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Black Ink (Hart Book 2)

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by Swartz, L. J.

  "Dalton, it's just gorgeous." She tells me from across the room. I give her a nod then motion her back to me. I need to get her cleaned up. She comes over to me and gives me a hug. I don't expect it and just sit there. I can't really hug her anyway. I have gloves on. She turns her face into my neck. Her breath trickles down my neck sending a chill through my body. She steps back telling me, "sorry." I shoot her a smile then get her leg cleaned and covered. We walk up to the counter to get her cashed out. "Thanks again, Dalton. As always you go above and beyond my expectations." I pat her shoulder. "My pleasure, Kait." I look to Sunny who's waiting patiently. "$250." Kaitlin counts out money handing some to Sunny, then holds a one hundred dollar bill out to me. I shake my head no. "Dalton take it. You deserve it." I hesitate but take it telling her, "Thank you. I appreciate it." I turn to go back to my station when she calls out, "Dalton?" I look over my shoulder at her. "If you and Carmen don't.... call me." Her cheeks flash red as she turns and walks out. I look to Sunny who's looking at me in shock. Quite honestly I'm shocked too. I've always found Kaitlin to be attractive, and if I was the hound dog I used to be, I would probably call her tonight, but she has never given me the fuck me vibe before. I guess being single now changes things. I shake my head and walk over to clean up my station before my next client gets here. I wonder if I should tell Carmen that Kaitlin told me to call her. Fuck. This won't go over well.

  "How was your first day back?" I close the door and smile as she comes from around the kitchen counter. "It was awesome, babe. How was your day?" She wraps her arms around my neck, breathing me in. I do the same. I miss her even when we're apart for just a few hours. I'm officially lame as fuck. I step back giving her a look. I wanna give off the vibe that I need to tell her something. "Did something happen?" She asks hesitantly. I shrug then take her hand in mine and lead her over to the couch. "Kaitlin came in today. She actually popped my come back cherry. But that's not what I need to tell you......" She swallows hard whispering, "Oooook." She can feel my worry. I need to just do this. Rip off the Band-Aid. I clear my throat. I don't know why I'm so fucking worried to tell her. I didn't do anything wrong. "She told me, if me and you don't work out, to call her." She gets a weird smile on her face. "She's the married one right?" I nod, then add, "Except he left her. She doesn't know why, I guess." She gets more serious now. "So she was hitting on you?" I shrug. "I guess. I was pretty caught off guard by it." She nods then takes her hand from mine, so she can cross her arms, as she asks, "And what did you say?" I shake my head back and forth. "Not a damn thing. She turned and walked out after she said it." She searches my face a second before asking, "What you want for dinner?" I feel like that was too easy. I motion between us asking, "Are we ok?" She nods. "Of course. I mean I'm glad you told me, but you handled it well, so you didn't really have to. Women are gonna hit on you. You're a hot, sexy, tattoo artist. And now you're even more mysterious and desirable after taking a knife for your girlfriend." I chuckle as I reach out pulling her to me. She moves willingly to my lap, straddling my legs. We've been fucking like rabbits. I got ok'd by the doctor a week ago. I've had her under me twice a day every day since. She giggles as I slide my hands into her tight yoga pants. "Dalton, don't you wanna eat?" I smirk. "Why yes, yes I do." I flip her to her back, careful not to smack her head off the arm of the couch. She gets serious as I pull her pants down to her knees. She's pantiless. I groan then move so that I can put my mouth on her. She bucks off the couch, only making it easier on me. I slip my tongue through her. She's my favorite thing to consume. She grabs my hair tugging as I work her over. "Fuck Dalton. I'm close already." Every time she says my name when we're messing around, it drives me crazy. I plunge my tongue into her. She arches off the couch calling out, "Oh my fuck." I wait until she's done trembling to take my mouth from her. She sits up with the sexiest smirk on her face, then grabs my shirt ripping it over my head, demanding, "I want more. NOW." The lady wants. The lady gets. I stand and get my pants and boxers off as fast as I can. She gets naked then lays back, spread eagle. I get between her legs. She moves her hands above her head, bracing herself on the arm of the couch. Hell yes, that means she wants me to get crazy. I grab her thighs then slide inside her. She closes her eyes and moves with me as I pump into her. I pick up the pace quickly. She feels so good. I close my eyes and get lost in her. She wraps her legs tightly around my waist, holding me deep inside her as I keep moving. "Fuck yes." I hiss then dig my finger tips into her thighs a bit more. She reaches for me, trailing her finger tips through my abs. She growls. I think she likes my more toned body. I earned that shit in gym. I needed to feel stronger. I lay down on her. She slides her hands into my hair as I slow my pace, pressing kisses to her neck. I can't seem to just fuck her. I always end up wanting to slow down and just enjoy being this close to her. She doesn't seem to mind. She takes my face into her hands, pressing her lips to mine. This is the shit that makes me almost lose it. I run my hands down her soft skin. She moans against my lips, pressing herself to me as much as she can. I pick up the pace just a bit. She clings to my nape, burying her face into the side of my neck. "Dalton." She whispers, then groans loudly. Her body twitches beneath me. I close my eyes trying to hold off until she's finished. I pump into her a few more times before finding my own release. She wraps her arms around me as I still inside her. I look into her gorgeous emerald eyes as I tell her, "I love you." She smiles as she tells me, "God, I love you."

