Waiting for Romeo

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Waiting for Romeo Page 31

by Diane Mannino

“I’d like that too.” He kisses me again. “How’s your dad?”

  “He’s good…busy painting. He’s coming for a visit in a few weeks for a big track meet.” I stifle a yawn.

  “It’s late and you’re tired.” He pulls me into his arms and I nuzzle into his firm chest.

  “No. I want to talk. This is nice.” I breathe in scent.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  I lean back and look into his eyes. “Sure.”

  “What happened to that girl…Jenna?” His hand moves down my back, stroking me gently.

  I blink at him, caught off-guard by his question.

  “Sorry. If you don’t want to talk about it, I understand.” He whispers.

  “No. It’s okay. Um. I don’t know. The last time we spoke I told her she needed to tell someone and get help. Then my mom died and we moved away. I honestly, don’t know. What made you think about that?” I look at him confused.

  “I think about what you told me. I guess you could say it weighs on me. It makes me sick to my stomach that someone could do that to innocent children…his own daughter. It’s beyond my comprehension.”

  “Yes. It’s impossible to understand.” I sigh.

  “There’s one thing I understand.”

  “Oh?” I ask.

  “You’re so beautiful and strong.” He whispers and pulls me tight against him. “My only question is how did I get so lucky?”


  “LUCK HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.” Bryn laughs as Chloe and I walk with her across campus.

  “But Bryn, you have straight A’s and I rarely see you studying or going to the library. You’re the only person I know who already has a job and a place to live after graduation. You have a boyfriend who would do anything for you, and you can get whatever you want, whenever you want it. And, on top of all that you’re gorgeous. Face it, you were born under a lucky star.” Chloe says.

  “She makes some valid points.” I add.

  Bryn rolls her eyes. “Okay, maybe luck has a little to do with it, but I study…Emilia can back me up on that.”

  “Yes. She went to the library once last trimester.” I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

  Chloe bursts into laughter.

  “Okay, you two. You both better shut up or you can kiss your girls-gone-wild-spring-break away because I have big plans for us. We will definitely be going out in style, but if you want to keep giving me shit then I can probably…”

  “No!” Chloe shouts. “You’re right…it’s not luck. It’s not. Luck. At. All.”

  It’s already the beginning of March and I haven’t mentioned my plans to go with Logan to New York. It was just a week ago when Logan brought the subject up, but I totally forgot about Bryn casually mentioning doing something for break months ago.

  Bryn looks at me.

  “Emilia? Are you bailing on our plans?” She asks and arches a brow.

  “Um. Well, I honestly completely forgot all about it. You mentioned it months ago and then Logan just said something about it last week…”

  She interrupts me. “Oh, I was worried about that. Are you two going on your honeymoon then?” She winks at me.

  “Oh, right, we’re going to Vegas first to elope and then we’ll be headed to the Caribbean for our honeymoon.”

  Chloe squints at me. “Seriously?”

  Bryn laughs. “Oh, Chloe. You are so gullible.”

  Chloe shrugs. “Hey, everyone on campus thinks they’re getting married any minute so cut me some slack.”

  “Really? People still think that?” I look at Chloe and shift my backpack onto my other shoulder.

  “Yes.” Both Bryn and Chloe answer together.

  “And that bitch on wheels is up to something.” Chloe says as we trudge up the stairs through the quad.

  “What do you mean she’s up to something?” I ask.

  “She and her friend are always whispering and passing notes. They’ve figured out we’re friends so now they’re much more discreet with their conversations. I can only hear some of what they say, but I know it has to do with your engagement.”

  “Ugh. We’re not engaged.” I say, quietly.

  “I know that, but they don’t. You know when she went up to Logan at Tonic?” She stops and drags us from the heavy flow of traffic.

  Bryn shakes her head. “Chloe, don’t tell her this stuff. Emilia gets all worked up about it and it’s total bullshit. Seraphina is a total psycho bitch. Want me to tell you what she’s up to? She’s probably plotting to boil Emilia’s beloved pet!”

