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Luke (BBW Country Music Bear Shifter Romance) (Bearly Saints Book 3)

Page 92

by Becca Fanning

  My left hand grabbed my breast through my nightie, the fabric dulling some of the sensation as I groped myself. My right hand crept down my belly and pulled the hem of my nightie up, exposing myself to the cool air of the room. A pleasant little line of coolness ran down the lips of my trimmed sex and down one thigh, my need for this stud obvious.

  His eyes watched me, and I could see the veins in his neck and face begin to bulge with ferocious intent. His arm flexed, the solid muscle of his forearm now pumping away. As he worked himself, I could see the creamy white snake come to life. It was now beginning to stiffen, to pull away from his body in defiance of gravity.

  I looked at the end of his cock, the wide purple head now leaking a single bead of pre-cum. I could see it, like a small liquid pearl. A musk filled my nostrils, the scent of this man on the brink of ravaging me. My hand found my clit, and I began furiously pulling the sensitive nub in tiny circles.

  “Oh Melanie…you’re such a good girl,” he said, his eyes transfixed on the show I was giving him. “You’ve always taken such good care of me. I need you,” he said. He bent down over me.

  I could smell the cologne he always wore, the stuff that drove me wild. I looked down my body, saw his massive cock descend towards my hungry wet slit.

  Something loud woke me up. As I was torn from my lovely dream, I heard the sound of breaking glass come from behind the house. I let go of my breast and took my other hand out of my crotch. The house seemed much darker, much more dangerous. But something got the better of me.

  I got up from the recliner, my legs wobbly and almost asleep from sitting there too long. I pulled out my phone to check the time, but it was dead. Having the whole world at your fingertips isn’t so great if it’s out of juice.

  I heard some more noise coming from the backyard. I got up the courage to creep into the kitchen so I could get a better look. I walked through the dark kitchen, streetlights from outside casting dim rays of light into the room. I got low, making sure no one from outside could see me.

  My left foot went out and stepped on something soft and slick. My feet went out from under me and I crashed down against the floor. I cursed silently but was thankful that I wasn’t hurt. A piece of sweet potato was stuck to the bottom of my shoe. I pulled it off and got back into my crouched position.

  I walked over to the edge of the counter and peeked over. The large window behind the counter looked over the backyard. The light from the street barely reached it, so most of it was encased in shadow.

  The large white two car garage took up much of the view, and a small stone walkway lead from the garage door to the stairs of the back porch. A tall wooden fence encased the yard, Mr. Sedgwick’s ex-wife had planted rose bushes around the yard, and I could see the flowers sway in the light breeze.

  Then I realized that one part of the fence had been damaged. Several long boards were knocked down, and the rosebush in front of it had been partially trampled as well.

  I heard a crash inside the garage and ducked back under the window. Something or someone was in there! I peaked out back over the bottom of the window and saw that one of the garage windows was shattered. It must’ve been eight feet up from the ground. Some poor bird must have crashed into it.

  My cautious side told me I should stay in the house. I didn’t know what was out there. But if there was an animal suffering in the garage, I wanted to help it. I could call a vet or something.

  I stepped out into the cool air of the backyard. The stars were out that night, added little shimmering specks next to the full moon. I hugged my sweater tight and crept towards the garage, flashlight in hand. The bright spotlight it made glinted off the broken glass of the window. I could see blood on the glass as well, and my heart went out to the poor creature inside.

  I pulled out the spare garage door key Mr. Sedgwick kept in the foyer and put it into the lock. I heard another crash from inside and froze. Was this a good idea? No, but it was better than doing nothing. I couldn’t stand by why some poor bird thrashed around, hurt.

  I turned the knob and pushed the door inwards. Mr. Sedgwick’s huge blue SUV took up the whole center of the garage. I could see a ladder laying askew against the far wall, knocked off it’s hooks.

  I stood still, listening for movement. Nothing. I listened for breathing. Nothing. The flashlight illuminated the broken window, and there was a pile of broken glass on the floor. A small splatter of blood covered the glass. I walked closed to the glass and knelt down. I could make out a trail of blood drops that lead back behind the SUV.

  “Hey…hey there. It’s ok little bird. Not gonna hurt ya’,” I said, doing my best to sound calming. I slowly walked around the SUV, hoping I wasn’t to late to help the little bird.

  As I crept around the SUV, my flashlight illuminated a huge furry shape, lying on its side panting. Something primal inside me activated a pure terror response, and I fell backwards, screaming. My flashlight hit the ground and went out. The garage was pitch black, save a sliver of light coming in through the ajar door.

  Two golden eyes glowed in the darkness. I could see them slowly open and close. A low guttural growl came from the wolf, and it was obvious that it was in pain. I began scrambling across the floor, getting my feet under me to bolt out the door.

  “Please…” a voice said. It came from where the wolf was.

  I knew that voice. It was Mr. Sedgwick! I was frozen in place, my mind reeling.

  “Please…Melanie…” he said weakly.

