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American Mutant

Page 26

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Whoa big fella,” Connor said, as he tried to calm Quenton down. “Everything’s under control now Derek. If you want to beat this piece of shit to death right now, Nate and I will kick back and watch with pleasure. I think it might be good for you to think about it though, because you are acting like me, instead of like the planner and head of this organization.”

  Derek looked down at his bloody hands, and then back at Connor. “He has to die for this,” he gasped, choking back his fury.

  “I give you my word, I will put you in a position to beat him to death any time you wish. How’s that?” Connor asked.

  Quenton nodded, and walked over past the now crying Senator, who held his hands over his busted face. Quenton kicked him right in his groin on the way past him to the bar, provoking an ear-piercing scream from the Senator, and a new grip on his body, as he curled into a ball.

  Connor held his hands up in mock horror over his face, as he grinned back at Nate, who was laughing. Quenton poured himself a small glass of Scotch from the well stocked bar and drank it down. He choked a little, and shook his head to clear it. With both hands gripping the bar in front of him, Derek waited for the Scotch to work. Nate came over and pulled up a stool, while Connor went behind the bar and sat down. They both waited in silence for Quenton.

  Derek looked up finally, and Connor could see the Scotch had kicked in a bit. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you two. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t see any way out of it. How in the world.oh never mind. Thank you for stopping me.”

  “De nada,” Connor said. “What would you like done?”

  “I just want to go see Kim.I.” Quenton’s voice broke for a moment. “I just want to see her.”

  “Can do,” Nate asserted. “I think what the mutant wonder here means is do you want us to clean house so to speak?”

  Quenton shook his head negatively, “We will need these three Senators. They are in important positions on the Armed Services committee, Appropriations, and Budget. Can we own these guys Thomas?”

  “If they like living, we will,” Connor answered. “If you can get Greg in as CIA head, we will even track them for you.”

  “That will be a done deal,” Quenton stated. “This son-of-a-bitch on the floor will whisper the right thing to the President, and Haynes will be acting CIA Director. The other two you can deal with tomorrow, after I see whether I can get this prick on the floor to meet with those other two with the details of the stuff I showed him from the files.”

  “I will go clean him up, while Nate makes sure we do not get interrupted by his hired help.” Connor went over, picked up the groaning Senator, and went in search of a bathroom. Nate tied up the men on the floor with their belts, face down and hands behind their backs.

  Quenton sat down wearily on the bar stool while he watched Nate work. “How did he do it Nate? How did he ever get Kim out of there?”

  Nate looked up from the man he was binding by the bar. “He can do physical stuff now while out of body. He freed her, and I sent a couple of our boys over to take her to safety. I called Karen, and she will be sending a clean up team over to take the bodies and explosives away. That mutant freak comes in pretty handy, huh?”

  “I don’t know what I should do now,” Quenton said tiredly.

  Nate stood up, and went over to sit next to him. “We will work through this Derek. I can’t say how tough it will get, but we are close to achieving something, which may give us the power to clean up and monitor these traitorous scumbags. I can tell you this much Derek, we have the opportunity to do a lot of good. I think even Thomas would understand though if you did not want any part of this.”

  “I am probably safer in close touch with Thomas than I would be outside,” Quenton acknowledged. “This happened just at a time, I thought I was finally seeing, what you outlined, be put into reality. It might be selfish and idiotic on my part, but I don’t want to give this up. If I would have lost Kim though, all of it would have been in vain.”

  “This is war Derek,” Nate stated. “There may be casualties. When you have a lot to gain, most times you also have a lot to lose. No one knows what you felt here today better than Thomas. He would never have put your daughter in danger. We were probably one day behind making sure it did not happen.”

  Quenton filled up his Scotch glass again and downed it. “God help us if anything happens to him. Life has gotten to the point where everyday seems like a new trip into the Twilight Zone.”

  Nate laughed. “I know what you mean.”

