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roses garden

Page 4

by Desconhecido(a)

  “You’re still sitting in wet clothes.” I commented when we broke for air. I felt a little vulnerable as I was naked but for my blouse, while he was still dressed.

  Ryan chuckled. “Well, do something about it then!” he dared me.

  I could feel my insecurities rising again. Was this really a good idea? Maybe I should end this now before it went any further. Oh to hell with it, I thought recklessly. It was about time I had some fun!

  He stared at me, waiting to see if I would rise to the challenge. Slowly, I ran my hands down his chest, enjoying the feel of his muscles beneath the damp cotton. When I reached the waistband of his jeans, he sucked in his breath hard and I experienced a surge of power.

  I suddenly realised how much he wanted me. He wanted me just as badly as I wanted him. This made me feel incredibly sensuous. For so long I had felt rejected and undesirable. It was a huge boost to my ego to have this gorgeous sexy man shivering with lust before me. God, it felt good!

  Teasingly, I brushed my fingers over the front of his jeans, feeling the heat of his bulging cock. He shut his eyes for a moment and I saw the tension in his face. So far it had all been about my pleasure. I wanted to please him too and I grasped the edge of his t-shirt and pulled it up. He helped me strip it off and I admired the naked chest I had so far only ogled from a distance.

  His muscles were sharply defined and his skin bronzed from the sun. A light sprinkling of golden hair covered the upper part of his torso, stretching down into a line that dipped below the waistband of his jeans.

  Watching his reaction, I traced this line, brushing lightly over his nipples and slowly sinking lower and lower. His eyes darkened until the irises vanished, eclipsed by his black pupils.

  In response to my teasing, he began to stroke my breasts and soon I was moaning helplessly. No longer was I in control; he was making me hot all over again. He stood up, allowing me to unzip his jeans.

  For a moment I paused, enjoying the anticipation of releasing his cock. I kissed the skin on his chest, licking my tongue over the tiny hard nipples. He shivered under my caress, his nipples becoming tight little nubs of sensation.

  My hand dipped inside his jeans, grasping his cock firmly. I could feel the thick throbbing heat of him and he groaned with pleasure as I rubbed my thumb over the sticky sensitive head.

  “Careful!” he warned as more drops of cum oozed out to lubricate my hand. I dropped to my knees, eager to taste this man. It was something I had rarely done for Phil; I hadn’t really wanted to do it for him.

  But this was different. I was different. I could be anything I wanted to be. Ryan had seen something in me I hadn’t known existed. I had never behaved this way before; I had always been inhibited and shy about sex. Suddenly I felt liberated, freed from the narrow restraints that had held me back for so long. It felt wonderful and I wanted to explore my new persona.

  I pulled Ryan’s jeans down, along with his shorts. His cock sprang free, eager for my attention and I was just as eager to give it some. For a moment, I studied the thickly veined shaft, staring with fascination at the intricate pattern of veins and ridges, feeling how the blood pumped eagerly as testament to his excitement.

  A small pearly drop of cum seeped out of the eye, a little jewel of moisture. My tongue flicked out to capture it, scooping it up and tasting its salty flavour. Ryan’s eyes darkened even further as he watched my lascivious display. Another drop appeared and I repeated my action; gratified when he groaned harshly.

  “God, woman!” he gasped and I smiled triumphantly.

  I took his cock in my mouth, savouring the salty tanginess. My tongue licked the head and my lips sank lower until he was touching the back of my throat. I felt powerful as I looked up to see him gazing avidly at me.

  “That feels so good…” Ryan breathed, his eyes glazed over in lust. I sucked gently, sliding my lips up and down his shaft in a slow rhythm, my hand stroking his balls gently. I wondered what it would taste like if he came in my mouth. This was not something I had ever done. I had never had the desire to swallow cum before. Now I found myself almost wishing he would cum in my mouth.

  Without warning, he pulled away from me, my mouth reluctantly releasing his cock with a gentle pop. I stared up at him in surprise. Why had he done that?

  “Come here now!” he growled harshly.

  I obediently stood and he pulled me into his arms, kissing me hard. His cock throbbed against my belly and my pussy welled up with renewed moisture at the thought of his thick shaft penetrating me.

