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Key To My Heart (Love Conquers All)

Page 12

by Wells, Victoria

  What really had her near tears was that she had nowhere else to turn. This was it. With the present economy, many of the law firms in the D.C. area were in a hiring freeze. This included the firm her father’s former partners had founded. If Langston told her to leave, she’d be lost. No, this wasn’t about trying to snag him as a boyfriend, lover, or husband, for that matter. This was about survival.

  Clearing her throat, Christina whispered in a small voice, “Langston, I really need this job.” Swallowing her pride, as uncomfortable and humiliating as it was, she purged every detail of her miserable existence. By the time she’d finished telling her tale, tears were falling freely from her eyes.

  Standing, Langston made his way over to the corner of the room to the mahogany coat tree to remove a white handkerchief from his suit jacket. Kneeling down in front of Christina, he handed her the cloth to dry her eyes. He hated to see a woman cry. That was one of his weak spots.

  Despite the fact that Christina grew up as a spoiled, cruel, and overindulged adolescent, Langston couldn’t stand to see the woman out on the streets. “Christina, please stop crying.”

  “I can’t,” she wailed, too far gone to be embarrassed. “If you fire me, and I know you probably will, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  Langston sat on the corner of his desk as he stared at Christina having a mini mental breakdown. Again his mother had meddled in his affairs and now had him in a jam. When he hissed an expletive, Christina buried her face in her hands and wailed even louder.

  Rolling his eyes toward the ceiling, Langston said, “Christina, pull yourself together. I am not going to fire you.” Although he’d made the decision to keep her on as the new receptionist, he wanted to make a few things absolutely clear. “I don’t know what little scheme you and my mother have going.” When she attempted to interrupt, he held up his hand. “Don’t interrupt me while I’m speaking.”

  Christina wanted to tell him she wasn’t up to any schemes, but instead she sheepishly sat back and listened.

  Continuing, Langston said, “I know my mother had you over for dinner and set you up with this job because she’s trying to play matchmaker. I’m not interested. Period.” He wanted to add that she’d had her chance years ago, but decided against bringing up something that might cause her to start crying again.

  Christina flinched from his firm and direct words. Langston went on to tell her what he expected of her as a firm employee, and that she would be closely monitored during her three-month probation period. He also stressed that Beatrice, although she held a percentage of the shares in the firm, would not have any influence when it came to Christina’s employment.

  “Are we all clear?” Langston asked as he took his seat again and opened a file that was on his desk.

  “Yes.” Christina nodded as she stood.

  For the first time that morning since stepping off the elevator, Langston smiled. “Good. Now get back to work.”

  Christina returned his smile with a shaky one of her own, trying to control the butterflies in her stomach. Why hadn’t she ever noticed how sexy his smile was?

  She stopped before crossing the threshold leading back to the reception area. Looking over her shoulder, she said, “Thanks, Langston, for giving me this chance. I won’t let you down. I promise.”

  “Yeah, I hope not,” he mumbled, not taking his attention off the file he’d suddenly become consumed with.

  Once the door had been closed and Christina was gone, Langston leaned back and rubbed his eyes. This had better not blow up in his face. He sincerely hoped Christina had gotten the message when he blatantly told her he wasn’t interested. There was only one woman he was interested in, one woman who seemed so close, yet so far away, one woman he couldn’t keep his thoughts off of day or night.

  Chapter 22

  “Girl, what did you tell Nick?” Starr asked Summer as they rode the escalator to ground level at the Farragut North station. The fabrication Starr had to feed her husband, Kevin, was that she and Summer were hanging out for the day. She dared not tell him what the two of them were really up to. She felt awful deceiving her man, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

  “Um, I told him we were going shopping,” Summer said, studying the manicured nails on her left hand, looking for chips.

  Nick would have a cow if he knew she and Starr’s shopping adventure to the Philadelphia Outlet Mall in Limerick, PA had taken a detour in the complete opposite direction to the first Metro train station off of 95 South, where they had parked Summer’s BMW SUV and hopped the train to downtown D.C., destination 888 Seventeenth Street.

