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The Dragon Lord

Page 11

by Connie Mason

  Dominic whirled, not at all surprised to find Raj standing behind him. “Aye, Raj, indeed I do. I want you to watch my wife. You are the only one who can do it without attracting notice.”

  Raj sent him an inscrutable look. “Am I to protect Lady Rose, my lord? She appears passing fond of her uncle. Think you he would harm her?”

  “I am not sure. She might, however, betray me.”

  Raj was clearly taken aback.“You jest, master. Your lady would not betray you. She is English to the core.”

  “Rose likes me not,” Dominic groused. “She cannot forget that the king executed her father and gave me her demesne. She has good reason to change her allegiance. Her motheris a Scot, after all.”

  “As you wish, master,” Raj said, “but who will protect your back while I am watching Lady Rose?”

  “Worry not about me, Raj, I am fully capable of protecting myself.”

  The hall was full to bursting that night as everyone gathered for the evening meal. A bard had shown up at the gate, offering his special skill in return for a meal and a night’s lodging. Despite the crowded conditions, Dominic was quick to offer his hospitality. He enjoyed a good tale as much as the next man and looked forward to the evening’s entertainment.

  Dominic thrummed his fingers on the table as he waited for Rose to arrive so the meal could commence. He noted with a measure of satisfaction that conversation flowed easily, and he hoped that his suspicions about the Scotsmen were wrong. He would not know for sure, though, until MacTavish announced his attention to return home. And even then he would remain watchful.

  Dominic glanced impatiently toward the solar, relieved when he saw Rose descending the stairs. His gaze slid over her shapely body, admiring the way her gold-trimmed green tunic flowed over the swell of her hips and the narrowness of her waist beneath a jeweled girdle. She looked almost regal with her blond braids wound around her head like a crown and covered with a sheer linen veil, held in place by a circlet of gold. He noted her eating knife dangling from her waist, and an unbidden smile curved his lips. How could she possibly think she could hurt him with that insignificant weapon?

  As Rose glided toward him, Dominic felt himself grow hard in response and wondered how in God’s name he was going to get through the meal without embarrassing himself.

  “Good evening, my lord,” Rose said with cool disdain.

  Dominic rose and seated her with admirable aplomb, considering his state of arousal. Thank God for his braies and tunic.

  “Your greeting lacks warmth, wife,” Dominic said as he signaled the servants to begin serving the meal. “I am your husband, not a stranger.”

  Rose sent him an acerbic look.” Tis no more than you deserve, my lord. I do not enjoy being laughed at. Nor do I like being threatened or falsely accused.”

  Dominic helped himself from a platter of roasted lamb, chose a tender piece for Rose and placed it on her side of the trencher.“Did I accuse you falsely? Do you deny plotting against me with your uncle?”

  Indignation flashed in Rose’s eyes. “I do not need to defend myself to you. Think what you want, my lord.” She lifted her eating knife and carefully cut her meat into manageable pieces.

  “Rose,” Dominic warned, “why do you insist on taunting me? Think you that eating knife frightens me? Or that sword you brandished the day you challenged me at the portcullis?”

  “Obviously not, but I hardly think it was amusing,” Rose huffed.

  “I am a warrior. I can’t help being amused by women who arm themselves like men and pretend fierceness.”

  Rose took a dainty bite of lamb, chewed, swallowed, then said,“‘Twas no pretense, my lord.” She let that statement sink in, then blithely continued.“Neither of us married mates of our own choosing. We have naught in common. The king you champion is a man I hold in contempt. Yet we must try to make the most of our unfortunate marriage. I have been thinking,” she ventured, “that I should like to visit my uncle’s demesne. An extended stay in Scotland may be the answer to our dilemma.”

  A surge of anger nearly toppled Dominic from his chair. So he had not been wrong about Rose. What kind of mischief was she planning with her uncle?

  “If you are thinking of dallying with Gunn,” he said very slowly, “forget it. No wife of mine will become another man’s whore.”

  Rose knew she was deliberately goading Dragon, but it felt good. She would never forgive him for laughing at her. Though she had no intention of leaving Dragonwyck with her uncle, needling Dragon soothed her hurt pride. It did surprise her, however, that Dragon thought she wanted Gunn. It was even more startling that he sounded jealous of the Scotsman.

