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Waiting for Romeo

Page 4

by Diane Mannino

  “It’s good to be home.” Bryn says as she pulls out some of our bags from her car.

  “Looks like our house needs some serious TLC.” I say as we walk up the winding stone path.

  Immediately we both stop in our tracks when we see the front door is slightly open. Bryn moves forward and slowly pushes the front door. The glass from the window on the door is shattered in pieces on the floor. Quiet. It’s disturbingly quiet. As we move slowly into the entrance I see Bryn frown as she looks into the living room.

  “Holy Crap!” Bryn says.

  I follow her eyes and see the mess in our living room. Things are tossed out of drawers and scattered all over the living room floor.

  “I think we should get out of here.” I whisper, nervously.

  Bryn peeks into the kitchen. “No, it’s fine. Just don’t touch anything. I’ll call the police.”

  I look back into the living room. “That’s weird. They didn’t take the television.”

  “Thank God. I can’t live without Vampire Diaries and the new season starts this week.” She says in all seriousness.

  I roll my eyes at her. “Oh, brother. That’s your biggest worry right now.”

  “I can’t help it. I make jokes when I’m nervous. This is freaky. I can’t believe our house was broken into.”

  Dropping our bags by the door, we walk side by side, cautiously through the downstairs. Bryn pulls out her cell from the front pocket of her sweatshirt and calls the police. Her conversation is short. She gives a summary of our return from break then the rest of the exchange is filled with yes and no answers. Ending the call, she turns to me.

  “They’re on their way, but the operator said we should wait in the car.” She says as we walk hurriedly out the front door and back into her car.

  “They think the burglar is still in the house?” I ask, as I slam the passenger door shut.

  “It’s just a precaution.” She pauses a minute. “I’m sure they’re long gone.” She sounds anxious and I wonder if she says this to reassure me as much as herself.

  “Did you notice if anything was missing?”

  “No. It just looked like stuff was pulled out of drawers. But we didn’t go upstairs so maybe they took stuff up there.”

  “Maybe.” I say.

  “God, I hope they didn’t take any of my shoes.” Bryn frowns.

  I laugh. “Seriously? Or is this one of your nervous jokes?”

  “One word: Louboutin. Yes, I’m serious.”

  “Well, I did hear there’s a famous shoe bandit in Los Angeles. Maybe Santa Barbara is their new target.” My lips pinch into a half smile.

  She narrows her eyes at me. “Hey, anything is possible.”

  “True.” I grab her hand and squeeze it. “I’m sorry, Bryn. I should know better than to joke about your shoes.” I went along with her shoe charade, but I know deep down she’s more concerned about our security than her stilettos.

  “You’re forgiven.” She smiles. But it is quickly replaced by a frown.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I hope this police stuff doesn’t take long. I could really use a drink.”

  I smile. “Hell. Yeah.”


  THE NEW YEAR ISN’T STARTING off the way I had hoped it would. After two officers searched our house and we were given clearance that it was safe, we found only a mess. Nothing was stolen…including Bryn’s shoes. But we soon discovered the upstairs resembled the downstairs, like a tornado swept through it.

  The police explained several college students’ houses as well as some dorm rooms were burglarized over the Winter Break. My first thought was why would they break in and not take anything. The explanation: they were more than likely looking for cash, jewelry, iPods, iPads and laptops. We had all of these things with us.

  My second thought was what will keep the burglars from coming back to our house since they didn’t find what they were looking for the first time. The answer wasn’t so reassuring…lightning does strike twice and they suggested we get either an alarm system or a dog.

  We clean up the glass from the window on the door and cover the hole with some plastic and duck tape. After we tidy up the rest of the house, we both take showers and change, more than ready to head out for the night.

  “So I put your bags back in the car.” Bryn says as I come down the stairs. “I figured since we were both already packed it’s just easier to take all that stuff, instead of unpacking and repacking.”

  “We’re moving into Elsie’s?” I tug on the bottom of my dryer-shrunken sweater, trying to stretch it out to its former state.

