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Descent (The Immortal Chronicles Book 1)

Page 13

by Sloane Murphy

“Good luck in there sweetheart, you’re going to need it. Try not to lose your soul okay?” she says with such nonchalance, I think she's joking before realising that's not what she does. They walk through the doors in front of us, leaving me in the doorway wondering if it's too late to run back to my cage and hide. Surely it's safer in there if the people who kidnapped me are wishing me luck in here?

  I take a deep breath and put on the game face Michael spoke of, steeling myself to the horrors through those doors. I take a step into the room and silence descends around me, with all eyes on me. I freeze like a deer in a spotlight before I remember Michael’s words. I lift my chin and straighten my shoulders before walking further into the room, taking in everything around me and pretending it doesn’t disturb me in every manner. I walk straight to an empty table across the room, sit down and pretend like I belong here. I flick my eyes across the room, not wanting to look at any one thing for too long. There are so many beings in here; I wouldn't even know where to begin. It's then I realise I’m surrounded by Demons. Holy fuck! I try to keep my breaths even as I search the room for someone, anyone I recognise, when I see her. She's locking in a birdcage, wearing basically nothing, and she looks as terrified as I feel. I get up slowly and make my way towards her, trying not to draw any attention to myself. I’m halfway across to her when I hear him.

  “There you are Addie; I was wondering when you'd find me,’ Kaden purrs. I turn around and see him in a silver, grey tux and black tie. He looks like a character from a book. Perfect and chiselled, except for the cold that fills his eyes. The warmth he greeted me with days before gone. “Come on now pet, I have some guests to introduce you to,” he says as he grabs my waist, his fingers push into my skin just hard enough that I can't fight him. He drags me over to what I assume is his table, as he sits in the empty chair and sits me on his lap.

  “So this is your latest spoils huh Kaden?” A dark skinned man with silver hair and blue eyes asks.

  “Something like that Lucan, this one is for him.”

  “So why is she here? Surely he’d want to keep all that purity for himself?” he asks, with hunger in his eyes as he looks over me. Kaden shrugs.

  “Maybe he wants her a little dirtied up before he gets to her. So she isn’t so stiff,” he replies before taking a swig of his drink.

  “I am here you know. I’m not a mute freaking doll.”

  “Ooh she has fire. She’s going to be fun to play with,” Lucan laughs.

  “She has a name! And she is not a toy. I am not a toy. Jeez! You know what I mean! Regardless, none of you will be dirtying me up, and just as soon as I can, I am outta here,” I say and try to stand, but I’m restricted by Kaden’s arm wrapped around my stomach. I turn and glare at him, and he looks at me with mischievous eyes. What the hell is his end game? And who the hell is he on about handing me over to? I seriously need to up my escaping game.

  “Drink Addie?” Kaden asks with that glint still in his eyes.

  “Would it matter if I said no?” I ask him, meeting his eyes with my own. I will not cower in front of him. Not here. Even if this is where he wants me to cower. He laughs at me and signals to a girl across the room who brings us two glasses. One with thick red liquid which is handed over to Kaden, man I hope that's wine, and one to me with a dark brown colour. Kaden looks at me expectantly, and I decide to choose my battles and lift the liquid to my lips and take a sip. The sweetness and the bubbles overwhelm me. I’ve never tasted anything so sweet, and I’m sure the sour look on my face is what causes the entire table to laugh.

  “What?” I ask.

  “I think, my dear, that we all forget how limited your life's experiences have been. It's almost refreshing to see someone new to the real world. There is so much I have to teach you, so much for you to experience,” Kaden says to me, chuckling softly.

  I just can't get a read on him. One minute he’s hard and unrelenting, and then others he’s soft and sweet. Don't get me wrong, there is always an underlying coldness to him, a darkness visible through his eyes, but just sometimes, that cracks and he makes me wonder why he picked the side he did.

  He ignores me again and talks to the people at the table, while I take in more of the room. There are more of the birdcages that I spotted earlier on dotted around the room, each with a girl around my age in, dressed, if you can even call it that, in skimpy leather underwear in different styles. There are some hanging from the ceilings too. Those girls look more comfortable in their cages, dancing to the beat of the music that plays in the background, they want eyes on them.

