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Alien Promise (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Missy Lyons

  Alien Promise

  Aliens are taking over the presidential election, and only one human is immune to the mind control rays. The plate in Lily Madison’s head protects her from the criminal Girvan Lee’s mind control weapons, but she is stubbornly determined to find out what is going on. Not even the sexy hunks dressed as Roman gladiators will get in her way.

  Ryder and Saber Rhoma are intergalactic bounty hunters. They believe the human woman, Lily, is their life mate, but she is resistant to their charms and attempted seduction. The stubborn woman doesn’t believe she can have them both in her bed, but they must have the patience to claim their mate.

  If that doesn’t work, they aren’t above abducting her to their home planet and seducing her into their shared bed.

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Genre: Rubenesque, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 52,660 words


  Missy Lyons


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2013 by Missy Lyons

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-395-8

  First E-book Publication: February 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  For my friends, whether they be old, or new, or we have yet to meet.



  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One:

  Leave the Aliens to the Bounty Hunters

  “Girvan’s ship left an exhaust trail leading straight to the small blue planet, Earth.” E.V.E.’s soft, feminine, but digitally enhanced, computerized voice reported. The main computer program, Essential Needs, Voice, and Entertainment Unit, nicknamed E.V.E. for short, ran the ship and all the basic essential functions aboard it. Ryder didn’t regret spending the extra money to get the top-of-the-line operating system. E.V.E. had returned her value many times over, but she proved herself invaluable to the success of their current mission.

  Ryder’s fingers dug into the hard, plastic arms of his chair. It seemed like Girvan had planned his route carefully and made a beeline to the tiny planet. Some criminals were stupid and easy capture and others were masterminds of deception, and meticulous in their every move, treating life like a giant chess match. Girvan was the latter, and Ryder didn’t trust his motives for choosing this planet to land on. “Try and give me some good news, E.V.E.”

  “You asked a question, and I answered it. If you don’t like the answer, deal with it,” E.V.E returned sarcastically.

  Ryder rolled his eyes.

  “You did ask.” Saber’s eyes laughed at his bother. His black, skintight uniform was in sharp contrast to his light-blue skin, but it matched his hair, and the vivid colors left a striking appearance. A Krillian bounty hunter was nobody to mess with in or out of a uniform. “I’ve got a question for you, too, E.V.E. Has Girvan landed yet?” Tense lines dug into Saber’s forehead, but Ryder didn’t miss the strain of his voice either.

  “No, but he is scheduled to land in less than one minute at his current trajectory and speed,” E.V.E. answered.

  Saber sighed. “We may as well be on a trogger. He’ll be on the ground before we get close to him.”

  “Don’t give up yet, Saber,” Ryder said, before he gave his attention back to the computer. “E.V.E., can you track his exact course from here? I want to know exactly where he lands.” Ryder’s brow furrowed deep. He was hoping to intercept the ship before Girvan had a chance to run. This news that he would be on the ground and be able to disappear into the human populous darkened his mood. They were so close. After following the refugee for weeks, it looked like they may have to let him go, but Ryder couldn’t stomach failure, especially in this case. Girvan is a dangerous criminal, and he deserved to be locked up for all his crimes against life-forms of all worlds. He was cruel and tortured his prisoners, killed without mercy, and operated an illegal smuggling and terrorist ring that armed millions of hostile planets with dangerous weapons and explosives.

  Ryder looked back toward his brother, Saber, who stared stone-faced into the monitors. Anyone else would be hard-pressed to see the emotion there, but Ryder and Saber had spent years working together, and he could read his brother better than anyone else with the smallest of clues. This morning Saber worried his bottom lip between his teeth.

  Ryder was sure Saber didn’t want to think about Girvan being free on an undeveloped planet. Girvan could wreak havoc if left to his own devices. The Goddess only knew what he would do if they didn’t catch him soon.

