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Book VI: The Legacy
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Fitton, J.L., Minoans, London, British Museum Press, 2002
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Triantafyllidis, C. of Thessaloniki’s Aristotle University talks about DNA and Minoan genetic origins:
Works of Dr Minas Tsikritsis
(Read after The Lost Empire of Atlantis was written)
Calendar Almanac of Cretan-Mycenaean Civilisation, Lawyer’s Association of Heraklion, December 2005
Cretan Scripts and the Disc of Phaistos, Secondary Education Office of Heraklion, December 2006
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‘Plato, Crete, Atlantis and the Holy Mountain of Giouktas’, Heraklion, 2008
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Abu Simnel, 216
Abydos, 43
Aceh, 47
Adabrock hoard, 244
Aden, 141-2
Aegina, 326
Afghanistan, 52, 125
Agde, 62
Aigina treasure, 51-2
Akhenaten, Pharaoh, 13-14, 76, 103-4
Akrotiri, 20, 34, 38, 163, 175, 342
al-Hamawi, Yaqut, 146 al-Idrisi, 146
Al-Kazwini, 146
al-Razzak, Abdul, 146
alabaster, 12, 185-6, 339
Alalakh, 98, 112, 138
Alashiya, king of, 104
Albacete, 182
Aleppo, 106, 122, 124-9, 136
Alexander the Great, 131
Alexandria, 61-2, 163
Alexiou, Stylianos, 6, 13-14, 43, 49, 53
Alfieri, Anastase, 163
Algiers, 62
Allert, James, 295
Almendres Cromlech, 181, 186-7, 211, 225-6, 232, 262
Almerla, 184
Almizaraque, 183
Alwaye, 152
Amarna, 13-14
‘Armana Letters’, 103-4
Amathus, 62
amber, 86, 96-7, 177, 186, 210, 238, 244, 251, 315
Amesbury necklace, 250, 252
and barrow hoards, 232, 240-1
and Uluburun wreck, 79, 83, 95-6
Ambika Kushmandini, 161
Amenemhat II, Pharaoh, 220, 22
Amenemhat III, Pharaoh, 117
Amenhotep II, Pharaoh, 108
Amenophis II, Pharaoh, 111
Columbus’s discovery, 160, 259
Minoan discovery, 245-7
and Minoan navigation, 262-71
and Minoan trade, 161-4
and Phoenicians, 268-9
Amesbury, 240, 250-1
‘Amesbury Archer’ (‘King of
Stonehenge’), 239, 252-4, 279
amethyst, 52, 143, 272
Amnisos, 20, 37, 62
Anakkara, 158
Anatolia, 52, 61, 64-6, 68-70, 73, 111-12, 158, 189, 222, 312
animals barnacles, 90
bears, 124, 291
bison, 160
elephants, 124, 153-4, 340
hippopotami, 98-9
leopards, 153-5, 158
mastodon, 282
panthers, 37
tobacco beetle, 24, 37, 102, 119, 121, 162-3, 169, 221
turtles, 291
voles, 247
whales, 291-2
see also bulls
Antakya, 190
Antikythera mechanism, 265-6
Antilles Current, 292
Antipolis, 62
Apinani, Juanito, 189
Apollonia, 62
Archanes, 9, 12, 315
Archimedes, 54, 318
Argo, 86-90, 176
Aristotle, 36
Arkalochori cave, 19, 42, 60
Armenia, 131, 307
arsenic, 59-60, 101, 170-1, 183-4
art, Minoan, 111-13, 120, 123
Arthashastra, 145
Aruz, Joan, 113
Arzawa, 64
Ashkelon, 41
Aspro Island, 342
Assur, 199
Assurbanipal, King, 130-1, 133
Assyria, 67, 130-1
astronomy, 133-5, 187, 208-10, 216-21, 236-7, 261, 264-6
Aswan, 221
Asykly Hcjyilk, 68