  The people surrounding me are not people I’m used to being around, but I know they’re not human. I’ve studied enough Demon lore to know that this room is not full of nice people. I can see a woman with grey skin, long black hair, put up in a high pony tail, most of her body on display other than a metal type corset, and a chain link skirt. Her ears are pointy, and her eyes make her appear Asian. She's beautiful in a dangerous type of way. Sexy is probably more apt. Her eyes are a striking green and they appear to glow, and the ink that covers her body looks like it moves. I wrack my brain and realise that she’s probably a dark Elf; one of the few legions of Fae who sided with the Demon King during the war. I look away from her, the last thing I want is to draw more attention to myself than necessary, and keep scanning the room. I see Banshees and Gorgons, mixed with human looking Demons that I can’t place. I see shades dotted around the perimeter, their greying skin, and yellowing eyes and nails making them stick out. I look back at the girls in the raised cages and realise their succubae; their red glowing eyes giving them away.

  I feel so freaking overwhelmed right now, I can barely keep my thoughts in order. There are so many different things around me; it's taking everything I can not to freak out. I’m used to Fae and Vampyrs, but the thought of being trapped in a room with this many Demons, and no Red Guard scares the absolute shit out of me. Kaden must notice that I’ve tensed because he leans closer to me and whispers in my ear.

  “They won't hurt you sweetheart. They’re not the bad guys.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me? Not the bad guys? I’m in a room of freaking Demons and you kidnapped me!” I hiss.

  “Okay, so I’ll admit we’ve all done not so stellar things, but we’re not bad people.”

  “That's because you're not people!”

  “Touché. Regardless, as long as you do what you're told, you won't be harmed. Do you understand me?”

  I nod because there's not much more I can do. Kaden returns to his conversation and loosens his hold around my waist. I want to go and find that girl I saw, something about her looked familiar and I want to know why. I tap Kaden’s arm and tell him I need to pee and he nods, pointing me in the direction of the toilets. I head in the direction he points me before detouring back to where I saw her earlier. I find her cage and see her sat in the middle, trying to cover herself with her arms, folded into herself. I walk up to the cage and she starts to cry, moving backwards away from me. She shakes her head at me, waving her arms as if to stop me.

  “Please no, not me, there are so many other girls here that would be better. Just please, please, don’t pick me!” she mutters out through her tears. I kneel down to her level and look her in the eyes. Purple. Holy shit, she's Fae!

  “I’m not going to hurt you I swear! My name’s Addie,” I say to her when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Michael standing above me with a disapproving look, which doesn't look like it belongs on his face.

  “Addie, you shouldn't be here doll. If Kaden saw you, well, let's not go there. Let's get you back to your table,” he says with a sad smile, lifting me to my feet effortlessly.

  “Who is she Michael? And why the hell is she here? Why is she in that cage, absolutely terrified?” I ask. I can’t contain it. I’m furious at them all. How dare they treat her, treat anyone, like this! They might have me held captive, but I’m not out on parade like she is.

  “You’ll see soon enough doll. Now you go
sit down,” he says, pushing me back towards Kaden.

  Kaden sees me and I can see the questions on his face about my new mood. He looks behind me to Michael, I miss his reaction, but from the look now on Kaden’s face, I’m going to say it wasn’t in my favour! Kaden gets up and raises his hand to me, beckoning me to him. I take a deep breath and walk towards him. He grabs my wrist and sits, pulling me down with him, thankfully not on his lap this time.

  “You shouldn’t go exploring around here girl. You have no idea where you are.”

  “Maybe not. But I’m already here against my will, with no idea what the hell I’m doing here, and obviously my every move is being tracked. It's not like I can go far,” I say crossing my arms. Ok so maybe I look like a brat right now, but I want some answers. “Why am I here Kaden? Why do you have a Fae locked in a cage? What is this place?”

