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Gathering Their Mates ( Lycan Romance )

Page 7

by M. L. Briers

  “You mean feed from someone else?” Emily felt the rise of annoyance within her and she wasn’t entirely sure why, although to hazard a guess, she would have to say it was the mating thing between them.

  “Yes.” Kirk felt her tense slightly in his arms. The thought of him feeding from someone else had started her off and he knew that she was reacting to her mating instinct. He had effectively put another person in the game and ignited her jealousy.

  “No.” Emily heard herself say that one word and swallowed hard. What was she thinking? If he was feeding from someone else then those fangs wouldn’t be inside her neck. But the thought of him taking anyone else in his strong arms and being that intimate with them made her damn blood boil.

  “Then we’ll have to work on your fang phobia.” He teased, hooking her under the chin and raising her gaze up to his. The fire of jealousy that he saw in her eyes eased, to be replaced by a foreboding of what was to come. “So there are three bedrooms and you can have your choice of anyone of them, although I’d like it if you chose mine.” He was teasing her again and she smiled at him.

  “Which one is yours?”

  “Whichever one you choose as yours.” She couldn’t help but smile. She did like him, even if he was a vampire, even if he did have fangs, and even if she was going to have to let him feed… at some point.

  “I thought you weren’t going to touch me?” Emily reminded him, mindful that she had stepped into his space and not the other way around.

  “Unless you asked me too.” He reminded her and she tried, and failed, to take a step back. Not because he held her in place, because her damn feet were rooted to the spot and his eyes held her like a magnet.

  “Do you think I’ll ask?” Emily played it coy, when inside she had butterflies with clogs on, and her arousal could probably be scented a mile from here at the gathering.

  “I hope you’ll ask.” She almost shrieked when he lifted her up into his arms, and she found herself with an almost death grip around his neck, more out of surprise than fear.

  “What are you doing?” She loosened her grip slightly.

  “Taking you to the bedrooms to show you around.” He offered as he started off towards the stairs and climbed them as thought they weren’t even there.

  “I have feet.”

  “And I have hands and if my arms are full of you it helps me not want to run them all over your body, and as I promised not to touch you…” He flicked his eyes down, just to see the look on her face. She was beaming from ear to ear. Happy that he’d made the admission.

  “The master bedroom.” He announced, but Emily didn’t even bother looking, she was too busy looking at him.

  “I like this one.” She told him, her fingers getting lost in the thick hair at the nape of his neck.

  “I like this one too.” He couldn’t take his eyes from her. The tip of her tongue was running over her top lip and he wanted to taste her again. The ache in his jeans was like nothing he had ever experienced before, and his fangs itched to be released. So many emotions and needs had built up within him since discovering his mate, and he didn’t know just how long he could hold onto them before he exploded, but he knew he had to try.

  “Maybe we should toss a coin for it?” She circled her fingers down the back of his neck and he groaned with desire. “Are you ever going to kiss me again?”

  “Not until you ask me too.”

  “I’m asking…” He captured her lips before she even had time to finish. The jolt of excitement hit home within her and she parted her lips on a sigh of need that was far greater than she could control. To say she wanted him was an understatement, the need burned like a fire within her skin and she couldn’t get enough of his kiss. Her tongue duelled against his and she didn’t even notice that the mattress was beneath her, until he snagged her wrists and pushed her hands into the soft covers. The full length of his body pressed to hers, and his arousal was more than evident, it was a beacon of what she wanted in that very moment.

  The need to breathe made her pull away from his lips, and he took his lips to her neck and started a slow deliberate journey of seduction over her heated skin.

  “Thought you weren’t going to touch me?” Emily smiled to herself in the darkness and he swirled his tongue up over her vein, that was just so damned tempting to him, and found that sweet spot just below her ear.

  “You asked me to kiss you, I’m kissing you, you never said where.” He worked his way back down her neck and over her collarbone.

  Careful not to touch her breast with his hand, he released it from the confines of her clothes and ran his tongue in circles around the hard pebbled bud.

  “That’s not kissing…” She moaned as her back arched on the bed.

  “I use a lot of tongue when I kiss…” He breathed into the soft globe before he closed his lips over her nipple and sucked against it. Her free hand fisted his hair and she held him to her breast, as he nipped and soothed against her, before suckling a hard knot of desire within her womb.

  “If you don’t touch me I’m going to combust.” Emily cried out, the frustration had become overwhelming within her. She needed his hands on her body, she needed his body against hers, naked, and she needed to feel him inside her. Another hollow orgasm would just kill her off completely right now.

  “Are you sure?” He teased, but his hands were already stripping the layers of clothes between them. Her hands roamed over his body as he exposed his hard muscled chest. His mouth was back at her breast, as she reached lower and moaned her desire to feel him in her hand, as he stripped off his jeans and came back down over her.

  “Let me touch you.” He was evading her touch, certain that he would ignite if her hand so much as brushed against his erection.

  “Not a damn chance…” He moved down her body, kissing and nipping against her skin, his tongue tasting and teasing her until she squirmed on the bed beneath him, about as ready to explode as he was. “You’re a squirmy little thing…” He teased, as he used his upper body to open her thighs wide for him, nestling between her legs and pinning her down with one hand thrown over her hips.

