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Luke (BBW Country Music Bear Shifter Romance) (Bearly Saints Book 3)

Page 118

by Becca Fanning

  “Iyesha Barnes?” Iyesha asked. Good job, idiot. You sound like you don’t know your own name!

  The guard gave her an odd look and scanned his clipboard. Without saying anything he stood up and walked out of his security station. His hand went to his hip.

  He’s going to pepper spray me! She rolled up her window as fast as she could and floored it, expecting to blow through the gate. She was already trying to think of what she’d tell her dad with her one phone call from jail. Instead of launching forward, her car engine just groaned loudly. She glanced at her gearshift, and a bright green “P” shone back at her.

  The knock on her window scared her half to death. A confused security guard stood next to her car, trying to yell over her engine. She took her foot off the accelerator and cracked her window.

  “Ok, you’ll want to pull forward and make your way to hangar four. Leave this hanging from your rear view mirror,” he said as he pulled a small hanging tag from a hip pocket and slid it sideways through the tiny gap of open window.

  “Thank you!” Iyesha said, putting her car into drive and going through the opening gate. She arrived in front of hangar four shortly thereafter. She saw a few very expensive imported cars parked nearby and pulled up next to them. Looking at her watch, she let out a small moan. Eight minutes late already! I don’t even know where my clothes are! She spun out of the drivers side door and dove into the backseat. Empty soda bottles, club clothes and more than a few hamburger wrappers were tossed into the front seat. Reaching the seats and floor, she realized with dread that they must be in the trunk.

  The trunk. The thought alone depressed her. Long ago she’d started using the trunk as a way to forget things. Bad grades, bad friends, bad breakups. Anything she never wanted to see again was piled into the trunk. She remembered that a year ago it’d been so full she had to practically jump down onto the trunk to close it. She went to the front seat and pulled the trunk release.

  She turned towards the back and saw the gas cap popped open. Not now! She bent down to pull the correct release and closed the gas cap on her way to the back of the car. The smell was like old gym socks and the cologne an old boyfriend used to wear. She must’ve thrown a bottle of it back here with his stuff, where it likely cracked open and now permanently soiled her trunk.

  Looking down at the task before her, she drew inspiration from the Navy SEAL training documentaries she would sometimes masturbate to. All those glistening muscular men who met any challenge head-on, no matter what. The one thing they didn’t do was quit. Come hell or high water, they had a mission and they did it or died.

  She lifted a large brown duffel bag from the top of the pile and lying right beneath it was a set of dry cleaner bags and a shoebox. She squealed in delight, thankful she didn’t actually have to dig through that dungeon of terrible life decisions. She pulled the dress and shoes out and closed the trunk. Looking around to make sure the coast was clear, she got into the back seat and wriggled out of her tank top and blue jean cutoff shorts.

  Iyesha tore open the dry-cleaning bags like a wild animal, pulling the dress over her head. It wouldn’t quite fit over her head though She had her head and arms inside the dress, but couldn’t go any further.

  “Lookin’ good ma,” came a relaxed voice from outside the car, followed by footsteps.

  Caught between fury and humiliation, Iyesha pulled her head from the dress after a few seconds and looked for the voyeur, but he was gone. She wanted to scream, but knew that would just take up more time she didn’t have. She solved the puzzle of her dress, unzipping it down the back enough to fit it down her body, then squeezed into the black leather pumps. These do NOT fit, but I’ve got nothing else besides the flip-flops I left the apartment in. Consigned to a weekend of miserable feet, she grabbed her clutch, closed and locked her doors, and walked towards the massive doors of hangar four.

  “And initial here,” Maxwell said, his finger jabbing down at the phonebook-sized contract on the table in front of Iyesha. Two gold rings and a thick gold bracelet accessorized his contract pointing hand. He was in his early fifties, his head more grey than black. He snatched the contract up as soon as she was done with the last initials.

  “And now, please hand over your cellphone,” Maxwell had a large brown envelope in his hand with Iyesha’s name on it.

