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Earth to Centauri: The First Journey (Captain Anara - Antariksh Book 1)

Page 10

by Kumar L

  Ryan was nervous about the actual launch. He had never played this particular role before of being a commander on a spaceflight of this magnitude. The last few years had passed in a blur with the familiarization, test flights, crew training and the rest. They had taken very short breaks in that punishing schedule. The only silver lining was that they had their families around at the various bases. His wife Joan liked her role at ISC having always wanting to be at the forefront of signal transmissions in space.

  He had taken his family to see the ship which would be flying him soon. The size of the ship had suitable impressed his daughter. She had a hundred questions and he smiled when he remembered she had asked if he knew what the aliens looked like and whether they were green in colour. They had laughed at the child’s view of ‘little green Martians’. But in reality they still had no idea what the aliens looked like or even if they existed at all.

  As the launch day came near, media across the world was going crazy with speculations on what the Earth ship would find in space. The news that signals had been received from space and there was a ship being prepared to travel to the stars had finally penetrated every corner of the solar system. Every site dedicated to aliens was abuzz with activity with all of them claiming to have predicted this many years ago. Drake’s equation and Fermi’s paradox were again dug out and debated endlessly. For the moment, the ‘8’ had decided to keep the actual destination and travel time secret just to avoid hysteria that a new civilization was so close to Earth. Governments were being petitioned to stop the flight as it would expose the planet to hostile species. Xenophobes had a field day in the limelight but fortunately they were no large scale organized protests.

  Ryan was grateful that he was not in the limelight himself. The crew had not been exposed to the outside world and while nations collaborated on this momentous exercise, they were also united in protecting some secrets till the time was right. Most of Ryan’s days were now being spent on flight training and logistics.

  Shiploads of material were being delivered every day and had to be sorted and stored based on need and time of use. There were scientific instruments to load, install and test. The scientists were having a field day with state of the art instrumentations most of which were not available even to top research institutions. Data would be collected and stored every single minute of the journey and two separate science data banks had been created to store the information expected to be retrieved. There were also data pods available on the ship to be dropped en-route to ensure system malfunction did not result in complete loss of information.

  At the last moment, it had been decided that the ship would also carry some samples of plants and seeds from Earth. These had been chosen from among the hardiest species on the planet. It was planned that if possible with Proxima B’s atmosphere permitting, these seeds and plants would be planted on the surface. A small part of Earth would be left behind on a star trillions of kms away. For the most part this was wishful thinking but the scientific team had agreed for this experiment as well.

  In the meantime, every crew member went through multiple complete physicals. The baseline data was stored both on base and on the ship to provide comparisons once the trip was over. These tests were supplemented by intensive physical training and acclimatization exercises to get the crew ready for the rigours of space. There would be advanced medical instruments available but Dr. Khan wanted not to use them unless absolutely necessary. He also had a trauma specialist on board in case required. The automated system would be able to handle most routine cases. The crew would of course spend the last two weeks before launch in medical quarantine.

  There was limited data available on risks to human tissue during FTL flight and most had been collected during the test runs. Dr. Khan was spending an inordinate amount of time with a specialist team running through data banks to determine the risks. They had not found anything so far - the dome was performing well, but they continued to dig deeper up to the genetic level.

  Finally, he and Dr. Lian’s teams were also getting briefed by Senior teams of astrobiologists on possible extra-terrestrial life forms they could expect to find. It was believed that life evolving anywhere in the universe would follow a similar path as Earth. However, effects of mega cataclysms could not be accurately predicted. Life on Earth had been shaped not just by biology and evolution but also by destructive forces of nature including asteroid impacts. Various possibilities and expected outcomes had been programmed and the outputs were stored on the ship’s computer banks. It would however ultimately be up to the teams on-board to make sense of the contact they made. It was expected that they would also try and collect data on the evolution of the species they encounter.

  The crew manifest was complete and assignments were getting distributed with intensive training being carried out for everyone on board. From the Captain, downwards a strict training schedule was in place. Ryan was also undergoing command training along with Anara. He had never expected to start going to college again but the number of classes on every possible subject under the sun had reminded him of college. The only difference being that now there were only two students in the classroom most of the time and instead of automated systems there were actual professors teaching them. The amount of information they were cramming was enough to make his head burst. Besides ship operations they were getting refreshers on astrometry, space navigation, communications, language, planetary sciences, engineering, military tactics and even geology.

  This would all end soon and he would be glad to get into space and into running a starship. He was looking forward to launch day.

  21st June 2117

  Near the Tri-stars 3.8 LY

  They were finally near the Proxima Centauri star system. The sun could be seen with the naked eye, a brighter star than the rest in the sky. Detailed scans were now being carried out continuously mapping the route forward. They would proceed more at sub-light speeds from this moment.

  ‘Steady as it goes, Manisha,’ said the Captain. ‘Anything on the scans, Ryan?’