  “I need you…” She moaned, the words dying with an intake of breath when he stroked her with his tongue.

  “And I need to taste you and if I can’t take your vein…” He teased, before his tongue rimmed her channel, and she tried to push away from him, up the bed, but he held her in place, teasing her until she thought she just might combust right there and then and never get to feel him inside her.

  “Alright…” She gasped, her knuckles white from fisting the covers beneath her so hard, when what she wanted to do was rip them to shreds with her bare hands.

  “That’s not a statement.” He growled, his tongue running over her folds until he found the swollen nub and sucked against it.

  “Vein… wrist…damn…vein…” Emily couldn’t take much more, her head was going to explode, or she was going to have a damn heart attack, or both. When he released her, she felt the immediate calming of her nerves. Her body climbing down from the heightened state of pure damn frustration that he had held her in.

  She took a long breath to calm her pulse and felt him climbing up over her body. Opening her eyes, she expected to find his fangs already in place, but they weren’t. His eyes were blacker that ebony and shined just as brightly in the moonlight as any polished stone, and he looked like the predator that she knew him to be.

  “I hate you…” She panted into the silence between them, but her words held no conviction, and his smile told her that he knew that.

  “I know…” His voice was so deep and lulling to her senses that she couldn’t help but reach for him, guiding him up between her thighs, as he settle over her.

  The press of his hardness rested against her sex and she couldn’t help but squirm a little searching for him. “And yet you want me nearly much as I want you.” He rested down on his elbows and used his thumbs against her cheeks to brush the damp hair from her face.

>   “I think more…”

  “No love. I’ve been waiting for you my whole life.” He claimed her lips and pushed inside her, one long, slow thrust that took her breath away and filled her completely. Her legs wound around him, keeping in him place, making sure that now she had him within her, he wouldn’t leave.

  He didn’t move an inch, letting her body get used to the size of him as her muscles clenched around him, a slow throb of awareness from her womanhood.

  “Move…” She had a need and that need was now.

  “Am I on your hair?” He teased with a grin, and she moaned her frustration into his shoulder. He wanted to move, he wanted to give her what she needed, and yet he wanted to stay right where he was and never leave her, never be apart from his mate again. And there was the little matter that he was fit to explode. He wanted her so damn much.

  “I swear if you don’t move I’m going to summon my magic…” He claimed her mouth again, ravenously this time, as he pulled back his hips and stroked inside her and she was lost in the feel of him, lost to anything but the feel of him. She wanted him more with every stroke, needed him more as he took his time to build the knot within her. Slowly strokes became thrusts, and thrusts turned into his hips pumping hard and fast, as she buried her nails into the flesh of his back and rode with him towards her release.

  He reached for her arms and pushed one down on the bed beside her head, holding the other out so he could run his tongue up over her skin until he found her wrist. Somewhere in her mind she knew what came next, fangs and blood, but she didn’t pull away from his touch. His head was turned into her arm and she couldn’t see what he was doing…

  “Let me see… I want to see…” She managed to get out, as he turned his head towards her and allowed his fangs to slowly push through the ache in his jaw, finally free, finally ready to taste his mate.

  Kirk heard her gasp in a breath that had nothing to do with his hips, but it wasn’t fear, her eyes flashed with excitement as he neared her skin. Slowly his strokes within her changed to long, deep thrusts that took her to the hilt and made her breath hitch in her chest.

  He locked her arm in his iron grip so that she couldn’t pull away and tear the flesh, and then sunk his fangs into her vein.

  Emily mewed with the fleeting pain of his bite. Her body was too caught up with the passion he was arousing within her to actually give it much thought. But with the first pull on her vein, the first blood that he took from her, there wasn’t an inch of her body that didn’t feel it. It was as if he was everywhere, touching, teasing every nerve ending within her body to life. Even the sound of his pleasure at tasting her touched her deep within, stoked her body higher, faster, until she thought there couldn’t be any more pleasure within her, but she was wrong.

  With one long thrust he took her over the edge and released her. Her whole body felt the power of her orgasm as it exploded from the centre of her body in pulses of pure plasma, racing through every inch of her in tidal waves that roared through her, and then tore back into her womb again, sending another, and then another wave to crash to shore.

  Her inner muscles convulsed around in, massaging him in throbbing spasms until he couldn’t contain his needs any longer. He released his fangs and thrust deep inside her, over and over until the pressure that built within the base of his spine tore through him, and he ground against her womb as he spilled himself within her, pulling back and thrusting again with each wave of his orgasm that held him spellbound until he was done.

  The scent of her blood pulled him back from the abyss that he found himself in after experiencing the intensity of pleasure like he had never known before, and his eyes focused on her wrist, the blood that escaped her wound. Bringing it to his mouth and running his tongue over the nectar one last time to clean her skin, before he sealed the wound.

  “Fangs…” She breathed through the haze of the aftershocks still claiming her body. Kirk leaned over her, propped up by his elbows and gently brushed her damp hair from her skin. Her breathing was laboured and her eyes still closed, as he soothed her back to him.