  “You want my phone? No way,” she said, defiantly.

  “You won’t need it. You’ll be on a tropical island where you won’t get reception, and you’ve already signed a contract stating you wouldn’t take recordings or share anything that will happen with anyone,” Maxwell said, taking off his glasses and rubbing his red eyes. Iyesha wondered if he’d been doing too much blow or not enough that day.

  “Fine,” she conceded, taking her phone from her clutch and dropping it into the brown envelope.

  Maxwell sealed the envelope and placed it in a binder with her signed contract. “Now, seeing as how we’re already behind schedule,” he said, glancing at Iyesha, “lets get you on board and situated.”

  Iyesha got up from the table and turned to face the massive jet that had the hangar to itself. “Where is…” she began. Shit, I just signed a contract with my employer’s name and now I can’t remember it. She knew that when faced with long contracts, it was best to just glaze your eyes over and tune them out.

  “He’s on board already. He’s been ready to go for a while now,” Maxwell said curtly.

  “Oh…” Iyesha kept quiet as they ascended the portable stairs up into the aircraft. The lavish interior was like a penthouse suite. It had hardwood floors, leather couches and a movie theater screen at one end. A long mahogany bar ran along one side of the room she was in.

  “Just relax, make sure you attend to him, and have a good time. We’ll see you back here in a few days.” Maxwell leaned in and hit a button next to the door, then turned and walked back down the staircase. The opening slowly slid closed and locked. A brief hiss somewhere deep in the jet signaled that it was pressurized again.

  “Hello?” Iyesha called out. When no one answered she walked over to the bar and dropped off her clutch. She thought about making herself a drink to relax but thought better. First I need to find out who my boss is. She also just realized she didn’t see the other plane staff. Pilot, co-pilot, stewardesses…none were present.

  Iyesha made her way towards the back of the jet, passing through a hallway and an empty kitchen. At the very rear was a set of double doors, wide open. They led into a large bedroom, dark with a few lamps providing light. An open door to the side led to a bathroom, hints of marble flooring peaking out at her. Warm humid air came at her from there. Paintings hung on the walls. Old paintings. The kind Iyesha might remember if she’d ever paid attention in her elective art history class. A modern low-set bed with light blue satin sheets at the far end. A nightstand sat at one side, a heavy watch on it.

  She walked towards the bed and ran her fingers along the smooth sheets. She thought she should probably head to the front of the plane to find her employer and introduce herself. Some stodgy old lawyer or nerdy silicon valley type, probably.

  “Still looking’ good, ma.”

  Iyesha spun to face the other occupant in the room. Offset into a wall was a small tailor fitting station, with three sides of floor to ceiling mirrors and a spotlight angled down towards the man standing before her. Short curly black hair neatly topped his head, his blue eyes offset by his creamy skin. A big smile showed off perfect teeth, and a big diamond winked at her from one ear. He wore a custom fit white button down shirt and no pants.

  Holy shit! It’s Dragon! Iyesha couldn’t believe she was standing in front of the hottest rapper-turned-mogul on the planet. She’d remembered dancing to one of his songs the night before, some time before the margarita bowls. The memory of those made her stomach churn a little bit. She was determined not to vomit all over her new boss, so she got herself under control. She glanced down and saw the tip of Dragon’s cock swinging from below the end of his
shirt. She couldn’t take her eyes off it. He must be ten inches!

  Dragon followed her eyes down to his member. “First time seeing one of these?” He chuckled and began putting on a pair of pants.

  “Nah, I’m not freaked out by a little dick,” Iyesha said.

  Dragon stopped what he was doing and addressed his manhood, “That’s the first time you’ve been called little.”

  “No! No, no, no! That’s not what I meant! I meant, some dick, not that your…Can we start over? It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dragon. Or Mr. Dragon?” Iyesha extended her hand towards Dragon, hoping to change the subject. “I’m Iyesha.”