  “You're an inquisitive little thing aren’t you girl? I suggest you learn your place and do as you’re told. Things could be much worse for you if you’d like?” he says to me. The look on his face is so cold, he could probably kill me where I sit and have no feeling about it.

  Just then the lights dim, and are replaced with light from the lamps on each of the tables in here, that I hadn’t noticed before. The music volume increases, and space clears on the floor in front of me. That's when I see all of the grounded cages, each of the girls looking terrified. Kaden stands and leaves me at the table, Celeste takes his seat. Her time to baby-sit I guess. I see Kaden get up and he walks over to where the cages are, and stands in the middle of the floor.

  “Welcome to the Night Rooms. For those of you who have been here before, you know how the game works. For those of you who have not. Stick to the rules, or the game could end in the best way possible. Brutally,” he says with a wicked gleam in his eye. The way the dim light illuminates him, makes him appear more than he is. Bigger, scarier, more threatening even. “Enjoy your spoils, and remember. All is fair in love and war.”

  The lights go out and we’re drowned in darkness. Then the music starts so loud I cover my ears, but it still penetrates through. The lights start flashing, red strobe lights. The effect is terrifying. I look around me, and all I can see are glimpses of people walking away from my table. I huddle myself into the chair, trying to make myself small. That’s when I hear the screams over the music. What the hell is this place?

  I feel a hand on my shoulder and I scream. This place is turning me into a total wuss. I look up and see a face I don’t know smiling down at me, and shivers run down my spine. That smile is not a friendly smile. I try to stand and remove his grip, but he holds tighter, keeping me where I am. I grab his wrist and try to pull his hand off of my shoulder. His fingers are digging into my skin so much, it feels like he’s going to push through it. I pull harder and the smile leaves his face. He brings his face to mine, so close I can feel his breath on my lip, and he licks my face. I’m so grossed out I forget to be afraid and punch him square in the jaw, and motherfucker my hand! The impact floors him and I get up and run, the pain in my hand second to my instinct to get away. I see the door I entered through and head towards it, weaving through the crowd. I try not to pay attention to what’s happening around me, it’s like a pool of depravity.

  That’s when I see her, hidden in the corner of the room trying to stay out of sight. I rush over to her and she tries to push herself into the wall, trying to get away. Her purple eyes pleading with me not to notice her.

  “Hey, look I’m not going to hurt you. My name’s Addie, and I’m not here by choice either, but I do have somewhere we can go and get away from all of this. You’re just going to have to trust me okay?” I say to her hurriedly, looking around making sure no-one has seen me. She nods slowly and I grab her wrist and pull her behind me, out of the door and into the silence of the corridor. Why they have no-one watching these doors is beyond me. Kaden has some serious security issues, but as it works in my favour, I’ll be damned if I’m the one who tells him about it.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” I hear quietly. I turn to her and see her tear stained face, the tears running silently and continuously.

  “I swear, I’m not going to hurt you,” I say to her and her eyes go wide.

  “You can hear me?” I hear, but her lips didn’t move. Holy crap. What sort of Fae is she? I’ve never heard of one that could project their thoughts.

  “Erm, yeah, I guess I did. How did you do that?” I ask, trying not to let the panic take over.

  “I didn’t do anything,” he says to me in a shaky, quiet voice. “Please, help me.” She reminds me so much of Liv in this moment, it almost buckles me. Her long blonde hair is dirty and matted, dirt mars her skin, and it pains me. My training starts to kick in. She is my new mission; keep her safe. I stand up straight and brush myself down.

  “I’ve been trained for the Red Guard, I will do everything I can to protect you,” I say to her, and she looks at me sceptically.

  “There’s never been a girl in the guard, and if you are in the guard, how did you end up here?” she asks. I look around, we can’t have much time before people start to notice we’re gone.

  “I never said I was in the guard, just that I trained for the guard. Now are you going to follow me, or do you want to just stand here and wait for them to find us?”

  “I’m sorry, you’re right. It’s just been so long since I’ve come across someone who isn’t trying to use or abuse me, it’s hard to trust you, you know. Anyway, I’m Rose, Rose Frostheart. Please tell me you have a way out of here?”

