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Alien Promise (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 3

by Missy Lyons

  “In my world, a lady doesn’t have to walk. Her men will carry her anywhere she needs to go,” Ryder crooned softly.

  That sounded sweet enough to almost be intelligent, but it was chauvinistic as hell.

  Lily had to walk. This wasn’t the Dark Ages, and she wasn’t living in a third world nation where women didn’t have any rights and were treated unequally. Ryder seemed to be ignoring every word she spoke. “My world’s a very different place, and don’t you forget it, buddy.”

  “My name is not buddy. It is Ryder.” His dark brows pulled down in a frown, making his light-blue skin seem more formidable.

  “Mine is Saber,” the second warrior said.

  “Okay then. Now that we got all this straightened out, you can put me down.” She sighed when it seemed they would both ignore her.

  They never put her down, but she really didn’t want to fight all that badly.

  “What is the address we travel to?” Saber said after he pulled the black box off his belt and looked like he was about to type something into it. Lily assumed it was a newfangled GPS to help them on the way there.

  “It’s 315 Blue Moon Drive.” She sighed.

  She didn’t see a reason to lie. Maybe they would put her down so they could go look up the directions.

  She felt her whole body begin to heat up and felt like she was separating on a molecular level. Only it wasn’t just her. Saber and Ryder were also digitizing, and the world around them became less solid. Just as suddenly, the heat left her body and she was alone with the two men in her house.

  In her house.


  With two of the sexiest men she had ever laid eyes on.

  She did a double take.

  Just on instinct, she felt in her heart she could trust them, despite the fact she didn’t know them. Sadly, she wasn’t sure she could trust herself and her overactive hormones.

  Chapter Two:

  Lucky and in Lust

  Lily screamed at the top of her lungs, and then after her freak out, she decided she didn’t imagine things. She had just gotten beamed to her house by her two big, blue men.

  “Who are you?” It seemed the most obvious question she could think of.

  Lily scrambled to get down out of Ryder’s arms and then climbed straight to the top of the couch. She perched on the edge and stared back at the two men who seemed to swallow the space around them. They were big, but out in the open they didn’t seem as big as in her tiny house. They seemed to barely fit inside the confined space.

  Transporting instantly to a destination was physically impossible. Yet here she was. She was in the community center a second ago, and now she was in the center of her living room. That kind of technology didn’t exist, and if it did, the government didn’t show it off to civilians. These two guys were either with NASA or they weren’t human. She hoped it wasn’t the last option because she wasn’t ready to accept she just invited two aliens to stay with her.

  So many questions filled her mind, but she repeated the first one that had already flown out of her mouth. “Who are you?”

  “Calm down. We will not harm you.” Ryder began to approach her slowly with his hands out in front of him as if she was a wild animal.

  Lily put her hands out defensively and yelled, “Don’t come any closer. You’re not going to touch me until I get answers. Now, who are you—or better yet, what are you?”

  They looked at each other as if they were as confused as she was. The two blue gladiator men stood between her and her only exit, and if she had to, she would put up a good fight, but she knew her options were limited. She hoped she wasn’t going to end up a statistic, and end up being the next body found on the news because she was stupid enough to trust these two.

  Both men were exceptionally hot and did amazing things to her hormones, but she couldn’t let that control her reaction to them. She could end up on the news if she wasn’t careful, with her face plastered on the back of milk jugs. Missing and too stupid to live.

  The men talked amongst themselves—or more like argued in a language she didn’t understand or recognize, and that puzzled her. Having learned French, Spanish, and Latin, she could usually pick out some words of most languages. Most the languages she knew had derived from Latin, but their strange tongue was completely foreign to her. This time, she didn’t have a clue what they were talking about except they seemed to be arguing heatedly.

  “Come on! Spill it, and I want the truth!” Lily didn’t want to give them time to come up with a lie or a cover story. She wanted the truth. Her eyes darted back and forth in frustration. “Or I am not going to help you and you can get out now.”

