Book Read Free

American Mutant

Page 33

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “We have two men on the team who speak Russian fluently Thomas,” Johnny broke in. “They can.”

  “They can go in with me, but I am going. Moscow will be the last.”

  “You do not appear to be healing at all partner,” Nate commented. “How in hell will you be ready in two days to leave for Moscow?”

  “I’m better than I look. I’ll get cleaned up, and then we can get something to eat.” Connor looked at Johnny. “How are the men doing?”

  “A hell of a lot better than you whip boy. Come on and let Nate and I see you get out of that bed by yourself.”

  “I don’t need an audience, I will see you guys out in the living room.”

  “Look Thomas,” Nate began.

  “What part of get out, don’t you understand?”

  Johnny laughed. “Come on Nate. He must be feeling better, because he hasn’t ordered anyone around in two days.”

  Chapter 31 Moscow

  Nate sat talking with the rest of the team, about plans for the Moscow mission, when Connor walked stiffly into the room. He had on blue jeans, and a khaki colored short sleeve shirt. Nate could see he had replaced the bandages on his front, and changed his undershirt. The men jumped up at once, and the respect Nate saw in the way they looked at Connor was nothing short of idolatry. Connor smiled, and motioned for them to sit down.

  “How you boys doing? I guess Nate here is filling you in on the last mission. I want to thank all of you for putting up with me the last couple of days. I know I have not been communicating well.”

  The man who had been introduced to Nate as Nick stood up again. “Don’t ever explain yourself again Mr. Connor. I speak for all the guys. It has been a pleasure serving under you. We never dreamed so much could be accomplished.”

  There were a chorus in agreement to Nick’s words, and Connor nodded. “Sorry, I should have known better than to say something as lame as that. How about we go get something to eat out on the town. It will be Nate’s treat, right Nate?”

  Nate stood up. “It would be an honor to buy you boys dinner. Johnny and I will take the invalid with us. I expect you guys already have a restaurant you like around here.”

  “They like the restaurant at the Le Grand,” Johnny informed him. “Thomas has them all spoiled like a bunch of tourists. Nick, you come with us too. I need a driver.”

  “Yes Sir,” Nick agreed, “You smell like it Sir.”

  “Why you disrespectful, little.” Johnny jumped up and grabbed the six foot four inch Nick around his neck while the others laughed.

  Nate sat next to Connor in the back, while Johnny Loo sat up front with Nick. “Are you losing your healing factor there Wolverine?”

  Connor shook his head negatively. “I’ve been pushing it Nate. The healing has slowed some. We just needed to move before we lost our edge.” “Are you sure you ain’t just dying?” Nate asked. “Gee, what a nice compliment,” Connor quipped. “I have two days to work on getting healed up.”

  “Got any ideas about how you want to do the approach?”

  “I think I will fly in as Pierre again, and see how far I can get,” Connor replied. “I just won’t call ahead this time.”

  “Why not just find an official, and go in disguised as him?” Nate asked.

  “Because they might just open up on me,” Connor explained. “They at least know Pierre, and do business with him. He acts as one of their suppliers. We’ll slip the team in and hook up with our local resources. Once we get a chance to recon this guy’s setup, we move. I’ll call and see if I can get right in to see Mr. Nicoloff. From there the escape route will be important.”

  “This won’t be any third world cesspool job Thomas,” Nate said. “We have very limited resources with this, and if the body count gets high, we will have a full-scale international incident. No one will get out of there alive.”

  “You didn’t let this out to the White House did you Nate?”

  “Hell no,” Nate replied. “I told them the missions were over. Derek will tell them we found the last girl we thought had died, and we had to move quickly. If you’re successful with a get in and get out operation, we can present it as a done deal. If things go to hell, I guess we just go into hiding.”

  “I will be careful Nate. If I find something which needs redress, I will go back by myself,” Connor agreed.

  “You got it, only I will go with you,” Nate said, “and we will kill everyone in Moscow. I never did like those assholes.”

