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Sweet Reflection (Truth)

Page 8

by Henderson, Grace

  “I have news, mother dearest. Are you ready?” I say as I wander in the back door and see her sitting at the kitchen table.

  “You’re not preggers are you?” She winces. “How many times have we been through the benefits of using condoms? And I’m too young to be a grandmother,” she chides. She goes back to reading the newspaper and I fold my arms in front of me, pouting like a little child.

  Her hands lower the paper and she looks over at me laughing, “Go on then honey, out with it.”

  “Well you know how I’ve had to turn people away recently because I’ve been so busy?” I pause and wait for her to acknowledge me with a nod. “Well, I’ve been thinking a lot about expanding. Actually it’s only really come to me seriously in the past week or two. James Dawson, a friend of mine, you’ve heard me talk about him, well he’s an interior designer and has come up with some design plans for a refurbished shop. They’re amazing. And today I was approached by an angel investor.” I watch her face, seeing a mixture of emotions, but I’m surprised when I see pride come to the forefront.

  “That’s wonderful. Did you go into any details about what she’s looking for?”

  “Not really, it was just a preliminary discussion but I have her card so I’m going to google her. Then do some more research and possibly talk to a solicitor. Blake will use one for his business I’m sure.”

  “Well, you’ve definitely got your head screwed on. Obviously the solicitor will know what they’re talking about, but when you’ve got all the details, run it by me before you agree to anything? It will just give me peace of mind.”

  “Yeah I will. Do you want to see the plans James has given me?”

  “Of course, honey.” I run off to my bedroom to fetch the papers and I can’t keep the grin off my face. I’ve already got clients coming from the next few counties along, soon I could have clients crossing the country to come to my store.

  I lay all the plans out on the table and we spend the next hour going through them in great detail, she even comes up with a few changes that I can discuss with James next week. Afterwards, I feel like I’m on top of the world, the most excited about my future I have ever been.

  Mum flicks the button on her old-school kettle and the steam starts to rise with a long whistle. She has her back to me as she gets the mugs and teabags ready. “So he just did these for you off his own back?”

  I can tell what she’s thinking by her tone of voice. “Yes mother, he’s just helping out a friend. Cassie told him I was thinking about painting the store.”

  She pauses whilst she pours the tea, then turns to look at me, “So she says you want to paint, and he completely refurbishes your store.” She turns back round to stir the tea and chucks the teaspoon in the sink. “That’s funny isn’t it? He’s gone to a lot of trouble to make these for you. It must have taken him ages.”

  I don’t know what she’s getting at it. James is a friend, kind of, and he wants to help me out. Come to think of it, it is a lot considering we had just argued a few days before but that’s probably why he did it. He said that day he was extending the olive branch. It was probably just his way of saying sorry.

  “What are you getting at, mum?”

  “Oh nothing, just ignore me. He must just be a very good friend that’s all.” I pick up the mug of tea, hold it in both hands and blow on it before sipping slowly. I can’t allow myself to entertain the idea that he’s doing this for any other reason than to apologise, because I’ll end up making a fool out of myself.

  “When do I get to meet him anyway?” She asks excitedly, but I hadn’t even contemplated them meeting. That would be too much. I shrug, clueless, but I did want to have some kind of party to announce the deal if it goes through. It would be a great way of getting some more contacts, which is what Alex said she could offer. I could invite all my current clients and possibly get more out of it too. I glance at the clock on the wall and realise I still have a few hours before I have to get to Jen’s party at the bar, so I grab my laptop and do a bit of research about angel investors and Alex Shaw.

  Chapter Seven


  The bar looks amazing. I’m completely taken aback as I walk in and take a look around. I asked Ryan a while ago if we could do something here for Jen and it looks like he’s gone to a lot of trouble to decorate, with banners, balloons and streamers, and the canapés looks yummy. I spy Jen and Emma on the dance floor already, Beyonce’s spilling over the speakers and they’re lost in their hip-shaking. Before I go over to them, I take the opportunity without Jen to organise some Champagne and hand the cake over to the kitchen. You’re never too old for birthday cake.