  Taking her attention off her nails, Summer looked at her friend. “What did Kevin say when you told him you were leaving the babies with Joan, Beverly, and our moms?”

  Both Summer and Starr were grateful for Joan, Nick’s stepmother, and Beverly, Kevin’s mom, along with their own mothers, who were always glad for any opportunity to babysit their tribe of grandchildren. Knowing their children were in loving, capable hands put them at ease as they embarked upon their little escapade.

  Starr and Summer had worked nonstop for two weeks straight to throw the birthday bash celebrating all of the birthdays Zoe had missed having with Ava. Summer’s parents, along with Donna and Patrick, Starr’s mother and stepfather, had come to town to take part in the festivities, and they had decided to stay a few weeks to spend time with their grandchildren.

  Starr shrugged. “Nothing, really, but I get the feeling he thinks we’re up to something.”

  Nodding, Summer understood her friend’s suspicions, because Nick had given her the same vibe, but didn’t question her. “I guess we better stop off somewhere to pick up a few things if we don’t want to get busted.”

  Inside the contemporary marbled lobby of 888 Seventeenth Street, the young women stood side by side as they studied the office building’s directory. “There it is.” Summer pointed. “Warrington and Warrington and Associates. Suite 1200.”

  After signing the log book, Summer and Starr took the elevator up to the twelfth floor, riding in silence. They’d talked about this for weeks now, ever since they met Langston and saw Ava’s reaction to him. Of course Ava being Ava, she’d tried to play it cool, like she wasn’t affected by the man one way or another.

  But Langston had been in their company on numerous occasions when he brought Zoe to spend the weekend with Ava. He was included in Sunday dinners after church with the rest of the family over at the elder Stiles’s home. And it wasn’t lost on anyone that Ava behaved differently in his presence. The woman acted like a teenager with a crush, too shy to approach the object of her affection.

  One particular Sunday afternoon Starr teased, “Girl, why don’t you admit you still have some feelings for the man, even if it’s an itty-bitty, teeny bit.”

  “Yeah, just admit it,” Summer said. “Come on, girl, it’s only natural. After all, he is Zoe’s father.”

  Huffing, Ava snapped, “I don’t have feelings for Langston. And that’s all he is to me, Zoe’s father, and that’s it.”

  Both Summer and Starr shared a look when Ava went stomping out of the kitchen, mumbling under her breath that she was going to check on her daughter. Once Ava was out of hearing range, they simultaneously agreed, “She still got feelings for him.”

  Last Saturday afternoon at the party, a blind man could see that both Ava and Langston still had feelings for each other. Whereas Langston was bold with his feelings as he openly admired Ava, Ava, on the other hand, was caught stealing secret glimpses at Langston. But what Ava failed to realize was that her friends knew her, really knew her. When Ava wasn’t feeling a person, especially a man, she got this look on her face that said, Leave me alone. Her friends never once saw her look this way at Langston, at least not in front of them. And that was another thing about their friend. She didn’t put on airs for anyone. If she wasn’t feeling her baby’s daddy, they would have known it, and they wouldn’t be getting ready to start some stu


  Langston stared at the two beautiful women occupying the chairs in front of his desk. He didn’t know if he should be offended or grab them up in an affectionate bear hug.

  It didn’t surprise him that Ava would have friends like these women. On his trips to Philly he had gotten to know them and their husbands. They were cool people who cared about and loved Ava and Zoe as if they were their blood. So it didn’t come as a total shock to him when they showed up unannounced, politely demanding to speak to him regarding an urgent matter.

  Unashamedly, they harassed him with one question after another. Why did you come back into Ava’s life? Are you seeing anyone? If not, are you interested in Ava? If you’re interested, you better not be playing any games with our sister, because if you are, you will get hurt. That threat had come from the petite one, which brought a smirk to Langston’s lips. Who was she going to hurt? He wanted to tell her to get real. The woman was just over five feet and weighed no more than 110 pounds, if that.

  “What’s so funny?” Summer asked, tilting her head to the side like she was ready to pounce.

  Langston held up his hands in defense. “My bad. Y’all just got me tripping.”

