Waiting for Romeo

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Waiting for Romeo Page 30

by Diane Mannino

  He shakes his head. “I think you’re forgetting something. You need someone to go with you, babe.”

  “Oh, sure…but somehow I doubt Sebastian is hiding out in the ladies’ room.” I grab Bryn’s hand and pull her with me.

  “Potty break?” She asks as we head to the back of the club.

  “Do you mind? Logan wants me to have an escort just in case Sebastian ambushes…” I start to say when we enter the bathroom and walk right into…

  I immediately stick my hands in the pockets of my skinny jeans. Bryn links her arm through mine.

  “Back off bitch.” Bryn snaps.

  “Ah. I was just going to say the same thing.” Seraphina says, coolly. She blinks as her eyes move down my arms to my hands.

  Bryn pulls me with her so we can move around her, but the bathroom is so small and tight it’s impossible unless Seraphina either moves out of our way or we push her over. The latter option is quite tempting.

  Seraphina’s expression changes from agitated and cold to something more impassive. I can’t tell what she’s thinking, but she looks a bit unbalanced.

  “He’s not yours.” She says in a soft, eerie voice. “You’ll see and I think you’ll be quite surprised by his decision.”

  “Al-righty then, psycho-bitch.” Bryn rolls her eyes and then shoves her with her shoulder to get past her while pulling me with her.

  “You’ll see.” Seraphina says in a sweet high-pitched voice as she heads out of the bathroom.

  “What the fuck? Are all of Logan’s former friends completely insane?” She says shaking her head. We both squish into the same stall.

  “What do you think she means? What decision? And, what does she mean you’ll see? Can’t she just leave him alone?” I ask.

  “Seriously, Emilia. Don’t give her or her idle threats another thought. She’s full of shit. She and Sebastian both should be locked up in the loony bin. Fuck! What’s wrong with these people?” We head back out of the stall and quickly wash our hands.

  I can’t help but laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You are…I think you could use another drink.” I laugh.

  “Hell. Yeah.” She smiles as we head out of the bathroom.

  A second later we run into Josh and Tyler just as they are headed out of the men’s room.

  Josh grabs Bryn around the waist and I can hear her briefly explaining our encounter in the bathroom. I overhear Josh tell Bryn, “You should have taken that bitch down.” Then Bryn is in a fit of giggles.

  “Hey, Tyler.” I say as we walk together towards the front of the club. “You know, I just want to tell you I’m happy you and Chloe are together. She’s awesome.”

  He smiles. “Well, I told you before when you broke my heart…”

  “Aw, don’t say it like that.” I interrupt him.

  He chuckles. I can tell he’s had too much to drink by the way his eyes are half-shut and his words are slightly slurred. “I told you that the bottom line is I wanted you to be happy and you are.”

  I smile at him. “Thanks, Tyler. I’m glad you’re happy to…” I say and then my mouth drops open.

  Shit. Seraphina is talking to Logan. She looks desperate, pleading with him about something and he looks annoyed. He turns away from her and she grabs his shoulder to get his attention. When he turns he catches my stare and immediately walks towards me. Seraphina glances at me, scowls and then abruptly turns to leave.

  I think I might get sick. I’m frozen. Logan looks anxious as he approaches me at the same time Tyler moves away from us and takes a couple steps towards Chloe, Bryn and Josh.

  “Let’s go.” Logan says.

  “That’s all you can say? What were you two talking about?” I hiss.

  I don’t know why I’m so angry. He wasn’t doing anything wrong…she was trying to talk to him and he looked like he wanted nothing to do with her, yet I’m pissed. Maybe it’s because of everything? I’m sure it’s just Sebastian’s assertion that Logan will be back with her and then running into her in the bathroom that’s gotten me all fired up. Besides seeing her leaning towards him and talking to him just brought all those awful memories back into my head, making me more angry.

  Bryn quickly rushes to my side. “Emilia, nothing happened. I saw her go up to him…he refused to talk her. He didn’t do anything wrong.” I look at her and then back at Logan.