  “Not exactly.” She smiles, knowingly.

  “What exactly?”

  “Well, we can’t stay here until we get the hole fixed…at the very least. We also need to get an alarm system installed. So, I took the liberty of asking Josh and Tyler if we could stay with them until everything is fixed.”

  “Oh, sure. Yes, let’s move in with them.” I say and I can’t hide my annoyance.

  “Emilia, be reasonable. This isn’t about us moving in with them. But I have to say, Tyler is pretty stoked.”

  I huff an annoyed breath. “If this isn’t about us moving in with them…what’s it about?”

  “Our safety. Seriously. Do you really feel like staying here tonight?” She puts her hand on her hip.

  “Well, not really.” I sigh.

  “It’s the best solution. Besides, it’ll be fun…like a slumber party.” Bryn’s voice trails off at the end.

  “I’m not a fan of slumber parties.” I say, quietly.

  She looks at me with worried eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “No. It’s not fine.” She pauses. “Look, I don’t feel comfortable staying here tonight and I don’t think you do either. We’ll just stay with them until we get things fixed here and it’s safe. Deal?”

  “One night.” I point a finger at her.

  “Sure, one night.” She nods, but I’m not sure I believe her.

  “Are you sure we can’t stay at Elsie’s instead?”

  She gives me a quick hug and then tugs me out the front door.

  My phone rings just as we pull out of the driveway. We’re heading to Josh and Tyler’s to drop off our things and then walk to the bar from their place. Pulling out my phone, I take a deep breath and sigh.

  “Logan?” Bryn asks.

  “Yes.” I say as I hold my phone without answering it.

  The ringing abruptly stops and it’s quickly followed by the buzz of a text.

  LOGAN: I’m back in S.B. Can we talk tonight?

  I stare at the screen. Could this day get any worse? I want to throw my phone out the window and bang my head on the dashboard.

  “Let me guess. He’s here.”

  “Yes and he wants to get together tonight. Should I respond?”

  “No. You know he’ll just keep texting you.”

  “You’re probably right.” I swallow. “I really need to blow off some steam…I could really use a good run.”

  “Well, it’s dark so running is out. You know what I think you need?”

  I shrug.

  “A drink. Time for a drink…for both of us.” She smiles.

  Josh and Tyler head out the front door of their house just as we pull in the driveway. Josh sweeps Bryn into his arms, pulls her tightly against his chest and kisses her hard. I feel my face redden as I quickly look away and at Tyler.

  “Hi.” Tyler says and leans down, giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

  “Hi.” I smile, awkwardly.

  After they grab our bags and put them in their house, the four of us make our way to Elsie’s. Although classes don’t resume until Monday, it’s Friday night and the streets are already packed with returning students. When we walk, I notice several people glancing in my direction and then whispering. I don’t know if I’m feeling paranoid so I move closer to Bryn and whisper in her ear.

sp; “Is it just me or are people looking at me funny?” I say in her ear.

  “Don’t sweat it. They’re just jealous.” She smiles.

  “Ugh. I was hoping you were going to tell me that it’s all in my head.”

  “Okay. It’s all in your head.”

  “Liar.” I huff.

  “You need a drink or two or three.” She laughs.

  We make our way into the bar. While the guys grab pitchers of beer and margaritas, Bryn and I look for a place to sit. I insist on sitting at a table that’s tucked away in the corner when Bryn initially moves to one in the front.

  “Uh-huh.” Bryn says, knowingly.

  “It’s quieter back here. We can at least talk without shouting.” I mutter.

  “You sure you aren’t trying to hide?” Bryn knows me too well.

  I shrug.

  “You know you aren’t going to be able to hide for the next five months.”

  “I can try.” I smile.

  SEVERAL HOURS LATER and too many drinks to count, I start to finally relax. The bar is overcrowded and loud. Sitting across from Bryn, the two of us move to the music while Tyler and Josh discuss the results of various college bowl games. I don’t even mind when I feel Tyler’s hand, stroking my thigh.