  “My name is Saber, and as Ryder said earlier, we won’t hurt you. It’s against our laws, and you are protected species, but Girvan won’t respect those rules like we do.” Saber’s extraordinary eyes burned and glowed amber.

  “What’s wrong with your eyes?”

  “They change with my emotions,” Ryder responded.

  “Damn. Kind of makes it hard to lie then, doesn’t it? Are you even human?” Lily blurted out, but her eyes were trained on the front door behind them. If she ran, could they do that thing where they instantly transported her back here from the recreation center? Running may not work as well as she had hoped.

  “We are Krillians, and we are different but very much alike. Your ancestors have descended from the same people as ours, but your ancestors lost a great deal of technology in a great flood. We’ve been studying your people, promising not to interfere, and watched as you developed at a much slower rate.”

  “Okay. So let me guess, that blue tint on your skin isn’t makeup?” Lily asked. Saber was close enough to touch, and she reached out without thinking. He sighed when her fingers caressed his skin. An electric current flowed between where their skin touched, but none of the blue came off on her fingers as she expected.

  “The ultraviolet rays of our sun turns our skin blue. It has faded being under your Earth sunlight, but it will get stronger when we return to our world. If you came with us, it would also change your skin.” There was a suggestive, sexy lilt to his voice that made her think Ryder was coming onto her.

  Did he just invite me home with him?

  “Dream on, buddy.” She laughed at the idea of having an interstellar boyfriend or two. The way her hormones were hot and heavy, she couldn’t tell which man was making her go into overdrive. She would have trouble choosing just one of the men.

  “Is there a man of the house here?” Ryder looked around her home, seemingly for clues.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” She frowned at Ryder’s lean figure that seemed to dominate the small space.

  “A husband?” Saber finished for him.

  “No,” she answered in shock.

  How could they ask such a personal question?

  “A boyfriend?”


  “Well, certainly you have a father or a man to look after you? How do you keep your virtue if there is no male in your life to negotiate on your behalf?”

  Okay. This was getting to be downright medieval. Why would they think her life was any less full without a man? “You think I need a man to take care of me? That’s crazy talk. I live all by myself, and I got news for you. I wear big girl panties, and I don’t need a man.”

  “Now that’s being silly. Every woman needs a man.” Ryder’s words left a tingle on her spine.

  “Why don’t you have a man to protect you?” Saber’s nostrils flared. “In our world, we have great respect and love for our women, but if a woman has no man to protect her, she can be taken by force by anyone.”

  “That’s called rape here.” Lily shook her head. “Any man who tried would be in jail.”

  Saber’s deep smile shot an electric bolt through her spine and straight to her pussy. “Nay, there is no rape involved. A woman is meant for one thing, and when she finds her purpose, she finds true happiness.”

  “That’s barbaric.” Lily
felt drugged by his words and his sweet and masculine scent. Ryder may be a beefcake, but he was definitely stuck in some archaic society. She liked them both, but their ideas were kind of medieval.

  “Barbaric is letting the woman suffer to be alone for the rest of her life. Men were born to protect and love, and our women help us to serve a higher purpose. But enough about our world. Is there no one to care for you like this? Where is your family?”

  “No. My mother and father died in a car accident two years ago, and my brother died when he stepped on a landmine last year while serving in Afghanistan.” Then suddenly it dawned on her that she just admitted she was alone and fair game by their medieval rules. Ryder’s predatory gaze locked onto her, and she shivered inwardly at the thought of being forced to their seduction. She would have a hard time saying no the longer she stayed in their presence. This talk of possession may be barbaric, but it was turning her on that they could be openly admitting to having the same physical reaction she was. “No, but that doesn’t mean I’m available. I didn’t invite you for a play date. I planned to help you, but I made no agreement to sleep with you.”

