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Operation Trojan Horse: The Classic Breakthrough Study of UFOs

Page 6

by John A. Keel

  There has also been a great deal of discussion about light and rays of light. The lore of the “seven rays” goes back to the most ancient of times. The Bible’s Book of Revelation repeats the number seven in many ways, and the Seven Sisters, or the Pleiades (seven stars in the sky), form an important part of this ancient lore. The color spectrum is also most important in the context of the overall picture painted by religion and occultism. God and Christ are “The Light” in most of this literature.

  The “source” has made repeated attempts to explain all of this in terms that we might understand. On January 8, 1968, “Mr. Orion,” of the Ashtar Intergalactic Command, passed this message along to a contactee: “The saucers which you speak of as such are in reality the space bodies of certain aggregates of consciousness. They exist duodimensionally; that is, they penetrate both the third and fourth dimensions simultaneously or can, if they wish, confine themselves to either one of these. Their purpose has been, and still is, for the time being, to interlace these two realms of consciousness which are seemingly separate. However, the time quickly comes when the veil is torn aside and what is One is perceived as One. It is at this moment that the saucers seen by the few will be seen by the many. It will appear that they have suddenly arrived in your skies in great number. In reality this is untrue. For in reality they are where they have always been, but man sees with new eyes.”

  Man’s old eyes aren’t very good. We can actually see only a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Light waves are really visible vibrations of the spectrum, somewhat akin to radio waves. The different frequencies register as different colors on the cones in our eyes. You could say that our visual apparatus really consists of thousands of tiny radio receivers carefully tuned to a minute portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. We really can’t see very much at all, but we can see enough to cope adequately with our immediate environment.

  The accompanying chart is a rough outline of the basic electromagnetic spectrum. Cosmic rays—high-intensity, high-frequency rays of energy that radiate throughout the universe—occupy one end of the spectrum. They are followed by potent gamma rays, the energy forms that do so much damage when we set off our atomic bombs. Next we have x-rays, short waves which penetrate matter, ionize gases, and cloud up photographic film. These blend in with gamma rays on our scale.

  Ultraviolet rays come next, and they are tremendously important to the UFO phenomenon. These are also invisible but can burn the flesh and the eyes. A neglected part of the UFO evidence consists of the hundreds of sightings in which the witnesses suffered all of the symptoms of klieg conjunctivitis afterward. Actors performing on movie sets brightly illuminated by arc lights sometimes experience these same symptoms. The eyes redden, itch, and feel sore. This is caused by the ultraviolet radiation (also called actinic rays). These same rays give you a sunburn on the beach. If you don’t cover your eyes when lying on the sand, you can burn your eyes from the sun’s rays.

  The many cases of skin burn and conjunctivitis following nighttime UFO sightings give absolute proof that ultraviolet waves are radiating from some of the objects. Stars, space satellites, and other natural or man-made aerial objects could not possibly produce this effect. I have interviewed many people shortly after their sightings when their eyes were still swollen and reddish from conjunctivitis. I suffered this ailment myself after a close sighting in 1967.

  Visible light is sandwiched in between -5 and -6 on our scale. This is the only portion of the spectrum that we can see and utilize. These visible rays are divided into the basic frequencies of blue, yellow and red. When combined, they form white.

  Beyond red there is infrared, the visible rays radiated by heat. Many UFO witnesses have complained of feeling oppressive waves of heat, even when the objects seemed to be many yards away. Concentrated infrared can also hurt the eyes. Infrared rays are shorter than microwave radio signals and longer than the waves of visible light. Man-made radio signals are last on the scale. These range from microwaves to UHF (ultrahigh frequencies) on one end, to VLF (very low frequencies) on the other.

  The Van Allen belt, a belt of radiation circling the earth, and the atmosphere strain out most of the cosmic rays that are constantly bombarding us. The ultraviolet and infrared rays of the sun penetrate this barrier, fortunately, and plant and animal life have adjusted to absorb and utilize these energies.

  Visible Light (Color Spectrum)

  If our eyes were tuned to see beyond the infrared rays, we could look at a telephone microwave relay tower and see a steady stream of brilliant reddish light pouring from it. If we were tuned in visually to the longer radio waves, we would see ourselves bathed in multicolored light (because of the many different frequencies), and it would be like living in the end of a rainbow.

  We are surrounded by energies we cannot see. It is possible that some of these energies form objects, entities and even worlds that we can’t see, either. But just because we can’t see, hear, feel or taste them doesn’t mean that they aren’t there.

  Let’s recap this basic lesson in physics. (1) All solid matter in our environment (or reality) is composed of energy. (2) All energies are of an electromagnetic nature. (3) The human eye can perceive only a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. (4) Electromagnetic waves of many different frequencies permeate the known universe. We live in a sea of such radiations, and the space through which our planet travels is an ocean of radiation.