  Connor walked in with the Senator, who could walk by himself gingerly. With his face cleaned, and the nosebleed stopped, he just looked like a mugging victim instead of a corpse. His hair was combed back, and he had a piece of adhesive tape over his broken nose. His eyes were already swelling. He winced as Quenton got up and walked over to him.

  “Sit down on the couch you fuck.”

  The Senator sat on the couch, while Connor and Nate dragged his three semi-conscious bodyguards out to the entryway closet and stuffed them inside. They returned and sat down at the bar while Quenton took over.

  “You will do exactly as I tell you,” Quenton hissed through clenched teeth, “or I will ask Thomas over there, if he would be good enough to find your sorry ass, and torture it to death.”

  “I put him in a special place for a few moments Derek,” Connor told him. “The Senator understands about things other than dying. He and I now have a connection. I can and will find him anywhere. We have an understanding, don’t we Howie?”

  The terror streamed into the Senator’s features, and his eyes began to water. “I will do anything you say,” he whispered nasally.

  Quenton smiled at the obvious horror on the Senator’s face. “Good, that will save us time. I have a new candidate for CIA Director. Greg Haynes worked as a CIA operative before his temporary retirement. He has experience in running clandestine operations. He will be the next CIA Director, or you will be dead, or worse. Am I clear so far?”

  The Senator nodded, but Quenton grabbed his chin with his left hand in a viselike grip, causing the Senator to involuntarily start to whine and blubber. “When I address you I want to hear an answer loud and clear,” Quenton whispered threateningly, as he slowly shook the Senator’s head back and forth. He let go finally, leaving the man to gasp.

  “Yes…yes…I understand,” he blubbered.

  “Do you remember the information I showed you, and those two other miscreants?”


  “Can you get them on board with all of this without a special visit?” Quenton asked. “They will do as they are told from now on too. We will not interfere with anything having to do with the regular business of the Senate, but God help you all, from now on, if we find out any of you are making anymore deals with foreign agents and drug dealers.”

  “I.I understand,” the Senator said quickly.

  “This shit was your idea, wasn’t it Senator?” Quenton asked.

  The Senator nodded fearfully, and then remembering his warning, he blurted out, “yes, they did not want anything to do with this. They wanted to take your deal.”

  Quenton nodded. “My associates and I will be leaving now. You will get a faxed sheet with the next CIA Director’s credentials on it. Make it happen Senator Dennis, and I mean right away. You better start coming up with a story for your face, and stick with it. I don’t have to tell you what will happen if any undue attention gets directed at us.”

  Quenton motioned for Connor and Nate to follow him. He looked back at Senator Dennis once more with hatred, as if regretting the fact he still lived. Nate put an arm around his shoulders, and turned him again to the door.

  “Derek, you have to learn we mutant sidekicks never get the last word,” Nate instructed. “We always leave quietly, while the Terror of Beal Street gets to make the final threat.”

  Quenton smiled in puzzlement, despite the seriousness of the situation. “Terror of Beal Street?”

  Nate looked
back innocently at the Vulcan Death Stare he was receiving from Connor, and then back to Quenton. “I will explain it to you in the car while Thomas tidies up.”

  Connor allowed Nate to get Quenton out the door before returning to Senator Dennis. “Let your men out of the closet in about fifteen minutes. You will never get better advice than Derek just gave you. We can all work together for a better country. Some must have a special incentive to do it. You have yours. Tell your friends when you see them, that their lives will be tied to everyone in our organization. They are all under my personal protection, and Howie,” Connor bent close to the cringing man, “I will know what you do from now on.”

  Connor joined Nate and Derek in the Lincoln. He had stopped in the bathroom, wet down a washrag, and brought it and a towel with him. He handed them to Quenton in the backseat. Quenton looked down at his bloody hands, and took the items gratefully.

  “You have some splashed on your face too Derek,” Connor told him. “We can’t do much about your shirt, but you can just take the jacket off. No use frightening Kim.”