  I know Logan is in the bar when I see Bryn’s expression change as her eyes look over my shoulder. She tries to look indifferent but there’s no doubt in my mind.

  I mouth the words to her. “He’s here?”

  She nods and takes a gulp of her margarita. “I think we s’need some shots.” Her words are slurred as she waves over a waitress and orders a round of lemon drops.

  “Babe, I think you should slow down.” Josh leans close to her. “I don’t want you passing out on me tonight.”

  “Ha! Don’t worry about me passing out on you. I’m so wet, hot and bothered I’m pretty certain you will be the one passing out on me after what I have planned for later.”

  “Uhh…TMI. TMI, Bryn.” I shake my head at her and laugh while my face feels like it’s on fire.

  It is taking all my willpower to not glance over my shoulder and look at Logan. Besides Bryn occasionally looking in the direction, I’m certain I feel his eyes boring into the back of my head. I’m distracted momentarily when the round of shots arrive at our table.

  “To getting laid!” Bryn shouts and slurps back her drink then plants a big, wet one on Josh.

  The rest of us clink our glasses and follow suit. Squinting at her, I shake my head. I may have to squash her future double dating plans if she keeps this up. Maybe she is so sex-starved, she won’t be so blatantly obvious once she gets some. One can only hope, right?

  I’m pretty sure Tyler feels just as uncomfortable as me when he turns his attention away from our two over lecherous friends to me.

  “Would you like to dance?” He asks, his lips twitch up into a slight smile and I take this as code for do you want to get away from these two.

  As much as I would like to escape their little sex-fest, my option to dance with Tyler with Logan staring a hole into my back is even less appealing.

  “Um. No, thanks.” He looks wistfully disappointed so I add. “Maybe, later.” I take a sip of my drink and suddenly feel the urge to relieve my overfilled bladder.

  “Sure.” He smiles.

  “I have to go to the bathroom.” I say. I’ve been fighting the urge for quite some time, hoping to avoid Logan. I can’t hold it in any longer as I slide out of the booth and stand up.

  “I’ll s’go with you.” Bryn slurs. She attempts to stand but falls back down in her seat.

  “Whoa.” Tyler catches her, helping her keep her balance.

  Bryn laughs. “Head spin. I’m good.” She grabs my hand, finding the support to lift up and stand.

  “This is a first.” I giggle at her. “You’re more wasted than I am. I think you may take my light-weight title tonight.” I say as we maneuver through the crowd, no easy task for two so tipsy. Keeping my head down and trying to avoid eye contact with anyone, we manage to get to the small, tight hallway in the back by the restrooms.

  “Whew, we made it and we didn’t run into you-know-who.” I laugh.

  “Who?” I hear a husky voice behind me at the same time Bryn’s mouth drops open, once again looking over my shoulder.

  “Shit.” I whisper, taking a deep breath, I turn around.

  Logan is wearing a pale blue sweater, bringing out the blue in his eyes even more. I’m dizzy from too many margaritas or is it the sight of him? Or both? But I stand solid because I am frozen in my tracks, unable to take my eyes off his. My physical reaction to him hasn’t changed as much as I have tried to will it away. Immediately, my heart beats faster and my brain becomes foggy…the swoon factor.

  He leans close to my ear. “You ready to go?” His warm breath and the subtle touch of his lips on my ear, makes a shiver run down my spine.

  “S’I’ve got this.” Bryn pushes and steps in front of me, but as she does she stumbles, knocking us both into Logan.

  Feeling his solid chest, I grab onto his firm biceps to keep balance. Our eyes lock and my heart hammers against my chest so loudly, I wonder if he can feel it. A nudge in my side from Bryn brings me back to reality. He slowly pushes Bryn and I up, as he moves us back into a standing position, I feel his intense gaze on me.