Athens, ancient, 10, 39, 62, 324
and deforestation, 173-5
Atkinson, Richard J.C., 233, 235, 238
Atlantis, 35-6
Plato’s account, 36, 47-8, 55, 164, 169, 310, 322-4, 333-46
Augustus, Emperor, 76, 145
Australia, 7
Avaris, 106-10, 113-14, 119, 177
Avebury, 227, 239
Avila, 187
Ayia Irini, 326
Ayia Napia, 62
Ayia Triada, see Hagia Triada
Ayios Pavlos, 90
Azerbaijan, 307
Aztalan, 273, 290-1
Babylon, 67, 106, 112, 122, 131, 190, 261, 266, 270
Babylonian astronomy, 132-3, 135, 220, 236, 261, 264-6
Bacon, Edward, 334-5, 344-5
Bacon, Roger, 54
Badajoz, 182
Bahrain, 61
Baird, W. Sheppard, 183-4
Balabanova, Svetlana, 119-21
Balearic Islands, 177
Balkans, 32, 174
Baltic, 79, 83, 86, 90, 95-6, 186, 210, 241, 244, 269-70, 314-15
Barace, 145
Barada, river, 126-7
Baraga, 287-8, 291
Bard, Kathryn, 115-16
Barnett, S.A., 273
Basch, Martin Almagro, 180
Bastet, Pharaoh, 106
Bavaria, 315
Bay of Biscay, 196
beads, 125, 136, 143-4, 148-9, 156, 232, 240-1, 243
Beaver Island, 281-3, 285, 290
Beirut, 41, 106, 125-6, 130, 136
Bekaa Valley, 126
Belur, 161
Berenice, 155-6
Bharhut stupa, 162
Bietak, Manfred, 109
Bigbury Bay, 194
Bisson de la Roque, Ferdinand, 222
Bizerte, 62
Black Sea, 63, 79, 88, 95
Boardman, J., 38-9
Bodrum, 73-4, 79-80, 83
Bogazkoy, 66
Bohemia, 177
bone deformities, 252, 254, 279
Book of Jonah, 130, 172 ‘Boscombe Bowmen’, 251
Bosphorus, 315
Botta, Paul-Emile, 172 ‘Boy with the Amber Necklace’, 250, 252-3, 279
Brest, 270
Britain, 191-206
amber, 96-7
climate, 246
deforestation, 175
and Phoenicians, 194, 268
see also Stonehenge
Brittany, 195, 220, 226
Britten, Benjamin, 151
bronze, 48, 58-63, 200, 317
casting techniques, 204-5, 254-5
Egyptians and, 60-1, 103, 174, 204, 220
hoards, 19, 136-8, 140, 159, 180, 193, 209, 223, 239-41, 243
manufacture and deforestation, 171-5
types of, 59-60, 170-1, 183
Bronze age, collapse of, 311-13
Brophy, Thomas G., 219
Brown, Michael, 304
Bruins, Hendrik, 47
Bruseth, James, 288-9
Bubastis, 106
Bukhara, 126
Bulgaria, 94
bulls, 4, 8, 11-12, 22-3, 190, 335-6
bull-leaping, 109-10, 157, 188-90
and Egypt, 190, 220, 222
Bursa, 64-6
Bute, 243
Byblos, 41, 84
Cabot, John, 284
Caidiz, 245
Caernarvon, 201
Cahokia, 284
Cairo, 126, 140, 154, 163
Cakir, Mehmet, 74-5, 100
Calicut, 146-7
Callanish stone circle, 186, 226-7, 243-5, 251, 262
Callatis, 62
Cambay, 142, 145
Canaan, 103, 109
Canary Islands, 259, 263, 267, 345
Cape Agios Nikolaos, 32
Cape Akrotiri, 32
Cape Breton Island, 284
Cape Gelidonya wreck, 241, 297
Cape Hatteras, 292
Cape Malea, 53
Cape St Vincent, 179
Cape Verde Islands, 263, 267, 345
Carchemish, 125
Carians, 51
Caribbean, 246, 260, 263
Carmel Head, 201
Carnon, river, 198-9, 209
Carthage, 62, 268
Carty, Alistair, 233
Caspian Sea, 131
Castillejo, 187
Castleden, Rodney, 64, 177, 324
Catalhoyuk, 67-8, 189
Cedarland Ring, 288
Ceuta, 62
Chalandria, 185
Chania, 29
Charles II, King, 264