  Connor laughed. “You’re on Nate. Seriously, I will bring her out without any loss of life, except for Mr. Nicoloff.”

  “How do you want to handle support?”

  “Two vehicles, one to pick me up with the girl, and the second to run interference for the first vehicle. I think it might be a good idea if we have a couple of men in place to take out anyone following me out of the building. Can we find a couple of silenced sniper rifles in Russia to use for this mission? They might make all the difference in the world.”

  “I’ll get on it right away,” Nate promised. “This will have to be at night if you expect to get everyone in position and back out. Will you be taking everyone?”

  “I was thinking of a total of six men, including me,” Connor replied. “I will take Johnny in with me, and introduce him as a Chinese connection I want Nicoloff to meet. The two drivers will be whoever speaks Russian. The two snipers will have to be our best.”

  Johnny, who had been listening, turned quickly. “You mean I get to go with you all the way this time? I can do my Charlie Chan imitation for them. This will be so smooth.”

  Nate sighed deeply, as Connor and Nick laughed. “You think he’s joking, don’t you? Don’t take this psycho with you Thomas. He will just shoot his mouth off at the wrong time. I will go with you. I speak Russian.”

  “I need you keeping the way out of the country open, if you can stay on this one,” Connor replied.

  “I can do that,” Nate agreed, “but what about what I said about the oriental demon in the front seat?”

  “I’ll give you an oriental demon,” Johnny reached for Nate, but both of his wrists were grabbed in Nate’s big right hand.

  “Sorry Charlie,” Nate chuckled, “but in this tight space, I will tear the venerable Loo out a new one. Promise to behave, or I will have to keep these.” He shook Johnny’s wrists slightly.

  “Okay, okay,” Johnny relented, “but I will of course have to have my revenge to save face.”

  Nate released him with a smile. “No one could save that thing, but bring it to me anytime.”

  “You guys are too old for this grab-assing around,” Connor informed them. “Knock it off. You are setting bad examples for young Nick here.”

  “Yea right,” Johnny said, as he gave Nick’s head a push. “So, what will I be doing when I’m with you?”

  “Not much I hope. I want to use you as an excuse for my visit. We can wing it as far as small talk when we get there. Once we have him alone, and find out where he has Gina, I will take him out and assume his identity. If everything goes right, we will not need to do anything else besides walk out.”

  “I’ve heard that before,” Johnny commented.

  They sat together in first class. Johnny reached over, grabbed a piece of Connor’s steak off of his plate, and popped it in his mouth. Connor watched this with much amusement. He again wondered at how the lanky agent could stay in such good shape, and eat as much as he did.

  “Would you like the rest of my dinner Mr. Chan?” Connor asked.

  Johnny shook his head as he stuffed the last spoonful of potatoes off of his plate into his mouth, and then washed it all down with the beer he had ordered. “No, you mutants need your strength, especially when disguised as French toads. How are you feeling by the way? I noticed you squirming around in your seat.”

  “I feel a lot better. I’m still a little stiff though. I can never get comfortable on a plane.” Connor sat back as the steward took the trays from in front of the two men. Connor
thanked him in Russian, which brought a smile to the steward’s face.

  “Too bad we don’t have that good looking stewardess from back in coach. She really gave you the eyeball when we walked on, and every time she walks up here she smiles at you. Maybe you better think about becoming Pierre on a permanent basis. Think what it will do for your love life,” Johnny pointed out.

  “My love life does not need any recommendations from you Charlie,” Connor stated.

  “Maybe if you start over as Pierre, you won’t be such a whip boy,” Johnny laughed.

  “You know Chan,” Connor grinned at his companion, “you are making me wish I would have flown in alone.”

  “Man,” Johnny said in mock surprise, “you mutants are a touchy bunch. Am I supposed to be able to speak Russian?”

  “No, once the introductions are over, we will speak in English probably. In any case, we will not be talking long.”