  I turned around and ran back into the darkness. I knelt down and extended my hand forward. It touched bare skin, hot and wet. My hands found his face.

  “Mr. Sedgwick! What happened? I’m going to call an ambulance!” I said. “I’ll be right back.”

  “No,” he said. The tone of his voice made it clear that this wasn’t up for discussion. “No doctors. I’m fine. Just please help me inside.”

  “But you’re hurt! You need a doctor!” I said, insistent.

  “Melanie, I promise you that I’ll be fine. I just need to get into the house. Please just do that for me. I need you,” he said, his voice trailing off. He put his hand on my arms, his nails digging into me. They felt incredibly long, and I had to stifle a yelp.

  “Ok, let’s get you inside,” I said. I needed the house phone to call anyway. My hands went around his bare waist and I pulled upwards.

  He stood up with my help. In fact he stood a little too fast, my hands slipping below his waist. My hand brushed up against his manhood and I swallowed. I repositioned my hands and thanked God he couldn’t see my beet red face.

  We stumbled out of the garage. I walked him around the pile of glass. Where were his clothes? Why was he hurt? How did he get into the garage through that high window? Did I hallucinate that wolf?

  We got to the back door, and he put his hand out to stop me from opening the door.

  “The kids…” he said. “Are the kids asleep?”

  “Yeah, yeah they’re asleep Mr. Sedgwick,” I said.

  “Don’t…don’t let them see me like this,” he said. I could hear the desperation in his voice.

  I nodded. “They won’t, I promise.”

  “Good girl,” he said.

  I got him into the kitchen and made to sit him down in a chair so I could call an ambulance.

  He shook his head, grunting and pulling towards the stairs to go up to his bedroom. With no choice, I helped him up the stairs, slowly. Pulling one foot after the other. The light coming in through the front windows of the house illuminated his body pressed against mine.

  A long gash ran down his whole side, though it looked like it had stopped bleeding already. A small line of dried blood ran down his leg. I was relieved that he wasn’t seriously hurt, at least not that I could see.

  I won’t lie. I didn’t leer at him like some kind of pervert, but with his body pressed up against me, parts of his muscular body were rubbing against me. I could tell that the salt and pepper hair I loved on his head also lay below
the belt. A thick trail ran from his belly button, in a straight treasure trail down to his groin.

  On each step up the stairs, his cock and balls swung upward in an arc, then landed back against his thigh. He was as well endowed as I fantasized, and I had to force myself to look away so we didn’t trip on the stairs.

  When we go to the top, we carefully stepped down the hallway so we wouldn’t wake up the kids in their rooms. Robbie was a notoriously light sleeper, so we took twice as long tiptoeing past his door.

  I opened the door to his bedroom and flicked on the light. I had him lean against the dresser while I closed the door behind us. Then I ran into the master bathroom and came back with a few towels. I laid them on the bed and helped him over to it. He fell onto the bed, his whole body visibly relaxing.

  I felt his head ,checking for a fever, but he didn’t feel hot. I went back into the bathroom and came back with some ointment and bandages. I still had so many questions, but they could wait. What was important was that he was safe. I washed off the dried blood on his side, then put some of the ointment on his wound.

  His eyes shot open, bright and full of fury. He let out a pained yelp and he grabbed me. With one arm he pulled me through the air over him and onto the bed. I looked up and he was on top of me.


  His eyes looked down on me, and they weren’t blue anymore. They were bright gold. He opened his mouth to bare his teeth, and I saw huge canines reach past the rest of his impeccable teeth.

  I clamped my eyes shut, not wanting to see anymore. I don’t know what I thought would happen, but I braced for it. “Mr. Sedgwick, please…” I said.

  The growl stopped. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. His eyes were blue, and he looked down on me, mortified. He pulled his hands back and looked down at them. I saw tears well up in his eyes.

  “Oh God,” he said. “I’m so sorry Melanie,” he said, back off me. He half turned and stumbled into the bathroom. He fell down on the bathroom floor and covered his face with his hand. “You need to go now, Melanie.”

  I sat up on the bed, not knowing whether to go help him or to bolt as fast as I could out the front door. I concentrated on my breathing, calming myself down. I realized that Mr. Sedgwick had just responded naturally to the pain. He wasn’t going to hurt me.

  “I’m not leaving you,” I said. “We’re going to get you through this.” I walked to the bathroom and put my hand on his head and stroked his hair. I noticed now that he was dirty, and I didn’t want that wound to get infected.

  “Come on, let’s get you into the shower,” I said. With both of us struggling, he finally got to his feet. We lumbered over to the shower, and I opened the glass door.

  “Melanie…I can’t stand up in there by myself,” he said, his head hanging low. His body was exhausted, but he needed to get clean.

  “Fine, then I’m getting in with you,” I said. In the back of my head Kerry cackled with perverse glee. I did my best to control the blush that was coming over my face.

  “Mel, that’s not a good idea,” he said.

  My stomach fluttered. He called me Mel. He’d never done that before. It’d always been my proper name.

  “Mr. Sedgwick, I-“ I said.

