts filled with the consequences that may come from the words to be spoken with his son. The pain it could bring to Sinfus to be separated from him.

  But he had no choice, he had to tell him, for only one thing was certain of the future, it would bring very much sacrifice in its coming.

  -Chapter 12-


  As Samana and her companions carried on with a purpose across the sands, they found themselves having finally reached the mountains which they had been seeking, the Mountains of Khergy.

  As they had spent a good day running, the sun was beginning to dip into hiding, blazing bright shafts of golden orange cutting through the great opening of the Twin Mountains, upon the travelers as they stood in heavy awe upon the sight of wonder.

  Samana looked upon the mountains, her head bent back primly as she looked from one to the other in speculation, speaking in question to Sen. “We’re here, now. The question remains, which mountain did they take? Can you get there path in mind, Sen?”

  The cursed one bowed and closed his eyes, holding an attentive finger to his temple as he thought hard to bond with those of his cursed decree. Producing a conclusion, after being viewed upon by the curiosity of his companions, Sen opened his eyes and grinned in victory as he spoke.

  “It seems they’ve taken the eastern side, Samana. Looks like a good climb to me.”

  Samana looked upon the mountains, as they stood grand and challenging, and spoke as Kurlank stood at her side. “That it does. We better get going.”

  The metal one stepped from the side of the heroine and looked upon the mountains with promise as he grazed his blades at hips, with armored grasp, speaking in his booming and echoing, voice. “Let us go then, seek out this evil, and do what we can to stop their further tread upon this world!”

  Samana smiled as she and Sen took tread aside the armored one as they made their way closer to the mountains, the ground ash ridden and dusty, dead under the weight of the companions as it had been burned long ago, in many years past.

  As they stood at the mountainside, surveying the steep walk which would soon lead to a steep climb, Samana tugged a braid as she spoke, turning to the metal one, Kurlank, with a comical face. “You make it sound like you think we can stop these things!”

  As the braided-haired girl laughed, the armored one shifted his head to creak, placing an armored grip on a jutting form of rock as he spoke his echoing speech. “You never know what may come, young Samana. Only upon finding this threat will we find out how dangerous their numbers are!”

  Samana nodded in agreement as all three took to the mountain on an upward tread, the young heroine speaking as she passed jutting forms of rock. “True. I guess we’ll just have to see what comes!”

  Sen looked ahead as the way up the mountain was to be one of tiring and extreme effort. The three had reached the point where they could no longer just walk and would now have to climb up the mountainside, the distance up, vast and staggering, as the mountain top could be seen leading to a white fog of mystery.

  Sen could feel intimidation taken in as he released words of a worrying manner.

  “Let’s just hope none of us are going to be coming down, from up there, on the way, okay?”

  As the three companions made their way up the mountain, fixing hands to rocky stature in tight grip as they climbed, the journey was surely one of lengths as they had traveled far and now had come upon a moment of great challenge, but not greatest challenge, for much still lay ahead of the companions.

  The three continued their effort, while there was many more making an effort of their own, above them.

  The climb up the mountainside was not a climb, but a fleeting feat for the Keraij and council. But upon the end of their flight, they were met by a true challenge, navigating the great snow decked vastness of the mountains of Khergy.

  The snow seeped around all in deep convoys as they tread heavily against the rushing winds, pellets of ice and heavy snow, pounding against their forms as they made their way ahead through the bitter cold.

  The sky shown a solid mass of glimmering blue and white as the night had come and the sun had gone. Sinfus strode ahead with his lover at side, holding her tight to his arm, as he shared any warmth he possessed with her, keeping her as warm as he could.

  Karkor walked steadily through the snowy plains of white, accompanied by the twins as he tread heavily, his four arms held ahead in cover to block the rushing wind from his face.

  The Keraij wandered through the massive blanket of ever sheeting snow, feeling the cold against their roving forms as they pressed on in pursuit of their leader. Hersei found himself at the back of the horde, his cloak pulled tight around his cursed and scarred features as he spied through his single eye at the mass of movement ahead, in their desperate tread.

  His thoughts kept to himself as he surveyed the willful attempt
of his fellow council and the cursed. How he wished he did not have to travel through the cold, storming weather. If only he had command of the Keraij, he would’ve gone right through the mountains and done what he wanted with their power! He would go to the Order, but he would go there to conquer. He had been there, long ago, and knew of the great structure and the power it held, the power which the Mother herself was responsible for…the Aura.