  Girvan craved power, and when his people came to rescue him, they would probably leave the small planet, Earth, in ruins. Losing Girvan had been a huge blow to organized crime on the Dark Planet. They wanted him back, desperately. The leaders left in the crime ring were not as organized or able to carry out orders. The mafia-like terrorist group was falling apart without their leader, Girvan. I
nstead of working together, they were killing each other to try and take over his place. Their only real hope of restoring order was to get their leader back before he was shipped to the prison planet and his sentence was carried out. Darkanians looked up to Girvan and would mindlessly kill to follow his orders because Girvan didn’t mind killing his lackeys if they failed.

  No one had the same barbaric talent for dispelling creative but extremely cruel punishments as Girvan did. Everyone feared Girvan so much inside of his terrorist group that they would never consider overthrowing him.

  Ryder was just as desperate to get Girvan before his mercenary friends come looking for him. “Is there time to intercept him, E.V.E.?”

  An interstellar map appeared on the computer monitor suddenly, and a dotted line appeared beginning at their current coordinates, ending at a distant planet very close to the sun. “Plotting a new course now. Earth is the only populated planet on this side of the galaxy, and there is no time to intercept. Girvan’s ship has now landed.”

  “Earth? I feel like I’ve heard that name before. Is that a water planet? Maybe we will get lucky and he’ll crash the ship and drown.” Saber squinted at the screen.

  “There is water on the planet, but Girvan has managed to land on a large landmass in the northern hemisphere,” E.V.E. responded.

  “Where have I heard that name before?” Ryder’s knuckles rapped against his forehead. “Oh Trezarck’s balls, now I remember Earth. That’s a forbidden zone.” Ryder shook his head in disbelief. His lean form slumped against the back of his chair. No regulations could keep him from catching his prey. He recognized the restricted blue triangle icon on the map. They were not supposed to even land their ship on the planet Earth except for scientific research trips. It was standard procedure to protect developing civilizations until they were able to travel between galaxies. Humans may have gotten off the planet, but they were still using fossil fuels for their shuttle program and they had a long way to go before the rest of the federation would accept them as intelligent life-forms.

  “Earth is currently a protected planet with restricted access from outsiders,” the computer finished for him.

  “Dragon nails! That con man Girvan knew we would have trouble tracking him on a primitive planet where we aren’t allowed to use our full resources or ask for help.” Saber slammed his fists against the computer console.

  The computer screen blipped and flashed before returning to normal. E.V.E.’s voice sounded slightly irritated by Saber’s outburst. “You may not want to do that again, big fella. There isn’t a repair ship for light-years that can fix me.”

  “Sorry,” Saber grunted, but he didn’t look repentant to Ryder. The blood vessel on his temple throbbed angrily.

  “This is going to be tricky. We can’t use our technology to capture Girvan. That also means we can’t shoot him while he is hiding on that planet down there. Not in front of witnesses.” Ryder always approached a problem more logistically while Saber would like to just go in with lasers blasting. The stun guns would have been the easiest way to incapacitate their prey, and they couldn’t use them. Saber and Ryder would have to be very careful in how they captured him and to make sure the humans didn’t realize who or, more importantly, what they were.

  Alien life-forms.

  “I don’t care what it takes. I’m going after him and bringing him back, dead or alive,” Saber said.

  “I had no doubt of that,” E.V.E. responded. “I can stay in orbit. Once we get close enough to Earth, I will teleport you both down to Girvan’s last known location.”

  “Girvan won’t hesitate to shoot us, so we must be careful, brother.” Saber’s words of caution weren’t lost on Ryder. Girvan wasn’t known for playing by the rule book, so why would he start now, and if they got into trouble there would be no rescue party.

  “He isn’t playing fair,” Ryder added. Saber’s long, brown hair fell forward to cover his face as he focused in on the blue screen masking the emotion there. Ryder was sure Saber was not amused by Girvan’s antics any more than Saber was.

  “When did he ever play fair? He’s a criminal, and leaving Girvan alone on a primitive planet isn’t an option either. He will do worse damage on the developing human colony than we could ever do. What if his weapon falls into the hands of the humans? Or worse, he changes the fate of the developing civilization? We have to capture him and bring him home to serve his sentence.”

  Ryder didn’t think going unarmed into a primitive civilization was a good idea, but what choice did they have? Ryder and Saber were bounty hunters. They never had a man escape from them, and this time could be no exception.