  ‘No captain, though we are limited to the visible area only. There are some asteroids and smaller planetesimals along our route. All mapped and ready. Astrometry and planet studies is being continuously fed the data available. Nothing to be concerned about.’

  ‘Surprising that they intercepted us earlier at that distance and are now hiding away. I would have expected a welcoming party,’ observed Anara.

  ‘My views exactly Captain. My weapons systems are primed and manned. They are getting the same feed as Ops but the controls will be released only by me,’ said Major Rawat.

  Unlike the last time, being better prepared gave them a sense of confidence though an undercurrent of tension ran through the whole ship.

  ‘Let’s drop speed 25% as we approach. Get us a bit more time to respond if required,’ ordered Anara.

  Manisha manipulated the controls and reduced speed. The ship continued forward while the crew maintained vigil at their stations.

  The calmness in Ops was suddenly shattered as the proximity alarm blared. ‘Contact Captain!’ shouted Ryan,’ bearing 272 by 40. I have the bearing and some details. Same mass and type as M2575,’ he said referring to the designation for the alien ship they’d encountered earlier.

  ‘Sound the ship wide alert, Manisha,’ ordered Anara as everyone around the bridge started their own analysis of the new entity. The alert alarm sounded throughout the ship and people moved rapidly to their respective stations sending their status to Manisha who received acknowledgements on her screen. In the meantime, Ryan had a display of the location and speed of the object moving towards them.

  ‘All stop,’ ordered Anara, ‘let them come to us this time. We will wait here. Major, status on the guns?’

  ‘Primed and ready Captain but safety on. There will be no accidental shooting.’

  ‘Ok people. Stay sharp, let’s see what happens. Manisha, how long before they reach our position?’

  ‘Five min
s at current speed, Captain?’

  ‘Commander, could we have detected them earlier?’

  ‘I don’t think so Captain. We have been probing continuously. I think it might have been behind one of the asteroids and moved at high speed to intercept us. I am putting the visuals on display now.’

  A familiar sight came up on the display, the same shape and diffused lighting. The holo changed to show relative position of the two ship and the star system.

  ‘Any idea if it is the same ship or a different one?’ asked Anara.

  ‘Too far to make out Captain. The hull configuration is similar but I can’t make out any markings,’ replied Ryan.

  The Ops crew strapped on their seat safety harnesses to avoid a repeat of the last time and waited for the approaching ship. All eyes were on the holo as the distance between them decreased rapidly until it was less than a 100 kms. Then the other ship stopped moving forward as and instead turned sideways. It carried out two sweeps in front of Antariksh as if evaluating why it had come back. They markings on the vessel were clearly visible now.

  ‘It’s not the same ship Captain, going by the markings,’ observed Ryan.

  ‘Noted,’ said Anara. ‘What the hell are they trying to do this time?’ she asked no one in particular.

  The other ship again came face to face with Antariksh and stopped all movement. Expectation and tension built up on Antariksh once again.

  Suddenly two bright white lights came alive on the front of the alien ship.

  ‘Steady everyone, steady’ said Anara as everyone on the bridge started at this sudden change. ‘Now!’

  The Major let loose a burst from their new laser cannon as they had planned earlier. A bright bolt of blue shot out and passed a few kms to the right of the enemy vessel. They had started thinking of them as the enemy now.

  For a moment, there was no response then the ship made a complete U-turn and scooted back where it had come from at high speed.

  The holo traced the ship’s path as it went back into the star system and hid from their view behind an asteroid field. The fix on the position gave the crew of Antariksh confidence they would not be caught off-guard again.

  ‘Good work people. I think we have given them something to think about. They should realize that this was only a warning shot and that we are not as helpless as we were last time,’ said Anara. ‘Major secure the cannons.’

  A few rapid instructions and the cannons went to standby. They were now going to continue to wait and let the enemy make the move once more. Anara had decided that they had enough time on their hands and would wait this out responding to the enemy ship and not be drawn into another trap.

  The hours passed slowly after Antariksh had fired the warning shot. The aliens had not made any further moves and as far as could be determined, the ship was still hiding behind the asteroid. The team in Ops remained watchful with radar focused on the last known position of the alien but continuous sweeps being carried out all around Antariksh. They had been able to determine that the lights from the alien had been just that - lights and it might just be possible the aliens were trying to communicate. But to Anara it was always better that she could not communicate from a position of perceived strength.

  Then just as Anara was contemplating ordering a change in the Ops crew to enable everyone to get some rest that Ryan called out from his station.

  ‘Contact again, Captain,’ said Ryan. ‘They have started moving towards us again.’ The ship’s sensors had recorded the movement almost as soon as the ship had come out from behind the asteroid.

  ‘Sound the alert again, Manisha. Be prepared to move rapidly if we get into a fight. Major, guns ready please.’

  ‘Yes Captain,’ acknowledge Manisha from the conn. She had been losing concentration while waiting for the last few hours and the new situation was just what was required to get her adrenaline flowing again.

