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Midnight Ryde: A Bad Boy MC Romance

Page 9

by Melissa Merit

  My lips pursed as I let his words wash over me.

  I watched him in silence, resisting the urge to pretend to slap him in order to earn myself another punishment. Even though I really wanted one.

  “If you’re going to be moaning and writhing in my bed, you owe me at least a little transparency,” He continued. “But since you’re clearly embarrassed, I want you to know that despite your little routine, you did absolutely nothing to cover up the fact that you’re wondering, with no lack of desperation, if I’m going to finish what we started at my place.”

  The sharpness in his voice made it utterly apparent that he was still hung up on the adrenaline of the night, and a part of me wondered what he might due to me in this volatile state. I was a little concerned by how eager I was to pay for the sins of others tonight.

  “Well, are you?” I asked, quite transparently.

  “You’ve been almost raped, and chased by a group of violent men, and you’re still trying to submit to me despite knowing how that might turn out for you?” Ryder said, looking for all the world like he couldn’t believe that there was any rationality for what I was after. Worse, like he was afraid I might not be in the right state of mind to make the decision.

  “I’m not submitting to you,” I said, shooting him a look. As if. I needed him to focus on the lightness with which I regarded this so he would know this wasn’t my way of lashing out after the night's events.

  “Oh,” Ryder said, eyes downcast. I opened my mouth to speak, to explain, but when he looked back up the smirk on his face looked like it belonged on the king of hell himself.

  My spine crawled.

  “So when you were obeying all of my commands and letting me punish you for your poor behavior, that was all a unique act of dominance?”

  Cocky little shit.

  “First of all,” I responded, my face the quintessential example of mockery. “I did not let you punish me.”

  “Really? It’s funny, but I swear I remember you choosing to stay and accept your punishment rather than be sent out to the couch,” Ryder said, looking dramatically pensive.

  “Second,” I said, ignoring him entirely. “Just because I was aware that I could take your petty attempts at punishment with ease, and decided it was worth embracing if only to laugh about later, does not mean that I am submitting to you..”

  Ryder’s body went rigid, and I realized with twisted delight that I had pushed him too far.

  With a threatening little laugh, Ryder looked over, piercing me with his eyes before he spoke. “Sara, sweetheart, I’m honestly considering getting you your own room so I don’t break you right now.”

  That desperate heat was growing between my legs again, and I found myself wanting to continue to provoke him until he snapped and really showed me just how in control of me he could be.

  “Such big talk,” I said, slapping him with condescension. Every inch of my body wanted to rise to the challenge of seeing what I could and could not handle with him, and I secretly wondered what it might feel like to truly hit the point where I couldn’t handle whatever he was doing to me.

  He looked like he might actually fuck me to death. Admittedly, I kind of wanted him to.

  “Lie on your back,” Ryder commanded, remaining perfectly still where he stood.

  “And if I don’t?” I asked, wanting to push him a little further. It felt like I was playing Russian roulette with my words as I waited to see what would finally make him spring into action.

  “I won’t force you,” Ryder said, continuing to watch me. “But if you want to fuck me, then you’re going to play by my rules, and that means you follow orders or you get punished.” He smirked. “Of course, you can always back out entirely and we can go to bed. The choice is always yours.”

  My cheeks were undoubtedly red, be it from the alcohol or the way Ryder’s words slid over me in an all-encompassing wave of lust.

  The amused grin on his face already said that he knew what I was going to choose. I could at least make him wait for it. Even though waiting was torture for me as well. Remaining silent seemed to really get under his skin, and right now I wanted to punish him a little bit for speaking to me as if he owned me.

  Ryder stood perfectly still, watching me with a predatory hunger.

  “I’ll ask again,” Ryder said. “Strip, Sara.”

  I set into a flurry of motion at the sound of his words, recalling his earlier threats about cutting off my clothes. I was fairly certain he still had the pocket knife, and this bra might not be my cutest, but it didn’t deserve to die such an unfair death because I somehow ended up having kinky sex.

  The look on Ryder’s face was mild amusement as he watched me pull my clothes off. Standing in my bra and panties, I dared to meet his gaze as I unhooked my bra, letting it fall to the floor. When my hands, shaking ever so slightly, reached for the waistband of my panties, Ryder cleared his throat sharply.

  “Leave them on,” he said.

  There was much to admire in Ryder’s still form as I watched him. Everything about his body was taught making him look ready to pounce at any moment. Part of me yearned for just that, for him to soar across the room and pin me under him again.

  Biting my lip, I looked up at his face in order to see complete disapproval staring back at me. My stomach dropped as I frantically tried to figure out what I could have done wrong.

  “Put your clothes away,” he said, sharply.

  He had to be kidding, but his face suggested otherwise. He actually looked serious. Deciding to not end up bent over and punished this fast, I opted for following his orders and picked up my clothes, carrying them to the dresser and folding them neatly before turning back around to face him.

  “So what’s the deal with the clothes folding?” I asked, hoping to throw him off his game a little. After being cast out of his room in my underwear, my confidence had to be at an all time high right now or he was going to get slapped again.

