Waiting for Romeo

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Waiting for Romeo Page 29

by Diane Mannino

  I breathe. “I said I’d give him money. He stole three hundred dollars from Spyder so when he said he wanted money I just assumed he’d want something like that, but he wants more…a lot more.”

  “How much?” Bryn asks.

  “One hundred thousand.”

  “Shit. He is insane.” Bryn murmurs more to herself than anyone else.

  “He says it’s enough to get him out of here and then he’ll figure out what to do next.” I shake my head.

  “He told you to ask me for the money, right?” Logan asks.

  I stare at him and nod. “Yes.” I breathe. “When he told me how much he wanted I told him I didn’t have that kind of money and he said he didn’t want my money. I tried to convince him he should ask you himself. I said you’re worried about him…you know…but he wasn’t going for it.” I sigh.

  “So, he wants you to get the money from me without saying it’s for him?” He stares at me.

  I nod. “Right. I told him I couldn’t ask for that ridiculous amount of money from you. But he said I better come up with some sort of reason why I needed it. He said I couldn’t tell you it was for him because you’d never give it to me….” I hesitate before I say more.

  “Emilia, what is it?” He asks, softly.

  “Sebastian wanted me to ask you for the money and come up with some lame excuse about why I needed it because he thinks that would make you see me who I really am…in his words, a fucking gold-digger. He said he always tried to tell you that, but you wouldn’t listen to him.”

  “I’ve heard enough.” Bryn snaps. “We need to strategize and figure out how to track down the fucker. He can’t get away with this. Agreed?” She looks at Logan.

  Closing his eyes for a second, he takes a breath. “It’s taking everything I’ve got to sit here and rationally think about what we should do next. Would I prefer to track him down right this minute and beat the fucking crap out of him? Yes, without a doubt. But, Emilia is right. He’s fucking out of his mind. He’s breaking into places, he split on rehab, and now he’s fucking accosted Emilia in broad daylight and is threatening extortion. Who knows what he’ll do next? And, I’m not willing to take a chance and have him hurt her. No way. We have to act like we’re going along with his plan…it’s the only option. When are you supposed to give him the money?”

  “He didn’t give an exact day or time. He just said he’d be in touch.” I say.

  “Okay. Good. We have some time to figure this out.” He runs his fingers along his jaw.

  I shake my head. “But I don’t want to give him your money. Logan, that’s a ridiculous amount of money.”

  “I know it sounds like a lot, but it’s not for me…Sebastian knows that and that’s why he asked for it. Besides, if it means keeping you safe I’d gladly give him ten times that amount. So, please don’t think about the money. That’s not an issue. The issue is giving him the money without him hurting you…I don’t trust him.”

  “No. I think he just wants the money…” Then I remember is ludicrous invitation for me to join him. “Well, there’s actually one other thing.”

  Logan and Bryn sit and listen, intently.

  I look at Logan. “He wants me to join him…he thinks we’d have this great on-the-road adventure.” I shake my head. “He even said he’d give me some of your money…I’m sure he thinks that’s a big draw for me since that’s all I care about.” I roll my eyes and laugh at the ridiculous offer.

  He sighs and doesn’t look like he sees the humor in it. He actually looks quite pissed. “See? That’s exactly why I don’t trust him.”

  “Logan, you really think I’m going to join…” I trail off because I realize what he’s alluding to.

  Logan lifts a brow and I shake my head.

  “No. We’ve established he’s insane, but he’s not going to kidnap me if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  Bryn leans forward and rests her hand on my knee. “Emilia, I’m with Logan on this one. I get it…under normal circumstances…I’d be laughing my head off. He really thinks you’d be tempted to run away with him? But we’re not dealing with normal circumstances anymore and Logan is right…who knows what he’ll do next.”

  At that moment there’s a soft knock on the front door.

  “That’s Josh.” Bryn looks at both of us.

  “I don’t think you should say anything to him, Bryn. I think it’s better we keep this to ourselves.” I say, quietly.