  “Why is that? Because we don’t want to see you hurt our girl again?” That was Starr who slung that accusation.

  Langston took a deep breath before laying his cards on the table. He had to make somebody, anybody believe he would never hurt Ava again. If he could get these two on his side, maybe he’d get Ava to come around quicker. “Listen, I love Ava. I’ve never stopped loving her. I know I did her wrong, and believe me, every day I look at my daughter is a reminder of just how badly I messed up, how badly I hurt Ava.” Langston paused for a second as he ran a large hand down his face before continuing. “You have no idea how badly I want to make this all right, how much I want to give Ava everything she deserves, and then some.”

  “Are you talking about marriage?” Summer blurted out. If he wasn’t talking it, then he’d better get to stepping right on out of her life. If he thought for one minute he was going to play games and trample all over their friend’s feelings, he had another think coming.

  Langston nodded. “That’s what I’m talking about. I want me, Ava, and Zoe to be a family. I want to give my baby’s momma my name,” he proudly boasted, a smile brightening his dark features.

  Starr jumped out of her chair and loudly clapped her hands. “Hot damn! Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!”

  The three of them roared with laughter at Starr’s excitement.

  After the laugher died down, Langston threw caution to the wind and did what he’d never done since he was an adult—ask someone for help.

  “Summer, Starr, I know you are like sisters to Ava.”

  They both nodded at his assessment of their relationship.

  “So I’m going to need your help with winning her over.”

  Both women quickly shared a look, then turned twinkling eyes on Langston. With a big cheesy grin, Summer said, “Just tell us what you want us to do, and it’s done.”


  Stepping onto the Metro to head back to the car, Starr said, “You know, if Ava ever finds out we came down here to see Langston, she’s never going to speak to us again.”

  Summer chuckled. “I know. So keep your big mouth shut and don’t tell NOBODY.”

  Starr gasped, feigning offense. “I know you’re not talking!”

  “Oh, yes, I am!”

  “Whatever, Summer.”

  Starr and Summer were so optimistic with how things would turn out between Ava and Langston that they discussed every detail of the wedding from what kind of gown Ava would wear, to their bridesmaid gowns, how they would wear their hair, and on and on.

  Chapter 23

  “Daddy, I want to do it.” Zoe excitedly bounced on the tall kitchen stool at the center kitchen island. This was the best day ever for the seven-year-old. Today would be her very first Mother’s Day with her mommy.

  Langston chortled. “All right, Love Bug, hold your horses.”

  As Zoe reached for the carton of eggs, Langston gently tapped the back of the child’s hand. Raising an eyebrow, he asked, “Did you wash your hands?”

  Tilting her head to the side and putting her index finger against her bottom lip, Zoe sighed. “I don’t even remember, Daddy.”

  Helping her down from the stool, Langston pointed in the direction of the powder room off the hallway. “Go!”

  “OK, Daddy!” And with that Zoe took off running to the powder room.

  Zoe wasn’t the only one bubbling over with excitement. This was a first for him too, and he wanted to get it right. Getting up extra early this morning, he’d come down to the kitchen and began to prep the food for breakfast. After chopping the fresh spinach and slicing the mushrooms for the omelets, Langston threw some oranges and fresh pineapples into the juicer. Next he took turkey bacon out of the refrigerator and started to fry it up.

  After the breakfast meat was finished, he tiptoed upstairs, past the guestroom where Ava was sleeping, and into Zoe’s bedroom. Gently kissing her forehead, he whispered, “Love Bug, wake up.”

  Stretching and then yawning, the child said, “Good morning, Daddy.”

  “You ready to help me make Mommy’s breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day?”

  That was all he had to say to get Zoe up and moving. Langston’s intention had been to let her put the crescent rolls in the pan before baking them. However, the child had plans of her own as she eagerly watched him move around the kitchen.

  Running back into the room, Zoe climbed back up onto the stool. Holding her hands up in the air, she said, “All clean. See, Daddy.”

  Bending down, Langston squinted at the tiny hands, and then leaned in closer to sniff them. “OK, they pass the booga-boo germ free test.”

