Book Read Free

For The Love Of My Sisters

Page 14

by Shameek Speight

  Shells slapped the ass of one of the girl’s watching it jiggle while he laughs through his mask. Shells walked over to a button on the wall and pressed it. Once he hit it the long gate to the warehouse slowly raises. Without saying a word the Homicide Crew knew what to do as four of them ran toward the gate and outside then hops in the vans and drove them inside the warehouse while the rest of them grab garbage bags filled with pounds of weed. They grab weed plants and stuff them into the bags and load them inside the van. Shells used his arms to drag pounds of weed off the table into a bag.

  “Frank did you see the vans go inside? I think they’re making a pickup,” one of the agents stated.

  Agent Frank smiles, he felt he’d finally be able to take down the Junkyard Crew and move up in his career.

  Once the four vans were full, they all jumped in and began to back out the warehouse.

  One of the members from the Junkyard Crew unseen by Shells and his men was in the back room on the toilet taking a shit. When he came out and saw eight men robbing the place, he knew he was no match for the eight of them as he watched his brethren’s hands and feet get cuffed on the floor.

  “Mi mus duh sinting or Pistol will ave mi head!” he said out loud as he looks at eight men hop inside vans and starts to back out, “It’s now or never,” he said as he jumps out from his hiding spot at the top tier where he aims his AK-47 and squeezes the trigger.


  Bullets slam into one of the vans,

  “Oh shit!” Shells yelled while they continue to back out.

  One of the members from his crew hung out the window and returned fire.

  ‘BRRRRRR!’ the gunman jumps out of the way in time, before the bullets hit him.

  All four vans pull out of the warehouse.

  “Oh shit move in! Move in! Shots fired! Shots fired!” Agent Frank yells in the mic on his collar, then radios for back up to the local police and gives the address of the warehouse.

  An undercover car jumps in front of the vans as they made their way down the street.

  “F.B.I. freeze!” a voice yelled over the loud speaker.

  “Yea fucking right,” Shells said as he hung out the window and squeezed the trigger of the MP 5 sending bullets into the front windshield of the F.B.I.’s car, killing the two F.B.I. agents instantly.

  The rest of the Homicide Crew followed Shells lead as one man hung out the passenger’s window of each van, firing at the FBI cars that were coming, while the driver of the van steps on the gas making the vans speed down the street.

  F.B.I. cars and vans were now chasing them along with blue and white police cars. The Homicide Crew fires at the police and F.B.I. cars with one member of the team hanging out the window the whole time. The F.B.I. cars swerves and crash as bullets hit their cars and their and bodies making it hard for the police and Feds to keep up.

  “Don’t fucking lose them!” Frank yelled in his mic, “Get me a helicopter to follow them!” he ordered in the radio.

  “Cops down and F.B.I. agents are down!” An agent shouts into the radio, “A helicopter is being sent out now to follow the four vans!” The agent yells in the radio.

  One of the drivers of the vans made a left turn when he was supposed to make a right, making him lose track of the other vans.

  “Make a road block,” Frank ordered as he sees the van go a different way than the others.

  The van flew down the road then the driver noticed the road was blocked up ahead, he knew he couldn’t drive through it. There were twenty cops waiting, a sniper and cop cars blocking them. The other cop cars start to box him in from behind. He looks at his partner and they knew this was the end.

  “F.B.I. freeze! Come out with your hands on your head,” a voice yelled through a bullhorn from behind them.

  The driver throws the van in reverse and steps on the gas. A hail of bullets came crashing into the front and back of the van.

  “Ahhhh!” the driver yelled as a bullet slams into his chest.

  The van crashes into the police cars behind them, while cops continue to fire. The van wouldn’t move any more from being stuck in between cars. The driver held his chest as blood escaped through his fingers. He looks at his partner, “Let’s do this!” he yelled. They both jump out the van simultaneously ready to let off shots, to only be met by a hail of bullets, killing them on the spot.