  “She’s right, Bryn. I’m sure Josh wouldn’t say anything, but the fewer people that know…the better…if word somehow gets to Sebastian that she said something to us, I’m not sure what he’d do.”

  “Of course. I won’t say anything.” She walks towards the door. Josh walks in and the two head to the kitchen.

  Logan stares at me. “Should we go up to your room?” I know he asks so we can have more privacy.

  I nod. “Sure.”

  He folds his fingers around mine and we head up to my bedroom in silence.

  I turn to face him and I gaze up into his eyes. “I think I’ll take a…” I start to say shower, but he quickly pulls me into his arms. I close my eyes and drink in his comforting touch. My hands move from his hard biceps, up along his shoulders to his neck as I pull him tighter against me.

  “I can’t even tell you how worried I was.” He breathes into my hair. “I don’t want to let you go.”

  “I don’t want you to let me go.” I whisper.

  He leans even closer and we stand like that for some time.

  “You’re sure you’re okay?” He leans down and looks into my eyes.

  I nod. “I am now.” I smile.

  Keeping his eyes on mine, he takes my face in his hands and just brushes his lips against mine. His lips are warm and when I open my mouth, pushing my tongue into his, he kisses me harder. He groans quietly into my mouth as one of his hands caresses my back while the other pushes into my hair.

  His lips move along my jaw to my ear. “I love you, Emilia.” He whispers.

  He draws back and I open my eyes. “I love you, too.” I say, softly.

  “I’m so sorry.” He breathes.


  He blinks at me with a pained expression. “Emilia, this is my fault. He was my friend…I hate myself for putting you in danger. If I had any idea this would happen…I would never have…”

  I interrupt him. “It’s not your fault. Sebastian is sick. There’s nothing you could do and I know you’re worried, but I really don’t think I’m in danger. I think he just wants the money and he’ll be gone.”

  His arms tighten around me. “I wish it was that simple. But when he runs out of the money…and trust me, he will…then what? He’ll be back. I think you’re going to get very used to seeing me.”

  “I am used to seeing you.” I smile.

  “Well, I’m not going to let you out of my sight. Look, he can only get in touch with you by doing what he did today or at the bar that night. Right?”

  I nod.

  “If I’m with you all the time then he won’t approach you. It’s just a matter of time before he gets caught doing something illegal then he’ll be out of our hair…at least that’s my plan. What do you think?”

  “I like the part where you won’t let me out of your sight, but I don’t know if that’s really feasible. We have one class together besides don’t you think you’ll get very bored following me around?” I smile.

  “Bored? I don’t think so…several other words come to my mind when I think of spending all my time with you, but bored is definitely not one of them.” He kisses me on the top of my head. “Besides, I don’t necessarily mean you have to be with me all the time…as long as you’re with Bryn, Chloe…or you’re in class…your safe. He only approaches you when you’re alone. And, now that he’s trying to get you to hand over a hundred grand he’ll be extra careful. I’m just hoping it’ll take him so long that he’ll get caught doing something stupid and then our problem will be solved.” He sighs. />
  “But you have a point about him always coming to you for money…aren’t you worried about that being an issue?”

  “It won’t be if he’s in jail.” He says in a matter of fact tone.


  A WEEK HAS GONE BY SINCE SEBASTIAN pummeled me to the ground. It’s like he has disappeared into thin air, but at any moment, I know he could pop out of nowhere.

  I’m rarely alone. In fact, the only time I’m alone is when I’m in the bathroom or my bedroom, but even then there are exceptions. Bryn hovers around me when I’m in the house. She floats in and out of my bedroom and even the bathroom, just to check on me. I love her concern, even if it’s a bit extreme. I don’t know if she thinks it’s possible for Sebastian to get past our burglar alarm, then past her and up the stairs to get to me, but the thought amuses me.

  When Bryn isn’t looking after me, I have Logan checking every move I make. If he’s not actually by my side, which is a large chunk of the time, he’s either calling or texting me. When we’re at school, he checks on me before and after class, making sure I’m safe and walking with someone.

