You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1)

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You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1) Page 21

by Jayne, Melanie

  She felt Finn’s arms tighten around her waist.

  “It’s time for you to leave, Reynolds.” Moe appeared at Major’s side and pulled on his arm.

  Major tried to jerk his arm free, but Moe held fast as he maneuvered him toward the front door.

  Izzy’s baritone could be heard urging the guests. “Everyone please, enjoy the bars and please eat. There’s plenty of good food in the dining room.”

  Thankfully, the guests resumed talking and Hale could take a deep breath. Finn turned her in his arms so that she was facing him. He leaned into her. “Are you OK?” he whispered in her ear.

  She nodded, taking refuge in the security of his tight hold. Her entire body shook as she buried her face in his neck.

  “I hate that motherfucker. I’d like to take his head off.” Finn was outraged but he kept the volume low.

  “Don’t.” She raised her head, rushing to continue. “He deserves it, but he isn’t worth it.”

  “So you only kissed once?” He sounded incredulous. She could feel how tense he was, his muscles were so hard.

  “Yep,” she answered truthfully.

  “What a dumb fuck. I didn’t want to hear that you slept with him, but how could he keep his hands off you? I don’t get it.” Finn shook his head.

  “He wasn’t into me.” Her body relaxed and she smiled at him.

  He returned her smile. “What a dumb ass.” Finn shook his head for a moment then turned serious. “You tell me if you ever have another problem with him. I mean it, Hale. I don’t want him even looking in your direction. I don’t want him in the same room as you.” Finn looked so fierce, a mixture of protectiveness and possessiveness.

  “Got it. I promise.” She ran her hand over his chest to help soothe him, and her also. She had no intention of ever talking to Major again.

  Jasmine approached. “What on earth was that?”

  “I am so sorry. I had no idea that he would ever attempt anything like that.” Hale apologized.

  “He is the one who had better be apologizing to Moe and Izzy. I say good riddance to bad rubbish.” Jasmine pursed her lips in anger.

  Finn jumped on her comment. “Izzy is outside with him?”

  “He and Moe are seeing him to his car, making it clear that he is not to return.” Jasmine glanced at the doorway.

  “I think you should thank me,” Hale teased hoping that they could drop this subject. “I just made this party the number one bit of gossip in this town. Another Jasmine Benton production is going down in Whitleysburg history.” She laughed and the others joined in. It made her feel good that her friends had jumped to her defense, but she hated that there was a disturbance during Jasmine’s party. Hopefully, the celebratory spirit would continue and everyone would enjoy themselves.

  Finn changed subjects. “Jasmine, you look lovely, but where’s the rest of your dress?”

  Hale let out a laugh, as Jasmine pretended to slap him.

  “I think that you look amazing. You have to be the hottest woman here, no contest.” Hale assured her friend. Jasmine was wearing a short slip dress in a champagne color with clear stones throughout the fabrics. The view from the front was a simple scoop neck, but when she turned, the back was cut to just above her ass, in fact when she moved, you could catch a glimpse of the dimples right above the slight swell of her cheeks. It was a work of art on Jasmine.

  A man that she didn’t know approached their group. “I hate to tell you, but the ice melted in your drinks so I got rid of them.”

  Finn laughed. “Hey, thanks for holding them. Clay, have you had a chance to meet Hale?”

  The tall man with striking blue eyes, smiled in Hale’s direction. “No, I haven’t had the pleasure.”

  “Sweetheart, this is Clay Payne. He’s from the governor’s office.”

  Oh hell, she hoped her feelings of embarrassment didn’t show on her face as she held out her hand. “Mr. Payne, thank you for trying to rescue my drink.”

  He gave a charming smile as he shook her hand.

  He turned his attention to Jasmine. “Mrs. Benton, you have a lovely home.”

  “Why thank you. I’m so happy that you could join us.” Jasmine flashed her best pageant winner smile.

  “What would you ladies like to drink? I see that both of you have empty hands.” Clay smiled warmly.