  Shells stuck his head out the window and sees that the police cars were tailing them from afar. He orders the driver of what to do while the other two vans follow his lead. Soon the cop cars fall out of sight. Unknown to them, Agent Frank give orders for all cars to fall out of sight, because civilians were getting shot during the chase and they don’t want no law suit because someone died from a cop or a Feds bullet.

  Shells relaxed as he speeds down the highway toward Far Rockaway. He never looked up. If he did he would’ve noticed the police helicopter following them in the night sky as cover. He had a night vision thermal imaging camera on them so they wouldn’t lose them. The Homicide Crew pulled up to the safe house in Bayswater and hops out.

  “Yo, you park one of the vans in the garage and we have to get the weed out of these two vans and get rid of them.” Shells stated.

  The six men work fast to take the bags full of weed in the house.

  ‘Whoop!’ ‘Whoop!’ ‘Whoop!’

  Police sirens could be heard down the block.

  “Fuck it, leave the vans!” Shells yelled as they carry a few garbage bags of weed inside the house. “They won’t know we’re in here, they will find the vans and just look around the neighborhood for suspects walking around or running.” Shells stated. Little did they know the helicopter had pin pointed their body heat inside, so the cops new just where to look.

  FBI and police block off both ends of the block and knocked on neighbors doors on the block making them evacuate their homes.

  “We should be safe in here, if they knock on the door we’ll act as if no one is home,” Shells said while sweating profusely.

  All the members of the Homicide Crew shook their heads in agreement.

  Just then a loud voice booms through the house, “This is the F.B.I. come out with your hands up, we know you’re in there. You have ten minutes before we come in and get you!”

  “Shit!” One of the members from the Homicide Crew yelled as he looks out the window.

  They all slowly walk over to the window and look out. The house was surrounded with the F.B.I. tactical assault team and in the streets were N.Y.P.D. cops with their guns pointed at the house along with Nassau County cops. It looked as if there was no way out for them.

  “I ain’t going back to jail, those Feds will give us 60 years and better in jail, we done killed a few of them motherfuckers and some cops. There going to have to bring me out of here in a body bag!” Shells yelled.

  “Yes me too!”

  “Yea me too,” the other members of crew yelled.

  Shells ran down the hall to the back room. The door was locked so he kicked it in. The other five men knew what time it was and what was in the room. Muscles had taken them in there two times already. Once Shells kicked in the door, he looked around at the arsenal of weapons. He looks at a row of M-16 automatic rifles on the wall; he grabs two and a hand full of clips to go with it. The other five men began to grab all the weapons they could carry, two of them grabbed four AR-15’s and one of them picked up a 14-FXP3 savage sniper rifle, and the other two picked up MP5’s with extra clips.

  Shells went back in the room to grab more M-16’s and stashed them by all the windows in the house. Then the Homicide Crew gets into place. The one with the sniper rifle went upstairs to a second floor bedroom and aims the rifle out the window.

  “Move in! Move in! You have a green!” Agent Frank ordered in his mic to the tactical assault team. They crept close to the house with their guns raised.

  “Wait, let them get closer!” Shells yelled as the three members of the homicide crew watch the police move closer to the fro
nt of the house while the other two watch the back door and window and see the cops getting closer and closer too.

  “Now!” Shells yelled.


  Shells let bullets fly from the M-16. Bullets went slamming into F.B.I. agent’s chest, cutting through their bullet proof vest killing them.


  All hell broke loose as the Homicide Crew fire on the cops and Feds killing them. Another F.B.I. agent sees his partner go down and tried to run back to the vans and cars in the street for cover, to only be met by bullets to his back.

  “Bring in the S.W.A.T. team to save those men!” Frank ordered.

  The S.W.A.T. team moves in to try to grab the falling F.B.I. agent’s team members.


  Bullets from the M-16 and AR-15 tore through their bullet proof shields hitting them in the chest and head. They were unable to reach the falling officers without meeting death themselves.

  “Pull back! Pull back!” A sergeant yelled through the bullhorn and some of the S.W.A.T. team pull back while others lay in front of the house dead or squirming in pain from their gunshot wounds.