  Rose suppressed a smile. Dragon cared naught for her, so why would he be jealous? The reason came to her in a burst of insight. Dragon was a possessive man, one who did not relinquish easily that which he considered his. She was his property, like Dragonwyck, and was to be held at all costs. Rose pondered her lowly place in Dragon’s life and wondered how long it would be before he sent for his mistress.

  “Rose, did you hear me?” Dominic growled. “You will not leave Dragonwyck without my permission, nor are you to seek out Gunn for any reason.”

  “Once again you accuse me falsely,” Rose charged.“I am not interested in Gunn.”

  “What are you interested in?” Dominic asked.

  “My home. My family. Our people.”

  “Do you want children, Rose?”

  “I always thought children would be a blessing and a comfort,” Rose said wistfully.

  Dragon’s expression gave away nothing of his thoughts. Was he thinking about the children he might have had with his mistress? Rose wondered. A daunting thought occurred to her. Did he want that other woman to be the mother of his children?

  Rose blurted out the question before she could change her mind. The expression on Dominic’s face made her wish she had held her tongue.

  “You are the woman who can give me legitimate children, not Veronica.”

  Veronica. Now she knew the name of the woman he loved. But when Rose considered his answer, she decided he had adeptly evaded her question.

  “I know you did not ask,” Dominic continued, “but I will tell you anyway. I want children, Rose. There is not a man alive who does not want heirs. One day our son will be Lord of Dragonwyck.”

  Rose swallowed convulsively. The thought of having Dragon’s children brought her no pleasure when she knew that the father of her future children loved another woman.

  “Mayhap I am barren,” Rose said for lack of a better answer.

  “Time will tell,” Dominic said. Abruptly he changed the subject. “Did your uncle say when he was leaving?”

  Rose was not sorry to see the end of the previous discussion and answered with alacrity. “Nay, but I doubt his visit will be an extended one. He must return soon to protect his demesne from rival clans.”

  “Good,” Dominic said as he placed a portion of stewed root vegetables on the trencher. “I will not be sorry to see the last of him. I have been thinking,” he continued,“Christmastide is a perfect time for a celebration. We could invite the marcher barons and their families and announce our marriage at the same time.‘Tis time I met those of King John’s barons whom I do not already know.”

  “You wish to hold a fete?” Rose repeated.“Tis a great undertaking, my lord. Rooms must be prepared and the keep cleaned from top to bottom. We need to send out hunters and fishermen immediately, and make sure enough help is available to cook and prepare food for the banqueting tables.”

  “Can it be done?” Dominic asked.

  Actually, the idea of a Christmas celebration excited Rose. Visiting with friends from other baronies was always a treat. Organizing a grand fete would be difficult in the short time available, but not impossible.

  “Aye, it can be done with enough help.”

  “We can hold the celebration between Christmas Day and Twelfth Night, with activities like hunting and hawking on each of the twelve days,”
Dominic decided. “My knights will provide fresh game and fish, and I will send out riders with invitations to the marcher barons. Does that meet with your approval?”

  “Aye. Mama and Papa always handed out gifts on the first day of January,” Rose said wistfully. “Each villein received a length of cloth and food. I hope there is enough cloth in our stores to accommodate our people.”

  “You must check the stores,” Dominic said. “We, too, will make gifts to our people.”

  Rose nodded silent agreement, keeping her most fervent wish to herself. She wanted her mother and Starla to visit Dragonwyck during the festivities but did not know how Dragon would react to her request.

  The meal ended, and a place was cleared in the center of the hall for the bard. Rose had not been on hand when he had arrived earlier in the day and was surprised at his advanced age. Though he was strong in body and limb, his hair was long and white, as was his beard. But his twinkling blue eyes showed no sign of age; they were as bright and inquisitive as a youth’s.

  “His name is Cynric,“Dominic said as the bard sat cross-legged on a bench and signaled for quiet.