  “Daddy, you’re so silly.” This time when she reached for the carton of eggs, Langston didn’t stop her. Taking an egg in her tiny hand she looked at her father. “Show me how to do it.”

  Taking the egg from her tiny hand, Langston’s cracked the egg on the rim of the glass mixing bowl.”You do it like this, Love Bug.” Handing her another egg, he instructed the child how to repeat his action.

  Langston smiled as she accepted the egg and repeated what he’d just done. “I did it, Daddy!” Zoe was so happy to be helping her daddy make her mommy breakfast. Daddy said once they finished cooking, they were going to put it on the new tray he’d bought and take it upstairs to Mommy. She couldn’t wait! She wanted to get in bed with Mommy and eat breakfast too!

  “Yes, you did, Love Bug. Here, crack another one.” Langston allowed Zoe to crack all the eggs. As she cracked them, releasing their contents into the bowl, he scooped out any shells that fell in.

  Langston and Zoe worked side by side, preparing Ava’s Mother’s Day breakfast with love.


  Rolling over, the smell of breakfast cooking tickled Ava’s nostrils. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Ava went into the adjoining bathroom to take care of her morning needs. Her growling stomach prompted her to pick up the pace as she brushed her teeth and washed her face.

  “Mmmm, that food smells so good. And I’m ready to tear it up,” Ava mused as she came out of the bathroom, not really caring what it was that was cooking. Grabbing her robe, she quickly put it on and padded over to the door. Pulling open the door, she nearly collided into Zoe and Langston.

  “Whoa!” They all sang in unison, coming to a complete stop in their tracks. Ava glanced from Langston, then down to Zoe. Langston was holding a tray loaded with her favorites—a spinach mushroom omelet, turkey bacon, crescent rolls, and a tall glass of freshly squeezed juice. Zoe held a beautiful crystal vase with pink roses from the rosebush out front in one hand, and a card she’d made in school in the other.

  Just as she was about to question why she was getting the royal treatment this fine Sunday morning, realization dawned on her. Today was Mother’s Day.
  “Happy Mother’s Day, Ava,” Langston whispered, his voice as smooth as silk. The flash of awareness in her eyes told him all he needed to know. Ava still had feelings for him. Feelings, he surmised, she was terrified to give in to. Langston wanted more than anything to pull her into his arms and hold her there, loving her until she believed he would never hurt her again.

  Ava’s eyelids fluttered to the same rhythm as the butterflies in her lower belly. Oh, man, her baby’s daddy was standing here, holding breakfast he had to get up extra early to prepare for her with their baby girl by his side. When she gazed at the pair all she could see was care and love. How in the world was she supposed to keep him at bay? To keep her heart protected? Swallowing the lump forming in her throat, Ava whispered back, “Thank you.”

  “Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy! I picked these flowers for you and made this card!” Zoe excitedly exclaimed, dissipating the sensual fog as her tiny hands thrust the vase and card to her mother.

  Stooping down and accepting the gifts, Ava hugged Zoe. “Thank you, my Zoe. I love the flowers and my card. They’re so pretty, just like you.”

  Zoe beamed at the compliment and tugged on Ava’s hand. “Come on, Mommy, you have to get back in bed. Daddy said we’re supposed to be serving you breakfast in bed.” Zoe turned, looking to her father for confirmation. “Right, Daddy?”

  Ava’s heart melted when he tenderly smiled at their daughter. “Yes, that’s right, Love Bug.”

  “See, I told you, Mommy.”

  Ava giggled at Zoe’s persistence to get her back in bed. “OK, honey. Let me just put these flowers and the card on the dresser.”

  Langston swallowed hard and counted one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi in his head in an attempt to control his nature as Ava untied the belt of her robe, removed it, and carefully draped it across the foot of the queen-sized bed. The lavender satin gown she wore beneath had thin spaghetti straps and hugged every curve of her body before stopping just above her knees. He had to stifle a groan when she climbed back onto the bed. The satiny fabric rose up, showing off a smooth, velvety vanilla with a hint of brown sugar thigh. For goodness’ sake, his seven-year-old daughter was in the room. He had to pull himself together.


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