  I found myself spun round so that I was leaning against the hard edge of the mattress, then Ryan pushed me backwards so that I lay back on the bed, my legs parted licentiously before him. I felt like a tropical flower in full bloom, the petals of my sex open and gleaming with honeyed nectar.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said, his cock in his hand as he stood poised between my thighs.

  I was mute, suddenly embarrassed to ask for what I so dearly wanted. I had never talked like this; it wasn’t me at all. He watched me silently, tauntingly. I realised slowly that unless I asked, I wouldn’t get.

  “I want you,” I whispered. My words were barely audible. My cheeks flushed in hot shame at being forced to admit my overwhelming need.

  “What do you want me to do to you?” Ryan grinned, enjoying my discomfort.

  “I need you to fuck me,” I said softly.

  “Pardon? I didn’t quite catch that…”

  Bastard! He was pushing me beyond my limits now.

  “I want you to FUCK ME!” I shouted at the top of my voice. Then I remembered the window was open and that the rain had stopped. Oh God, what if the neighbours had heard!

  Ryan leant over me and slowly pushed his cock inside my tight channel. “Just as well ‘cause that’s what I want too!” he muttered into my mouth as he kissed me, one hand caressing my breast.

  I could feel every inch of his gorgeous cock inside me. Every movement provoked a fresh flood of moisture and I squirmed beneath him, the sensations exquisite. His cock felt like it was made for me; it was a perfect fit in every way.

  My legs wrapped around his waist as he plunged in and out of me, our bodies fusing together in a sweaty mass of limbs. My eyes closed and I gripped his back, digging my nails into the flesh, although I was barely aware of this. I could feel another orgasm building within me, my clit rubbing against the coarse hair of Ryan’s groin.

  “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum in a minute!” he grunted in my ear.

  I couldn’t reply, I was too far gone; lost in my own world of pleasure. Once again I came in a flash of delirium. My whole body imploded in a maelstrom of sensation; ripples of bliss blasting through me.

  Ryan thrust deep inside me and groaned harshly as he came too. He collapsed on me, panting hard as he struggled to regain his breath. After a moment, he rolled sideways and pulled me with him.

  I nestled against his warm body, listening to his heartbeat gradually slowing down as he recovered. It was strangely comforting, almost soporific and I felt my eyes closing.

  A loud meow from the bedroom doorway jarred me back awake.

  “Hmm, somebody wants attention!” Ryan chuckled into my hair. I sighed but couldn’t find the energy to move.

  Henry didn’t like being ignored and he padded over to the bed crossly. Jumping up beside us, he blinked in surprise to see Ryan there with me. Yellow eyes stared unflinchingly at the usurper, assessing the possible threat to his feline territory, before he relaxed and began to purr loudly.

  Evidently my cat had decided Ryan was okay. Lying there in the circle of his arms, I thought Ryan was more than okay. I also thought he was dangerous and I wondered just where the hell this crazy dalliance was going.

  Chapter 5

  I had put all the wet washing on the clothes horse close to the fire, and the room smelled faintly of damp fabric. The temperature had dropped dramatically after the storm and I was glad of the crackling warmth emanating from the hearth. We were stretched ou
t on the small sofa; me lying across Ryan’s legs and snuggled up in a fleecy blanket while Henry perched on the back of the seat, purring rhythmically.

  It felt comfortable like this. It felt like he had always been here - although we had not exactly talked about anything of importance. I knew nothing about him other than his job. I wanted to ask a hundred questions, but I was afraid the spell would be broken and real life would intrude.

  “Rose?” The deep timbre of his voice rumbled through me. I lifted my head to look at him.

  “Mm?” I said sleepily.

  “I- “

  The sharp ringing of my mobile interrupted his words and without thinking I picked up the phone from the floor and flipped it open. “Yes, who is it?” I answered impatiently.

  “Rose!” It was Phil. I sat up abruptly, the blanket partially slipping off my shoulder. “Why the hell won’t you take my calls - how can we sort this out if you won’t talk to me?” The tone of his voice was not exactly conciliatory and I winced.