  I can see Bryn out of the corner of my eye look from me to Logan and back again. “Don’t let that bitch get to you.” She murmurs before she turns and walks back towards Josh.

  Logan’s eyes don’t leave mine as he steps forward, putting his hands on the small of my waist.

  “Bryn’s right. I’m sorry you’re upset…can we go and talk about this later? It’s so loud in here I want to be able to hear you. I think I know why you’re so upset, but I sense there’s more to it. Right?” He whispers as his lips brush my ear.

  I swallow and nod. “I’m sorry, babe. Maybe I can get my dad to open a hotel on a deserted island and we can move there?” He leans back and smiles so sweetly that my anger melts immediately away.

  I smile up at him. “Right now, that sounds fan-fucking-tastic…When do we leave?”

  “WHAT CAN I DO OR SAY to make you understand I don’t give a shit about her?” Logan says. He sounds exasperated.

  We are back in the same spot where we were a week ago when Seraphina showed up at his front door. A week has gone by and I clearly have a full grasp of what it means to keep going in circles, instead of moving forward.

  “I understand your frustration, but I’m frustrated too. She won’t let you go and honestly, I don’t think she ever will. Do you?” I stare at him.

  “Does it really matter, Emilia? Please tell me what happened tonight. I know you were upset when you saw her talking to me. I understand that, but there was something more in your eyes. You need to tell me and then maybe we can finally put all this Seraphina crap to rest.” He says, seriously.

  I sigh.

  “Tell me. Please.” He takes my hand in his and kisses the top of it.

  “Well, there are a couple things.” I say, quietly as I kick off my shoes and slide a foot underneath me.

  “Hm…a couple things. And, I was hoping this was going to be a quick conversation and then we could get to bed.” He leans close to me and his lips find mine. He kisses me softly at first, but he must sense my reluctance because he slowly pulls back and gazes into my eyes.

  “You want to talk?” He whispers.


  “Don’t be sorry…I want you, but I can tell you’re still bothered. Tell me. I’m listening.” He leans close and leaves a trail of kisses along my jaw and neck.

  “You’re going to listen to me while you kiss me?” I whisper. “I don’t really think that’s going to work. First, I can’t resist you when you’re kissing me and second, I doubt…very much…that you’re really going to listen to anything I’m saying. Right?”

  “Hm. What was that?” He asks and I can tell that he’s teasing me when I feel his grin against my neck.

  I laugh and playfully hit him. “Seriously. The quicker I get this off my chest the quicker you can take me to bed.”

  He leans back and looks at me with amusement. “Okay.” He smiles. “I was just looking to make a deal and that sounds like one I can’t resist so quick tell me what’s bothering you so I can get you naked and into bed.”

  “I don’t know if I should be flattered or offended…and to think I thought it was my mind that you were after.” I tease.

  “I told you…it was your body and your mind…love and lust. I fell in love with all of you. Now, let’s clear the air.” He drapes his arm around me. “What are these couple things that are worrying you?”

  “Remember when I told you about Sebastian?”

  “Yes.” He says, warily.

  “I told you everything, but I left out what he said about Seraphina.” I can tell what he’s about to ask me by his expression so I an
swer before he can ask it. “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know it would bother me as much as it ended up bugging me.”

  He sighs. “Oh, Emilia. Why would you let anything that comes out of his mouth upset you? He’s crazy. We’ve already established that, right?” He asks, softly.

  I shrug. “I knew you’d say that and that’s also probably why I didn’t say anything in the first place. But then tonight…it was already weighing on me and then she said what she said in the bathroom…”

  “You talked to her in the bathroom?” He asks.

  “Yes. It was right before I saw her with you…so it was everything…”

  Logan interrupts. “Okay, first tell me what Sebastian said.”

  “He was trying to convince me to join him on his road trip.” I glance at Logan and he looks irritated, actually pissed. “He said you’d tire of me soon and you’d be back with someone like her…Seraphina.” I pause for a second, trying to remember everything.