  Quenton started scrubbing as Nate took off for their business. When he finished toweling off, he looked back to Connor. “What will your crew think of all this?”

  “Business as usual probably,” Nate chuckled. “They know this ain’t Disneyland.”

  “They know we will tell them whatever we can, and keep everything else dangerous for them to know to ourselves,” Connor added.

  “They must be some good men,” Quenton said sitting back.

  “And getting better every day, huh Thomas,” Nate asked.

  “Hard to believe how I ever lucked out with that bunch,” Connor agreed.

  Chapter 25 Planning Stages

  Connor filled the time on the way telling Quenton about how he had met up and recruited his crew. Quenton enjoyed the telling of the story, and it took his mind off of the days near tragic end. Fifteen minutes later, they were pulling into the business parking lot, just as twilight began to darken into night. Nate had called ahead to make sure the boys did not freak when they came in.

  Connor opened the door, and stepped aside for Quenton to hurriedly brush past Barf, who had met them at the door. Barf ran back ahead of Quenton, leading him into the recreation room, where the whole crew sat around with Kim, watching a movie. Barf put his head under Kim’s hand. Only then did she notice her Father standing a few feet away. Her whole face lit up, and she jumped to her feet and into his arms. Tears streamed down both of their faces, as they clung to each other silently for many moments. Henry had turned off the movie, and turned up the lights.

  Connor smiled, and gestured for the boys to come over with Nate and him to the bar. They sat down together at the bar, leaving Quenton and Kim to finish their greeting. Barf followed them over, and came to sit down next to Connor. Connor stroked his head absently as he watched the father and daughter.

  “Well boys,” Nate observed. “I guess we had a more exciting day than we had planned on. I am sure glad you guys hung around long enough to get our call.”

  “I would have come from home Mr. Johnson,” Sammy stated. “Call us anytime. Kim told us what happened. I guess things came out okay.”

  “We all did good today boys,” Connor agreed. “Tomorrow we will try to have a more mundane day.”

  “Will we be working the weekend Mr. Connor?” Jeff asked.

  “It’s up to you guys,” Connor replied. “In a couple of months we will have to have a couple of shifts at least; but for now, we can pace this anyway you want.”

  “We all want to come in on the weekends until we get this down pat,” Jeremiah stated. “This place is nicer than our homes.”

  There were sounds of agreement from the others. Connor looked at Nate, who nodded his willingness. “Okay then, even if Nate and I are not here, you guys can work and run the business. We will work the weekends with you until we get it all worked out. No questions about what’s happened today?”

  “We know better Mr. Connor,” Luke said. “All this new stuff s confusing enough, without having to think about your stuff.”

  Connor and Nate both laughed as Quenton and Kim walked up arm in arm. Kim introduced each of the boys to her Father, who shook hands solemnly with each one, thanking them. Connor gestured at Derek.

  “Mr. Quenton here runs the NSA, who we work for. We will be gathering intel for the agency as part of our business. You probably guessed safety was not the whole reason for the surveillance gear and the super station.”

  “If I can do anything for any of you, please let me know,” Quenton said seriously. “You have probably realized Thomas here really runs this new show, but I can smooth many things over quickly. Any undue harassment from the police or anyone else, you call me.”

  “They know enough not to abuse it either,” Nate added.

  “I am not worried about any of that,” Quenton replied looking around. “You have a free ticket. I will tell you if you go too far. I’m going to get Kim home now, but we’ll come back and visit.”

  Kim hugged each one, and came over to Connor last. “I don’t pretend to know how you did what you did, but thank you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tightly.

  “We are all one family now Kim,” Connor explained. “You and I have a connection now, and anyone who approaches you in anger from now on will get very ill until they get away from you.”

  Kim released him, and stepped back with a puzzled look on her face. “You mean…I…never mind, I guess I will get used to it.”