  ‘Cannons ready, Captain,’ reported Rawat.

  The alien ship came down the same path as last time but this time stopped a thousand kms from Antariksh’s position. Again, the two lights came on but this time the distance dimmed their impact. Anara and her crew waited expectantly for the next move.

  Then the lights changed and started flashing in unison - three long, three short and three long - SOS.

  A cheer went up the bridge crew and even Anara permitted herself a smile. It looked like they wanted to talk this time after all.

  ‘Let’s reply back, Ryan and see if we can start communications.’

  3rd March 2116


  The gathering on the Moon was one of the largest ever seen in the solar system. Thousands of delegates had come from all over Earth and the other planets to witness the historic launch of Antariksh. Humankind was finally going to move beyond their solar system and reach for the stars. Every single lodging space on every Moon base was filled days before the launch. Tens of ship remained in orbit to attend the ceremony remotely.

  While back on Earth, the orbiting stations which were synchronized for a view of the Moon were also filled to capacity. Every large scale telescope on Earth was directed towards it and any amateur astronomer worth his name had set up their own viewing areas. The event would be broadcast live throughout the system even though various planets and bases would receive the signals with various delayed timings.

  The Prime Minister was meeting the crew in the quarantine room. He was accompanied by his senior cabinet ministers and the heads of state for the ‘8’. Director Srinivas lurked behind this distinguished group. He had already met the crew beforehand knowing well that he would not stand a chance of wish them luck at this time.

  ‘I must congratulate your crew and the team who have made this day possible, Captain Anara,’ said the PM. ‘You are carrying the hopes of humanity with you. If you find a new civilization in the stars near us, give them the message that humankind with all its flaws and shortcomings, cannot wait to be friends with them. We come in peace with greetings from every citizen of this solar system. Just knowing that we are not alone in this Universe fills us with joy. If, however Captain, you find that your quest has been in vain and this was just a false alarm, then I want you to remember that you and your crew are the first humans to have travelled to another star. This moment will forever be recorded as one of the pivotal moments in our planet’s history.’

  ‘Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister. I, on behalf of my crew assure you that we will not leave any stone unturned in coming back successful. Thank you for your wishes and those from everyone assembled here today,’ said Anara.

  The ceremony finished and the crew moved off to their ship. With assistance from ground support personnel the ship got ready for launch. As the countdown began the crew occupied their respective stations to carry out pre-flight checks. One by one the status lights on display boards on the ship and the base turned green. Acknowledgements were exchanged and Antariksh was given clearance to take off.

  It rose slowly above the base exiting the open doors of the launch bay, rising towards the sky. The sunlight shown dull against the matte hull as the ship rose higher and higher.

  ‘Punch in cruise speed, Manisha,’ ordered Anara in Ops. They would need to cruise till they cleared the asteroid belt beyond Mars. Navigation at any higher speed would be impossible till that point.

  Manisha moved her controls and eased Antariksh forward. They would need a few hours to cross the orbit of Jupiter and after that the sub light would be engaged. They would not take their first jump till well clear of Uranus.

  It was planned that the first jump would get them to the Oort cloud after which they would proceed in phases mapping out the space in front of them. Everyone settled down concentrating on their tasks - after all this was going to be a long journey and they would not be home for at least another year.

  21st June 2117


  The two ships faced each other in empty space with the Proxima Sun providing the backdrop of the meeting. The
first exchange of signals had been successful and now each seemed to wait for the other to make the next move.

  ‘Madhavan, let’s go to the next stage and transmit signal 1 on EM. Cycle through the frequency band please,’ ordered Anara.

  ‘Yes Captain,’ answered Madhavan and entered the necessary commands. The display changed to show the signals being transmitted and the frequency. It would take some time for them to cycle through the determined spectrum.

  ‘No response,’ reported Ryan monitoring the listening post.

  ‘Do you mean they are not responding or that we are not able to read their signal? Any indication they are receiving us?’

  ‘Not sure Captain. We are transmitting across a broad beam so no reason they should not be able to receive us. I’ll boost the signal,’ said Madhavan.

  ‘Ryan, can you scan for increased EM emissions from their ship?’ It could be as they had suspected, each ship may not have compatible receivers and the aliens could be using a completely different method altogether.

  Ryan focused his receivers to scan for all EM directed towards their ship. Background radio waves were automatically filtered out by the computer. He input commands to ask the computer to start looking for spikes across various frequencies and isolate them.

  ‘There are three frequencies which are showing a spike Captain.’ Ryan put them on the main display. Data rapidly scrolled across the screen. ‘Isolating frequency 3.’

  ‘Signal booster 50% Captain. Matching transmission to frequency 3.’ Madhavan was shifting his signal to the isolated frequency.

  Everyone else on the bridge waited expectantly. This seemed like an exercise in iterations till the two ships learned each other's capabilities.


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