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The Dragon Lord

Page 14

by Connie Mason

  On December twenty-fourth, the feast of Adam and Eve, a tree was cut, brought into the keep and decorated with apples in remembrance of the first family and their sin. Two barons arrived that evening, John of Sheldon and Blayne of Draymore. Dominic knew of them but had not met them before. Both men were powerful marcher barons who opposed the king. Sheldon brought his wife, Mary, and two young sons, and Draymore brought his bride, Aleta. Large entourages accompanied both families.

  Dominic was not surprised to learn that Rose was acquainted with the guests. He learned that nearly all the marcher barons had been guests of her father’s at one time or another, and that the last time she had seen them was when they had come to confer with her father about King John’s unreasonable laws.

  Seven barons and their families arrived on Christmas Day. The last baron, Henry of Ashford, was expected momentarily. The chambers were filled to the rafters with guests, their knights, squires, servants and nursemaids, and the sound of children’s laughter drifted through the halls. A caravan of Gypsies on their way south for the winter months had heard about the festivities being held at Dragonwyck and stopped by. They offered to perform in exchange for the right to camp within Dragonwyck’s walls. Dominic accepted with alacrity and invited them to set up their camp in the inner bailey.

  Rose could not decide what to wear on the first night of the festivities. Officially she was still in mourning, but she did not mention that to Dragon when he had suggested the celebration. She knew her father would rather she celebrated life instead of death.

  After considerable thought, Rose chose a dark green under-gown of fine wool with long, close-fitting sleeves. Her long vermilion over-gown trailed on the ground, but she pulled up the excess folds and tucked them beneath the belt circling her hips. The V opening of the upstanding collar was trimmed in gold and green and was large enough to slip over her head. The over-sleeves ended at the elbow and hung down from a moderately wide opening.

  Rose wore her long hair plaited into two loose braids, covered with a linen veil and held in place by a gold band studded with green stones. Dragon walked into the bedchamber just as she was adjusting her braids beneath the headpiece.

  “I prefer your hair loose,” he said, giving her braid a playful tug.

  Rose snatched it from his hand. “I prefer it braided. I am a married woman now and should adhere to propriety.”

  “Propriety be damned. I know what I like, and I like your hair down.”

  His dark eyes moved appreciatively over her body. “You look beautiful, Rose. You will be the envy of every woman present tonight.”

  “I do not need your compliments, Dominic,” Rose said. She studied him through a lavish fringe of gold lashes. “You look quite handsome yourself, my lord.”

  It was true, Rose thought. Dominic’s belted tunic of purple wool trimmed in silver ended at his knee and was elegant in its simplicity. His short velvet cloak was held together by a jeweled pin and was the same bold purple as his tunic. Rose’s gaze slid lower. Never had she seen a finer pair of legs on a man.

  He sent her a cocky grin. “Am I magnificent enough to dazzle all the ladies?”

  “If that is your intent, you should succeed admirably,” Rose mocked. “I am sure all the ladies will swoon over the Dragon Lord.”

  “Will you swoon, Rose?”

  Rose gave an indignant snort. “I have never swooned in my life.”

  He stepped closer. Heat arced from his skin to hers. The look in his eyes was so intense, so compelling, Rose felt her toes curl inside her shoes.

  “Have you not, love?If you recall, I have made you swoon from pleasure on more than one occasion. I know I have been neglecting you of late, what with the preparations for the festivities taking up my time, but I promise to do better in the future.” He toyed with the end of her braid. “Tonight, when we are alone, you will wear your hair down for me and I will make you swoon.”

  “I have not felt neglected at all,” Rose retorted. “You have been recovering from a wound, and I have been busy.”

  Rose wanted to flee someplace where Dragon’s compelling gaze could not find her, but his dark desire held her suspended, drawing her to him like a moth to flame.

  He laughed and offered his arm. “Shall we greet our guests, my love? The sooner the evening is over, the sooner we can retire to our bedchamber and indulge ourselves.”

  Rose placed her hand on his arm. “I fear it will be very late, my lord.”