  Bryn resumes her position, barricading herself in front of me. “Dammit. Can’t you just leave her alone…?” She trails off but before she finishes what she’s saying she slaps her hand over her mouth.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  She nods and then rushes into the bathroom.

  Before I turn to follow her, Logan reaches for my arm, refusing to let me go. I look down at his hand with annoyance and he immediately drops it to his side.

  “You’re with him now?” He asks and I know he’s referring to Tyler.

  “I’m not with anyone now.” I snap.

  “You’re usually so sweet when you have some margaritas in your system.” His eyes never waver from mine.

  “Sorry to disappoint.” I surprise myself when I hear the words spit out of me.

  “You know, I’m not going to give up.” His eyes skim my face to my neck.

  He reaches, gently grasping the necklace with the locket around my neck. His finger softly brushes my neck and that oh-too familiar tingle runs through me.

  “I’m glad to see you are still wearing this.” He smiles at me. “I still want you to take back the other necklace.” He’s referring to the other Tiffany’s necklace he gave me with diamonds in an eternity setting.

  I shake my head. “I can’t.”

  “Do you really think if you keep ignoring me and pushing me away that I will just forget about you?” He asks, but doesn’t let me reply. “I can promise you…that’s not going to happen.”

  I take a deep breath. “I should go. I need to check on Bryn.” I say as I glance in the direction of the bathroom.

  “No. You should come with me.” He says. His fingers move from beneath my locket to under my chin, turning my head to face him.

  I shake my head.

  “It could all be the way it was if you just take me back.” His hand softly caresses my cheek.

  “The way it was?” I ask, my eyes staring into his. “Before Seraphina and Sebastian did their damage?”

  “You’re never going to let that go?” He pauses. “Look, I’m done with them. I kicked Sebastian out and sold the condo. I leased a place until the end of the year and there’s only one roommate I want.”

  This is news to me. I think of Sebastian and I wonder how that all went down. God. I already planned on avoiding him, but now I really need to stay clear of him. I thought he disliked me before. But now that I am the sole reason for the deterioration of their friendship, he must totally and completely despise me. The thought makes me shudder.

  “I’m sure Sebastian is thrilled with me.” I say, feeling sick to my stomach.

  “Who gives a shit about him? He’s gone.
You don’t ever have to worry about him again.”

  At that moment, Bryn, looking a bit disheveled but surprisingly more alert, resurfaces from the ladies’ room. She immediately locks her eyes with mine and scowls. Grabbing my arm, she pulls me away from Logan. But before she leads me away, she has some choice words for him: “Stay. The. Fuck. Away. From. Her.”

  And with that, we are gone.

  THE FOUR OF US make our way down the street and back to their house; the cool air is a welcome relief from the over-heated bar and the excess amounts of alcohol in my system. Bryn has regained her wits after her lengthy, but effective trip to the bathroom.

  “Jeez. You are such a lightweight.” I tease her as we walk behind Josh and Tyler.

  She laughs. “No more tequila for me.”

  “Didn’t you already say that?” I smile, remembering her with a horrendous hangover after one of our previous margarita binges.

  “This time, I’m serious.”

  “We’ll see.” I laugh.

  “By the way, what were you two discussing the whole time while I was worshipping the porcelain god?” She inspects me, carefully. “And, don’t leave anything out. You know I always can tell when you are hiding something from me.”

  “A bit bossy, aren’t we?” I tease. “Pretty much the same old same old.”

  “Uh-huh. Which is?”

  I scoot closer as we walk, not wanting Josh and Tyler to hear me. “He’s not going to give up on me. He won’t forget about me…you know…it’s the same story. I think seeing me with Tyler bugged him.”

  She has a subtle smile on her lips. “I’m sure it bugged the shit out of him. Wait, until he finds out you’re sleeping with him tonight. Good Lord. What I wouldn’t do to see his face when he finds out about that!”

  I squint at her. “First of all, I’m not sleeping with Tyler and second of all Logan is not going to find out. Seriously, no one can find out. I’m already getting weird stares from total strangers.”


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