  “Don’t try and understand honey,” Quenton said, as he guided her. Nate had gotten up too. He would be giving Quenton and his daughter a ride back to the Center to pick up Quenton’s car. Quenton shook hands with Thomas, who then saluted smiling. Nate pushed him in the side of the head, before leading Quenton and his daughter out. Barf escorted them and received another hug from Kim.

  After they were gone Connor looked up at the boys. “What movie were you guys watching with Kim when we came in?”

  “Man, Mr. Connor, she was making us watch An American Quilt,” Luke said with a sigh. “That movie sucks with a capital S.”

  This brought laughter from everyone. “Well at least she found something to take her mind off of today,” Connor replied.

  “She was really shook Mr. Connor,” Sammy added.

  “Being bound in place to enough C-4 to blow up a small house will do that to you,” Connor agreed.

  “Damn,” Joseph said. “This business may get hairy, huh?”

  “I won’t lie to you guys,” Connor replied. “I have no idea where this operation will finally take us, or what danger you may encounter. Anybody wants out, I will give them a handsome check to get them going elsewhere. You guys have earned that. Friday’s your first payday, and there will be bonuses, because of the extra duty. I have looked into a 401k retirement plan for you guys. I will match any amount you put in to it. I have already started you out with two thousand dollars each. The details on the accounts will be coming in the mail soon. In addition to that, I have also started a one hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy in each of your names, done through the business. I will be giving you the forms for you to fill in your beneficiaries tomorrow. Soon I will be depending on you guys to start recruiting new workers, and things around here will be getting more business like. Anyone want out?”

  There were a chorus of no sirs, and Connor nodded. “Good, in the short time I have known you guys, I want you to know I have never worked with better. I.” Connor paused, and then smiled. “We have company.”

  Barf had moved to the outer door. It opened to his wagging tail, and Karen peaked around the door. When she saw Connor and the boys at the bar, she gave them a little wave. “Am I interrupting anything?”

  “Come on in Karen,” Connor said. As Karen walked over with Barf, Connor gestured to her for the boy’s benefit. “You met the National Security Agency head tonight. Karen Blakely here works as Quenton’s second in command. Karen,
meet Jeff Turbin in the corner there, Sammy Baldwin next to him, Jeremiah Decker in the middle, Luke and Joseph Melius here in front, and Henry Etheridge over here on the other end.”

  Karen shook hands with each of them. “I am pleased to meet you all. Connor has told me a lot about you.”

  Henry stood up, “Mr. Connor, you mind if we watch the end of the basketball game?”

  “You mean you don’t want to see the end of An American Quilt?” After the laughter died down, Connor gestured for them to go ahead. “Stay as long as you want guys. Karen and I are going to go and walk the Barf.”

  With Barf walking quietly by Connor’s side, Karen held onto Connor’s free arm. A fall breeze blew lightly by with a feathery touch. They walked on in silence for a while, enjoying the regular sounds of street traffic, and the lights of nearby buildings.

  “Nate filled me in about what happened Thomas. I sent housekeeping over to clean things up. Do you think there will be any more attempts of this kind of thing?”

  “You got me Karen. I did not see this coming. We all survived, and we learned more about handling it. We also took appropriate steps at the same time to strengthen ourselves against it. We have a lot more work to do, so I would expect something more in this area of attack. I know Nate will be taking extra steps with his family.”

  “Barf seems to be fitting right in.”

  Connor looked down at the prancing dog. “He loves it so far, and the boys can’t get enough of him.”

  “Do you want me to stay the night?” Karen asked.

  “I believe I can fit you in,” Connor replied, putting his arm around her. “Derek wants to leave Senator Dennis on his own to get things straightened out without our personal touch. If he gets Greg in as CIA Chief, it will mean Senator Dennis and those other two turds are doing what they were told.”

  “You mean you will not be playing Carlos Castenada tonight?”

  “You will have my undivided attention my dear,” Connor replied. He stopped and gathered her into his arms, kissing her with a melancholy feeling Karen could feel right to her feet. She clung to him as Barf sat patiently.


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