  “Well, aren’t you sweet? I’d love a glass of chardonnay.” Jasmine continued smiling, quite happy to have an attractive man wait on her.

  “And you, Ms. Cameron?”

  “Hale, call me Hale. A tonic water with lime, please.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Clay started to turn.

  “I’ll join you, since it seems that you only want to serve the ladies.” Finn teased.

  Missy rejoined the group. “Hale, I cannot believe that man behaved like that.” Missy ran her hand lightly down Hale’s arm. “It was very disrespectful.”

  “I’m a little shocked, but I’m fine.” She hoped that she sounded confident.

  Missy moved in closer. “So it’s true, you and Finn?”

  Hale tried to fight the smile she felt coming on, and thought, “what the hell’ and let it out. “Yes, but it’s really new. I mean, this is only the second time that we have been out together.”

  “Halleluiah.” Missy looked to the heavens. “I thought there were signs and I kept hoping.” She threw her arms around Hale. “You deserve happiness, you remember that.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice shook a little.

  She glanced at Jasmine and she saw so many emotions cross her friend’s face, happiness, pain, and confusion. Hale started to say something, but Jasmine cut her off.

  “Missy, I’m having Thanksgiving dinner at five on Thursday, so if you all don’t get enough to eat at your in-laws’, you’re welcome to stop by. There will be plenty.” Jazz avoided Hale’s gaze.

  Missy and Jasmine continued conversing about Thanksgiving plans.

  Chapter Eleven

  Finn had been looking for Hale for what seemed like an hour. He checked his phone as he stood in the corner of the kitchen, trying to stay out of the staff’s way. His next stop was to see if her SUV was still parked at his house. No message from Hale. Where the fuck is she?

  Izzy walked through the door to the deck. Finn jerked his head, beckoning him to come over.

  “Have you seen Hale?” Finn asked quietly.

  “Out on the deck.” Izzy answered, tilting his head toward the door.

  He waited for Izzy to expand on his answer.

  “Said she needed some air. I think the deal with Major upset her more than she let on.”

  Finn started to walk to the door.

  Izzy snagged his elbow. “Be gentle.”

  Finn smoothly pulled his arm from Izzy’s hold. “What do you mean?” This wasn’t the time to tell him how to handle Hale.

  “She’s seems a little down. Don’t push her.” Izzy met Finn’s angry stare.

  “You know what she needs, better than I do?” he challenged.

  “No,” Izzy responded calmly. “I’m suggesting that if you go out there all flexed and aggressive, you’ll spook her. She’s embarrassed about being made a spectacle.”

  Finn rolled his shoulders as he considered his friend’s advice. “That wasn’t her fault. It was that chump, Major, who should be embarrassed.”

  “Just go easy, don’t push her.”

  I’ll keep that in mind,” he told Izzy and headed to the door.

  The night was in the high forties, warm for an Indiana November. Hale was sitting with her back to the door on the stairs that led from the deck to the yard. He paused, watching her for a moment, evaluating her body language. He moved slowly toward her. Her spine straightened as she heard his steps, but she didn’t turn to see who was there.

  “Hey, what are you doing out here?” He stood over her.

  “Did Izzy tell you that I was out here?” She still didn’t turn to look at him.

  “I ran into him as he was com
ing in. I’ve been looking for you.” He noticed that she was wearing some kind of cape. She had it wrapped around her. “Mind if I join you?”

  She scooted to the side making room for him on the top step. “I needed some air after the Major thing, and now I don’t want to go back in. I’m feeling like a coward.” She turned to look at him.

  Damn it, she looked forlorn, defeated. “You don’t have to go back. We can go anywhere you want.” He hated that she was hurting; he wanted the woman he had teased upstairs earlier.

  She brought a glass to her lips. “Are you sure that you want to go with me?”

  He started to answer, but she shook her head violently, back and forth.

  “It’s a big deal Finn. I just embarrassed you in front of Mr. Payne and a house full of people. I know what that means. I’m a liability, always have been.”