  “It shows obedience,” Ryder said.

  My thighs clenched.

  “I’m not a dog,” I said, crossing my arms across my chest and glaring despite the fact that I was melting inside. Why was I enjoying this so much?

  “I’ll treat you like one if you don’t stop pissing me off.”

  I exhaled a little too sharply. Well then.

  “Go lie down on your back,” Ryder said, motioning towards the bed with his chin.

  “And if I don’t?” I ask again, biting my lip and grinning. We both knew his response, but I wanted to hear it again.

  “You can either take your punishment to get your pleasure, or you can go to sleep and miss out on both.”

  With a dramatic sigh, I walked over to the bed and plopped down, sprawling out on the ridiculous comforter. I would not go down without a fight. Even if the earlier punishment had gotten me unexpectedly worked up and I had kind of enjoyed it...

  “Close your eyes,” he said from his area across the room. “And don’t think that I haven’t noticed the way you’re practically begging to be punished again.”

  I closed my eyes, my body suddenly electrified and searching for ripples in the current where he might be. The tension of not knowing where he was or what direction he was going to come from had me damn near falling to pieces. Every part of my body felt alert, waiting for his touch.

  “Good girl,” he whispered from my left, and I jumped.

  I held my breath, scowling as he laughed.

  “You know, obedience looks really good on you, Sara.” The sound of Ryder’s voice was low and lilting, and suddenly I was glad he had let me keep my panties on so my arousal wasn’t as visible as before.

  “Remember what happened last time you pushed me,” I threatened, smiling smugly.

  Ryder was rustling with the nightstand next to the bed. I wasn’t sure what he could be doing, but something told me I was going to find out.

  The pressure of Ryder’s body against the side of the bed had me trembling with adrenaline all over again. He w
as definitely close enough to touch me now.

  “Move over to the center of the bed,” he commanded.

  I scooted towards the center of the bed.

  “Put your hands above your head.”

  With no lack of self-consciousness, I removed my arms from my breasts and crossed them over my head. Ryder responded with an appreciative chuckle.

  I could feel Ryder crawling over me, his legs landing on each side of me. The sensation of him leaning over me was making it nearly impossible to keep my eyes closed, but I managed, even when he began fiddling with the headboard and I felt some sort of cord being pulled tightly around my wrists.

  My breathing was steadily growing faster.

  “Pull on them,” Ryder said, sitting up.

  Taking a deep breath, I pulled on my bonds, finding they had little leeway and bit into my skin if I pulled too hard. I bit my lip.

  “Now roll on your stomach,” Ryder commanded, crawling off of me and leaving cold where his body had just been.

  The moment I began to obey the command, I knew that I was in trouble. Everything about this suggested that Ryder was going to punish me after all. Setting my face down between my arms, I couldn’t help but tense as I waited to see what he was going to do.

  Ryder crawled over me once more, his body weighing down the mattress on each side of me, and I couldn’t help but shake at the vulnerability of this situation.

  Silently, Ryder grabbed the waist of my panties and pulled them down quickly.

  Shit, I thought.

  “I thought I would only be punished if I didn’t lie down on the bed,” I said, challenging him with his own words.

  “You questioned me,” Ryder said, simply, stepping off of the bed again.


  “What do you think, Sara?” he asked, mockingly. “Do you think three strikes of the belt will be enough to keep you from misbehaving again?”

  My body tensed immediately, remembering the sharp snap of the belt.

  “I’ll behave,” I said, quietly.

  There was absolutely no way that my ass wasn’t still bright red from his previous round of spankings.

  “I said that I’ll behave,” I repeated, already wanting to swear at him.

  “And I’m just to trust that, am I?” Ryder asked.


  “What happens if you don’t?” He asked, a cruel curiosity in his voice.

  “Then you’ll punish me?” I said, uncertainly, immediately hating and loving the sound of it on my own lips.

  “Do I have your permission to do so?”

  Ryder’s voice was soft, and I wanted to drown in the vulnerability of it.

  “If you ever don’t want it, tell me,” Ryder said. “But until then, I’m going to treat you like you don’t have a choice.”

  I buried my face in the comforter.

  He chuckled, and swung the belt against me cruelly.

  Yelping, I fought against the bonds that held my hands away from covering my backside. Then again as he used his hand to pin me down by my hips as the other one began to slide inch after inch up my thigh.

  My hips bucked in response as his hand moved closer to its target.

  “Someone’s eager,” Ryder said, and I felt my pride slip away, replaced by a desperate and needy hunger that wanted me to be completely out of control.

  Ryder immediately slid a finger into me, causing me to groan in embarrassment over how ready I was.

  “God, normally I’d make you beg,” he laughed. “But your body already is and that just seems cruel.”

  I whimpered.

  “So what is it that you want, Sara” Ryder asked, and I swore my heart stopped beating for a minute. No one had ever asked me that, and the contrast of being asked what I wanted while I was completely tied up was dizzying.

  Ryder continued his assault, working in earnest with two fingers now. God he was too good at this.

  Silence, somehow. Despite the fact that I was choking down the moans threatening to rise from my throat.