  I shake my head then really think over what my dad just said before I tell him, "I guess I was just too scared to before." He nods. "Well what's stopping you now? You have that inheritance money from your grandma. Use it." I actually forgot about that money. "I'll help you too. Dalton, this is your chance bud." I pick my coffee cup up and take a swig. Dad and Helen moved closer like planned, and we've been getting breakfast together every Wednesday since. "I don't know, Dad. My own shop is a big step." He nods as he sits his cup back on the table. "It is, but Dalton, you have the clientele. And aren't you tired of handing part of what you make to someone else? You should be making all your money. And with your talent, you could train, or apprentice, or whatever you call it, other tattoo artists and make money off them." I like his enthusiasm over this, but being a shop owner is a big deal. I wouldn't just be tattooing. I would be responsible for the place and all the bills that come with that. Then there is hiring reliable people. I can't just do it by myself. Or could I? "Come on boy." I smile at him. "I'll think about it, Dad. So what's new?" He chuckles. "Helen is going crazy with all this house decorating shit. I can't wait until it's done. I honestly don't give a shit what color the bathroom is as long as there is a shitter and a shower in it." I bust up laughing. "I'm with ya. Carmen has been talking about making the apartment, more of a home. I don't even know what that means, but I think it's robbery that a damn can of paint is fifty bucks." He nods as he takes another sip of coffee. "I hear ya kid. As long as it's functional who gives a shit." I chuckle as I take the last swig of my coffee. "So you gonna ask that sweet girl to marry you?" I practically spit it all over the table. I keep it in my mouth, but choke as I swallow it down. "Sorry." He tells me laughing loudly. I get myself under control. "Fuck Dad, don't spring shit like that on me." He's still laughing pretty good. "Sorry son." He's not fucking sorry. I shake my head. "Well?" He asks again once he has his laughter under control. I shrug, then look to the side. Why the fuck do I have to marry her? Can't we just be happy like we are? She can't have kids. That's why most couple gets married, to be husband and wife for their kids. We don't need to worry about that. "Dalton?" I look back to him. "I don't know. I'm not planning on it." He raises his eyebrow then picks up his cup, finishing off his coffee. "Whatever makes you kids happy." I can hear in his tone that he wants to say more, but he doesn't. He flags down Jen. She comes over and hands him our check. I shoot her a look. She holds her hands up. "He got to me first." I point at her smiling. "Next time it's mine." She chuckles, then turns and walks away. Her and Smith are getting married. Mabel is all ex
cited to help plan the wedding. Better him than me. "Thanks Dad." I tell him as he puts money with the slip. He waves his hand through the air. "I owe you more than just coffee kiddo." I shake my head as we stand. He pulls me into a hug. "Think about the shop thing, ok?" I nod then pat his back before releasing him. We walk toward the door. Just as we're about to exit, the door opens, and in walks Abby. She looks like shit. Her eyes are all sunk in, and she looks like she lost weight. She locks eyes with me, but keeps walking. Good I didn't really wanna deal with that mess in front of my dad. We walk out to the sidewalk. "Alright Dalton, I love you." He holds his hand out to me. I take it telling him, "I love you too, Dad." I stand there and watch him get into his car and pull away. I turn and head toward the shop thinking about how it would be owning my own.