  They would bring Girvan back to their planet one way or another, and if he was in pieces, it was no skin off their backs.

  “Agreed. It is the only choice. We have to go underground and find him without creating a scene.” Ryder was a man of action and a soldier first and foremost. Time to get their asses moving and on the ground.

  “Good. So we need Earth clothes to disguise ourselves.” Saber unclipped his translator from his belt and inserted it into the computer mainframe. The stream of information began to fill it, and bars of light blipped on the bottom of it as it loaded.

  “They won’t know us from the average human male when we’re done.”

  “I got news for you two. According to my research, the average male height is a foot shorter than you. There are also other minor differences, like they don’t have blue skin. It will be difficult to blend in as you put it so eloquently unless you want to dress as a walking, talking blueberry,” E.V.E. interrupted.

  “Quit being such a party pooper, E.V.E.,” Saber said. “This is going to work.”

  “Together, we can’t lose.” Ryder grinned.

  “Computer, please upgrade our translators with every language of Earth.” Saber paused and then added the final question as if it was an afterthought. “Can you also please pinpoint Girvan’s last location once he lands?”

  If they couldn’t find him by their tracing tools, then they could always find the source of chaos and follow it straight to him. Girvan wouldn’t be happy sitting in a hole somewhere. He lusted after power. It was his trademark. Girvan could be found at the root of all things evil.

  “Yes. As long as he’s forced to wear a translator, I will be able to track him,” the computer responded.

  “Good, E.V.E. That should give us just enough time to nail his ass to the wall.” Ryder reasoned Girvan would want to learn the language as soon as possible and ditch the translator. Until that time they could use it to track him. They had to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Girvan was wily. He already removed the microchip they implanted in his arm to track him in case of an escape.

  Not every planet had seven-foot-tall men walking around. He knew his species were slightly bigger than average since on their warrior world they had years to select the strongest to reproduce and survive. “We will also need to be as inconspicuous as possible. Got any ideas?”

  “We will dress as the Earth warriors do.” Ryder’s tight expression relaxed into a smile.

  “Earth has been transmitting video messages into space,” the computer interrupted and flashed a picture on the screen. “I will examine the details and ensure you are dressed just like the local soldiers on their videos.”

  “Good.” Ryder nodded his approval and walked back toward the galley. The sooner they captured Girvan, the better. Ryder had been waiting to have a showdown with Girvan since Girvan coldcocked him in the courtroom.

  He should probably be asking for permission to land the ship, or wait for backup to arrive, but by the time they got through the red tape it might be too late. If Girvan didn’t destroy the young planet’s ruling system and fragile economy, his lackeys would arrive and do the damage. The Darkanians had vowed to find Girvan and set him free.

  That was the trouble with an escaped convict who was wanted by both sides of the law. Girvan wouldn’t just disappear into society and suddenly b
ecome a productive member of the human race. Nobody was going to stop trying to find him, and they couldn’t give up before bringing him to justice.

  “Let’s get some sustenance before teleporting to Earth.”

  * * * *

  Meanwhile on Earth…

  The unannounced press conference was a surprise to Lily Madison, and nothing should be a surprise to her. She was Mitch’s personal assistant. She should be the first to know about what he had planned, but he kept his motives secret even from her.

  Mitch O’Reilly stood before the podium with a wide smile plastered on his face.

  “Hello. I am so happy you all were able to make it out this morning. I have big news I am very proud to share. I would like to announce I am dropping out of the presidential race this fall.” The audience moaned in unison. Everyone was here to support Mitch O’Reilly, and having him announce he was dropping out this late in the game was a huge pitfall. To say that she was shocked would have been a gross understatement.

  He’s dropping out of the race? How could he have not told me?

  “Excuse me.” Lily pushed and shoved her way to the front from the back of the crowd. Mitch kept talking and then did another thing completely unexpected. He pulled a man to his side that was standing just to the right of him. All of this was new to her, but she was in charge of the press releases and his personal assistant. She should have been the second to know about this after his wife.

  “This is Girvan Lee, your next president, and I am throwing my full support behind him.”


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