  I know she’s referring to the scene where legendary psycho, played by Glenn Close, boils the family’s pet bunny for revenge in the movie Fatal Attraction.

  For a moment, both Chloe and I stare at Bryn’s somber expression. We look at each other and then surrender to laughter. We are howling and snorting so hard that Bryn shakes her head and starts laughing along with us.

  I’m still laughing. “Oh, Bryn! I don’t even have a beloved pet!”

  Bryn stops laughing and frowns. “She’ll probably give you one and then boil it.”

  “Come on, Bryn. We all know she’s a bitch and she’s a bit obsessed with Logan, but I doubt she’s capable of murdering anyone’s furry friend.” I laugh again.

  “A bit obsessed? Did you see that Beyonce movie called Obsessed? She’s like that crazy bitch. The one who slips roofies in Beyonce’s hubby’s drink and then shows up in their house, puts on Beyonce’s nightshirt and lies on their bed in rose petals.”

  “Oooh…that sounds awesome. Beyonce is in it? I’ve got to see that one. We should watch it when we watch The Notebook. Seriously, when are we having a movie night?” Chloe asks.

  Bryn frowns. “You’re missing the point.”

  “Don’t get all huffy, Bryn. I totally agree with you. She is a crazy bitch, but I doubt she’ll boil any pets.” I pin my lips together to keep from laughing. “But, I do get your point…she’s nuts.”

  “Did you ever see The Hand That Rocks the Cradle? There’s a psycho bitch in that one that scares the shit out of me.” Chloe chimes in.

  Bryn and I look at her.

  “What?” She asks and pauses a second. “We’re done talking about crazy bitches in movies?”

  “Yes. But before I head into class, what did the real-life psycho say?” I ask and Bryn pokes me in the arm.

  “Ow! What was that for?” I look at her confused.

  “I thought we weren’t going to talk about her anymore?” Bryn continues. “We know she’s psycho and she’s full of shit so just forget about her.”

  “I think that’s easy for you to say.” I pause a second then continue. “What would you say if she had a thing for Josh? If she was making cryptic threats in your face about ‘You’ll see’ and ‘You’ll be surprised by his decision’. Oh, and what was that other lovely line, ‘He’s not yours’. Don’t you think you’d want to know what other shit she’s saying and what she’s plotting to do?”

  Bryn blinks at me. “Now that you put it that way.”

  “Exactly.” I sigh.

  “Chloe, what did that bitch say about talking to Logan that night?” Bryn asks and smiles, knowingly at me.

  “Like I said, I only heard bits and pieces. She told her friend she confronted Logan about being engaged and how he wouldn’t look at her because…are you ready for this?”

  We both nod.

  “He wouldn’t look at her and that obviously means he still has a thing for her!” Chloe bursts out laughing.

  Bryn rolls her eyes. “Wow. She’s a delusional bitch. And, I’m sure her dumbass friend went along with her idiotic reasoning.”

  Chloe hoots another laugh and nods.

  “Logan told me how she went up to him and asked him about us being engaged. I asked him if he told her that it wasn’t true and he said he didn’t say anything to her. He said it wasn’t any of her business and he really didn’t care what she thinks.” I explain.

  Bryn laughs. “I saw her
trying to talk to him. She was so desperate. I love that he didn’t correct her…any rationale human being would think by him not answering that it’s true. You two are engaged, but the whack-job that she is…she thinks he’s into her. One word: delusional.”

  “She also mentioned how she saw you in the bathroom and you didn’t even have a diamond ring on. She thinks the whole thing is a bunch of bullshit.” Chloe continues.

  “Yes. Expert on bullshit that she is.” Bryn chimes in.

  “That’s funny. I remember purposely putting my hands in my pockets just because I didn’t want her saying anything to me about it or making some bitchy remark.” I laugh.

  “God, she’s so annoying.” Bryn says. “I wish there was something we could do to put her in her place. You know? I’d really enjoy that. I know I talked about cunt punting her, but I think she needs something more…really teach her a lesson.”