  “Anticipation is said to be an aphrodisiac.”

  “Humph! As if you needed one.”

  “Are you complaining, Rose?”

  “This is not a proper conversation, Dominic,” Rose chided. “Our guests await us and we are late.”

  They heard the laughter and hum of voices as they descended the staircase. When they entered the hall, applause greeted them. Dominic guided Rose to the dais and seated her with a flourish. Then he lifted his hand for silence, and though everyone had been welcomed personally upon arrival, Dominic gave a warm welcoming speech and told them about the hunting and hawking he had planned for the next twelve days.

  Father Nyle gave the blessing, and then the feasting began. The tables had been set with white cloths, steel knives, silver spoons, dishes for salt, silver cups andmazers—silver-trimmed wooden bowls. At each place was a trencher, a thick slice of day-old bread serving as a plate for roasted meats.

  Bread and butter were carried in first and distributed among the tables, followed closely by ale and wine imported from English-ruled Bordeaux. The first course was a thick, savory soup. The solid parts were eaten with a spoon and the broth sipped from the bowl. Squires, trained in serving food, stood behind their lords and saw to their needs.

  The blast of a horn announced the meat course as servants paraded into the room carrying trays of roasted venison that had been turned all day on a spit, followed in close order by platters of boiled beef, roasted boar and grouse.

  Dominic placed tender slices of meat on the trencher he and Rose shared and cut them into manageable pieces. She picked them up and ate with her fingers. Eels and a variety of fish dishes were served next, accompanied by assorted root vegetables swimming in butter and cream sauce. During the meal, Gypsy musicians played softly in the background.

  Before the final course of fruits, nuts, cheese and spiced wine, the last baron arrived with his entourage. Henry of Ashford was apologetic as he explained his lateness to Dominic.

  “Forgive me, Dragon, for arriving in the middle of your meal. One of our wagons broke down, delaying our arrival. I thank God I did not bring the children along. I am Henry Ashford. We met in London several months ago.”

  “No need for apology, Ashford,” Dominic said. “My wife and I are happy you arrived safely. I do indeed recall meeting you in London and hope your stay at Dragonwyck will be a pleasant one. Did you bring your wife, my lord?”

  “Aye, and a houseguest. My wife had invited her cousin for the Christmas holidays before we received your invitation. I mentioned that I was bringing a houseguest in my response to your invitation, did I not?”

  “So you did,” Dominic acknowledged. “Accommodating one more guest is no problem.”

  Dominic looked beyond Ashford to the two ladies who had just entered the hall. The hush that followed in their wake should have alerted him, but it was not until Raj leaned over his shoulder and whispered a harsh warning in his ear that he recognized one of the ladies approaching the dais. Dragonwyck was the last place he had expected to see Lady Veronica.

  “I was told Lady Veronica is an acquaintance of yours, Dragon,” Ashford said. “The other lady is my wife, Lady Cambra.”

  Dominic stared at Veronica an unseemly length of time. She was as beautiful as he remembered. Memories of the pleasure they had once shared overwhelmed him.It was not until Rose poked him in the ribs that he found his tongue and introduced Rose.

  “I already know Lord and Lady Ashford,” Rose acknowledged, deliberately ignoring Veronica. “Welcome to
Dragonwyck. I hope your stay is a pleasant one.”

  “I am sure it will be,” Veronica purred, looking directly at Dominic. “Your husband and I are old and intimate friends. I am looking forward to renewing our acquaintance.”

  Veronica’s little speech earned a frown from Lady Cambra, but the brash beauty seemed not to care. Dominic, however, was flustered. A rare occurrence, and one he liked not. Having his mistress and wife under the same roof for twelve days was going to be awkward. And if Rose’s sour expression was any indication, there was going to be hell to pay.

  “You and your party must be exhausted, Ashford,” Dominic said.“My steward will show you to your chambers and see to your needs. Perhaps you would prefer to sup in your chambers after your arduous journey,” Dominic suggested tactfully.

  “I am not in the least tired,” Veronica said brightly.