  He put his hand on her knee, gripping it hard. “You are not a liability. You never will be to me. Hale, listen to me. Reynolds made a scene and you handled yourself. You were brave and stood your ground. I was so proud of you, my Hale Storm.”

  “I want the best for you, that’s the one thing that I’ve always tried to do.” She dropped her head and looked at his hand on her knee. “I can’t seem to stop fucking up.”

  “You haven’t. Babe, we both have to put the past away and concentrate on what’s happening now. We have a second chance to get this right. Don’t take on the blame for something that you didn’t do. I mean that, you’ve got to move on from your guilt.”

  She slowly raised her head and looked into his eyes, as if she needed to see if he meant those words. She shifted away from him to rest her body against the post. “Thank you, I believe you.”

  Christ, it was like fifty pounds lifted from his shoulders. He let out a relieved sigh. “Good. Now I have more to say. Some of this is for your ears only, some of this Jasmine might know about, but you’ve got to be discrete.” He turned his head to scan the area.

  “Understood.” Her response was quiet but intense. She took another drink.

  He glanced down and saw the brandy bottle at her feet, partially hidden by her full skirt. “Feel like sharing?” He pointed to the bottle.

  She grinned as she reached down to grab the bottle. Handing it to Finn she said, “You’ve got to drink from the bottle. Izzy said he brought it out to help me stay warm.”

  Finn took the brandy bottle from her hand, brushing her cold fingers. He needed to get her out of the cold soon. He took a drink and savored the burn down his throat. “Clay Payne is here because he is going to start a lobbying group. He wants me to join him.” He spoke softly and watched Hales eyes grow wide. “Now that isn’t public knowledge. He’s also been talking to Izzy about Benton & Lee branching out, including lobbying services.”

  Hale leaned in. “So you really aren’t interested in pursuing your political career?”

  “I told you that I don’t like the changes that I’m seeing. Now don’t get me wrong, I love being the mayor here, but on the bigger stage, there are too many risks. I don’t want it anymore.”

  “Do you mean me?” Hale asked. “Is being with me a liability and that would sabotage your career?”

  “No, Hale. I made this decision about a year ago. When my term is up, I’m done. I plan on making that announcement in February.” He took another drink and watched her expression. Her face gave away her thoughts. He saw relief.

  “I’m still surprised.” She let out a nervous laugh.

  “I have some time to make decisions, so I’m quietly doing some research and exploring my options. Clay’s here to meet some of the players in the firm, socially.”

  “Hmm, sneaky.” She kept watching him. “He is very charming and good looking.”

  He raised his eyebrow at her comment.

  She laughed and shook her head at him. “But not my type.”

  “Let’s get out of here.” He stood, and took the glass from her hand. He walked to the table by the door and put the bottle and glass down. “Where to, Hale? It’s your choice, but wherever you pick, I’m coming with you.” He walked down two steps and turned to her with his hand out.

  “I have to do the chores in the morning.” She still had not put her hand in his.

  “Then we’ll go to the farm.” He grasped her hand and pulled. She stood gracefully on the top step, so they were eye to eye. “Do I need to go upstairs and get your suitcase?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  He pulled her into his body and kissed her. Against her lips he said, “Let’s go.”

  Finn held her hand as they walked through the backyard to the corner gate. He unlocked the gate and let Hale pass through. As they started to cross the alley, he pulled her closer. “Watch your step back here, the pavement is uneven.” He slowed their gait, not wanting Hale to turn her ankle in her high heels.

  The security light reflected off her SUV parked by his garage, and there was something shiny sticking out of her back tire. Finn let go of her, saying, “Stay here.” He circled her SUV. All four tires were flat. There was a large hunting knife sticking out of the rear one.

  “What the hell?” Hale exclaimed, obviously not following his instructions. She shot him a puzzled look.

  “I’ll call this in.” He pulled his cell from his pocket. Hale continued circling her vehicle with a stricken look on her face.

  He held out his hand. “Honey, come over here by me.” He wanted her close to him. She moved to him without pausing.

  “Tell them it’s all four tires. They slashed all four.” She told him angrily.