  I shake my head. “No, Bryn.”

  “Oh, come on. Wouldn’t you enjoy that?” She asks.

  “Sure. But, no…you said it…she’s crazy. We do something to get back at her and she’ll come back and do something much worse. I’m not playing that game. It’s not a good idea.”

  “I see your point…so cunt punting it is.” Bryn laughs.

  Chloe laughs. “If you’re for real Bryn, let me know because I would love to see that. Lord, knows she is long overdue.”

  We start walking again. Bryn glances at me, and smiles.

  “What? I know that look Bryn…stop strategizing…I’m telling you it’s not a good idea.”

  “I’m not plotting anything. I was just thinking about the beginning of the school year. Remember, I had to practically force you to come out with me. You’ve just come along way.”

  “Right.” I laugh. “Yes. I have to admit your baby steps worked. I can’t believe it’s March…” I say but fail to finish what I’m saying because Bryn interrupts me.

  “I know…and now you’re getting married.” Bryn says loud enough so that several students within earshot turn to look. She’s clearly perpetuating the myth.

  “I know exactly what you’re doing.” I whisper as I lean towards her.

  “Surely I don’t know what you mean.” She flutters her lashes, feigning innocence.

  “You’re such a troublemaker.” I say as I open the door to the building.

  “Sometimes.” She beams and winks.

  SATURDAY, I HEAD TO WORK. After my training session at the track this morning, Logan is now escorting me to Spyder. We’re both dressed in jeans and t-shirts on this mild cloudless March morning. I can’t help but wonder if this is how it will always be with us: Logan worrying about keeping me safe, looking over our shoulders and the constant threat of Sebastian popping out of nowhere?

  “Do you want me to hang out with you at work today?” Logan asks as he takes my hand in his. “I don’t have much planned except for surfing with Sam and I’m sure he’ll understand.”

  My head turns quickly in his direction. “No…don’t be silly. Besides, Rosemary will be with me. She’s an expert in self-defense. Did you know her dad is ex-Army and when he retired he opened a self-defense studio? Rosemary even helped him run it, so I’m pretty certain I’m in good hands.”

  He looks lost in thoughts for a minute. “Interesting. I didn’t know that. I guess you are in good hands, even though I’d prefer you to be in my hands.”

  I laugh. “You know I prefer that too.” I reach around his waist, pulling him against my side. “No doubt.” I smile up at him. “But go and surf. I know we don’t talk about Sebastian all the time, but as much as I try not to think about him and where he is…I do and I’m sure you do too. Right?”

  He frowns. “Unfortunately, you’re right.”

  We are silent for the next block.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you, did you get a chance to talk to your dad?” He asks.

  “I did.” I say with a somber expression.

  He stops in his tracks. “So, he wants you to come home? It’s fine. Does he mind if I stay with you?”

  I can’t keep a straight face. “I’m kidding.” I beam. “He said it was fine…actually he thought it was a great idea.”

  He laughs softly and leans to kiss my forehead. “So, how about I pick you up after work and we catch the next flight out or better yet I can see if the private jet is available?”

  I laugh. “Tempting.” I say and we continue walking.

  “I’ll meet you after work…either way.” He smiles.

  “It’ll be here before we know it…this trimester has flown by…this year has flown by. I don’t think a school year has ever gone by as fast as this one…maybe because of all the drama?”

  “Maybe.” He says, distractedly, staring at something in the distance.

  My eyes follow his. “Is that a police car?” I ask.

  “I can’t tell if it’s in front of Spyder or not.” We start to walk at a faster pace.

  Detective Fernandez is once again walking out the back of the store when we approach. She is looking down the road, but when we walk towards her, her head snaps at us and her face flashes a look of you’re-exactly-who-I-was-looking for.

  She quickly draws near. “Emilia.” She looks at me first, nods and then turns her attention towards Logan. “Logan Prescott, right?”

  “Yes. Is everything okay?” He asks and nods in the direction of the store.