  “I fear I have not the hearty constitution of my cousin,” Lady Cambra said.“Supping in my chamber sounds wonderful.” She smiled wanly. “It has been a trying day.”

  “I will join my wife,” Ashford said.“I want to be fresh for the hunt tomorrow. Assuming there will be a hunt.”

  “Hunting and hawking have been planned for each of the twelve days,” Dominic replied. He summoned the steward with a look, and Sir Braden came immediately.

  “Show Lord and Lady Ashford to their chamber and provide whatever they require to make them comfortable. They wish to sup in their rooms tonight.”

  “Of course, my lord, at once. Does Lady Veronica wish to retire to her chamber also?”

  “Nay,” Veronica said, waving her hand in dismissal. “I believe I will find a seat at one of the tables and join the merriment.” She turned a blinding smile on Dominic as Sir Braden ushered the Ashfords from the hall.

  “You look wonderful, Dragon. Country air must agree with you.”

  “And you, my lady, are as lovely as ever,” Dominic said graciously.

  “Perhaps you and I can reminisce on old times later tonight,” Veronica suggested coyly. Her eyes glinted mischievously. “In private, of course.”

  To Dominic’s relief, James of Bedford, one of the knights who knew of his involvement with Veronica, came forward and offered to seat her at an empty place beside him. With a regal toss of her dark head, Veronica allowed James to lead her away, but not before slanting Dominic a look that held the promise of sensual delight.

  Rose seethed with outrage as she watched the interchange between Dragon and his mistress. Veronica had made it blatantly clear that she expected to revive her intimate relationship with Dragon. Rose had sensed trouble the moment Veronica had walked into the hall and made note of the uncomfortable hush that followed. She had never seen Dragon’s mistress before, but when she heard the lady’s name and saw the look on Dragon’s face, she came to the painful conclusion that Veronica’s appearance was neither accidental nor a coincidence.

  Dragon had sent for his mistress. There was no other explanation. Dragon’s reason for hosting Christmas festivities at Dragonwyck made perfect sense now. He pined for his mistress and wanted an excuse to bring her to Dragonwyck.

  “I did not plan this, Rose,” Dominic said, as if reading Rose’s mind. “I had no idea Veronica was the houseguest the Ashfords were bringing.”

  Rose shrugged. “It matters not, my lord. Your mistress seems most eager to renew your acquaintance. It would be rude to ignore her.”

  “Veronica is myformer mistress, Rose. I am a married man now.”

  “Can you deny that you wanted to wed Veronica? That she is the woman you love?”

  Dominic opened his mouth to speak, then abruptly closed it.

  “What?” Rose taunted. The Dragon Lord has naught to say in his own defense? How droll.”

  “Believe what you want.Rose, but I did not invite Veronica to Dragonwyck, nor have I been in touch with her since our marriage.”

  Rose wanted to spit in his face. Dragon was lying. He had taunted her with his love for Veronica and his reluctance to marry anyone else from the day he arrived to claim her home. Knowing this, Rose should not feel betrayed, but she did.

  “I will retire early so you can dally to your heart’s content with your mistress,” Rose said with a calmness she was far from feeling. “Do not attempt to bring her to the solar, however, for I refuse to allow you to tumble her in my bed.”

  Dragon remained mute, which to Rose’s thinking was prudent of him. She had heard all she cared to hear. She should not have allowed herself to fall prey to Dragon’s lust. For a time she’d actually believed he was becoming fond of her. She did not expect love from him, but fondness would have been a big step

  toward learning to live in harmony with one another.

  “I do not intend to rekindle my relationship with Veronica,” Dominic insisted. “She knew when I left London there was no turning back.”

  “If you say so, my lord.” Rose scraped back her chair.“Please excuse me if I do not remain for the entertainment. Make my excuses to our guests. Tell them whatever you want, it matters not to me.”

  Head held high, back stiff, Rose left the hall. She heard the whispers, the speculation, but refused to be brought low by her husband’s mistress.