  He nodded as he waited for dispatch to answer.

  Finn asked dispatch to send a car but with no lights. His next call was to Izzy, asking him to come across the alley.

  Hale was talking to the officer, answering questions about her timing today.

  Finn motioned for Izzy to join him. He didn’t like this at all. A few bitchy women giving Hale a hard time was one thing, but Reynolds thinking that he could humiliate Hale, in her best friends’ home, was another.

  “Think this was random?” Izzy asked, his friend’s thoughts clearly mirroring his own.

  “I hope so, but I’ve got my doubts.” Finn kept his eyes on Hale as she nodded her head and called out her thanks.

  She walked over to join the men. “He called for a tow truck. So I guess that’s all that can be done.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “What are you thinking?” Finn watched her reaction. She was standing under the security light hanging from the roof of his garage.

  “I’m thinking that I hope Major wasn’t dumb enough to do this.” She frowned.

  “The police have the knife, so hopefully they can pull some prints.” Izzy looked at the vehicle and back at Hale.

  Finn made his decision. “Izz, you got this? I want to get her out of the cold.”

  Izzy nodded. “Yeah, the party is in full swing so nobody will miss me. Plus, I can use the fresh air.”

  “No, we can wait for the tow truck. I don’t want you to miss your party.” Hale looked from Izzy to Finn.

  Izzy overruled her. “You two go on, and be careful.” He gave Finn a pointed look. “You staying at the farm tonight?”

  “Yeah,” Finn answered as he took Hale’s hand and started walking toward his car. “My bag’s in the trunk.”

  “Then drive safely.” Izzy walked to the bumper of Hale’s SUV and leaned his hip against it.

  Finn adjusted the temperature in the sedan. He was chilled, and he bet Hale was freezing. “I don’t know if Major did that. It seems too physical for him.” He glanced at Hale; she shifted her body in his direction.

  “That’s what I was thinking.” She started ticking off her thoughts on her fingers. “He would’ve needed to drive around to find my SUV, then stop and slit all of the tires. Your light back there is pretty bright, so it seems out of character for him. He was always worried about appearances, what if someone saw him? Plus, I don’t see him having a knife like that with him.”
She sounded a little panicked. “That was a big knife.”

  “Did the cop ask you if you suspected anyone?” Hale had made it clear that she would handle the report with the officer.

  “Yeah, I told him about Major’s behavior tonight. I’m supposed to call him if I can think of anyone else.” Hale didn’t mention any more names.

  “Can you think of anyone else who might want to screw with you?” He was grinding his teeth. He shifted his jaw a few times to ease its tension.

  She combed her hair with her fingers for a few moments. “I don’t know. Can we, I don’t know, can we just stop talking about this tonight?”

  He glanced at her, her head was bowed and her left leg was jiggling. “Yeah, babe, we can.”

  She stayed quiet as he turned onto Main Street and drove through town. “Are you warm, too warm, too cold?” He started fiddling with the buttons, adjusting the temperature. He wanted her to talk. It made him uneasy that she had gone quiet.

  “I really think that you should reconsider getting involved with me. I mean, there has to be plenty of women who don’t come with all of this drama.”

  He let out a chuckle, her concern for him, he could handle. “What kind of woman would you suggest?”

  She let out a sigh. “Maybe someone young, that you could mold, and with no history.”

  “Hmm, your assistant, Ashley, is young and pretty.” He turned his head to smile at her. He wanted it to be clear that he was teasing, hoping that he might take her thoughts off everything that had happened tonight.

  She giggled at that. “I think if Ash had to choose between the two of us, I would be her choice. She isn’t into men right now.”

  That caught him off guard. “And she’s into you?”

  “Could be,” she added mysteriously. “When Jasmine drinks tequila, she spills secrets.”

  She lost him with that. “Wait, are you saying, Jasmine…?” He was shocked and a little intrigued.

  “No!” Hale raised her voice. “Are you insane?” She chuckled. “Jasmine shared a few stories about me after dinner one night.”


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