  “Fangs?” He wasn’t sure that he wanted her answer, not one hundred per cent sure. While she hadn’t cried out when he sank his fangs into her, and she hadn’t protested, he was still uncertain if that would be the last time she allowed him to taste her blood. To feed from her. It seemed to take her forever to open her eyes, still half closed and filled with passion for him.

  “Fangs…” She repeated, her hand reaching for his face, her fingertips played lightly over his cheek and the just one finger traced his lips. “I can live with fangs.” She had a mischievous gleam in her eyes and he raised his brows and grinned down at her. Still deep within her, he felt the swell of blood that made him fully hard and had the need to move inside her.

  “Well if you liked that, I have to tell you, that when I drink from your neck, it’s a thousand times better for you.”

  “A little exaggerated?” She chuckled and he grinned down at her.

  “I’ll let you be the judge of that.”

  “When?” She replied as quick as a flash and he narrowed his eyes on her.

  “Now?” He asked and saw the colour hit her cheeks.

  “That long?” She teased him and he spun them over in the bed, bringing her down on top of him to straddle his hips. Emily pushed up from his chest and moved over him, working her hips to take him as deeply as she could inside. “I’m very impatient when it’s something I really want.”

  “Come here beautiful, let me taste you.” He pulled himself up in the bed, placed one hand at her back and locked her to him as the other cupped her cheek. With one long, delectable sweep of his tongue up her vein, he unsheathed his fangs and sliced down into her vein, taking a long hard pull on her blood as he thrust his hips against her, and she cried out as the orgasm swept through her body, lost to him.

  Silver rolled over onto her side and then her stomach. There was a marching band playing in her head, and at some point last night she feared she may have been French kissed by a dustbin, or a cat, or a cat that had been licking a dustbin… Just so long as it wasn’t a wolf, she told herself, as she moaned with the irony of something that made you feel so good while you were drinking it, and then so very, very bad a few hours later.

  “Good morning.” The deep and darkly seductive, but amused, voice of her mate greeted her and rattled her brainpan. That was not good, she told herself as she moaned again. Had he witnessed her fall from grace? She was sure, by the way her head was pounding that it had been spectacular. She might even be drooling.

  Silver lifted her hand and wiped her mouth. It wasn’t wet, no drool, she told herself as she sniffed the air and came up with coffee. Coffee was good, and she blessed which ever angel had made it for her this morning, although neither Ashley nor Emily was normally that understanding.

  The heat from the cup was by her face and the smell was under her nose, so she guessed Mr Muscles was trying to tempt her awake. Maybe she could emulate a wolf and just lick it straight from the cup, so as not to have to lift her head, at all, ever again.

  “For a witch, you really can’t handle your booze.” He teased, and she wanted to zap him, she just didn’t have enough energy to call on her magic, or move, ever.

  “If I throw the ball will you go fetch it and not return?” Silver moaned at the sound of her own voice. It had elephant’s tap dancing on her skull and bolts of lightning hitting her right between the eyes.

  The deep rumble of his growl set her teeth on edge and she rolled away from him, still she couldn’t pry her eyes open.

  “Do you really want to annoy me when you’re so fragile?” He warned her playfully and she snorted.

  “Do you really want to annoy me when zapping you would be my only pleasure in life right now?” She felt the mattress move beside her and turned onto her side away from him. She didn’t care he was on her bed, that was the least of her worries.

  “Drink your coffee.”

es it come with a straw?” She moaned and heard his deep chuckle.

  “Don’t laugh either. You’re too deep, it sounds like pure bass in my brain.”

  “Maybe you should drink less.”

  “Maybe you should get out of my room and leave me be.”

  “You’re in my bed…” That brought her eyes open, even if it wasn’t wide open, the damage was already done, the bright light of day felt like red hot pokers inside her eyeballs, and she snapped them shut again, but not before she had caught sight of the unfamiliar room.

  Tossing her arm over her eyes and trying to roll away from him again might not have been the best idea she’d ever had, especially as she had run out of mattress and she slipped from under the cover and face planted into the soft rug over the hard floor. The impact ripped through her whole body and she groaned against the pain.

  “Son of a b…” She moaned out and heard his chuckle from directly above her.

  “Now, now, watch your language.” His hands reached under her arms and he hauled her to her feet. Her legs didn’t appear to be any more stable than they had been last night and she literally oozed down his body, until he hauled her up again. Grabbing her and tossing her back onto the bed, her whines and moans made him chuckle.

  “No please, don’t think to be gentle…” She groaned, dragging herself up the bed on her stomach, one fist at a time, and burying her face into a pillow. The scent was purely him and she breathed it in, damn he smelled good. She wanted to strip naked and roll around in the smell forever.

  “That was gentle.” He lied, and sat down beside her again, facing her and taking pity on her in that one moment. Even after he’d spent an uncomfortable night on the sofa, with one eye open for her in case she tried to escape, and the sound of her snoring wafting through the house. He ran his fingers through her hair, soothing her. “Drink your coffee.”


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