  There’s no-one visible at the bar, so I put the shopping bag on the top and sit on a barstool to wait for someone to notice me. Ryan’s always got his eye on customers, wherever he is, so I’m slightly worried when no-one shows after a few minutes. I get up and go round the side slowly, thinking one of his team will appear and see me but I don’t get stopped as I reach the corner. I call out but don’t get a response. With one last look back out front, luckily there aren’t any customers waiting for drinks, I walk downstairs.

  “Hello, is anyone there?” I call out again. Through the thump of the music coming from outside I hear the scrape of a barrel being put back down on the floor.

  “Who’s there?” Ryan shouts back, as he walks through the door from the storeroom.

  “Oh it’s just me. I was worried about you.” He stops when he sees me and I can feel his eyes wandering over my body.

  “Aww I’m fine. I can take care of myself sweetheart, don’t worry.” He says as he teasingly flexes his muscles into different poses, and I have trouble taking my eyes off the way his shirt is stretching over them.

  “Why are you working tonight? I thought you were actually coming to the party?” I do my best to shut my mouth before he sees it gaping.

  “Yeah, I was going to, but I’ve had two staff ring in sick tonight. I think we’ll be a bit short as it is. Hopefully it’s manageable though because I don’t have any other options.”

  “I can help.” I blurt out, forgetting this is a friend’s party and I should be with her tonight. He’s just got that effect on me.


  I can’t back out now, plus I think it would be fun, especially if Ryan was behind the bar with me. “Yeah well, I know my Jameson from my Malibu, and my diet coke from my regular. What else do people drink round here?” His laugh is a deep mix of pity and curiosity, I’m sure he’d love to see me make a fool of myself.

  His eyes narrow and he starts to walk forward with a small smile playing on his lips.

  “Have you ever had an Orgasm?”

  He draws out the words and I’m mentally running away from the question. I knew I shouldn’t have had that glass of wine before I came out, I can’t think straight because I swear he just asked me if I had ever had an orgasm. As he’s still walking towards me I realise I’ve moved and the cold bricks are sending a shiver through my back to the rest of my body.

  “How about a Long, Slow, Comfortable Screw Against The Wall?”

  His arm comes up to rest against the wall behind me and whilst I’m trying to determine what I’m feeling, he’s grinning at me.

  “What’s got into you?” I ask in shock. Ryan’s never acted like this, he’s flirting and it makes me uncomfortable because I want to respond in the same way but I haven’t pictured us likes this before; it’s all new.

  “Relax, Laurel, I’m just joking around. They’re names of cocktails, I get asked for them quite a lot, but I can see you’ve never heard of them so my joke probably doesn’t seem that funny. Sorry.” He looks worried that he’s taken it too far, and in some ways he has, because now I can’t get the image of him screwing me against the wall out of my head. Shit. He’s my friend. I can’t be having thoughts like that.

  “It’s okay, I’ve gotta get back upstairs.” My hands push at his chest firmly so I can distance myself. I turn to walk back ups
tairs and feel his large warm hand on my arm as he pulls me back round to face him. I’m not expecting it so I stumble slightly and he wraps his arms around me to stop me from falling.

  I drag in as many ragged breaths as possible in the seconds before his mouth covers mine and then he’s kissing me gently, his hand reaching up to cup my cheek; it’s tender and slow, not what I’m used to from other guys. I pull away and can’t help the smile that’s sneaking across my face.

  “You taste like chocolate.”

  “You caught me. I didn’t have time for dinner.” His echoing laugh shields his uncertainty but I can see it in his eyes. It makes me want to wrap my arms around him. Ryan is everything I could want in a man. He just isn’t James. But James doesn’t want me and as Ryan dips his head back down to kiss me again, pulling me in closer to him, I can feel how much he does. I push all other thoughts away and keep myself grounded in this feeling here and now. His kisses come harder and eager this time, and as my body responds to his hands roaming, my hands do their own searching and end up in his hair.