  “Well, it definitely ain’t Mr. Dragon. You can call me Dragon or Mr. Cutler, whatever,” he said, zipping up his pants. He looked down at her hand and walked past her to his bed stand. He picked up the heavy watch and put it on, walking back to her.

  “I’m sorry if I came at you wrong when you were in your car,” Dragon said, pulling his sleeves down and buttoning his cufflinks. “But being half naked in your car in a parking lot…that’s some ratchet shit!” Dragon started laughing.

  “Yeah, yeah it was messed up,” Iyesha admitted, feeling better that Dragon was loosening up. I really thought I’d blown it for a second.

  “You want a drink?” Dragon asked, walking over to a small table along one wall. Without waiting for a reply, he poured a brown liquid from a crystal decanter into two glasses. Iyesha walked to him and accepted one of the glasses. They clinked and she took a sip. It went down like smooth heat.

  “This is…really good,” she said, finishing her glass. She put it down on the table and her fingers lingered there playfully. Her other hand went to her hip.

  “Yeah, that’s what thirteen thou’ a bottle tastes like. It’s a good cabinet cognac, but nothing for special occasions,” Dragon said, putting his empty glass next to hers. His fingers brushed against hers.

  The casual contact sent a little jolt through Iyesha. “Thirteen thousand a bottle!” She felt guilty that she’d probably drunk a week’s worth of pay without thinking about it. She looked up at Dragon and put her hand on his chest. She felt his hard chest through his shirt.

  “So, how shall I attend to you?” she asked, arching her mouth up to his. This is crazy, but there are worse things to be than a starfucker. He smelled of musk and vanilla. These scents swam around in Iyesha’s brain as his smile got closer and he joined her kiss.

  His arms went to her hips as his mouth attacked hers. He wasn’t wearing shoes but he still towered over her. He broke off the kiss to suck on her earlobe and smell her. His tongue dove back into her mouth as he nudged them back towards the bed. The backs of her knees hit the bed and she resisted sitting down.

  “Not like this,” she whispered in his ear. She took him by the hand and led him to the bathroom. A wide wall mirror was stationed above a marble vanity and sink. She put her back to it and pulled Dragon down to her mouth. “This is better. Dirtier.”

  He raised an eyebrow, but didn’t object. He kissed her, his hands going to the counter on either side of her. His tongue lashed around inside her mouth, wiping against her teeth. He tasted of the rich cognac they’d just had. A carefully manicured five o’ clock shadow scratched her teasingly as his mouth went to her neck, working slowly downward.

  She felt his tongue lick it’s way to her cleavage, then his hand grabbed her breast and pushed it up, trying to expose her nipple for sucking. It peaked over the rim of her dress and sank into his mouth. His gorgeous lips against her brown skin was almost as exciting as his tongue assaulting her nipple. It ached from his attentions, but that just made a line of her juices dampen her panties.

  His other hand went to her ass, and he squeezed her and pulled her against him. The tent in his pants jabbed into her stomach before angling downward against her belly. As he sucked harder on her nipple, his cock strained upward against her.

  She pushed him back and thought to get down on her knees, but he was too tall. Even a cock of his length would barely reach my mouth. Instead she positioned him against the vanity and her hands went to his waist. Belt buckle, buttons, zipper undone in an instant, his pants fell against the marble tile at their feet. She pushed him.

  “Sit,” she insisted.

  “Bossy and freaky. Aight…” Dragon said as he sat down on the vanity, his back against the wall mirror. He pulled his shirt up to expose his abs. His hand stroked his pale shaft, his full ten inches thickening out. Blue vein ran down the length like branches of a river. His balls hung below like massive stones, full of his seed.

  Iyesha stood in between his legs, still fully clothed. She ran her hands along his abs. His cock playfully batted away her hands. Smirking, her hands went to his balls and she lifted them appraisingly. Squeezing and massaging them, she leaned over and gave Dragon a long lick from the base of his cock to the tip.