  In recent years, specially equipped satellites, and our radio telescopes, have discovered that space is filled with infrared rays of unknown origin. Invisible stars have now been detected with infrared devices. They are invisible because they do not issue rays within the limited frequencies of the visible light spectrum. Instead, their energies are being radiated in the higher frequencies of X-rays and the lower frequencies of radio waves. Thanks to the excellent work now being done by radio telescopes all over the world, we are rapidly learning more about these invisible objects. It is extremely unlikely that these radio signals are being deliberately broadcast to us by a superior intelligence.

  Somewhere in this tangled mass of electromagnetic frequencies there lies an omnipotent intelligence, however. This intelligence is able to manipulate energy. It can, quite literally, manipulate any kind of object into existence on our plane. For centuries the occultists and religionists have called this process transmutation or transmogrification. Thousands of books have been published on this process, many of them serving as secret texts for alchemists and sorcerers. The early occultists understood, at least partially, that energy was the key to the whole. Because fire has always been a basic source of energy, many of their rites centered around candle flames and bonfires. Early religious rites involved the offering of sacrifices by fire to the unseen gods. In Biblical times, animals were consigned to the flames as offerings. In other cultures, human beings were sacrificed on pyres.

  Essentially, fire breaks down the molecules of the substance being burned, freeing some of the energy contained therein and producing intense infrared radiation.

  One well-known, heavily documented type of poltergeist (noisy ghost) manifestation produces mysterious fires. “Haunted” houses often burn to the ground eventually. Fires of undetermined origin erupt suddenly throughout UFO flap areas. Many pyromaniacs set fires because “a voice” in their head told them to do so.

  Although I have had neither the means nor the time to study adequately and confirm this fire factor, my experiences in flap areas have led me to believe that the energies of these mysterious conflagrations are being utilized by the UFO phenomenon. There may be a definite relationship between the numbers of fires and the numbers of UFOs seen in a specific sector. A community suddenly beset with fifteen or twenty major fires within the short span of a week or two seems to produce more UFO sightings in that same period than a place with no fires. Either the UFOs are somehow indirectly causing these fires, or they are directly feasting upon the energies produced by the flames.

Mystery of the Aura

  You are a chemical machine made up of electromagnetic energy. Your brain is actually an electrical computer connected to all parts of your body by a wiring system of nerves. Constant chemical reactions are taking place throughout your body. The food you eat is being burned off continuously in the form of heat and energy. Although you can’t see it, your body is surrounded by self-generated fields of radiation. The occultists have always called this radiation the aura. There have been many people—mediums and sensitives—who have claimed that they could actually see this human aura. Some amazing demonstrations and tests have been performed before large groups of witnesses in which sensitives were able to look at a stranger’s aura, and by supposedly noting various shadings in that aura, they could accurately announce, “You have a scar on your abdomen, and there’s a black cloud over your liver. You’ve been having liver trouble.”

  Special eyeglasses have been on the market for years so that almost anyone could see the aura. Because the human body does radiate infrared rays, the glasses do work!

  In recent years, science has begun to take the aura seriously. The Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia has been conducting experiments with infrared devices for some time, with surprising results. They have, for example, photographed a man’s arms and hands with the devices before and after he smoked a cigarette. The “after” shot showed how his arms had darkened because the nicotine had constricted the blood vessels and lowered the temperature in his limbs. Tumors and other disorders readily show up in these thermogram photos. (See Scientific American, February 1967.) These studies have confirmed the wild claims of the occult aura watchers.

  The Biomedical Engineering Center at Northwestern University’s Technological Institute has also been experimenting with an ultrasound system which has produced similar results. A hand dipped in water agitated by a special sound transducer device reveals blood vessels as green, blue or orange lines. It even works with metal. A spot of defective welding appears in varying colors, while a good weld is uniform.

  What has the aura got to do with flying saucers? Perhaps a good deal. Many contactees have been told that they were selected because of their aura. Occultists have long claimed that each person is surrounded by an aura that reveals his spiritual state. An evil person has a black aura. A saintly type has a golden radiation. There are supposed to be blue auras, and white ones also, all with their own meaning. Here, again, the literature on auras is massive, and not all of it is nonsense.

  A milkman was walking along a beach south of Sydney, Australia, early one morning in the summer of 1960 when he came upon a strange metal disk surrounded by a violet light and making a whining sound. Two men suddenly appeared, both dressed in space suits complete with transparent helmets. Their eyes were blue and had an Oriental slant. They allegedly addressed the milkman in perfect English, although their lips did not move. He said their voices seemed to come from square boxes on their belts. After warning the milkman that entities from Orion were preparing to take over the earth, they said that they had been able to contact him because of his aura. They promised to return and contact him again at some time in the future, stating that he “was going to be used for a certain job.”

  This witness told no one about his alleged contact for two years, but finally his story leaked out and he was investigated by Cohn McCarthy and other Australian ufologists. (A more detailed description of this case can be found in The Scorriton Mystery by Eileen Buckle.)

  Because many animals have better vision than man, it is possible that the UFOs and the ufonauts may also have superior vision. They may be able to perceive frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum that are invisible to us. Perhaps they can even see the entire spectrum and can clearly view not only our limited world, but the more vast invisible worlds that surround us.