  "Babe?" I ask as she comes and sits next to me with a plate of leftover Chinese. "Yes my love?" She holds a bite out to me. I take it. "Should I open my own shop?" I ask with my mouth full, accidentally spitting a piece of rice at her. She chuckles then gets serious as she takes a bite and chews it. I search her face as she thinks it over. She finishes chewing then looks to me. "I think it's a great idea. Where did this come from?" She offers me another bite. Why does she ask me a question, then feed me? "Dad." I manage without spitting any food at her. She nods a couple times as she takes another bite. I finish my bite, then stand to go get a drink. "Should I?" I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge taking a water out. She looks to me as I come back and sit next to her. "I really think it's a great idea, babe. I'll quit the gallery and help you." I raise my eye brow as she reaches out taking the water from my hand. I get distracted as she takes a couple swigs. Her mouth is so sexy. Her lips are tempting me to put this conversation on the back burner for a bit. She hands me back the water with a sexy eye brow raise, like she knows what I was thinking. I force my mind back to the conversation. "You love the gallery. You're not quitting." She shrugs. "It's not that great anymore." She puts the last bite in her mouth and stands. There's more to it than she's telling me. "Carmen?" She turns and walks into the kitchen, putting the dirty plate and fork in the sink. I watch her as she just stands there for a bit, then finally she looks to me. "Look Dalton, I don't think it's for me anymore. I wanted to talk to you about me quitting. I mean, I'll wait until I find something else..." She concentrates on the counter as she lets out a slow breath. She doesn't need to find something else. I can support us. Especially now that Dad reminded me of my inheritance from grandma. There's still more that she's not telling me. I go into the kitchen and stand next to her. "Car?" She won't make eye contact with me. I slide my hand to her cheek tilting her gaze up to meet mine. "Did something happen you're not telling me?" She swallows hard, then turns away from me and starts to wash the dirty fork. I step next to her and take it from her then shut the water off. She's still refusing to look at me, which is making me feel nervous. I grab her shoulder turning her to face me. She keeps her eyes down. I slide my hands into hers, giving them a squeeze. She finally looks up at me. She looks scared. My heart drops. "Carmen, tell me." The worry comes out in my voice. She takes her hands from mine, crossing her arms. Why do I feel like I fucking did something wrong? She takes a couple deep breaths. I wanna touch her. I feel better when I'm touching her. She starts to talk. "When you were in the hospital..." I close my eyes slowly, then open them again. She takes another breath. She's fucking killing me here. I lean against the counter and cross my own arms. I'm not sure I can handle what she's about to tell me. "My boss... he uh...." Anger rises in me. She takes another breath. "FUCK Carmen, would you just fucking say it?" I don't mean to sound as harsh as I do. She looks a bit annoyed now, but blurts, "He grabbed me and pulled me into a back room. He tried to..... I kneed him in the balls, and he got the hint, but... I don't wanna be there anymore. He freaks me out." I'm instantly thrown past pissed and straight to blazing fucking mad. I walk over and grab the keys off the table by the door. "DALTON." She calls out. I just keep on going. I don't have a license, and I don't fucking care. I'm gonna find that mother fucker and make him answer to me.

  I've only been to the gallery once, but I remember how to get there. Carmen loved being there so much. How dare that mother fucker take this from her. I pull up out front. They're still open. I stare straight ahead. I need to be careful here. I don't wanna get thrown in jail, then Carmen will be pissed at me. I was actually kind of shocked she didn't follow me out to the car to stop me. I got thinking about it on the way here. He REALLY freaked her out, and maybe she wanted me to come here and scare him shitless. I get out of the car. I will not hit him. I will not hit him. I open the door. There's a sweet looking blonde at a desk inside the door. "Hello sir." She greets. Her lips are incredible. Perfect for dick sucking and those tits..... FUCK, old habits die hard. "Hey there, is your boss here? I'm Carmen's boyfriend, and I wanted to ask him something." She looks me over getting a sexy smirk on her face as she tells me, "She told me ALL about you." Her tone suggests that the "all" Carmen told her about is mostly bedroom related. She holds her hand out to me. "Nice to meet you, I'm Porsha." I take her hand slightly annoyed that I've never heard a damn thing about her before, but I got bigger shit to handle. "Dalton. So your boss?" She nods, then walks toward a hall off to the side. As soon as she disappears just from view, I hear her speaking to a man. He tells her to tell me he's not here. Too late pussy. I start for the hallway. He probably has a damn good idea why I'm here. Bet he thought he was in the clear at this point. I step up to them. Porsha shoots me a look, then books it back out front. He holds his hands up. I grab him by his floral printed shirt and slam him to the wall. His perfectly styled hair falls out of place. I pictured her boss as some sleazy old man. This fucker is a young, rich looking prick of a man, I remember seeing before. I thought he was gay and worked here too. "You fucking touched my girl." I hiss. I don't know need to ask. Carmen would never lie to me. He swallows hard. "I didn't..." I raise my eye brow as I push him to the wall more. If he thinks telling me he didn't touch her is a good idea, then I WILL rearrange his face. He swallows hard. "She never told me about you. I thought she liked me." I shake my head. "Now THAT is a damn lie. Porsha knows ALL about me. And I was here for that fucking display for the fruit art." He widens his eyes as I keep going. "I walked around with Carmen all night. She had on that hot red dress. I'm sure you remember that. I'm sure you remember thinking about how lucky I was to be the guy here with her. And although I don't remember meeting you, I remember seeing you, and I bet YOU DO remember me." He swallows hard again, but keeps his mouth shut. He doesn't need to admit that I'm right. I can see it in his eyes. "She quits. She won't be back. And if you ever try that shit with anyone else, and I find out, I'll fuck up that pretty face you got there. Understand?" He nods once, but looks like he wants to say something. I stare right into his eyes, giving him the chance. Of course he's too much of a pussy to, so I release him. I turn and walk back through the gallery with my hands clenched. "Nice to meet you, Dalton." Porsha calls out as I get to the door. I turn and look to her. "If he touches you, call Carmen, and I'll come take care of him." She nods, then giggles a bit as I turn and walk out, slamming the door off the wall behind it.


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