  “Is that everything he said?” He takes a breath and releases it slowly.

  “He said it was just a matter of time.” I murmur.

  “And, you believe him?” He asks, quietly.

  “Well, I don’t want to, but she’s rather obsessed with you so I don’t see her throwing in the towel anytime soon and maybe in a moment of weakness…” I start to say but he interrupts me.

  “Is that what you really think? Emilia, I lost you once for that very reason. It won’t happen again. If you think I’m that weak…” He trails off.

  “No. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that…it’s just she drives me crazy and I can’t think straight when it comes to her.”

  He breathes. “What did she say to you in the bathroom?”

  “She said, ‘He’s not yours’.” I say, quietly and a chill runs through me at the memory of her slightly deranged look.

  He shakes his head. “I don’t know who is crazier…her or Sebastian. Did she say anything else?”

  “She said ‘You’ll see’ and something about how I’d be surprised by your decision.”

  He runs a hand through his hair. “And you didn’t just laugh in her face?”

  “Well, no…first of all she looked kind of insane. Second of all, our conversation really wasn’t a light-hearted, funfest in the ladies’ room. Honestly, she scares me more than Sebastian.” I say.

  “Oh, baby.” He pulls me into his arms. “Bryn’s right…don’t let her get to you…she’s full of shit and she’s upset because she thinks we’re getting married.”

  I lean back and look at him. “Is that what she was talking to you about?”

  “Yes.” He mutters.

  “Did you tell her differently?” I ask.

  “No. It’s really none of her business. I don’t care what she thinks and I really wish you wouldn’t either. Besides, I do want to marry you so her information isn’t totally off.” He smiles.

  I shake my head and laugh at his conviction.

  “Now, is that everything?” His voice is low and husky.

  I nod.

  “I hope you feel a bit better now that you’ve gotten those things off your chest?” He leans closer to me and kisses me softly on the lips.

  “Hm.” I breathe.

  “Because right now, all I want to do is take you to bed and get in your space…you did say earlier that you liked me in your space, yes?” I slide beneath him as he leans over me. His lips press against mine and his tongue slips in and out of my mouth, deliciously teasing me.

  “I thought you were going to tell me how much you love me.” I whisper between kisses.

  He scoops me up into his arms and gazes down at me. “How about I show you?” He whispers as his mouth consumes mine. He carries me with ease up the stairs and sets me down on my feet at the end of the bed.

  His hands slip under my sweater and he slides it up over my head as our lips part for a split-second. When he’s finished he kisses me tenderly along my neck, slipping my bra off then leaving a trail downward and drops to his knees in front of me. In a beat, he unbuttons and unzips my jeans, pulling them with my panties gently to the floor. His lips move back up along my legs, around the apex of my thighs then back up along my breasts.

  He stands and gazes down at me with heated eyes as my hands push under his shirt. Pulling it over his head, his lips are back on mine and are more demanding as his tongue delves into my mouth. He cradles my head while his other hand presses against my bare back as I reach to undo his waistband.

  Drawing back, he looks down at me. We part breathless and I look up at him before I start to bend to my knees. His hands grip my arms, pulling me back to my feet and I put mine on his to steady myself.

  “You’re okay with this? I want to make sure you’re okay…we’re okay before we go any further.” He whispers.

  I reach up and take his face in my hands. “Yes. We’re okay.” I wound my arms around to the back of his head and I lift my lips to meet his, opening my mouth and drinking him in.

  “I love the way you feel against me.” He breathes against my mouth then along my neck as he cups my breasts.

  “I want you.” I murmur as I tilt my neck back, giving him more room to explore.

  Sliding my hand down against his firm abdomen, I unbutton and unzip his jeans. He quickly shuffles out of them and his boxers then suddenly he cradles my head as we fall onto the bed. He bends over me as his mouth possesses mine then breaks the kiss and reaches for something on the nightstand.

