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You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1)

Page 25

by Jayne, Melanie

  Wes started to stand. “Hale, don’t.”

  Phelps shifted, and viciously kicked Wes’s chair, causing her mentor to fall to the floor. “Shut up.”

  She wanted to run to Wes, she thought she saw his chin hit the edge of the desk. However, she slowed, focusing on Phelps’s movements. Phelps is the problem. Deal with him, then you can get to Wes. Her inner voice spoke calmly in her head.

  “So I guess your problem is with me.” She moved closer, never taking her eyes off the man.

  “Stop right there.” Phelps moved to the front of the desk, closer to her.

  “You know that all of this is a bad idea.” Her voice was calm, almost caring. She stopped moving forward. She waited for his next move, the extinguisher hanging from her left hand.

  “What do you know?” he sneered.

  “I know that you are making this much worse. Mr. Phelps, you can help yourself right now by walking out the back door. But if you hurt us, you are never going to get out of jail. Honestly, you might not make it out of here alive.” Her voice didn’t shake or squeak. She sounded reasonable and confident.

  “So not only are you some kind of financial expert, but now you know the law?” He continued pointing the gun at her.

  “You should think of me as the voice of reason in this situation. Put the gun down.” Her eyes missed nothing, she felt every second that passed. “You have a family, and I know it would break their hearts if you shot one of us.”

  Phelps laughed sarcastically then suddenly stopped. She thought she saw a flash of pain on his face. “Like my boys are proud of me now.” He sounded bitter.

  She slowly took a step forward. “They’re your family. They’ll forgive you for taking money to make their lives easier. They’ll understand. You did it to help them, because you love them. Don’t let this go any farther.” Where the fuck did this acting ability come from?

  She heard a loud thud in the waiting room. Phelps jerked, trying to see around her, through the open doorway. Hale didn’t hesitate. The moment Phelps took his eyes off her, she moved forward and swung the fire extinguisher at his head. She raised it high and used it like a baseball bat. The contact jarred her arms and shot pain through to her shoulders.

  There was a loud explosion, then everything went quiet. Phelps fell to the floor and she scurried backward with so much momentum that she fell on her ass.

  Suddenly there was noise, yelling, and movement everywhere. She was trying to figure out what the hell happened. Fuck, who cares? I’m alive. She started laughing hysterically. Her muscles gave out and she rolled onto her side, her vision hazy.

  A man’s voice was saying “Hale, Hale, stop moving.”

  Bobby Newman, a police officer that she went to high school with, was kneeling over her. “Hi Bobby.” She tried to sit up.

  “Ah, hi. Why don’t you stay down for a sec?” He put his hands on her shoulders to ease her back to the floor.

  “But I want to see.” A wave of dizziness hit her. “OK.” She closed her eyes. She had always liked Bobby, so she would do as he asked. Resting for a moment sounded good, since she was suddenly very, very tired. Wow, being a badass was a lot of work.

  Another voice, this one female. “Ms. Cameron, Hale, did you hit your head?”

  She felt hands running through her hair, touching her scalp. “No, I don’t think so.” She looked for Bobby. He was still beside her.

  “Hey, she’s bleeding.” Bobby waved his arm at the medic; his sleeve was soaked with blood.

  Who are they talking about? Hale felt her head spin.

  “Oh shit, she’s been hit. She’s got blood on her leg.” Bobby sounded rattled.

  Hale felt like a TV was on in another room, she could make out the words, but she wasn’t following the story. She was cold, and her leg was throbbing as the woman, Dawn, poked it. She tried to keep eye contact with Bobby. He wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her.

  She felt hands prod her body as she answered questions. Dawn leaned over and tapped her cheek. “Hale, we’re going to take you to the hospital now. It might hurt when we move you, but we are going to start the pain medication real soon.”

  “What happened to my leg? Did I turn my ankle?” Her brain was sluggish.

  Bobby’s voice helped her focus. “You got shot, Hale. I don’t think it’s too bad, but we need a doctor to look at you.”

  “I got shot?” The words didn’t make sense.