  Cynric began his story. It was an exciting tale about a brave knight and his daring exploits, and Rose sat on the edge of her seat as the story unfolded. Cynric described a knight of spectacular courage, a veritable dragon, and told of his battles against infidels, of the terrible wound he had incurred, and of the freed slave who had become his shadow and his protector.

  It was not long into the tale that Rose realized the story was about Dragon. The flesh on the back of her neck prickled when the bard spoke of Dragon’s prowess with women and how he had finally fallen in love with a woman of extraordinary beauty, a fearless warrior woman of exceptional courage. Rose nearly laughed aloud, for nothing could be further from the truth.

  Rose glanced at Dragon, surprised to see him watching her. She met his gaze unflinchingly, but warmth heated her cheeks.

  “He is talking about you, Rose,” Dominic said. “You are the warrior woman in Cynric’s story.”

  “That seems highly unlikely,” Rose scoffed, returning her attention to the bard, who was nearing the end of his tale. She knew better than to believe Dragon loved her, for she was no fool. The skilled bard was simply making a story more interesting by embellishing it with untruths.

  “Cynric tells a good story,” Rose said. “You should invite him to return for the Christmas festivities, or mayhap he will remain for the winter and regale us nightly with his tales.”

  ” Tis a thought,” Dominic said.

  The bard finished his story and began another, this one about a lady imprisoned in a tower and her brave rescuer. Rose was engrossed in the tale when Dominic leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Shall we to bed, wife?”

  “Nay. I wish to hear the end of the story.*

  His eyes glowed hot with desire. “I will tell you the ending in our bedchamber.”

  Rose hesitated, trying to think of a way to avoid Dragon’s attentions. Every time he made love to her, she lost a small part of herself, and that frightened her.

  “Since it is still early, I thought I would invite Lady Emily and Lady Blythe to the solar to help plan the feast. There is so little time left and so much to do. You do not mind, do you?”

  “Of course I mind, but I will not interfere with your plans. I suppose I can confer with Eric and my knights about tomorrow’s hunt, and instruct the scribe to compose invitations to our guests. Very well, Rose. You and your ladies have until Compline, but after that, you are mine.”

  Rose exhaled a sigh of relief when Dragon rose and joined a group of knights at one of the trestle tables. Now all she had to do was find Emily and Blythe, explain about the celebration and invite them to the solar.

  “I thought Dragon would never leave ye alone, lass.”

  Rose had not seen her uncle approach and was startled to see him. “Was there something you wanted, Uncle?”

  “Aye, lass. Come to my chamber. I wish a private word with ye.”

  “Nay. I cannot forget what happened the last time we were alone.”

  “Ah, ‘tis sorry I am, lass. I dinna mean to hurt ye. I was always kind to ye and yer family, if ye recollect. Yer mother would want ye to listen to what I have to say.”

  Rose wanted to refuse but had not the heart to deny her uncle a few minutes of her time. For her mother’s sake, she decided to hear him out.

  “Very well. I will come to your chamber as soon as I can get away, but I cannot stay long.”

  “I will be waiting for ye, lass. Dinna delay.”

  After Murdoc took his leave, Rose sought out Emily and BIythe and asked them to await her in the solar while she had a private word with her uncle in his chamber. When Rose informed them about the festivities Dominic planned for Christmas, they clapped their hands excitedly and agreed with alacrity.

  They parted and Rose left the hall, unaware that Raj was trailing behind her.

  Rose reached her uncle’s room and rapped on the door. A muffled voice invited her to enter. Rose opened the door and stepped inside. The chamber was dark but for the dim light of a single candle resting on a bedside table.

  “Uncle? Where are you?”

  Suddenly the door behind her slammed shut and she heard the distinct metallic sound of a key turning in the lock. Whirling, she was stunned to see Gunn grinning at her as he dropped the door key into his sporran.

  “Gunn! What are you doing here? Where is Uncle Murdoc?”

  “Yer uncle isna here.”

  “I wish to leave. Unlock the door.”

  “Not yet, lass. I want to talk with ye. Yer uncle planned this meeting between us. We willna be disturbed here.”

  “We have naught to discuss, Gunn.” She held out her hand.“Give me the key.”

  Gunn moved so quickly, Rose could not escape him. Grasping her arms, he pulled her toward the bed and forced her to sit down on the edge.