  “How long has he had Ms. Lundren?” Johnny asked. “I didn’t see it in the file.”

  “Six months,” Connor replied, “and she’s the oldest, at seventeen. Her parents still think she ran away from home. They’ve had people looking for her all over the country.”

  “Well, it’s almost Christmas. I can think of worse presents than the one we have in mind for them,” Johnny added.

  The plane began its descent as the fasten seat belt sign came on over their heads. The landing went well in spite of the icy conditions. No one was to approach them throughout the process of arrival. Connor and Loo were on their own until after they made contact with Nicoloff. The rest of the team were already on the ground, with the two Russian speaking members checking out the logistics of the mission. They had a man in customs, but he was only to smooth things if they had any trouble on the way out.

  No one paid them any attention. Both men were dressed as high tech businessmen, which was to be their cover. They were in Moscow to sell high-end computer systems. They had decided on a hotel near Red Square. Although forty five minutes from the airport, the Hotel Metropol was only five minutes away from Nicoloff s residence in the city. Each man only carried a small suitcase. Connor laughed as Johnny’s face scrunched up in the cold wind on the way to the taxi. The drive to the hotel took fifteen minutes longer because of the weather, and the Russian cab was not a luxurious ride.

  Connor asked the driver in Russian if the restaurant at the Metropol was any good, and received a glowing report on the food there. When the driver realized Connor spoke Russian fluently, he talked about everything under the sun for the entire trip to the Metropol. By the time they reached the hotel, they were like old friends. Connor knew the rate to the hotel to be around forty-five dollars, so he gave the driver a hundred dollars. The driver gave him a card with his name and cab number hand printed on it. Connor promised to call him if they needed a ride back to the airport.

  When they were finally checked in, Connor took off his suit coat. He lay down on the bed, and closed his eyes. Connor woke up, hours later, with Johnny gently shaking him. “Man, I wish I could sleep like that. I thought for a moment, when you first got on the bed, you had passed out.”

  “How long have I been out?” Connor asked.

  “Three hours. I unpacked us, and our contact here passed me this little beauty down in the lobby.”

  Johnny showed him the small electronic device. “We are clear then,” Connor asked.

  “Yes, and I have our wires for wearing in to see old Nicoloff. You feeling well enough to go get some sustenance? It looks like you could use some good food.”

  “I think that would be an excellent idea.”

  Johnny touched the front of his shirt. “You leaking anywhere buddy?”

  “No, I’m just sore. Did you get any rest?”

  “I dozed off for a few minutes. I’m just hungry. Are you going to call our friend?”

  “Right after we eat,” Connor promised. “I’ll give him a call, and see if he wants to meet up tomorrow night.”

  “If he does, I’ll use our drop to get word to the team.”

  “Well, no time like the present.” Connor walked over to the room phone, and explained in Russian to the hotel operator he wanted her to reach Dimetri Nicoloff, and gave her the number he had for him in Moscow. He gave her Pierre’s name, and asked her to ring him back when she had Nicoloff on the line.

  Fifteen minutes later, as Connor finished some intricate stretching exercises, with Johnny Loo jeering him all the way through, the phone rang. Connor answered it, and the operator told him to wait. A few seconds later, a voice came on that Connor immediately filed away for future use.


  “Dimetri, I am in Moscow over at the Metropol hotel. I have a companion I would like you to meet from China.”

  “This must be important for you to contact me like this. I have told you before they watch me carefully,” Nicoloff said.

  Connor could detect a note of irritation. “This man can bring a very early retirement for us both.”

  There was a pause at the other end of the line. “Very well my friend, I will meet with you and your companion.”

  “May I bring him over to your place tomorrow night?” Connor asked.

  “I will give you a very short time tomorrow night to impress me. Do not disappoint me. Come at nine o’clock sharp.”

  “Good Demetri, thank.” the line went dead in his ear. Connor put down the phone.

  “That sounded like it could have went better,” Johnny commented.

  “Speak from now on only in Chinese Johnny,” Connor said in that language.