  “This is the first and last time I won’t make you ask for it,” Ryder said, sliding his fingers from my body and crawling up behind me.

  I moaned, lightly.

  “Surely we can do better than that,” he said, laughing before he slammed into me full force.

  The scream that tore from my lips as he buried himself in me burned my throat.

  A chuckle.

  He slammed into me again, this time harder before falling into a steady rhythm of thrusts. My moans matched his thrusts as I desperately pulled at my bonds, trying to thrust back into him.

  “Uh-uh,” Ryder said, slapping my ass when I tried to push it back.

  My pathetic yelp in response had me wanting to curse him all over again, tenfold as the burn of the slap began to slip deeper into my already sore ass.

  “This isn’t for you,” Ryder said, thrusting into me harder.

  My moans filled the room as he continued slamming into me.

  Suddenly, the hand he had been holding me down with slipped around my freshly slapped cheek, pressing down my stomach and between my legs.

  When his fingers met my clit, my senses exploded.

  The pressure building between my legs as he slammed into me again and again while his hand worked my clit had me lost to a fit of moans and whimpers. I had never wanted anything so bad in my entire life.

  “This is for me,” he said, slamming into me and grinding his hand against me even harder.

  He chuckled darkly, and I lost it.

  The world turned white for a split second as the pleasure crashed over me, dragging me down into it. I screamed, collapsing fully into the bed as he continued to thrust before slamming into me one final time with a guttural groan.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.



  Despite the fact that I was wanted by the law and an enemy crew wanted me dead, I woke up feeling like a god damn king.

  Looking down at the naked girl in my arms had me stirring in an entirely new way. She looked pretty damn cute with her hair all mussed up and I felt myself conflicted between wanting to continue to hold her and wanting to start playing with the tits that she had so carelessly left on display.

  The tits won out.

  Immediately I let my hand trail across her shoulder and down her side, watching her arch and sigh in response to my touch. I had never wanted to protect and fuck a girl in my life more. Lazily, I let me finger slide along the underside of her breast, grinning as her nipples began to harden while I continued touching.

  Playing with her breasts was fun, watching what made her arch and twist and moan as she lay curled up in my arms. A couple of minutes into groping her, she opened her eyes, looking up at me. Fuck, she was beautiful.

  “Good morning,” I said, smiling and continuing to play with her tits. It was shameless, but I was having fun.

  “They’re a little sore,” Sara said, wrinkling her nose as I circled one of her nipples with my finger.

  “They will be again,” I said, flashing her a smirk before pinching down on it, eliciting a most satisfying shriek from her in response.

  “Ass,” she hissed, insultingly in response.

  “That too,” I said, giving her a warning glance.

  With how well she was taking to all this, I was a little surprised that she clearly hadn’t been with a guy like me before. If this was what she liked, how had it taken her so long to find her way to it?

  The flush in her cheeks had me grabbing her by the neck and kissing her deeply. I took my time, slowly touching my lips to her before slipping into a more coaxing kiss as I begged her to open her mouth.

  She complied, and I devoured her, kissing her and working my hand down her body, slapping her tits before pinning her down and entertaining them again.

  Sliding my hand down her body, I slid my fingers inside her, slowly penetrating her to force out a whole new series of pleading and moans that fell softly against my lips like secrets she was
too embarrassed to share.

  The moans falling from her mouth had me wanting to absolutely ruin her. I never wanted her to stop.

  Starting to full on fuck her with me hand, I pulled her closer, kissing her harder while I continued to brutally slam my hand into her, eliciting a series of quiet, yearning whimpers that begged me not to stop.

  Everything about her belonged to me right now, and she wanted it.

  I was already getting hard and ready to take her again.

  “Harder,” Sara said, her voice barely more than a desperate plea.

  “Who makes the rules?” I said, my voice almost viciously condescending.

  Sara groaned in response, but didn’t speak.

  “God, so many lessons to learn,” I sighed, pulling out of her and stepping back. If she wasn’t going to behave, she wasn’t going to be rewarded.

  “What the fuck, Ryder?” Sara demanded sharply, spinning to face me as she pulled the sheet up over her breasts. She looked ready to slap me again.

  That was definitely something to work on.

  “You do not command me,” I said, giving her the same look I gave my boys when they needed a reminder regarding who was in charge. “Is that clear?”

  Sara clearly wanted to fight. It was painted across her face somewhere within the flash of embarrassed red currently filling her cheeks, but she wanted to fuck more.

  “Yes,” she said, bowing her head in deference. The rigidity of her pose did little to hide her disdain for her acquiescence, but that desperate red in her cheeks told me that this was also exactly what she wanted.

  “Good,” I said, flashing her a dangerous grin. “So that means you’re ready to pay for your transgressions?”

  Judging by the way her eyes widened, she had most definitely assumed that by agreeing she would be dodging such punishments. Poor girl.

  “Ryder, come on,” she said, her eyes pleading.

  “I can assure you that questioning me is not in your best interest right now.” I pierced her with a fierce gaze. She backed down immediately. “Unless of course you don’t want to play anymore?”

  I swear to god she was fucking trembling under that sheet.


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