  “Phil, there is nothing to talk about anymore. We both know what happened-”

  “Nothing happened! I did nothing wrong, I was a model husband and I gave you everything you asked for. How dare you-”

  “How dare I what?” I could feel myself seething in fury at his refusal to accept any blame. “How dare I leave you? I’ve had enough Phil and I’m not listening to this anymore. If you have something to say, tell my solicitor!” Before he could yell anything else, I disconnected the call and switched my phone off.

  I tossed the phone across the room and burst into unexpected angry tears.

  “Hey, Rose…are you okay?” Ryan wrapped his arms round me and stroked my cheek soothingly. Slowly, I began to calm down and my tears faded as fast as they had come. I didn’t know why the phone call bothered me - emotionally I had ended our marriage a long time ago. It was Phil’s anger that bothered me more; I hated confrontation. I cringed at the thought of Phil coming round to the house - he must know where I was by now. He knew about the cottage and surely he would have worked it out; he was no fool.

  My sister had rung me a few nights ago and she mentioned Phil had been in touch with her. She had told him nothing of course, she had never liked him. She said he had spent the entire call telling her how much he missed me and wanted me back, and how he couldn’t understand why I had left him. Oh, how I had laughed at that.

  “Sorry,” I said to Ryan apologetically. I felt sure he wouldn’t want to be dragged into my divorce. Why on earth would he?

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said evenly. “I take it the phone call was from your ex?” He sat back and pulled me against him snugly. I sighed and briefly told him my story. I felt strangely relieved to let it out - so far, no one had heard it all. I had no real friends and my sister and I weren’t all that close. She only knew that I had had enough - not why exactly. I was too ashamed to tell her, which was fairly ridiculous, given that she was aware what Phil was like.

  The trouble was it felt like I had failed in some way because my husband had found me too boring and unattractive to love anymore. It was bad enough that I had to live with this terrible secret; I couldn’t bear to admit it to anyone else.

  I really didn’t know why I was telling Ryan. Maybe a part of me was hoping he would use it as an excuse to run away from me. But he merely listened patiently and when I had spilled all the sordid details out to him, he kissed me and said quietly,

  “He’s a fool, Rose.” It seemed Ryan was going nowhere just yet.

  * * * *

  It was early when I awoke the next morning. The bed beside me was empty and I immediately experienced a feeling of utter desolation. Ryan had gone. I was just another conquest and now that he had had his fun, he would move on to the next gullible woman.

  My eyes welled up with hot tears and I buried my head under the pillow in self-loathing. God, I was a fool. Why on earth would a man like that want a woman like me? The answer was: he wouldn’t. He would choose a young, pretty girl who could dazzle him with her charm and beauty. I was old and faded; I could offer him nothing special.

  The rain dripped down the window like a million teardrops. Even God was crying this morning.

  The bedroom door pushed open and Henry jumped onto the bed with a loud and demanding, “Meow!”

  “Bugger off!” I muttered miserably from beneath the pillow.

  “Charming! I’ll take the tea and toast away then…”

  I jumped in shock when I heard Ryan’s voice. He hadn’t gone! My heart leapt with joy and I quickly rubbed my eyes hoping they weren’t all puffy and red.

  “I made you tea,” he told me, “but I haven’t put any sugar in it - I wasn’t sure if you took it. I can nip down and add some if you do?”

  He looked deliciously edible. I felt my mouth watering at the sight of him in my tatty dressing gown, his blond hair tousled and sticking up in adorable tufts.

  I rallied my senses and managed to stop grinning like an idiot long enough to say, “Thanks, I don’t take sugar.”

  “Good, ‘cause I don’t want to go back downstairs again. Move over and let me in.” He put his mug and the plate of toast down on the bedside table before jumping into bed next to me, minus the dressing gown.

  “Morning, Rose.” He grinned at me, his blue eyes twinkling like sapphires.

  His ebullient mood was infectious and the depression that had enveloped me minutes before vanished without a trace.

  “Morning…” I replied shyly, hoping I looked better than I felt.