  “What’s a guy got to do to get a drink round here?”

  The deep breezy voice sends a chill straight down my spine; my muscles tense and my body locks in place. James. No, no, no.


  He must have the worst fucking timing in the world.

  “Dude, can’t you do that somewhere else, like at home? I’m thirsty.” He asks, chuckling away to himself. I’m not laughing with him; Laurel’s already stiffened in my arms so I step to the side, keeping one arm around her waist, but it puts her in full view of him. He clearly didn’t notice who was with me because I see the realisation crash into him and he looks like he wants to murder me. I always wondered what was going on between them, and perhaps I should have asked but Laurel doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do, so when she kisses me, I know she wants to.

  “James.” She acknowledges him, and reaches up to kiss me on the cheek. “I better go. See you upstairs.” She walks off quickly and their eyes meet as he has to turn in the corridor to let her past, “Laurel.”

  His voice is tense and aggravated which reminds of the day she came to see me at the site and he flipped. I thought he just didn’t like her, but maybe all the attitude is because he actually does.

  “So, you and Laurel?” He bites out between clenched teeth. His eyes are dark and his jaw is set so tense he looks like he might snap.

  I can’t get into this with him before I talk to Laurel and find out how she feels so I just shrug it off, “Yeah maybe, we’ll see.”

  “How long?”

  “What do you mean, how long?”

  “How long has it been going on?”

  He has no fucking right to be asking me this and it’s not just him frustrated now. “What you so rudely walked in on was the first time anything has happened. Look, I can see you’re cut up about it, are you two together or something?”

  He shakes his head and I blow out a harsh breath because the last thing I want is to get involved in any relationship drama. “What are you so pissed off about then?”

  He just stares at me and I get the impression he may not have realised how he actually feels until now.

  “You like her.”

  He frowns and starts to shake his head, but I cut in.

  “This is one of those playground situations where you pull the girl’s hair and hurt her but secretly you have a little schoolboy crush. You like Laurel and you’re too much of an idiot to tell her how you feel. Well, let me tell you something: she deserves better. Someone who’s actually gonna be straight with her, someone she can rely on to be there for her. Not a guy who can’t even tell her how he feels. That treats her like crap. I’ve never been a fan of the ‘treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen’ philosophy; I’m much more of a tell it like it is kinda guy. Now, I’ve got a bar to run, and then a girl to talk to, so I’ll see you later.”

  I leave him standing there, thinking about my words, still with a frown plastered on his face. Sometimes being a nice guy gets you nowhere and I have a feeling this is going to be one of those damn times. He’d be stupid not to tell her how he feels now.

  I walk out and she’s already behind the bar serving customers. She’s laughing with one of my regulars as she takes his money and her smile is a megawatt, bring a man to his knees smile that lights up her face. She’s beautiful, and I can’t help just leaning against the wall watching her. She moves on to the next customer giving them the same treatment and as she turns to get another glass she catches me staring. She looks embarrassed and pushes a lock of hair behind her ear before smiling at me shyly. My grin back has her looking more relaxed and I throw in a wink that makes her laugh again. I walk further behind the bar and start serving myself. With Laurel by my side work takes on a whole new level of fun and when I get asked for cocktails by a group of women I grab the opportunity to show off some of the flair moves I learnt.