  His greed grew vastly as he thought over the possibilities of his conquest. He would take the Keraij from Sinfus. Somehow, he would have to dispose of Gelga and remove Sinfus’ blood source, leaving him to run dry and die. Then, he could take control and then attack the Order, kill the Mother, and take the power of the souls for himself.

  This plan formed cruelly in his mind and, as he set it before himself as his most true of goals, he would no longer take orders, he would give them.

  As Hersei thought of his plans of domination, the mass carried on through the heavy snow. Ahead, two great peaks of rock were crowning high in a wonder of ice and snow.

  Sinfus looked ahead and saw the twin formations and pulled the arm of Gelga softly, as he called for her attention to the sight ahead. The Council took place behind Sinfus as he had stopped his forward motion, in wonder of the great peaks.

  Karkor looked ahead, through his single sight, and tapped the twins on their backs in a friendly manner as he gestured ahead and spoke his mind. “A grand sight that is, for sure!”

  The twins looked out from under their hoods at the towering sight, and found impression fill their bodies as they found the sight calm and beautiful as it stood serenely above them, their thoughts reaching out as they each clasped a hand of their giant friend. “It sure is!”

  Gelga wrapped her arms around Sinfus as she surveyed the sight, from his side, and spoke her mind, solely to him. “It reminds me of home. It brings a calm and strong serenity to my heart, to see this!”

  Sinfus nestled his head against Gelga’s and spoke his mind, in sole return upon her, as he held her hand in tight vice. “I promise, I’ll make things right, Gelga. They’ll pay for our city!”

  Gelga took Sinfus’ face in hand and turned it upon hers as she looked openly into his golden eyes, speaking her mind as they locked sights. “I know you will deliver justice, my love! Our people were lucky to have such a leader as you!”

  Sinfus nestled his head against the hand of Gelga, her sharp claws drawing blood from his face as he released his thoughts upon her, the cuts upon his face healing almost as soon as they were made. “I am lucky to have a partner such as you! I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  The lovers took each other in tight embrace, the snow drifting peacefully about them as Gelga held her head to the cheek of Sinfus and spoke her mind. “If anything ever happens to me, please live on and bring honor and justice to our people. Do this for me, promise?”

  As Gelga locked eyes with Sinfus, he spoke his mind, his arms wrapped firmly about her waist as he spoke. “This, I promise you, I shall do. But I hope I shall never have to fulfill such a promise.”

  Gelga looked over the cursed features of her husband lovingly and caressed his face with her claws, cutting his face open at where his lips had once formerly resided. Doing the same to her own face, Gelga wrapped her arms about Sinfus and pressed her torn features upon his, sharing a bloody kiss, loving and gentle, with him, upon the view of the Council.

  Karkor watched and put his arms to good use, turning the view of the watchful twins from the intimate sight as he put his thoughts upon them. “Alright, don’t go staring!”

  As Gelga and Sinfus felt their features closing, they released one another and looked upon the form of the twins, struggling against the hold of Karkor, comically, the lover’s thoughts reaching out together as they watched the twins attempting to push Karkor over into the snow. “Alright, stop it! Don’t be children!”

  Karkor was firm in his stance and was normally too strong for the twins to handle, but this time they got lucky as one of his feet caught a piece of ice below, snow causing his balance to waver and his heavy form to fall, leaving him open for the twins to take leap upon his form and mock beat him.

  Sinfus and Gelga found the scene comical, as they deeply felt a demand for seriousness.

  Mastaba watched intently as he always enjoyed a good beating and spoke his mind as he stood, arched and cold, as the wind blew heavily upon his frame. “Yeah!!! Yeah!!! Get him, you little runts!”

  The twins stopped their mock attack on Karkor, as he writhed comically to their blows, the twins turning their attention upon Mastaba as he stood facing them to receive their thoughts. “Who are you calling runts?!”

  Snow sprayed wildly as the twins threw themselves upon Mastaba, this time giving real blows of pain upon him, Mastaba writhing in joy as he received each blow, his thoughts carried over the audience of those watching. “HAHAHAHA!!! That feels good!!!”

  The twins hit Mastaba a few more times and then stopped, leaving his form as Karkor called them to stop.

  The twins shrugged upon the giant as Mastaba got up from the snow, his face sealing as he had received the last few strokes of their claws upon his face, the twins speaking their minds as Karkor and the lovers looked upon them in a stern manner. “Oh come on, he was enjoying it anyway!”