  “You’re going to be fine.” Bobby patted her shoulder.

  “Wes, is Wes OK? What about Ina? I found her first.” Hale again tried to sit up. Her brain was starting to work again.

  Hands held her down. “Stop moving around, tough girl. Wes is already on the way to the hospital and Ina isn’t too far behind him.”

  “But they’re going to be OK, right?” She needed to hear it.

  “I think so,” Bobby assured her. “You saved them.”

  Dawn leaned over her so that she could see her clearly, “We’re going to put you on the cart now.”

  She felt intense pain shoot up her right leg and her side, as she was lifted. She cried out.

  “Hang on, you’re good now.” A male EMT tried to calm her.

  It felt weird; she was lying on the cart and it was moving, it made her head spin.

  Dawn warned, “Easy now, the steps might jar your body a little.”

  She moaned as they moved her down the steps. The sunlight blinded her for a moment then she saw the flashing lights and heard voices yelling.

  She tried to concentrate on breathing in and out, trying not to think about the pain and the ride on the cart.

  “Oh, fuck, Hale! Hale.” She heard Finn’s voice clearly.

  “Finn, Finn!” She tried to sit up to find him, but she was strapped securely down. The pain intensified as she fought those restraints.

  “Hale.” Finn was beside her, trying to touch her.

  “Sir, you need to step back.” One of the medics told him.

  “No, no I need him.” She could only move her hands; she couldn’t reach out to him.

  The cart stopped.

  She didn’t realize that she was crying, until he ran his fingers along her cheek.

  She watched Bobby move next to Finn. “Man, just hang on, you can ride in the ambulance with her. Just hold on. She needs you to be calm now.”

  “OK. I’m OK now.” Finn turned back to her. “Christ, Hale, you scared the shit out of me.”

  Finn’s eyes were wild and his hair was messed up. She was still crying. “I’m sorry.”

  “Hale, you’re OK. You’re going to be fine.” She wasn’t sure if he was reassuring her or himself. His hand found hers.


  Finn paced the hospital waiting room. He kept moving so the others wouldn’t try to talk to him, telling him how lucky it was that Hale wasn’t dead. He felt out of control, angry, frightened, and so thankful that Hale was going to be fine.

  God, he would never forget her face. She was so pale when they finally let him through to see her. He rode in the ambulance and he watched the medic work on her. Now he was waiting along with everyone else. He continued moving as he tried to make some sense out of what had happened.

  Jasmine cornered him, grabbing his arm. “Stop the pacing. You’re making me crazy.”

  He started to snap at her, but he saw evidence that she had been crying. “I’m just…she just…” His voice cracked.

  She pulled him into her arms. “I know, Finn, I know.” She held him tightly.

  Moe shuffled over, looking as if he’d aged ten years. “You both need to calm down. She’s going to be fine.” Moe stared at them both for a moment to let that sink in. “I sent Izzy to get drinks. They’re going to let two people go back as soon as Hale finishes making her statement. I think it should be you two who get to see her. Now get yourselves under control, she doesn’t need you to be crying all over her.”

  Finn dropped into a chair. “I don’t know what she was thinking. She could have gotten
killed.” During the ambulance ride, Hale had told Finn everything. He’d shared the story with the Bentons. “Christ, she waltzed in there like she could take on a desperate man with a gun.”

  Moe sat beside him. “She was protecting Wes.”

  “She knew the cops were coming. She didn’t have to go in there.” Finn didn’t try to mask his anger.

  “Jesus, Finn, this is Hale we’re talking about. She cares about Wes. She wouldn’t have been able to stand there waiting, not while Wes was in danger.” Jasmine sounded angry as she crossed her long legs and began to swing one back and forth.

  Moe patted Finn’s knee. “What she did was dangerous, but she may have saved Wes’s life. She’s a hero.”

  “A stupid hero.” Finn didn’t let go of his frustration. What the fuck was she thinking?

  “I doubt that Wes and Ina see it that way.” Jasmine snapped.

  Fuck, she was right. He let out a deep sigh. “I guess this is an example of her loyalty.” He still didn’t sound happy.