  I take a glass in each hand, open my palms out and spin them twice. Throwing some ice cubes up in the air I catch them using the glasses and get a cheer as people stop talking and turn their heads towards me. My heart starts beating a little faster as I look over at Laurel and she’s just finished with a customer so is leaning with her hip against the bar, watching. I take the metal half of the Boston shaker in my left hand and the bottle of Malibu in my right, throw the tin up in the air and swipe the bottle underneath. I then throw the bottle over my right shoulder, swap the tin to the other hand and catch the bottle with my left hand. People are cheering loudly as I throw the bottle back up behind me and catch it again in my right hand; spin it a couple of times then pour it into the tin. I take the pause to look over to Laurel and she’s smiling at me, and gives a nod of encouragement. I’m thankful the moves have held up and I continue to throw drinks up in the air and around my body. I get hollas and whoops and enthusiastic claps as I finish up and hand it to the customer in front of me. I playfully take a bow in front of everyone, relieved beyond belief I didn’t drop anything.

  When the audience goes back to chatting I start wiping down the counter and Laurel’s hand on my arm startles me. “Nice moves. Where did you learn those?” She says as she leans back against the bar and rests her hands on the edge.

  “The Masons made me take mixology and flair bartending classes a while ago because they thought it would bring in a new type of clientele. They were trying to be hip. But I only get to do it when it’s busy and we have a younger crowd in. The old men that come in during the week are not impressed with me throwing around a cocktail shaker. Unless I fill it with beer, of course.”

  She laughs and we get interrupted by a few more customers buying drinks. The evening dies down and Laurel spends the next hour dancing with the girls. I should be worried that James is still around sitting with Blake and Adam on the other side of the room, but I’m not. It’s pretty obvious he likes her, I’ve seen him staring at her a few times and I think he’s struggling with what he’s feeling. He has a different girl bat her eyelashes at him every night he comes in, but the possessive look in his eyes tonight says she’s different. As much as I like her, there’s something between them that’s unfinished; I need to let that play out first because if I allow anything more to happen between us, she’s going to end up owning me.

  “Hey,” she says breathlessly, sitting on a barstool in front of me. “Can I have a tap water please?”

  “Coming right up.” I turn the tap on, fill the glass and hand it over to her. “Thanks for helping out earlier. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “Oh, no problem. It was so much fun. I think I’ve found another career if I ever get bored with wedding dresses.” I smile, and serve another customer before turning back to her.

  “I think we need to talk about earlier. Do you wanna come through?” I gesture to the back and she swallows her gulp of water before nodding and walking round the side. I call one of the team over to keep an eye on the bar then walk down the stairs behind her.

y office is just a small room off the corridor with a desk and chair on the right hand side and a sofa on the left. Laurel perches on the edge of the desk so I do the same and fold my arms in front.

  “Why do I get the feeling this isn’t going to be a good conversation? Arms folded in front is always a defensive move,” she says nervously and all I want to do is have her in my arms.

  I laugh and unfold my arms leaning back on my hands. I watch her fiddling with a ruffle on her dress, whilst she gathers her thoughts. After a silent pause she gets up and starts to pace the floor.

  “Hey,” I reach over and grab her arm, pulling her over to me so she’s standing in between my legs, “I like you, Laurel.”

  “I like y-“

  “I know, you like me too. But you also have feelings for someone else, and I think you need to work that out before we try to take this anywhere. You’re my friend, and that’s not going to change. But he likes you too, so as much as I don’t want to say it, you both need to sort yourselves out first.”

  “I don’t think we’re talking about the same person Ryan.”

  “We are. James is a dick sometimes, but I could tell by the look on his face when he saw us earlier, he wants you. And he hasn’t stopped looking at you all night. Not that I blame him, you look gorgeous.”

  She smiles and nudges my shoulder, “Thanks, you look pretty good yourself y’know. Every woman in here wants you tonight.”

  “Well I’m glad you know what you’re missing out on.” I wrap my arms around her and she relaxes into them.

  “I do. I really do.”

  “But it’s not enough?” It comes out like a question, but I know it’s not enough because I started this conversation, and now it’s obvious her heart is somewhere else.

  “You’re right. I do like him, and it wouldn’t be fair to you if we started something.” Tears start to fall and she buries her head in my shoulder. “You’re so great, Ryan. You’re going to make a girl very, very happy.”


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