  In the back of the house it was the same, the two members of the Homicide Crew had killed six officers and left the rest squirming in pain on the ground while they still fire at them until they pulled back.

  “Shit what kind of guns do they have in there?” Agent Frank yelled at the police sergeant.

  “I don’t know but it looks like a war zone out here and they don’t seem to be running out of ammo.”

  The police sergeant pulls Agent Frank to the side, “Listen, we can’t take these guys alive or every other crazy thug with a gun will try this shit. I’m not having it; we have to take them out fast and hard. I know you want them alive, but these guys done killed more than 15 cops and F.B.I. agents. We still got officers down and wounded on the front yard and backyard and we have to see if we can get some medical attention.”

  “Listen sergeant, I’m running things here and I’ll give you the order when it’s time to just take them out, but for now I want to see if we can get them alive,” Agent Frank said as he walks away.

  ‘Damn these police sergeants know damn well the Feds have all the power and jurisdiction, yet they always have some shit to say,’ Frank thought to himself.

  Agent Frank gives the signal to the police sergeant to see if he can talk the Homicide Crew out the house or talk them into letting them get close enough to help some of their falling officers.

  A police sergeant grabs the bullhorn and began to speak, “Listen you all in the house come out with your hands up, you’re only making matters worse, there are falling officers out here, let us tend to them and it will work out on your behalf.”


  A single shot was let off from a sniper rifle, hitting the police sergeant in between the eyes, blowing a hole through the back of his head sending pieces of the back of his skull flying on fellow officers, killing him on the spot. His body hit the concrete with the bullhorn still locked in his grip.

  “Hahahaha!” Shells laughed as he watched the cops and Feds run for cover. “Damn that nigga can shoot,” he said out loud thinking about his boy on the second floor with the sniper rifle. ‘The damn cops always want to talk that let us help a cop that got shot, but as soon as a colored person or citizen gets shot they could care less and they handcuff your ass while you got bullets in you,’ Shells thought to himself.

  The Feds and N.Y.P.D. got furious when they saw the sergeant take a bullet to the head. Burst of automatic fire hit the house.

  “Shit!” Shells yelled as he ducks for cover, moving his head from the window in time.

  “Ahhhh!” a scream could be heard from upstairs letting him know his boy with the sniper rifle was hit and probably dead now.

  “Throw in the smoke gas!” an officer yelled as he saw that no shots were being fired back from the house, because the suspects were ducking for cover.

  Smoke grenades went through the windows and went off filling the house with smoke.

  “They should be running out the house any minute now,” Agent Frank said, “Close in!”

  The S.W.A.T. team began closing in and pulled some of the wounded officers off the front and back yard to safety.

  Shells popped back in the window and let the M-16 ring out.


  He sent a spray of bullets, hitting everything in sight, the two other members of the crew follow his lead, bullets tore through the S.W.A.T. teams bodies making them jerk and twist. One of the members of the S.W.A.T. team was pulling a wounded cop by his arm, trying to drag him to safety as bullets ripped through his face, then the chest and neck of the cop on the ground that he was pulling leaving both off them dead.

  Agent Frank looked closely and sees the masks on the Homicide Crew’s faces.

  “Fuck, they have gas masks on. Throw in the stun grenade now while you still can!” Agent Frank yells to the S.W.A.T. team member who was ducking down beside the bushes next to the window.

  He was afraid to lift his head up, for he might get shot or give away his position. He pulls the pin on two stun grenades and tossed them into the window.

  Shells looks at the grenades fly in and knew whoever threw them was close. He stuck his gun out the window and aims down and squeezed the trigger.


  The officer howled in pain as bullets crash into his body.

  ‘BOOM!’ ‘BOOM!’

  The two stun grenades went off blowing out everyone’s eardrums in the house.

  “Rush it now!” Agent Frank ordered.

  Shells dropped his gun and held his ears in pain. All he could hear was a ringing sound along with the other four members of the crew, a mistake that will cost them their lives.