  “Sleep?” Saber raised an eyebrow. The black box on his belt bleeped and blared at him, but then he did the most surprising thing and burst out into laughter.

  “I don’t think it’s funny,” Lily said seriously. He irritated her when he laughed at her.

  “How is it you do not have a mate? You are old enough to be mated.”

  “Do you mean married? On this planet, women choose who to marry. We go on dates, we get chocolate, and we get roses and—” She was too upset to think of anything else, but women were treated with dignity and respect here, and she expected no less from these guys even if they were two of the sexiest blue men she ever saw. All they would have to do is show up and most women would go into heat.

  “But no one is courting you?” Ryder asked.

  “No. I told you I don’t have a boyfriend, and that means I am not dating anyone.” She folded her arms over her breasts to hide the peaked nipples she felt.

  “Then we shall court you,” Saber announced, but then the computer blared even louder. He flipped a button, and the annoying female voice disappeared.

  Her mind screamed, Run, girl! Unfortunately her body wasn’t listening. Ryder and Saber were overpoweringly male with all her girly part alarms going off. She swallowed nervously, not quite sure how to respond to that announcement. It was like he was a caveman grunting, “You woman. Me man. Let’s make babies together.”

  One thing stopped her. Lily’s body wanted to betray her sense of ethics.

  She had not ever wanted to jump a guy the first time she met him, until today, and it was double trouble because she couldn’t choose just one. Oh no, she wanted to sleep with both of the godlike warriors. She was a slut with a capital S. Get her in a room with two hot guys and she couldn’t pick one man like a normal woman. No, she was attracted to both men equally strong. She began her descent from the top of the couch to the floor again. “This is not exactly how a normal relationship starts off.”

  “Then tell us, and we shall date like a typical human pairing.” Saber’s voice made her insides melt into a liquid pool of lust and desire.

  Okay, the room was a little full of male testosterone, and now she was definitely feeling the “I want to claim you” vibe from her two warriors. Lily felt a ripple of excitement.

  She pointed to both of them and then back to herself, hoping they would get the point. “But we aren’t a pair. There is two of you and only one of me.”

  “On our world, a woman may bond with more than one man. This is considered the trinity, and when they mate, it is for life. This bond can be more powerful with brothers. There was no question our destined mate would be shared.”

  Her heartbeat skyrocketed. Did they just say I could have them both?

  “Whoa, boys! I think we are moving just a little bit fast. I don’t even know if I like you that way. I haven’t kissed either one of you. I haven’t touched you.” Technically that wasn’t true, but she needed to put distance between them. “I’ve got to feel an attraction to know if there is anything between us.”

  “There is much between us.” Saber approached her closely, and she felt the blood course through her like a raging river when he reached out to touch her hair. His fingers swept the length of her neck and sent shivers down her spine. She sighed and leaned in when he gently cupped her jaw in his roughened hands. He dropped his hands to his side, and the hypnotic sway he held over her seemed to disappear just as suddenly.

  “And when we join, the supernova sun would be cooler than the fire lighting our desire.”

  “Shouldn’t you be saying if? Not when?” The powerful hold they seemed to have over her body was scary, but she wasn’t going to let it distract her. She would have to help them get their criminal and get them to go home as soon as possible. Anything less was going to be dangerous to her, and the longer they stuck around would mean her falling into bed with both of them. “Wasn’t I supposed to help you find this criminal, Girvan?”

  “Yes, it is an unfortunate event that we must prioritize, brother. First we capture Girvan. Then we mate.” Saber’s brilliant, white smile melted her from the inside out.

  “Yes, then we mate. That will give you time to accustom yourself to the idea of belonging to two high warriors of the Krillian planet.” Ryder jutted forth his chin proudly.

  She felt heat flood her body and an unwelcome moistness gather between her legs. What did she just agree to?

  “Ugh, yeah, you need to check your ego at the door, Ryder. I am not some prize you get to share, but I did agree to help you. First we find you guys some clothes to help you fit in a little better.”