  There have been numerous confirmed radar sightings of UFOs that could not be seen by the naked eye. We also have the thousands of soft sightings in which the objects suddenly appeared and/or disappeared instantaneously in front of the witnesses. All of these events seem to prove that a large part of the UFO phenomenon is hidden from us and is taking place beyond the limited range of our eyes. We can only see the objects and the entities under certain circumstances, and perhaps only certain types of people can see them at all.

  Thus, by all the standards of our sciences (and our common sense), the UFOs do not really exist as solid objects. They may be a constant part of our environment, but they are not an actual part of our reality. We cannot, therefore, catalog them as manufactured products of some extraterrestrial civilization sharing our own dimensions of time and space. They are extradimensional, able to move through our spatial coordinates at will but also able to enter and leave our three-dimensional world. If this is a true hypothesis, then they may also be operating beyond the limitations of our time coordinates. Our years may be minutes to them. Our future may be their past, and thus they have total knowledge of the things in store for us.

  The Purple Blobs

  Among the most neglected of all the soft sightings are the strange purple blobs, some so faint that they can barely be seen with the naked eye. Such blobs were frequently reported in earlier days of the saucer scare, but newspapers were soon diverted by the more intriguing hard sightings of seemingly solid disks. The purple blobs have been busy throughout the world, but the published sightings have become increasingly rare. People who see these things often dismiss them as some kind of illusion or natural phenomenon, or they feel they are not worthy of being reported.

  Between 9:15 and 11:00 P.M. on the night of June 24, 1947, scores of people in Seattle, Washington, watched peculiar purple and light-blue spots of light dancing around the skies. That was the same day that Kenneth Arnold saw his famous flying saucers.

  I have seen many strange blue lights and purple spots in my travels. The first time I was roaming around the hills behind Gallipolis Ferry, West Virginia, early in 1967, and when the spots first appeared, I thought my eyes were playing tricks. They were barely visible in the darkness and seemed to be small clouds of glowing gas. I climbed a steep hill, accompanied by two local teenagers, hoping to find a better vantage point to view a sector where many objects had been sighted previously. The purple spots were moving all around us; there were twenty or more. The sky was overcast, and at first I suspected the phenomenon might be caused by stars faintly shining through the clouds. But they seemed very close by, maneuvering around at treetop level. I blinked my huge flashlight at them and was startled when these things actually leaped out of the way of the beam.

  When we reached the summit of the hill, I experimented further, aiming my light at spots that had remained perfectly stationary since we had first noticed them. The instant my beam struck them, these spots skittered across the sky, some of them darting 25 or 30 degrees before they paused again.

  After much more experimentation, on other nights in other places, I concluded that the purple spots were part of the UFO phenomenon and were being controlled by, or possessed, some kind of intelligence.

  Return now to our two charts of the electromagnetic and color spectrums. You will see that ultraviolet rays immediately precede the visible spectrum. The first visible frequencies are of purple or violet light.

  Let us assume that UFOs exist at frequencies beyond visible light but that they can adjust their frequency and descend the electromagnetic spectrum—just as you can turn the dial of your radio and move a variable condenser up and down the scale of radio frequencies. When a UFO’s frequency nears that of visible light, it would first appear as a purplish blob of violet. As it moves farther down the scale, it would seem to change to blue, and then to cyan (bluish green). In our chapter on meteors we note that they most often appear as bluish-green objects.

  I have therefore classified that section of the color spectrum as the UFO entry field. When the objects begin to move into our spatial and time coordinates, they gear down from the higher frequencies, passing progressively from ul
traviolet to violet to bluish green. When they stabilize within our dimensions, they radiate energy on all frequencies and become a glaring white.

  In the white condition the object can traverse distances visibly, but radical maneuvers of ascent or descent require it to alter its frequencies again, and this process produces new color changes. In the majority of all landing reports, the objects were said to have turned orange (red and yellow) or red before descending. When they settle to the ground they “solidify,” and the light dims or goes out altogether. On takeoff, they begin to glow red again. Sometimes they reportedly turn a brilliant red and vanish. Other times they shift through all of the colors of the spectrum, turn white, and fly off into the night sky until they look like just another star.[2] Because the color red is so closely associated with the landing and takeoff processes, I term this end of the color spectrum the UFO departure field.

  The great mass of observational data fully supports these hypotheses. Our glowing objects change color, size, and form, and this fact indicates that they are comprised of energy which can be manipulated to temporarily simulate terrestrial matter. Such energies must be somehow collected together at the invisible frequencies, and then frequency changes are brought about to “lower” them into the visible spectrum. Once they become visible, they can then organize themselves into atoms and produce any desired form.

  Barney and Betty Hill, the couple who were allegedly taken aboard a UFO in New Hampshire in 1961, first observed a brilliant moving “star.” As it drew closer, the brilliance faded and it became a seemingly material flying saucer occupied by small men in uniforms. Brazil’s Villa-Boas, who claimed he was taken aboard a UFO in 1957, first saw a reddish object which then became a grounded saucer. When it took off again, the object first surrounded itself with a red glow. The glow intensified, and the reddish object sailed off into the stars.


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