  “Fine. I was actually looking for you. Do you have a few minutes?” She asks, looking from Logan’s eyes to mine and gives us both a reassuring smile. I’m certain because I can feel the blood in my face drain from my face.

  “Sure.” Logan smiles, softly,

  “We don’t need to go to the station or anything. I was just hoping you might be able to help me with something.” She pauses. “We can sit over there.” She waves in the direction of a picnic table near the parking lot at Spyder. A table covered in surf decals where Sam and Rosemary often drink their morning coffee or enjoy a quiet lunch together.

  We sit down at the table. “Emilia, you’re welcome to stay, but I’m actually interested in talking to Logan.”

  “Oh.” I murmur. I glance at Logan.

  “It’s about Sebastian Hyde.” She quickly explains.

  His hand squeezes my knee under the table, reassuringly. “I’m sure she’d prefer to stay.” Logan looks at me.

  I nod and look towards the detective. “As long as you don’t mind.”

  “No. It’s fine.” She pauses and pulls out a notepad. “You used to live with Sebastian?” She stares at Logan.

  Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to stay. My stomach is in knots. I’m dizzy, no doubt because my mind is racing in hundreds of different directions trying to figure out where this conversation is headed.

  “I did.” Logan says, calmly. “We lived together up until Winter Break…so the middle of December.”

  I watch Logan as he answers the question. If he worries or is nervous about this conversation, one would never know it. He’s the epitome of calm, cool and collected. I’m in awe.

  “I see you sold the place where you two lived and now you live in another place, is that right?”

  “Yes. That’s right.” Logan answers. He looks at the detective with a confused look and I’m sure my face mirrors his. I try and remember one of Bryn’s detective shows she’s always watching, but I don’t pay attention to them enough to know…where’s she going with this line of questioning? It’s a shame Bryn isn’t here.

  The detective answers what I’m thinking. “I’m just trying to make sure I have all my bases covered. Some of these questions will probably not seem important to you, but if I have a timeline it can help with the investigation of a number of burglaries.” She pauses a beat and then continues. “Do you have any idea where he might be living?”

  “No.” Logan shakes his head.

  She scribbles something on her notepad. “You lived with him for most of the time while you’ve been a student at the university?” She


  “When was the last time you either saw or spoke to Sebastian?” She scratches the back of her neck with the bottom of her pen.

  I’m thankful these questions are directed at Logan and not myself. I sit, trying to put on my best poker face. I wonder if he’ll say anything about him and his efforts to extort a hundred grand?

  Logan rubs the stubble on his chin and is quiet for a minute. “The last time I saw him was in December. December seventh.”

  The awful night of his birthday: images of Sebastian and a mound of cocaine on the coffee table and a drugged out Logan with Seraphina snaked around him in a compromising position flash in my head. I block them out just as quickly as they come into my head for not only my own peace of mind but also for fear Detective Fernandez can read my mind.

  “And, was that the last time you spoke to him as well?” She asks and stares into Logan’s eyes.

  She stares for so long into his eyes that I’m mesmerized by her ability to not blink. One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand…

  “Uh. No. Let’s see…I called him about a week later. It was during break and I was in New York. I called to tell him that I put the condo on the market and I was going to get a place on my own.” Logan explains and he rests his hand on my thigh.

  “Let me guess: you had a bit of a falling out.” She glances from Logan to me for the first time in awhile.

  “Yes.” He pauses a minute. “We were going in different directions and I decided it was best we go our separate ways.” I notice Detective Fernandez eyes look down and at the ring on my hand.

  “I bet he wasn’t too happy about that. I’m sure it’s safe to say he quite liked living high on the hog. I went to your old place to see if maybe he was living in that building and to see if anyone had seen him and your place was quite nice. I hope that didn’t come out the wrong way? I don’t mean to offend you, but he goes from living in the penthouse suite to where? The streets? It’s quite a drastic change.”

  Logan breathes and I look up at him, trying to gauge his thoughts. He shrugs. “I understand what you’re saying and you’re right, he wasn’t happy about it, but he really gave me no choice.”


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