  Gazing at me, we’re both panting as he slips the condom on and then slides between my legs. “God, you’re so beautiful.” He says, softly as he cups my face in his hand and consumes me at a slow, heavenly pace.

  WE LIE IN SILENCE ON OUR SIDES, facing each other under the fluffy duvet. He stares at me with a look of complete contentment and I’m sure I reflect his same look. His hand reaches and caresses my face, gently skimming the curve of my jaw along my neck and shoulder.

  “Can I get you something? Are you hungry?” His voice is gravelly since we haven’t spoken in quite some time.

  “No. Thank you.” I clear my throat. “Did you actually go to the store and fill your fridge?” I tease.

  He smiles. “Are you suggesting I’m not capable of going to the grocery store and keeping the kitchen stocked?”

  “Um. I’m not suggesting…I’m just saying.” I laugh. “Didn’t you say we had to go to Montecito that time because your kitchen was empty? I know you can cook but I think you need a Mrs. Smith to help with the essentials.”

  “Mrs. Smith? No. I think what I need is a Mrs. Prescott.” He runs his nose against mine. “I like the sound of that.”

  I smile. “You’re really serious about this?” I ask, softly.

  “I told you I’d do anything to get you to change your mind…right? Of course, I meant what I said…I’m serious about marrying you. Why do you find that so hard to believe?”

  I shrug. “I guess it just surprises me you want to so badly. We’re young. I find it hard to believe you’re so sure that…” I trail off, searching for the right words.

  “You’re the one?” He blinks at me. “I knew it the moment we met and as much as you doubt that or don’t understand it…it’s the truth.” He leans over and kisses me. “I lost you once and I honestly can’t stand the thought of it happening again. We can do it now or we can wait and then wonder why we wasted all of that time? I know what I want and I’m sure of it. I want to be with you forever. I promise to love you and care for you for the rest of your life. Please don’t doubt me.”

  “I don’t doubt you, Logan.” I whisper.

  “Then you’ll say yes?” He smiles.

  “I promise I’ll think about it. I know you said it before but I guess I didn’t really think you were serious.”

  “I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.” He kisses me again and I’m lost in my thoughts. I know I could never be without him again as much as I worry about everything. Right now, it just seems so impos
sible to grasp marrying him when so many threats loom over us.

  “What’s wrong?” He asks.

  “Why do you think something is wrong?” I murmur. I don’t want to talk about all of that again. He’s right we need to stop going in circles.

  “You have this cute little crease that forms just above your brow when you’re worrying about something. Please tell me.” His fingers sweep over my brow and then softly across the side of my face.

  “You know? The usual.” I sigh.

  “Hm. Are you worried about me or them? Or both?” He asks and I’m surprised when he doesn’t sound frustrated by the recurring topic.

  “Them.” I murmur.

  “Well, I’m happy and relieved it’s not me.” He flashes his adorable smile. “Look, we’ll be graduating soon enough and that will all be behind us. I promise.”

  “You’re not annoyed?” I ask.

  “No. Why?”

  “Because that stuff is always bothering me.” I shrug.

  “I’d love for those two to not be an issue but when they’re constantly throwing shit in our faces, I understand why it would bother you. It bothers me to a certain extent, but then I let it go. I know they’re the past. You’re my future. I think about it that way and it doesn’t weigh on me. Look, in a few weeks it’ll be Spring Break. Please come with me to New York. I think we could both really use a change of scene and I can’t stand the thought of not being with you. Besides, Tessa is dying to meet you.”

  “I’d love to meet your little sister.” I smile.

  “So, it’s a yes?” He asks.

  “Getting out of this state sounds quite tempting. Let me just clear it with my dad. I haven’t even given Spring Break any thought. I suppose I’d just go home and hang with him.”

  “There’s no way you’re staying here with everything that’s going on unless I stay here with you so that’s the other option. Or, we could go someplace else…Mexico? The Caribbean? Hawaii? Whatever you want.” He smiles.

  “Hm. It all sounds heavenly, but I like the idea of going home with you. I’d love to see where you live and meet Tessa.”


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