  Ryan lightly traced a path down my side as he gazed at me seriously. “I have to leave soon - I’m playing in a football match at eleven o’clock. But that gives us plenty of time to eat, drink and…” He circled my nipple with his finger and grinned at me lasciviously, “…warm me up before I have to go run around a wet field with a load of big blokes!”

  “Who do you play for?” I asked, trying to concentrate on the conversation. It was difficult when his hand was playing with my breasts.

  “Local pub team - The Golden Fleece - we have a small league. This morning it’s a friendly match.”

  He reached for his mug of tea and the plate. “Here, have some toast - you’ll need the energy before I’m finished with you woman!”

  I laughed at his suggestive wink and grabbed a slice. I suddenly realised I was starving hungry. It felt like ages since I had last eaten. Hungrily, I shoved the toast down and drank my tea.

  Henry watched from the end of the bed. I was amazed how well he had taken to Ryan’s presence. He had certainly never jumped on the bed when Phil was there, but Ryan didn’t seem at all bothered by the cat.

  “Had enough?” Ryan asked when the plate was empty. I nodded and he put the plate back on the table again. “Good. We have better things to be doing!”

  With a growl he pulled me against him and I felt his hard cock throbbing with the promise of things to come. Instantly, my body reacted in anticipation. My pussy welled up and I pressed myself into his body. I could hardly believe the way I was behaving - like a wanton slut!

  We kissed, my hands wrapped around his neck, and I could taste the sweet flavour of the tea. My legs entwined with his and it was hard to know where he ended and I began. We fitted together perfectly, his sinewy muscle a compliment to my soft curves.

  Ryan’s cock slipped between my legs, nestling in the warm wetness of my sex and rubbing against my clit. I moaned at the feelings rushing through my body. All I wanted was to feel him inside me again, filling me up and pushing me over the edge.

  He cupped my breast, stroking the sensitive flesh and pinching my hard nipple. I rocked my pelvis against him, unconsciously urging him on and he groaned into my mouth.

  “God, you turn me on,” he muttered. Pushing himself down slightly, Ryan took one swollen bud between his teeth and sucked. The sweet sensation flooded my body with heat and fire and I grasped his hair hard, making him yelp. His mouth sucked and tortured me. I was burning up in the inferno of his touch and
I frantically pulled his head up.

  “Fuck me,” I pleaded hoarsely. “I need you in me now!”

  He moved over me and I felt the tip of his cock nudging my entrance. I didn’t want gentle, I wanted hard and fast so I titled my hips upwards and he slid inside me smoothly.

  “That feels so good,” he breathed, his eyes half closed in pleasure. Leaning over me, his weight supported on both arms, he looked down at me as we began to move together. All my senses were concentrated on the feel of his hard cock inside me. I closed my eyes and felt the feelings bloom.

  Harder and faster he thrust into my willing body. The sweat poured off both of us, the heat of our passion steaming up the bedroom window. I peaked with a muffled cry, my mouth buried in Ryan’s neck, the sweet pleasure eclipsing all conscious thought for a few dazzling moments. I was barely aware of him making one final thrust and groaning loudly as his hot cum pumped into me.

  He collapsed and rolled to the side, taking me with him. His cock stayed inside me, the sticky juices seeping out and trickling down my thigh. Gradually, our hearts slowed down and he opened his eyes.

  “I’m not sure I have the energy to go play footy now!” he remarked.

  “Maybe you need to do more regular exercise then,” I answered with a giggle.

  “Maybe I do. Do you think you can help me with that?” He tickled me and I laughed until tears ran down my cheeks. Henry had jumped off the bed, but now he reappeared again, staring at us in complete bafflement. He threw a filthy look at me and with a flick of his tail he trotted out and downstairs in search of food.

  * * * *

  The rest of the week passed in a delicious daydream. Ryan spent every night at my house and we were inseparable. I kept waiting for the bubble to burst and some hideous skeleton to fall out of the closet - but it didn’t.

  Correspondence continued to flow between Phil’s solicitor and mine. I agreed to waive all rights to his pension fund in return for a cash lump sum. He wasn’t happy about it, but as my solicitor kept reminding me, it was far less than I was entitled to given the length of our marriage. I didn’t care however; I just wanted to draw a line under the whole sorry episode.


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