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Ruined (Roadburners MC Book 2)

Page 11

by Brook Wilder

  She clutched the towel closer around her as Jackrabbit unclenched one fist, and she could see the effort it took him.

  His arm trembled as he lifted his hand and pointed at the jacket still slung over the back of the couch. “Who the hell was here? Who did you fuck?”

  “What are you talking about?” Rachael asked again as Jackrabbit’s question echoed over and over again inside her head. Who did you fuck? Who did you fuck? Who did you fuck?

  Sudden temper flashed through her. Who the hell did he think he was? First he stormed out, and then he comes crashing back in, shouting her name and then accuses her of cheating based on…what, exactly? Nothing. Did he conveniently forget that he was the one who left her?

  “You have no right—” Rachael took a step forward and tilted her chin in the air.

  But Jackrabbit was already moving. He grabbed the coat and the next minute he was back, shoving it under her nose. “No right? Then answer me!

  “Whose jacket is this? Who does this belong to? Because it sure as fuck isn’t mine!”

  Rachael had to bite back an angry retort. She could see the emotion in his eyes, and it wasn’t the rage that she expected. There was jealousy, sure, but underneath that there was also insecurity, and pain.

  Slowly, she reached out, taking the coat from Jackrabbit’s hands and searched inside until she found the tag.

  “It’s my dad’s.” Rachael did her best to keep her voice even and calm. The last thing she wanted was to get into a shouting match with him. “My dad and Hannah came over after you left.”

  She walked over to the couch, to where the box and its gifts were still where she left them. Rachael carefully set her dad’s jacket back down, picking up the box and carrying it over to the small kitchen table.

  “It’s my dad’s.” Rachael repeated as she opened the box up. “He and Hannah wanted to bring me this.”


  Jackrabbit had to force himself to stay still as he watched Rachael carefully fold back a mound of tissue paper. He was still trying to get his racing pulse under control and it was hard to hear her words past the white noise that deafened him but he could still see just fine.

  Slowly, she held up a pale yellow scrap of fabric that had stars all over it and a little moon on the front in some sort of design. Desperate questions had fired rapidly through his brain like a machine gun. Who was here? Did you sleep with someone else? Did you cheat on me? Are you just like her? Are you just like everyone else?

  But he held back the words, and the tirade he’d been preparing shriveled on his tongue when Rachael held up the tiny, baby sized motorcycle jacket.

  “Is that…?” Jackrabbit’s question trailed off as he reached a hand out, letting it fall at the last moment. It looked too small, too delicate, that he was afraid he would hurt it somehow. Like he’d hurt Rachael by his accusation.

  He could see it there, in the depths of her emerald green eyes. Pain that he caused. Distrust that he’d put there. With a sigh he took a halting step forward, and then another. Thoughts of his ex rose in his mind and he did his best to push back the familiar bitter memories threatening to play themselves out.

  He’d had a fiancé once. They were high school sweethearts who’d gotten engaged the night of graduation. He’d been head over heels for her. Sarah Blanchard. Blond hair and blue eyes, she was an all American girl—the perfect woman that he wanted for his wife. Or so he’d thought.

  It wasn’t until mid-way through his second deployment overseas that he’d found out the truth. She was nothing but a two timing bitch that had barely waited two weeks after he left to jump straight into bed with another man. A man that wasn’t her fiancé.

  Jackrabbit had ended things then and there, he’d been vicious and uncaring. She tore his heart out of his chest, the least she could do was clean up the mess she’d made. At the thoughts of the past he could feel his anger, his jealousy and paranoia start to get the better of him once more, but he forced the thoughts to the back of his mind.

  Glancing over at Rachael still holding the world’s smallest leather jacket and seeing the small smile on her face as she rubbed her belly, he knew that she was nothing like Sarah.

  You can’t be sure. You can never be sure, until the day they cheat on you. Then you’ll know. You’ll know just how big of a damn fool you really were.

  No, she’s different. I know it. He blocked out the rest of whatever the voice inside his head was trying to convince him of. He already had been a fool by accusing her of sleeping with someone.

  Jackrabbit reached out, holding the hand that still grasped the leather jacket and he took a tentative step forward, melting a little bit at the sight of the baby clothes—a reminder of the life that was growing inside Rachael at that very moment.

  With his other hand he picked up the tiny shirt thing. It had snaps at the bottom but he liked the stars. He gave Rachael a curious look.

  “Why yellow?”

  “Hannah didn’t know if the baby was a boy or a girl, so…” Rachael trialed of with a shrug, but when she looked back up at him the impact of her gemstone gaze on his nearly knocked the breath out of him.

  “But it’s a girl.” She beamed.

  “Huh?” He mumbled, still reeling from her effect on him. It was always explosive, no matter what other shit was happening between them.

  “I said, it’s a girl. The baby. It’s a she.”