  Sinfus shook his head and looked upon the two as they stood leaning against one another, his thoughts touching theirs as he spoke. “We don’t have time to play around, you two. We have a far way to go, and if this weather gets any worse, who knows how long it could take. Let’s stop playing and move on!”

  The twins nodded in agreement as the pace was picked up once more.

  Sinfus led the Council and Keraij through the tension of snow and spraying ice, glancing off of their well-fashioned forms, cloaked and silver lined, as thoughts pressed on through Sinfus, the thought that hopefully there would be a silver lining to the curse which was upon him and his council, a lining other than that of their wears.

  -Chapter 6-


  The moon watched those below upon the battlements of Oomer. Kaimana was standing at the side of his friend, in silence, as they both stood heavy in thought. Kaimana’s attention turned as his body also did, the form of Bledlus upon his presence and speaking as the leader of Oomer’s golden eyes took sight of his son. “Kaimana, would you excuse us? I must talk to my son.”

  Kaimana looked at Sinfus curiously as the boy turned upon his father of shared affliction, the Dawn Bringer taking view upon Bledlus and bowing his head in respect for his wishes as he soon left the father and son alone at the battlements.

  Sinfus was silent as his father took a place at his side, atop the battlements. Bledlus spread his hand flat out against the bluish grey stone, decked in moonlight as he spoke upon his son. “Sinfus, I have something of great importance to say. It concerns the Council’s decision on whether or not we help the Dawn Bringers. Their decision is that-”

  As Sinfus heard his father speak, fear gripped him as he feared that they had made judgement that favored the people of Oomer going into battle, which would mean that his father too would go. This he did not wish to hear, as his father continued speech.

  “-we do not go into battle. The people of Oomer will stay here.”

  As the words had been spoken, Sinfus felt relief grip his heart and smiled as he gripped his father’s cloak and spoke. “That means you won’t be-”

  But Sinfus was wrong, as he thought his father was not to leave, he was soon corrected. His father shook his head as he spoke upon his son in pained manner. “No. Sinfus, I am going into battle. I must help the Dawn Bringers. You must underst-”

  Sinfus let go the grip he held of his father’s cloak and shook his head as he spoke, confused and flustered. “NO. You can’t leave me. You’re all I have! Why do you have to go?”

  Bledlus took hold of his son’s arm and spoke as he felt sorry for having to go into battle, but he knew it was the right thing, and what must be done,
for the Dawn Bringers needed any aid they could receive. “Sinfus, I must go. You must understand me. They need all the help that they can get. Kermana is my friend, I must help him!”

  Sinfus felt tears leave his eyes as he felt abandoned and spoke to his father in a saddened tone. “I’m your son! If you leave, I’ll have nothing!”

  Bledlus took to his knee and held Sinfus as he looked into his eyes. Both eyes of the afflicted were golden-rimmed, locked, as Bledlus spoke, father to son. “You’ll always be my son, Sinfus. But I must do this. I’ll be safe, too. I hold the blade of Omegeira’s craft right here, with me.”

  Sinfus looked to the sheath at the side of Bledlus. A blade well-fashioned out of raw energy and silver kept a place in the sheath, also made of silver, a green glow emanating from its form as Bledlus spoke once more. “Do not worry for me, Sinfus. You’ll have far greater things to take your time, as I am leaving, I am making you ruler of Oomer!”

  Sinfus looked upon his father through teary eyes, and thought. He was only ten years old. How could he possibly deal with the responsibilities of being the leader of an entire city, which held many lives within its walls? How could he lead the great Council of One-Hundred, when he was only but a child?

  Sinfus kept gaze upon his father and spoke as he shook his head. “No. I’m not capable of leading Oomer. I’m just a child. It should be you! If you really thought you were coming back you wouldn’t do this to me!”

  Bledlus tried to reason with Sinfus, but it seemed useless as his words were not paid any attention. “Sinfus, that’s not why I’m making you leader. I’m doing it because I know you can do it!”

  Sinfus tore his arm from his father’s grip and backed away as he yelled at his father through tears. “No! You’re doing this cause you’re not coming back! Just like mother!”

  As Bledlus reached out for his son, Sinfus left his presence in swift retreat, the father watching his son run away into the darkness, leaving Bledlus to stand alone as he spoke under breathe. “I’m sorry. But this is something I must do. You’ll understand someday.”


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