  “Nope, sorry, no way out. But I have somewhere safer than here,” I say with much more confidence than I feel.

  “Hold on, did you say Frostheart? As in the Royal Fae family from the Isles, Frostheart?” she nods. Holy crap! No pressure Addie. The maze to get down here was so intricate, I have no idea if I can make it back to where they have been keeping me, without someone finding us. I just want to get her back, let her get clean and let her sleep. If someone finds us then, well I’ll deal with that when it happens. “Come on, let’s go.”

  I look at the warriors around the table in front of me, my Elite, and I wonder how it is possible that between the eight of us we can’t find one girl. We have toppled Empires and destroyed legions of Demons, but we can't find her. The faces looking back at me share the same frustration I feel, but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re failing.

  “How is it that no-one knows where Kaden is? Surely he’s not so well hidden, someone must be helping him. Does anybody have an update? Even a whisper or a lead?” I say, trying to keep the desperation from my voice.

  “Xander, we have nothing. We’ve had nothing for weeks; we can’t keep putting all of our resources into finding just one girl. We have bigger matters we need to be focusing on. We’ve had two attacks here, one ending up in a captive, if she's even still alive; we need to go about protecting here and the Valoires’,” Rome says. I look into his pitch black eyes and see that he doesn't understand the gravity of the situation.

  “Rome, you have fought alongside me ever since the Fall. You should know by now that I do nothing without reason. He wants her for something, we have no idea what, but I can almost guarantee whatever it is, it's not going to end well for us. You know as well as I do who Kaden answers to these days. He’s not calling the shots, he's following orders, and I for one, don't want to be the one who just kicks this aside and let's whatever it is they want set in motion, play out.

  “Well we’re not going to get any answers just sitting here,” Dimitri says, standing from the table and walking over to the cabinet in the corner of the room. He reaches into one of the cupboards and pulls out a bottle of bourbon, then grabs a tower of glasses and brings them over to the table and pours out a shot for all eight of us.

  “We all need a break, there has been a constant threat of late, and not one of us has had time to catch a breath.” He tips the drink back and smiles over at us. This is why he will always be my right hand, he reads people
so well, and seems to know exactly what to do to help everyone. The tone of the room changes and everyone relaxes, and it feels like it did before, before the Dark War.

  Back then, we were hidden; it was an entirely different world. The humans were thriving. It was the age of technology, and the world was expanding, at the same time as becoming smaller. It was the time of the Internet, mobile phones, and the world was your oyster. I have been on this earth for thousands of years, and watching it bloom and destroy itself has been a never-ending cycle. But the outbreak was different. It was almost like the world was trying to revert itself, to the way it was before the Fall. I shudder when I think of it. The way it rampaged across the world, wiping out millions of people, indiscriminate in its choosing of victims. The death of so many affected us all. It is one of the reasons I chose for my syreline to stand with the Fae, they wanted to restore the world to its natural glory, to revel in the beauty and wonders the world can provide. Some of them have been here longer than I have. They come from the earth, they worship it, draw their powers from it. I wanted to bring that back, and Cole didn’t want that, he wanted to rule and destroy what little was left. His vision of the world was twisted; he wanted to punish those who made him hide in the old world. If he’d had his way, humans would have been his slaves, so would the Fae. His selfish reasoning’s were not enough to sway me, or thankfully, most of my brothers. The five who sided with him, well, Kaden is an example of them, we once fought side by side, brothers in arms, and now he fights for the very thing that goes against our nature. He seeks to destroy rather than build, still bitter about our lives after the Fall, hiding from the humans. His views matched Cole’s almost completely. I wasn't surprised when I learned of his betrayal, but I was still disappointed.

  “Brother, don’t look so glum,” Dimitri says to me across the table, pulling me from my thoughts, I look at those around me and see the jovial looks on their faces. He’s right. I need to dedicate this night to them. Celebrate the wins of late rather than focus on the losses. I lift my glass to them and sip the bourbon, welcoming the burn it brings.


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