Chenna Kesava temple, 161
Cherian, P.J., 148, 156-7
China, 6-7, 272
Chippewa Indians, 305-7
Christie, Agatha, 128
Ciudad Real, 182
Cladh Hallan, 248
Claiborne Ring, 288
Clark, Peter, 193
clocks, 264-5
Cochin (Kochi), 146, 148, 150-2
coins, 268-9
Columbus, Christopher, 160, 245, 259-60
Colwyn Bay, 201
Comendador Rey, Beatriz, 181
Congo, 194
Conti, Nicolo da, 146
Cook, Captain James, 7
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 132, 135, 266
Copper Harbor, 282
copper, 58-61, 63, 104, 125, 197, 271
American, 246-8, 251, 268, 272-9
casting techniques, 204-5, 254-5
chemical analysis, 278, 295-6
comparison of artefacts, 294-9
Cornish, 198-200, 250
Cypriot, 61, 79, 86, 174
‘float copper’, 273, 290
Iberian, 175, 180-4, 186-7, 224
and India, 144-5
mining techniques, 273-4, 278
orichalcum alloy, 322, 337
price of, 275
and stone circles, 227, 238
transportation of, 284-9
and Uluburun wreck, 77, 84, 100-3, 169-70,
Welsh, 175, 201-6
Corfu, 311
Corium, 62
Cornish tin, 97-8, 193-4, 198-201, 205, 209
Coromandel, 142, 156
Corum, 190
cotton, 90, 128-9, 143, 145, 157, 161, 263, 290
cowries, 125, 136, 155, 232
Craib, Karen, 276, 278
alignment of palaces, 260
and bronze manufacture, 170, 175
caves, 41-2, 55
and coming of Sea Peoples, 312-13
cypress forests, 78
early settlers, 64-6, 68-9, 90-2
geography and climate, 38-40
history, 8-9
and invention of wine, 95-6
massacres on, 81
modern population, 69
and Mycenaeans, 52, 311
and myth, 6, 10, 51, 55-6
Plato and, 55, 323, 335-7, 339
roads, 42-4
ships, 63, 169, 323
and Thera, 22-4, 36-7, 323
and volcanic eruption, 46-8, 162-3, 309-10, 313, 334
see also Minoan civilisation Cumae, 62
Cunliffe, Barry, 194
cursi, 227, 299
Curzon, Lord, 151
Cyclades, 51-2, 62, 170, 297
Cyprus, 8-9, 45, 51, 269-70, 340
copper deposits, 61, 79, 86, 174
Damascus, 106, 124, 126-7, 136
Darius III, King, 131
Darvill, Tim, 231
David, King, 66
Dawson, David, 240
deforestation, 173-5, 243-4
Deir el-Bahri, 94, 117
Deir ez-Zor, 123
Delimitros, Vasilis, 87-8
Denmark, 246
Dimishqi, 146
Diodorus Siculus, 198, 244
DNA evidence, 68-9, 244, 249, 253-4, 303-8
do Paco, Colonel, 185
Dodecanese, 52, 62
Donana national park, 180
Dour, river, 192
Dover Boat, 191-5, 198
Drake, Sir Francis, 30, 79
Drew, Robert, 312
Drier, Roy, 272-3
Driessen, Jan, 48
drugs, 119-20, 161
Druze, 303, 308
Du Temple, Octave, 273
Duerr, Hans Peter, 96-7, 207, 210
Dumas, Christos, 21
Dunagoil, 243
Ebla, 112, 122
ebony, 75, 79
eclipses, 133, 135, 187, 221, 228, 231, 235-7, 264, 270
Egypt, ancient
astronomy, 216-21, 236-7
and bronze, 60-1, 103, 174, 220
and bulls, 190, 220, 222
collapse of, 312
drug-taking, 119-21
and Hittites, 67
Minoan influence, 106-14
shipbuilding and exploration, 115-18
trade with India, 137, 141-2, 155-7, 161
trade with Minoans, 14, 25, 28, 41, 43, 45, 49, 52, 59, 63, 137, 161
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