  He’s even taken up running with me as much as I pleaded with him to let me run alone; he won’t relent. I think I’ll eventually get used to this part, but right now I’m having a hard time with it. If I’m not running with my team and I’m on my typical early morning run, I like to be by myself. It’s my alone time. But Logan won’t budge on his decision to let me run by myself.

  My mind is preoccupied with too much homework not to mention the extra work I’m doing for Professor Milton. I don’t have much time to think about Sebastian and worry about what he might do next. The only time my mind wanders with these thoughts is when I’m in the shower. I don’t know why that is.

  It’s Saturday night and I’m in the shower. My mind wanders as I think about what Sebastian said to me. I told Logan and Bryn everything. The only thing I didn’t mention was what Sebastian said about Seraphina. And, for some irritating reason it weighs heavily on my heart. Shit. It’s in my head again. Logan will tire of you soon…he’ll be back with someone like Seraphina…it’s just a matter of time.

  Why does everything always seem to come back to her? Sebastian attacked me in a bar and in broad daylight. He’s demanding money from Logan with the deranged hope that Logan will see I’m only after his money and yet, I’m not worried about Sebastian. I used to be scared of him, but I’m not even scared of him anymore. I think he’s sick and pathetic, but not threatening. It’s Seraphina that worries me. It’s always been her and as much as I would love to shake the thought out of my head, I can’t. I don’t know why I didn’t say anything to Logan or Bryn about what Sebastian said about Seraphina. Maybe it’s because I know they’ll just laugh at my petty jealousy? Logan loves me and I him, but I still worry about her manipulating him.

  I could use a drink. I climb out of the shower. Actually, we probably could all use a drink. Bryn convinces me that a night of drinking and dancing with friends is just what we need so we plan on going to Tonic at ten o’clock.

  In the kitchen, Bryn is shaking a cocktail mixer in her hands. She’s just pouring it into a couple martini glasses when I walk in the room.

  “Cosmopolitans…just what the doctor ordered.” She turns and hands me a glass. “To the end of a really shitty week.” She toasts and clinks her glass against mine.

  We both take a sip. “I’m sorry all of this business with Sebastian is stressing you out. It probably would have been better if I had kept it to myself and then I wouldn’t have you and Logan so worried.”

  She shakes her head while she sips her drink. “No. Way. I’d be pissed at you if you didn’t tell me. Besides, I’m really not stressed about it. Of course, I worry about you and I just want him to stay the hell away from you. I hope Logan is right and he gets busted for doing something soon so we don’t have to give him another thought. You know?”

  “I know.” I say and take another sip. “Honestly though with you two bodyguards, there’s no way he’ll approach me. I don’t see how he’ll get to me and get that money.” I shake my head. “I still can’t believe he wants that much.”

  “I can…what a douchebag! But let’s forget about all that tonight. Deal?” She asks and refills our glasses. “You look hot, girlfriend. You’ll have Logan eating out of your hand…oh, but never mind…you already do.” She winks at me.

  “Psshh…doubt that. Besides, you’re the one looking hot. I do believe it’ll be Josh who will be eating out of your hand.” I laugh.

  “I hope he’s eating out of…” Bryn starts to say and I quickly interrupt her.

  “Agh! You have one dirty mind!” I roll my eyes and laugh.

  She laughs along with me and then knocks back her drink. “Ready? Let’s go show off the goods so they can’t even see straight and want to do all sorts of fucking nasty stuff to us.”

  I squint at her and finish my drink. “I don’t think…” I start to say, but she interrupts me.

  “Exactly. Don’t think.” She grins as she takes my hand and pulls me out the door.

  TONIC IS CROWDED and the music is ear-splittingly loud. As a result, everyone is in everyone else’s personal space, especially when you are trying to have a conversation.

  Bryn stands in the middle of Chloe and I with her arms linked through ours. Chloe is talking, her usual animated-self, but I only hear bits and pieces of what she’s saying. I think from what I can put together, she went surfing with Tyler this morning and she nearly drowned…at least according to her. I’m still getting to know Chloe, but one thing I know for certain is she likes to embellish her stories.