  “There are lots of things we could do without clothes.”

  “Not going to happen anytime soon, buddy, and this time, we aren’t going to play the beam-me-up-Scotty game. We can’t draw any more attention to you two than you already have. We’re taking my car to the mall.”

  Her two hunks kept their mouths shut and didn’t argue anymore, thank goodness, but who was she kidding? She was going to draw attention no matter what they did or didn’t do. Two blue men the size of football players walking through a store wrapped in Roman gladiator armor was bound to attract attention.

  * * * *

  “You call this a chariot?” Saber looked around inside the tiny piece of metal. His knees were lifted up by his chest, and he was hunched over just to fit inside. Riding in the cramped quarters was an insult to his pride and his ego, but Lily insisted she drive instead of being teleported. Humans were very odd creatures. “You may have plastered YOU-GO in tiny, silver letters on the rear end of this antiquated machine, but it doesn’t go very well.”

  “Ha-ha. That joke is way overdone. Yugo is the brand of car.” Lily frowned.

  “It needs a new name. This chariot doesn’t go fast, and it’s too small to carry much of anything,” Ryder complained.

  “No, I love my car,” Lily said impatiently. She wouldn’t look at him or his brother without flushing her cheeks, and Saber recognized the signs of an aroused, interested woman. When she first looked at him, it was a look of a woman who wanted to be fucked very badly. Her mouth was slightly open, and her tongue came out to moisten her lips. Lily could pretend all she wanted, but she was interested in him and his brother as a future lover. She was very aware of them on a cellular level and a deeply sexual one. Even now, her nipples made sharp peaks beneath her blouse, and she kept adjusting her skirt which rode ever higher when she sat down.

  His cock swelled, and he mentally ordered it to behave.

  He must be patient.

  The other cars on the road zoomed in and out but always stayed within the white lines. It puzzled him that they did not stray from the black road. If they would just make a straight line to their destination, their time would be cut in half.

  Both he and his brother were cramped and packed in the car tighter than two peas in a
pod. He had already removed his helmet to add a few more centimeters of space, but there was barely enough headroom for him to fit inside. He was slightly hunched over, and his knees were pushed up into his chest, but his unlucky brother was put into the backseat. Unlucky because he was further away from Lily, but lucky he could spread out just a little over the area back there. His legs were angled sideways and thrown over the other seat.

  The tiny car hit a bump, and his head hit the ceiling. Saber rubbed the knot on the top of his head. “Ouch.”

  His brother, the ever-loving fool, laughed at his pain. The laughter irked Saber. He grumbled, “Next time we aren’t taking the car. It’s worse than riding a trogger.”

  “Sorry,” Lily mumbled, and the car slowed down a little. On the next speed bump, the car bounced slightly less. “We’re nearly there. I just have to find a place to park.”

  “You have to admit it does smell better though, brother.” Ryder chortled.

  “Yes, that it does.” Saber flicked the air freshener that let out a pleasant vanilla and cinnamon scent. “Thanks to little modern conveniences.”

  “What’s a trogger?” Lily asked as the car circled the parking lot.

  “It’s a beast of burden we use to transport packages that would become unstable if their molecular structure was broken down with the infrared beams for transportation,” Ryder explained.

  “An animal?” she quizzically asked.

  “Yes, and it is very large. It would be as big as three or four of these little things you call cars.”

  “So it’s like the size of an elephant. Huh, I would like to see that someday,” she announced.

  “We can arrange that.” Saber smiled. If the opportunity to take her to his home planet presented itself, he would be happy to make it happen.

  He watched as her face turned a shade of crimson but didn’t have time to analyze her reaction as they suddenly lurched to a stop. Gears ground as she shifted and parked the car. This time he managed to brace himself so he didn’t fly against the windshield, but he couldn’t resist the jibe, “Driving in your world seems a bit dangerous.”


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