  “She.” Jackrabbit repeated, his eyes widening as his eyes dropped to Rachael’s beautifully rounded belly. “A girl. A girl? You’re sure?” He could hear the thickness in his own whispered questions but he didn’t even care. It felt like the ground had fallen out from beneath his feet and the only thing keeping him from falling Rachael’s hands holding his.

  “Of course I’m sure. Dr. Ostara even showed me, on the ultrasound.” Rachael’s hand was still clasped to his. “She’s so tiny. With her tiny little heartbeat. And she’s all mine.”

  “Ours.” Jackrabbit corrected her, the single word falling out of his mouth before he could stop himself.

  “What was that?” Rachael said, finally looking up from her belly and over at him.

  “Ours. She’s ours.” His voice was gruff for some reason and he had to clear his throat as he laced his fingers through hers, pulling her into the shelter of his body.

  Rachael looked up at him for another long moment before a small smile curled up each corner of her lips. “Yes, she is.”

  There was still a question hanging in her eyes, about what had happened earlier but he brushed it off. He wasn’t ready to go there yet. He didn’t have the answers she needed and it was a hell of a lot easier just to pull her into his arms and feel her lush curves pressed against his body.

  They swayed slightly to some unheard tune that thrummed through both of them. The chemistry that always burned like a wildfire between them ignited on contact. The feeling was almost too much for him, melting away the last of his anger, the last of his doubts and his fears, his painful memories.

  When Rachael was in his arms, the whole world disappeared. There was nothing else and no-one else besides her. Like magic, she made everything else vanish until all that filled his mind was images of her lips on his, her sweet softness surrounding him, her touch burning him.

  “I love the way you feel in my arms.” Jackrabbit whispered softly against her ear, reveling in the way she arched her body into his at his teasing breath. It was the closest he’d ever come to saying the ‘L’ word to anyone since Sarah. Even then, it had sent a flutter of panic igniting inside him.

  To cover up the slip, and to distract himself, Jackrabbit deftly slid his arm down her sweet curves and back up again, not stopping until his hand was at her jaw, and gently tilted her face until her mouth met his.

  The kiss ricocheted through him and reached into the deepest parts, even the parts that he tried to keep hidden and blocked off. It touched all of him. And damn if he didn’t like it.

  His hands moved over her body sure and certain,
instinctively finding all the spots that made her gasp and moan and writhe against him. The kiss went on and on, drawing every ounce of desire he was capable to the surface—enough to burn both of them to cinders.

  But there was something more there too: a deep warmth that filled him along with the wildfire she ignited inside him. It filled him until he felt like he was about to explode with it and all he could do was hold Rachael close and feed it to her.

  It was a long moment later before they both pulled back, gasping and wide-eyed, their gazes locked together in an age old battle of give and take, tease and be teased. Finally, Rachael’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment. When they opened again, there was a familiar, sultry light shining in them.

  Rachael turned around in his arms. She didn’t say a single word as she reached out and took his hand in hers, leading him to the large bed that called like a beacon from across the room. She didn’t need to. No words were necessary between them, not when they were together.

  He let her lead him to the bed, not resisting as she turned him until the back of his knees hit the edge of the mattress. One hard shove from her sent him toppling backwards into the bed with a laugh that was choked off when she shed the towel wrapped around her.

  “Jesus, you’re so beautiful.” Jackrabbit said as she crawled into the bed next to him before rolling to her back. She rubbed her hands over her belly.

  “You really think so?” Rachael asked, still not looking at him. “Even though I’m roughly the size of a planet?”

  “Honestly?” He said, cupping her cheek and tilting her chin until she had to meet his gaze. He wanted to make sure she could see just how sincere he was. “I think you are more beautiful now than the first time I met you. And every day you just get more beautiful.”

  Her eyes widened, growing large and wet with tears. Before he could say anything else to embarrass himself, Jackrabbit leaned forward and claimed her lips with his own.

  Desire exploded through him, more intense than he could ever remember feeling. He needed her, now. He needed to be close to her—as close as two people could be—closer than any other man would ever. He tore desperately at his own clothes, all the while his lips were locked on hers, their tongue coaxing and dancing around each other as he swallowed her soft moans.

  Finally, he was as naked as she was. He rolled onto his side and pulled her sweet body into his until his chest and abs were pressed against her back, their hips together. But it was not close enough. Not by a long shot. His hand ran down over the bump on her belly, caressing the full curve lovingly. For a moment, he swore he could have felt the baby’s heart beating from his touch.

  His mind was nothing but a red haze as he ran his hands down her curves, her thighs, to the secret place that waited for him between her legs His fingers grew slick teasing her as he made sure she was ready for him. He couldn’t take anymore. He thought he would die if he had to wait one more second to be inside her.

  Jackrabbit groaned in pleasure, echoing Rachael’s own, as he angled his hips and slid deep inside her waiting wetness. She surrounded him, encompassing him, and he thought if he did end up dying then and there, he’d die happy.