  Jasmine started to smile. “You’d better get used to it.”

  “I know you were scared, son.” Moe’s arthritic fingers circled Finn’s forearm. “We all were.”

  “Let your anger out now, Finn,” Jasmine advised. “Don’t you go in there and take it out on her.” She gave him a fierce look. “We could have lost her…” Jasmine’s voice cracked and she dropped her head into her hands.

  Finn rubbed his hand up and down Jasmine’s back to comfort her,

  Matt approached. “Finn, a word.”

  They walked to an area at the side of the waiting room, where they could have a little privacy.

  “What?” Finn didn’t try to hide his irritation at the interruption.

  “I’ve arranged for a press conference in an hour.” Matt stated.

  “Now? I haven’t even been in to see Hale yet.” Finn kept looking toward the doorway leading to the examining rooms, hoping a nurse would materialize and motion for him.

  “I understand. However, the press is already outside and the Indy stations are on their way. You need to make a statement and answer some questions along with the D.A. and the Police Chief.” Finn glanced at his assistant. Matt didn’t appear worried. He looked excited, like he was thrilled to be in the middle of the event.

  “You do it.” Finn countered. Matt could handle things and let Chet Wiggins, the Chief of Police, take most of the questions.

  “Your girlfriend is the hero. First, she finds the crime and then she stops the perpetrator by bashing in his skull. She saved two elderly people by taking a fire extinguisher to a gunfight. It will be a huge story. I’m sure it will go national. I have everyone at the office ready to handle the phones. This is going to be great for your career.” Matt grinned, obviously very pleased with his work.

  Finn took a menacing step toward his assistant. His hand balled into a fist, ready to punch him in the face. He held on, but only by a thread. Instead, he said in a low, threatening voice, “My woman got shot. She could have died, and you want me to go out and give my career a bump. What kind of person are you? Christ, do you even have a heart?”

  Matt reached out to grab his arm. “Hey man, calm down. I get that she was injured, but she is going to recover.” Matt dropped his hold.

  He shook with anger. “She was shot. She faced an armed, desperate man. Do you know how lucky she is to be alive?” His voice was loud and people had turned to watch.

  “Finn.” Moe’s stern tone caught his attention. “You can go back now.”

  Finn gave Matt one last scathing glance as he walked toward the nurse waiting with Jasmine.

  Hale was sitting up in the bed; she was hooked up to several machines. Her face broke into a tentative smile when she saw them enter her room.

  The nurse stood by the door. “She may fall asleep on you, please try to keep the conversation calm.”

  Finn thanked her, but kept looking at Hale.

  Jasmine kissed Hale’s cheek and broke into tears.

  “I’m fine, Jazzy. It’s going to be OK.” She tried to hug Jasmine with one arm.

  Jasmine returned her best friend’s hug and slowly moved away.

  Hale watched him approach the other side of her bed with wariness. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, that I made you mad.” Her words were rushed.

  He said, “Shh,” and kissed her lips. He stood over her and did a full body scan. “I can’t believe you charged in there. What were you thinking?” He tried to soften his tone, but it still sounded harsh.

  “Finn…” Jasmine gave him an angry, warning look.

  “I’m not really sure,” she stammered.

  Jasmine cleared her throat. “Finn, can I talk to you a moment?”

  “No.” He continued standing by Hale’s bedside staring at the crazy, stupid woman that he loved.

  “If you are going to be a dick, then I’m going to wait in the hallway until the doctor comes in.” She didn’t look pleased.

  “You don’t have to leave.” Hale said.

  “Yes she does,” he told Jasmine without even looking at her.

  He heard a rustle and then Jasmine’s voice. “Before you start in, take a look at her. She’s drugged up and half out of it. Now’s not the time.”

  He took a good look at Hale. She had closed her eyes. He ran his hand through his hair and walked to the chair resting against the wall. He moved it closer to Hale’s bed. She was breathing deeply and her face looked relaxed. She had fallen asleep.

  He sat in the uncomfortable chair and watched her for a few minutes.