  Dominic cursed the fates that had brought Veronica to Dragonwyck. He had finally begun to put his relationship with Veronica behind him and make peace with the life the king had given him. He wondered if he still loved Veronica. He was not sure he knew what love felt like, but what he and Veronica had together was so explosive that he had not wanted to let go.

  Now he had Rose, the feisty warrior woman with whom he had found passion and something else, something that went beyond simple lust. Rose and Veronica were two different women, yet there was much to admire about each of them.

  Dominic gazed at Veronica through shuttered eyes. She appeared to be having a good time, laughing and flirting outrageously. From time to time she would aim a sensual smile in his direction, and when she did, Dominic could not help wondering if the same magic still existed between them. He glanced toward the solar, his emotions raw and uncertain. He wanted to go after Rose but knew it would be rude to leave his guests in the middle of the entertainment.

  Gypsy acrobats were tumbling in a cleared space in the center of the hall, and Cynric the bard had yet to spin his tales of love and adventure. Leaving now would cause too much gossip.

  Cynric’s stories did not hold Dominic’s attention as they usually did, and it was no wonder. Finally the evening ended and the guests started drifting off to their chambers. As Dominic bade each good night, he reminded the men of the hunt planned for the following morning. John of Sheldon was the last to seek his bed, and Dominic soon learned he had a reason for waiting.

  “Everyone is aware that you are close to John Lackland,” Sheldon said in a hushed voice. “I was chosen by the other barons to speak to you about the injustices and restrictions the king has placed upon us. He shows no respect for his barons. We have prepared a writ we call the Articles of the Barons and want you to join our cause.”

  Dominic was not surprised to learn that the marcher lords had come with an agenda, for he had planned the celebration with that in mind. King John had warned him about the discontent among his barons and had asked Dominic to pass any information on to him. The king had hoped that Edwyn of Ayrdale’s execution would end the plotting, but obviously it had only made the barons more determined to seek justice.

  “I will meet with the barons, but I can promise naught,” Dominic said. Tell them I will listen to their grievances after the hunt tomorrow.”

  “I knew you would be reasonable. Tomorrow, then, Lord Dragon. We look forward to having you as an ally. King John is abusing his power, and we like it not.”

  Dominic sat before the hearth, brooding, long after Sheldon left.

  “You appear troubled, master,” Raj said as he joined Dominic.

  The marcher barons want me to join their cause. They believe King John has abused his powers.”

You are one of them now. They expect you to join them in their effort to curtail the king’s excesses.”

  Dominic sighed. “Aye, but we both know I cannot.” He gestured expansively.“Look at all the king has given me. He expects me to inform him should I find disloyalty among his barons.”

  “I am sure your conscience will guide you, master.”

  “I hope you are right, Raj.” Dominic rose and stretched.” Tis time for bed.”

  Dominic wondered if Rose was still angry at him. She had left the hall in a huff, and he could not blame her. There was nothing subtle about Veronica. He knew without being told that these next twelve days were going to be trying in more ways than one.

  “You need not stand guard at the door tonight, Raj,” Dominic said when Raj started to follow him up the stairs. “Find your own bed. I will see you in the morning.”

  “Are you certain, master?”

  “Very certain. Good night, Raj.”

  Dominic ascended the stairs, weary after a full day of entertaining his guests. He was eagerly looking forward to climbing into bed with Rose and making love to her. He only wondered if she would welcome him.

  A smile stretched his lips. Anticipation made him grow hard beneath his braies, and he hurried along the gallery to the solar. The door opened beneath his hand, and he stepped into the sitting room. The door to the bedchamber was closed, but Dominic thought nothing of it as he turned the handle and pulled. He was disappointed but not shocked to find the door locked.

  “Rose, open the door.”

  No answer was forthcoming.

  Anger replaced disappointment.“Rose, I am warning you. Open the door or I will break it down.”

  “Go to your mistress, my lord. Mayhap she will welcome your attentions.”

  “You are acting childish, Rose. Had I wanted to be with Veronica tonight, I would not be here now.”

  “Oh, so now I am childish! Go away, Dominic.”

  “Do you want our guests to know what a shrew you are?”


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