  “Okay,” Johnny agreed, switching to Chinese. “Do you think we should just try and wing it tonight?”

  “No, but you had better go down now and put the team onto watching Nicoloff s every move. They must keep his residence under twenty-four hour surveillance until tomorrow night’s meeting. I don’t want him or any of his people moving around without us knowing where.”

  “I got it.” Johnny sat down, scribbled some notes down on hotel stationary, and then headed for the door. “Be ready to go eat when I get back Mutie. I am starving.”

  “As you wish Mr. Chan,” Connor bowed.

  Johnny ducked back in the door. “Hey you disrespectful prick, we don’t bow. You have me confused with Mr. Moto.”

  “Get out of here,” Connor laughed.

  Connor got into the car, waiting at the curb first, with Johnny following. Nick turned around and smiled. “You two look very elegant tonight. Mr. Johnson is on line right now. Whenever you both feel safe enough, put on your wires and let us know what you want done.”

  “Sounds good Nick,” Connor replied. “Will you be picking us up in this after its over?”

  “Yep. Same car, same station, and I will be listening anyway, so update me anytime you wish.”

  “Any movement since last night Nick,” Johnny asked. “Only some of his men, and they came back. He beefed up his crew too. I guess he thinks he needs some extra help for you two.” “How many,” Connor asked.

  “Eight of his regular staff, and three more new guys since last night,” Nick replied.

  “Any sign of Gina at all?”

  “No Mr. Connor,” Nick admitted, “we have not seen any sign of her. That really does not mean much though, if past missions mean anything.”

  “Let’s hope she’s just kept somewhere out of sight,” Johnny added, as he turned to Connor. “You have any idea of what you want to do if she isn’t there?”

  “Find out where she is,” Connor said quietly, “and then go get her.”

  “Simple, but elegant,” Nick said, as he pulled away from the hotel. “Here we go.”

  Johnny led the way out of the vehicle outside of Nicoloff s residence. With Connor following him, after Nick drove away, Johnny walked up to the front entrance. Connor rang the bell at the side of the large entryway, and then stepped back beside Johnny. A blond haired man, with a heavily scarred face, answered the door. He motioned for Connor and Loo to com
e in. Another man joined the blonde haired man as they entered. The new man was even more heavily built, and slightly taller than the first blonde’s over six foot tall frame. They immediately patted down their guests for weapons, and scanned them for any electronic devices. They confiscated Connor’s cell phone.”

  “Come this way,” the blond haired man said abruptly.

  They were led through a large living room area where seven other men lounged. The man led them down a hallway, and then opened a door into a beautifully furnished den, with oak bookcases and desk. Two leather-covered chairs had been placed in front of the desk. Nicoloff sat behind the desk, with two of his men standing on either side, slightly away from the desk. One of them moved to lift the chairs away from the desk, and over the plush carpeting. Nicoloff silently motioned for Connor and Loo to sit down. The men who had brought them into the room left, and closed the door after them.

  “So, my friend,” Nicoloff started, “what kind of deal do you have in mind for me that you have endangered your life in such a way as this?”

  “This gentleman with me Demetri can pave the way for a direct route of opiates directly into your country for distribution. His name is Raymond Yee, and we can finally supply ourselves in a way we have never been able to before.”

  Nicoloff leaned forward, and Connor could see his irritation had turned into interest. “What exactly does your companion here hope to get out of this arrangement?”

  “The further weakening of the Americans. He wishes their markets flooded through our distribution lines without any connection to his country. He also has a use for that girl I gave you a short while ago. It seems her father has attained a position in the American government his country can exploit. Can we negotiate for her to come with us as part of the arrangement?”

  Nicoloff sat back in his chair, and swung around to face the wall for a few moments. When he turned back around, he was smiling broadly. “You have indeed impressed me my friend. This may be what we have been waiting for. I am tired of all these games. It has become exceedingly difficult to attain anything of a profit in this market.”


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