  “Dinna I just say we needed to talk? Yer uncle has a plan to get ye out of yer marriage.”

  Rose shivered as a chill crept down her spine. “I already explained to Uncle Murdoc that there is naught anyone can do to make my marriage to Dragon go away. Tis legal in every way.”

  Gunn sent her a sly smile. “Give yer uncle some credit, Rose.‘Tis unlikely yer husband would want ye if ye gave yerself to another man. He might even be relieved to let ye leave with us when we return to Scotland. Murdoc has friends in powerful places. Once ye swear ye were promised to me, yer marriage to Dragon will be declared invalid and no one can challenge my claim to Ayrdale.”

  He pushed her and she tumbled backward onto the bed.“Do yer part, lass, and all will be well.”

  “You expect me to give myself to you?” Rose gasped, scooting away from him.

  “Aye, that I do.”

  “You are mad as a loon, and so is my uncle.”

  “Murdoc is smart as a fox. Lift yerself up so I can remove yer tunic.”

  “Go to the devil! Touch me and I will scream.”

  Immediately Gunn clasped a meaty paw over Rose’s mouth.” Tis too soon for us to be found together.”

  Rose went wild with panic, struggling beneath the pressure of Gunn’s large body. What did Gunn mean? Who was supposed to find them together? This could not be happening to her. She had been a fool to trust Murdoc.

  “Hold still, Rose. Tis not as if yer a virgin, and I dinna want this to end too soon.”

  Rose stopped struggling when she realized that her gyrations were arousing Gunn. She felt the hard ridge of his manhood prodding against her stomach and went limp.

  “Good lass,“Gunn said. “I knew ye’d see things my way.”

  He removed his hand from her mouth and began raising the hem of her tunic. Finding her mouth suddenly free, Rose let out a piercing scream. Gunn returned his hand to her mouth, abruptly cutting off the sound.

  “That wasna smart of ye, lass.”

  Keeping one hand in placeover her mouth, he yanked her tunic up past
her hips with his other hand. He spread her legs with his knees and was fitting himself between them when the door splintered and crashed open.

  Gunn leaped away from her and reached for his claymore. But it was too late. Raj, charging like an enraged bull, slammed into the Scot. They fell to the floor in a tangle of arms and legs, but Gunn never had a chance. Gunn was big, but Raj was larger and broader.

  Rose flung her tunic back into place and rose shakily from the bed, angling around the thrashing bodies toward the door to summon help. Before she reached the ruined panel, Dragon and Murdoc appeared in the opening.

  “God’s toenails, what is happening here?” Dominic roared. Then he saw Rose and his brow furrowed, as if he could not quite comprehend exactly what her presence in Murdoc’s chamber meant.

  Rose’s gaze flew to her uncle, and she realized that he appeared as stunned as Dragon, though probably for different reasons.

  “When you said there was something I should see in your chamber, MacTavish, I had no idea you were referring to a fight between my man and your stepson.”

  “Och,neither did I,” Murdoc sputtered.

  “Cease!” Dominic ordered, reaching down to lift Raj off an unmoving Gunn.“What happened, Raj?”

  Raj rose to his feet, casting a contemptuous look at Gunn, who was reeling groggily and holding his head.

  “I did as you asked, master,” Raj explained.“I followed Lady Rose to her uncle’s chamber and waited outside the door for her to exit. When I heard her scream, I burst into the chamber and found…”

  “He found Gunn swiving yer wife,” Murdoc said tersely.“Gunn’s chamber is not so fine as mine, and he asked if he could bed Rose here. I dinna want to keep the lovers apart, so I agreed. Then I thought better of it and decided to tell ye about yer wife’s deception.”

  Rose felt the walls closing in on her. How could her uncle lie with such ease? Surely Dragon did not believe him, did he? She met Dragon’s gaze and felt the heavy weight of his suspicion pressing down on her.

  “Nay, he lies! Uncle Murdoc said he wanted a private word with me and asked that I attend him in his chamber. I had no idea Gunn would be here, or that he would … would …” She turned her face away, unable to look Dragon in the eye.


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