  “Are you watching me, lying here with my eyes closed?” Her words were a little slurred.

  “Right now, I’m just happy that I’m not looking at you on a slab,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Well, that was morbid.” She turned her head in his direction.

  “Matt wants me to do a press conference.” Fuck, he was blowing this. He didn’t want to tell her that, he should be telling her how much he loved her. His hand was in his hair again.


  “Like in less than an hour. So I might have to leave.” He pulled her hand into his, holding it tightly. It wasn’t enough, he really wanted to climb into bed and hold her.

  “I’m sure that people will have questions.” She gave a weak smile. Her lids drooped again.

  “Hale?” he asked quietly, in case she had drifted off.

  “Hmm.” She opened her eyes slowly.

  “Did you even think about me for a minute? Before you decided to bust in there, did you think about what would happen if he killed you? What would happen to me? How I would feel?” His voice was filled with hurt. He’d tried to hold it in but he needed to know.

  She looked away.

  He pulled back as if slapped. She fucking wouldn’t meet his look.

  She started to speak. “I—” The door opened and a man in scrubs walked in, followed closely by Jasmine.

  After the introductions, the doctor outlined her injuries. The bullet had grazed her thigh in two locations. The good news was that they were going to release her. She needed rest and to take antibiotics to ward off infection.

  “You’re coming home with me,” Jasmine declared.

  “But…” Hale tried to speak.

  “You can stay in the guest room. It’s on the first floor and I can monitor the flow of your visitors. I want to take care of you.”


  “And Finn will be across the street.” Jasmine smiled encouragingly at him.

  He needed some time alone to think about Hale’s non-answer. It killed him that she didn’t even think about him before she acted. Did she even love him? They were back to square one. He was totally in love with her and she was what? Could he ever be the first thing that she thought of? That was what he had always wanted with her, that they loved each other completely and selflessly.

  He noticed that Hale was looking at him expectantly. “I think that sounds like a good plan.” He answered blandly,
his mind on his conclusion and the resulting ache in his heart.

  Jasmine gave him a questioning look. “Hale, honey, I need this. OK?” Her voice had turned ragged, asking that of her friend.

  “Fine.” Hale gave Jasmine an understanding smile.

  The doctor continued giving instructions, and closed by saying that he would send a nurse in with the paperwork in a few minutes.

  They all seemed to sense the strained atmosphere in the room.

  Finally Hale spoke. “Do you know where my jacket is? I took it off before I went into Wes’s office.”

  “I’m assuming it’s a piece of evidence, so the police probably have it. Why?” Finn was only listening with a part of his brain. He didn’t make eye contact.

  “My keys, wallet, and phone are in the pockets. Do you think I can get those?”

  “I’ll get Moe or Izzy to find out,” Jasmine assured her. “I’m going to go out and tell everybody what’s going on. Then I’m going to get Izzy to pull my car up to the entrance.”

  “I should check in with Matt.” Finn told her.

  “Oh, you need to go, right now?” She looked sad.

  He hated seeing her look that way, lost and hurting. “It can wait.” That came out sounding annoyed, so he tried to soften it by running his hand down her forearm to comfort her. He loved her, but God, he was disappointed in her. Had her mother done so much damage that she couldn’t have a relationship with him?

  Jasmine paused by the door and turned to Finn. “You need to stay here. Matt is a big boy and should be handling everything on his own.” She turned on her heel and left the room.

  “Will you hold my hand?” Hale asked softly, she searched his face.

  He reached over and took her hand.

  She closed her eyes. “I’m not going to fall asleep. My head feels funny from the pain meds and it helps if I shut my eyes.”

  “Then close them.” He stared at her hand gripped in his. He had always thought that she had beautiful, graceful hands with long slender fingers. Christ, she’d bashed in a man’s skull gripping a fire extinguisher. They looked so small and fragile in his. He shook his head, trying to erase that visual.

  Of course, it took longer than a few minutes for the nurse to come in to unhook Hale from the machines. She did doze for a few minutes. Finally, she had signed the paperwork, and was being pushed in a wheelchair to Jasmine’s Mercedes.


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