  “Ohhh…” he uttered, his eyes closed and head leaning back. His hand went to the back of Iyesha’s head, aiming the head of his cock to her mouth.

  She was happy to oblige, widening her mouth to take in the large head of his manhood. She glanced down and saw the long thick length of him disappearing into her mouth and down her throat. She began working her mouth up and down in his lap, going a little further down each time. She pulled up, gasping for air. A long string of saliva stretched from her lips to the shiny head of his cock. Wiping her watering eyes, she licked all around his balls and gently sucked each into her mouth. They’re like two hard boiled eggs!

  Dragon pulled her off his cock and got off the vanity. In one smooth motion he picked her up and dropped her onto the vanity. Her ankles on his shoulders, he pulled her panties to the side and brought his thick snake to her hole.

  As he pressed into her, Iyesha felt her lips strain against his girth. Her slit and pubic hair were soaked with her wetness, but she still winced as Dragon pushed deeper into her. He didn’t ask if he should go slower or if she was ok. He’s just taking me, oh God how I’ve needed a real man like this! She arched her ass up, giving him easier angle to access her tunnel. She reached up and grabbed his nipples through his shirt, tugging on them.

  Grunting against the pleasure and the pain, he began thrusting into her with earnest. His hands sank into her waist, pulling her onto him as he speared her over and over. His balls swung like wrecking balls, smacking her in the ass at the apex of every thrust. He kissed her deeply.

  She lightly bit his lower lip, trapping it in her mouth as he fucked her. A dull ache jarred her from her core. As dragon sank hilt deep into her, the head of his cock was bumping against her cervix, bottoming out inside her. I’ve never been a size queen but this is incredible. I must’ve done something to please the god of deep dicking! Her swollen clit rubbed along the length of his dick, sending bolt of pleasure through her. She could feel herself edging close to orgasm.

  Dragon widened his stance and lowered his hips, pounding into her even faster. His head went back and he gritted his teeth.

  Iyesha felt him pull back for another thrust then pop out of her, leaving her so close to orgasm. She was surprised when he pulled back and stuck his cock over the edge of the vanity into the sink. She could see his balls contract and the thick vein running under his cock pulsed. Spurts of ropey cum shot out into the sink, blasting the edge and landing in a sticky pool around the drain. She reached over and grabbed the base of his cock, squeezing him up to the tip to empty it. A final shake sent the last few drops down the drain.

  “I don’t do baby mommas,” Dragon said. “We cool?”

  “Yeah,” Iyesha said, trying to hide her disappointment.

  Dragon’s hand cupped her chin and brought her eyes up to his. “I know you didn’t nut, but we gotta get this show on the road.” He leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. “We got all weekend to take care of you.”

  “I look forward to it,” she said honestly. She scooted off the vanity and straightened her hair out in the mirror.

  Dragon put his pants back
on and checked himself next to her.

  Iyesha could see him measuring her up. She stood a little straighter, a small smile on her face.

  “Is the pilot going to be pissed about us being late?” she asked.

  “You’re looking at the pilot,” Dragon said, tucking in his shirt and walking back into the bedroom.

  Iyesha watched Dragon leave the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. The girl looking back had messy, tussled hair. I’m normally pretty satisfied when I look like this. She stripped off her clothes and stepped in the shower.

  Hot water cascading down her body, she reflected on her new situation. This is crazy! She took a bar of soap from the shelf and began to lather her body. The suds smelled strongly of vanilla, and her hand wandered down to the soft downy patch between her legs. She needed to finish what Dragon began.

  Iyesha’s other hand went to her mouth and she thought about how his cock tasted and felt as it used her lips and tongue. The skin stretched taut, the thick vein pulsing along the edge, making his rod impossibly harder. Her hand left her mouth and went to her nipple, tugging and tweaking. Her other hand began to work her clit, the hot water and suds letting her fingers glide over it with abandon. I need it…I need you, Dragon!


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