  “Michael,” he said. “Just call me Michael. I have a rule that if you’ve seen me naked, you can’t call me Mr. Sedgwick.” His tired smile was endearing, finding a way to lighten the mood through his exhaustion.

  “Well, Michael,” I said, letting the name sit on my tongue a moment, “We’re going to get you cleaned up, and that’s that!” I met his eyes, the deep blue I’d always dreamed about. He nodded, and looked away while I undressed.

  I pulled off my shawl and polka dot dress, folded them neatly and placed them on the vanity next to him. Then came my bra, giving wonderful release to my ample bosom. On some days, taking off my bra was the highlight, a wonderful release of tension and constriction. I pulled my panties off too, folded them quickly to hide the tiny spot of dampness on the front.

  Michael’s head turned, his nostrils flared. His eyes were still closed, yet his head tracked my damp panties as I placed them next to him.

  I looked down and saw his cock stir, slowly lengthening and engorging. I crossed my legs, trying to push down my natural urges. I knew we had to get him cleaned up while I still had some semblance of decency and self-control.

  We stepped into the shower under the running water. He leaned against me, his head down on my shoulder. I grabbed the shower gel and squirted a handful on my hand. I gingerly rubbed it down the back of his neck, feeling his hard, tense muscles quiver under the attention.

  “That feels so good, Mel,” he murmured against my neck. I couldn’t hear him as much as feel the vibrations of his words through my skin. His lips felt soft and full, and I needed them all over me.

  I concentrated on cleaning him off, my hands rubbing down his back, sides and ass. He’s always had a fantastic ass, and I wanted to make sure it was sneaky clean now. I grabbed handfuls, massaging the soap into his hard flesh. I loved how it fit my hands perfectly, the edges of my fingertips reaching the soft cleft underneath where his ass meets his legs.

  His lips parts and he rubbed his teeth against my neck. He began nibbling on my neck and moaning.

  I felt something lift and press against my clit. I looked down. Oh.

  Michael pushed me back against the edge of the shower, pinning me in place with a newfound strength. His nibbling on my neck became a hard bite, and I cried out. He pulled his mouth off my neck and he flared his nostrils again.

  This was the most thrilling experience I’d ever had. The intimacy. The danger. The raw sexual power. My body was ready and willing for this alpha stud to take, to make me his. My pussy flowed like a river, though in the shower I could barely tell.

  But Michael could. He sniffed his way down my body, his salt and pepper stubble scratching my chest, my nipple, my belly. Finally he was crouched in front of me, his face at my sex. He inhaled, smelling my essence, my desire, my lust for him. He opened his eyes, looking up at me with golden pupils. Farther down I could see the purple crown of his massive, erect cock.

  His golden eyes went half-lidded as he pressed his mouth to my aching sex. I let out a cry when his lips made contact. I covered my mouth with my hand, and moaned in ecstasy as his tongue made long slow laps at my pussy. Up and down. Up and down. He’d flick the tip of his tongue against my clit on each upswing. His hands dug into my hips, keeping me pinned against the side of the shower.

  I wanted to lift my leg, to put it over his shoulder to give him better access, but he just growled when I tried to move his hand. He had his prize, and he was just getting started.

  His tongue separated my labia and ran up between them, giving a full lick to my swollen nub.

  I cried out again into my hand, coming hard. I buckled at the knees, but he kept me pinned against the shower. My hand grabbed the back of his head and I ground my pussy against his mouth, flooding it with my juices. He lapped them up eagerly, not wanting a drop of my essence to get past his hungry mouth.

  My whole body trembled, recovering from the amazing orgasm I just had. My hand stroked his hair, and I looked down at him as he continued to softly lick me. I saw how his hard cock strained against his belly, how his balls hung full and low. His need was desperate, and I couldn’t leave him like that. My hand pulled him up by the chin and I pushed him back along the other wall of the shower.

  His golden eyes blinked at me, then he tilted his head back as I began kissing and nibbling my way down his neck. I let my tongue swirl around his nipple, his small hairs tantalizing me. I moved further down, my tongue blazing a trail down to his belly button, a firm innie.

  His mouth open, be began panting heavily as my hands got down to his huge swinging cock. The head was a deep dark purple, the shaft a pale ivory. A thin smattering of salt and pepper hair clung to the base. I could see a small dribble of white fluid leaking out of the tip. I bent my mouth down to clean
him off.

  I parted my lips, taking the head in, enjoying the sudden crowded sensation in my mouth. I licked his salty gift off the end of his rod, but it was soon replaced by more, his pre-cum a never ending fountain. I wondered how long he’d been backed up, how long since he’d had relief.

  My hands went to his balls, cupping them and feeling their weight. They were huge, full, and hung low. I massaged them, rolling them in my hands while I worked his shaft with my mouth. I felt them pull up against his body.

  I sucked him, hard. I opened my mouth wider and tried to fit even more of him into my mouth, down my throat. As soon as I was comfortable with his girth and length, I began pumping my mouth up and down his length, letting my tongue play under his glans.


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