  But then the urge to move was too much, too overwhelming. With each thrust, Rachael let out a husky little cry in the back of her throat that spurred him on until they were both racing towards the end. He could feel his climax edging closer but he held it back until the moment he felt her whole body tensed around him.

  He called out her name as her cunt tightened, milking his cock past the point of no return. He came with a deep, hoarse cry that was tugged at him from the depths within. It seemed to go on for an eternity, sweeping through his body as he held her close against him, shuddering. She collapsed with a soft laugh into his neck, her body going lax as pleasure and satisfaction swept through both of them.

  Jackrabbit wanted to say something, anything, but there were no words to describe the emotions flowing through him. Finally, sleep came and dragged him under. He fell asleep still cradling her body close to his.

  He wasn’t about to let her go. Not for a moment. Not ever.


  Rachael let out a deep sigh as Jackrabbit slept beside her. Pleasure still echoed through her body, relaxed and satiated, but her mind wouldn’t stop re-playing earlier when Jackrabbit stormed in, saw her dad’s jacket on the couch, and lost it. Her arms curled possessively over her middle and she gasped a little at the feel of the kick. Her baby. Her little girl. Their little girl.

  She could still remember the way he said it. The emotion made his voice soften in a way that had melted her despite what he said earlier. Ours. She’s ours. But then there were the other things. From before. The way he changed so suddenly into a stranger when he stood there and glared at her with rage and jealousy in his eyes, thinking that she’d cheated on him just because her dad had forgot his jacket.

  She drew in another deep breath, trying to still her rapid beating heart. She wanted to trust him. She really wanted to. But it seemed like every time they took one step forward it was always two steps back.

  As much as she wanted not to, she kept seeing signs that Jackrabbit was pulling away, putting more distance between them. You know he’s going to leave you. You and the baby. It’s just a matter of time.

  Rachael shook her head, wishing it was just as easy to shake off the troubling thought. Even more troubling because a part of her knew it was true. And damned if she knew what to do about it.

  She turned her head just enough so that she could see him out of the corner of her eye, his chest rising and falling steadily as he slept, he looked peaceful and handsome and perfect. He’s going to leave you. The thought stole through her once more, unshakable. He’s going to leave you. The thought repeated again and again. It was a long time before Rachael finally fell into a restless sleep.


  “…What do you mean, Hatchet is worried? He’s got the most amazing wife in the world who just happens to be my best friend. What does he have to be worried about?” Rachael asked.

  The phone was propped between her ear and shoulder as she folded and put away all the tiny clothes and socks that she’d gotten at the impromptu baby shower that Elsie had thrown for her just a few days before.

  It had been a total surprise, her father and Hannah, Hatchet and Elsie and even a few of the crew members from the Roadburners were there. The sheriff eyed them all suspiciously the whole time of course, but Rachael had been so grateful that she’d nearly broken down and bawled right then and there.

  Luckily, Jackrabbit had saved her from that fate and led her over to the kitchen table covered with presents and dessert. They spent the rest of the wonderful afternoon opening gifts and eating cake.

  Elsie had gotten them some clothes--onesies mostly—along with stacks on stacks of diapers and wipes which she still didn’t know where she was going to put. Her father and Hannah had gotten a stroller and car seat, and the Roadburners had pooled together and gotten the most beautiful crib Rachael had ever seen.

  Harlow, who she learned was Johnny’s vice president of the crew, spent fifteen long minutes explaining the safety features and why it was really the most sensible choice. It made her like him immediately. She’d given him a quick hug then and he blushed bright than a strawberry, and it only made her like him more.

  It had been the best day she’d had in a long time, with Jackrabbit by her side, surrounded by their friends and family even in spite of the hard stares her father kept shooting in Johnny’s direction. By the end of the few hours, the two men had come to something of a stilted truce.

  “Uh, Rae, you still there?” Elsie’s voice interrupted her scattered thoughts.

  “Yeah, sorry. Just thinking about the baby shower.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about!” Elsie said

  Rachael just shook her head. “Are you sure that we’re talking about the same shower? Why the hell would Hatchet be worried about that?” Rachael snorted into the ph
one as she folded the last of the onesies and moved on to the tiny little socks covered in animal prints and flowers and stars and moons.

  Rachael paused and stared down at one of the latter ones, running her fingers over the constellations as the memory rose like smoke in her mind. The memory of that night she and Johnny had gone out to the Lupo’s only to end up eating pizza on a blanket under the stars.

  She remembered what he had told her, about himself, about the war. And his stories about the stars and the different constellations, about Cassiopeia, someone so beautiful that the gods placed her in the stars to be gazed at for all eternity. Well, according to Jackrabbit’s version anyway.

  “Hello! Earth to Rachael! Are you even paying attention?”

  “Yes, I am. I swear. I’m sorry, you have my total and complete focus.” Rachael said, packing away the last of the baby clothes and shutting the drawer, trying to do what she promised and pay attention to what her friend was saying.


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