  We continue downing our drinks and moving to the music, but I know something is wrong, by the way Bryn and Chloe’s expressions change as they glance over my shoulder towards the entrance of the bar. I turn to slowly look over my shoulder and see Seraphina with another girl move towards the VIP area.

  “I can’t stand that ho.” Chloe says, loudly. It’s the one sentence I’ve heard perfectly clear all night. “God, I almost forgot to tell you! She heard about your diamond ring from Logan and she was flipping out all week.”

  Bryn and I scoot even closer to Chloe so we can hear what she’s saying.

  “What do you mean she was flipping out?” I ask.

  “I overheard her in class.” Chloe looks at both of us.

  “And?” Bryn asks.

  “Well, she found out about it from someone. Not me. I swear to God I’d never say anything to her. You know that, right? I love you and Logan. She’s bad news and I’d never want to cause any trouble.”

  “Chloe, I believe you…Bryn is right when she said the school is small…everyone loves gossip.” I say.

  “Oh, good. I was worried you’d think I told her. Anyway, I heard her talking to her friend. I guess someone told her you and Logan are engaged.” Chloe starts to laugh.

  Bryn laughs with her.

  “What’s so funny?” I look at the two of them.

  “Holy cow, Emilia! Don’t you think that’s funny?” Bryn snorts she’s laughing so hard. “Seraphina thinks Logan belongs to her and then she finds out you two are getting married.” She’s now laughing so hard she can barely breathe.

  I smile at the two of them as they are now in hysterics.

  “Okay. Okay. I’m glad you find it so amusing, but did she say anything else?” I look at Chloe. “Did she find out it’s not an engagement ring?”

  “That’s the beauty of it…she still thinks you two are engaged. You know how gossip is…people see a diamond ring on your finger and they know it’s from Logan so everyone assumes that’s the deal. Has anyone asked you about it?” Chloe looks at me.

  I shake my head. “No…well, Rosemary.”

  “Rosemary?” Chloe asks.

  “She owns the store where I work…well, she and her husband. They’re like family to me.” I explain.

  “How about you, Bryn? Anyone ask you about whether or not Emilia is engaged
?” Chloe looks at Bryn.

  “No. I see what you’re saying. She’s right, Em. People see the ring and most probably don’t think about what finger you have it on…they just know you have this diamond band, so of course you two are getting married. God, what I would have given to be a fly on the wall when Seraphina heard that news!” She takes a sip of her drink and starts laughing again.

  “What else did she say?” I ask. Sebastian’s words about her still haunt me.

  “Oh, Emilia. Who cares? She’s old news. Look.” She nods her head in the direction where Logan stands with Josh and Tyler. “He only has eyes for you. You know how I’m keeping an eye on him, right? I watched Seraphina come in and he didn’t even glance in her direction. Stop sweating that bitch.”

  “I don’t think…” I start to say.

  “Don’t think…have another drink.” She turns and orders another round.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Logan breathes as he slides his hands around my waist, pulling me towards him. My back is to his front. He pulls me tighter against him. “Ready to go?”

  “You’ve been busy.” I turn to face him.

  “Busy?” He asks with his hands still wrapped around me.

  “Hm. I’m used to having you right next to me…making sure I’m safe.” I smile.

  “Just trying to give you some space…so you can spend some time with your girlfriends.” He’s so close…that familiar sense of desire sweeps through me.

  I lift my hand to caress his cheek and I run my fingertips along his stubble. “I like when you’re in my space.”

  He smiles down at me. “We should go so I can bury myself in your space.” He leans over and kisses me softly on the lips.

  “I’m ready for that.” I smile.

  He laughs. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

  “No…actually.” I laugh. “Let me just go to the bathroom really quick and then we can go…you can tell me how much you love me at your place.” I turn to head to the bathroom but he holds onto my waist, firmly.

  I face him and laugh. “You’re not very patient. I promise, I’ll be right back.”


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