  The S.W.A.T. team and Feds rush inside the house to slaughter them, they focus on Shells. Bullets slam into his body, making it shake from side to side until he hits the floor still moving. Then they walk up close to him and emptied their guns in him. The two members of the homicide that were guarding the back door was holding their ears when the S.W.A.T. team rush in on them and blows off their heads with Mossberg shotguns. The Feds and the S.W.A.T. made their way upstairs to a bedroom and sees a dead man on the floor holding a sniper rifle. They put ten bullets in his head to make sure he was dead. A bathroom door flew open and the last member of the homicide crew stood there holding his ears with both hands.

  “Don’t shoot I’m unarmed!”


  ‘BOOM!’ ‘BOOM!’

  Bullets filled his face and body before he could get out the rest of the words leaving him slumped over dead.

  Chapter 18

  Muscles pulls up on the block to see police blocking off the street and redirecting traffic, his first thought was he was hot and someone seen the three Tahoe’s back at Lefrak City Complex and called the cops and reported the shooting, but then he noticed it was the same block as the safe house so it wasn’t for him. He drove down two blocks over and parked.

  “What’s going on?” Luscious asked while still holding her thigh to stop the bleeding.

  “I don’t know, but I will find out,” Muscles picked up his Boost phone and chirps the other two Tahoe’s, he told the drivers to park up behind him until he pulls off. He jumps out the truck followed by Homicide and walks down two blocks to where the crowd was standing and watching. The police was making sure no one passed the barricade they set up. Muscles squeezed in the crowd with Homicide next to him. As they blend in, Muscles looks over and noticed one of the teenagers from Redfern Projects name Rah-Rah, everyone called him 80’s baby, even though he was born in the 90’s, but he sold crack like it was the 80’s and was making a lot of money for his age.

  “Yo 80 what’s up?”

  “Oh shit what’s good with you Muscles?” 80 replied and gives him a dap, then peeps Homicide and did the same with him.

  “Yo Homicide I th
ink that’s your boys Shells and them in that house down the block. Yo they’ve been shooting shit the fuck up on some crazy shit ‘B’. They done lay down more than twenty cops, Po-Po just ran up in the crib and shit. It doesn’t look good for them.”

  “What?” Homicide yelled not believing his ears, he knew how Shells was, he’d pop your ass and take everything you got and leave you dead with nothing but a bullet shell next to you.

  “Looks like Po-Po is all in the house,” 80 said.

  Muscles starts to sweat and get nervous, there were all kinds of shit in that house, and enough guns to take out an army and a few pounds of weed. Dwayne’s bones with the meat picked off it from those crabs and his finger prints along with the rest of the team was all over the house even Nina’s.

  “Oh shit, Nina!” Muscles yelled out loud. He picked up his cell phone and dialed her number.

  ‘Ring, ring, ring,’ “Damn please pick up.”

  “Hello Muscles, I’m on my way now.”

  ‘Oh thank you God, she didn’t come straight to the safe house,’ Muscles thought to himself.

  “Yo Nina don’t come over here, meet me at our old apartment on Rockaway Blvd. You still got the keys right?”

  “Yes Muscles, you still have that apartment?”

  “Yea, I’ll see you there in a minute,” Muscles looked at Homicide, “You know what I have to do right?” Muscles stated.

  “Yes do it, you told me and Lil Homicide, and the other team is in the next safe house, from the looks of it Shells and them didn’t make it,” Homicide replied while looking at the house full of holes and Feds and cops running and pulling police bodies off the grass.

  Muscles knew it was just a matter of time before they start bringing things out the house to collect evidence. He pulls back out his Boost phone and only he knew the code to enter, he press 7777, ‘All gangsters go to heaven,’ he said out loud and hesitates to press the send button.

  Agent Frank couldn’t believe his luck, not only did his men make an arrest back at the warehouse where everybody was cuffed up waiting for them with enough weed and plants to put them away for life. He may even get one of them to snitch for a deal, so he could get Pistol, whoever he was.


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