Gathering Their Mates ( Lycan Romance )

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Gathering Their Mates ( Lycan Romance ) Page 11

by M. L. Briers

  “You do know they can hear us right, Em?” Silver leaned in and whispered, and Emily’s face turned the darker side of crimson as she slipped down in her seat and grimaced.

  “So enough about us, Silver when are you going to mate with Ben?” Ashley asked point blank and Silvers eyes flicked to the engaging stare of her mate.

  “Who said I was?” She asked not taking her eyes from his.

  “Mother Nature.” Ashley looked more than pleased with herself, so did Ben for that matter, and she dragged her eyes away and glared back at Ashley. “Hey don’t shoot the messenger.”

  “Shoot, zap, it’s all relative.” Silver offered and Ashley balked.

  “Not to the bloody messenger it’s not.”


  “So this is where you live.” Ashley walked through the cabin eyeing the man cave that Vaughn had created for himself in the middle of the woods. Her eyes took in the array of technology that was befitting a male of any species, and the well worn comfort of the oversized, overstuffed sofa.

  “This is where we live.” He corrected her, yanking off his top and baring his broad chest to his mate.

  “Is that like a Lycan signal for mating?” She teased, taking a step backwards from him and he grinned widely at her, his eyes had already started to darken with desire. “Oh wait, no, those eyes are the signal for Lycan mating right?” She giggled, backing off across the room, slowly, so as not to challenge his wolf.

  “If you like what you see sweetheart, then that’s all the signal you need for mating.” He teased back, closing the distance between them in an instant and pulling her into his arms.

  Ashley ran her hands down over the hard muscles of his chest and sighed.

  “Don’t I get the full tour of my new home?” She looked up at him with innocent eyes, but he wasn’t buying it, he could already scent her arousal for him, could already feel her body swaying into his, her hips pressing against his, and rolling slightly against his hardness, and he growled long and hard.

  “Let’s start with the bedroom.” He growled, grabbing the globes of her backside and hitching her up his body until her sex rested over his already aching erection, and he couldn’t help but growl again with the pleasure the heat that touch caused him.

  “Because I didn’t see that one coming.” She chuckled, wrapping herself around him and nipping at his shoulder, as he stalked towards the bedroom door and kicked it open.

  “Glad I didn’t disappoint you.” He turned and pinned her against the door when she bit down harder into his skin. “Careful love, you’ll get my wolf so excited I might not be able to hold him back, and we both know what happens then.” He claimed her mouth with a ferocity that had her inner muscles clenching and her head spinning.

  His hands squeezed the ripe flesh of her backside as his fingers worked under the lace of her panties, gently stroking over her sex.

  “Bonding…” She gasped when he pressed a couple of fingers inside her and she let her head fall back against the door. He nipped at her throat and then soothed her skin with his tongue.

  “Do you want to bond with me, Ashley?” He growled as he worked his way over the mark he’d placed in her skin.

  “Right now, Vaughn, I just want you inside me, I can’t think of anything more than that…” He shifted her in his arms, pinning her in place with his hips as he worked his erection free from the confines of his jeans. One hand lifted her backside up, as he guided the silken tip towards her channel, moving her panties aside to ease into her, slowly letting his weight take him to the hilt as he leaned against her.

  “Now tell me.” He growled, as she tried to move against him, but he held her still. Buried to the hilt within her, he felt her inner muscles massaging him, and damn if he didn’t want to pull back and take her deep again, but he wanted an answer more.

  “Bonding’s hard and fast?” Ashley moaned, needing him to move.

  “Can be at the end…” Vaughn felt his wolf baying for their mate. It was as much as he could do to hold onto the damn beast.

  “”Promise me hard and fast all the way through and we can bond.” Ashley bit down into his shoulder and his wolf went wild within him, there was going to be no holding back for either of them. Their mate was in need.

  Vaughn pulled back his hips and thrust back hard, taking her deeply and stretching her like a glove around him. He knew she could be a demanding and ferocious lover, almost Lycan in nature, and he loved that about her, he didn’t need to hold back, but then he’d never let his wolf lose before.

  He ripped the lace of her panties down and she pushed his jeans down his hips with her legs.

  “Tell me if I hurt you.” He growled thrusting hard and she rolled her head back against the door and moaned in pleasure.

  “I’ll damn well tell you if you don’t.” She hissed out taking him again, over and over as he pounded into her. The door thumping against the wall every time he thrust to the hilt.

  “Are you sure you’re not part Lycan?” He growled feeling her muscles tighten around him, knowing she was close to release.

  “Maybe in- a different life.” She dug her nails deep into his back and felt him thrust harder, pounding inside her until she cried out with the first wave of her orgasm, it hit her hard and fast, rushing through her body and taking her breath away as she savoured the sweet ecstasy that didn’t stop, because he didn’t stop.

  He had lifted her away from the door and was carrying her towards the bed and still he was thrusting inside her.

  Vaughn lowered her head and shoulders to the bed, but kept the rest of her angled upwards off the bed. He grabbed her hips and held her in place against him as he thrust harder and deeper. Her body had no time to recover from the previous release as he worked her towards another. Pounding inside her until she shattered around him again. This time he did pull out of her. Lifting her onto the bed and stripping their clothes from them, as she moaned with the passion that flowed through her.

  “You didn’t bond…” Ashley moaned and saw him crawling over the bed towards her, his eyes were black and his fangs were down, and the rush of excitement jolted through her.

  “That’s because we haven’t finished yet.” He growled at her. His hands flipped her over on the bed and drew her up to her knees in front of him. With his hands on her hips, he nudged her legs wide apart and knelt behind her.

  “Guide me in so I know you want me…” He felt her reach back for him, her hand closed around his thick shaft and she guided him into her channel. The tip of him spreading her walls as he held there, waiting for her to release her hand and when she did, he thrust hard and deep inside her, taking her to the hilt and grinding against her. He could almost imagine himself inside her womb, filling it with his seed, giving her his pups as she pushed back against him.

  “Are you ready to become mine forever?” He leaned over her body. One arm wrapped around her waist as he held her in place, thrusting hard over and over, until she moaned with each stroke.

  “Yes, I want to feel your bite.” He fisted her hair, exposing her shoulder for his fangs. His tongue ran over the mark he had already put into her skin and she moaned harder, the rush of feeling over her whole body taking her further towards another release, as his wolf bayed for the taste of her blood.


  Vaughn let his wolf lose, his carnal needs pushed to the surface and he thrust hard into his mate, over and over, mindful that she was close, as he pressed his fangs against her skin and savoured the moment before he bit down.

  Ashley cried out when his fangs pierced her skin, biting hard and deep into her flesh, as her body clenched around him and he thrust her over the edge. She could feel the wolf at the door of her mind as her mate reached out for her and she reached back, sharing herself with him, sharing the ecstasy that was rolling through her body, and the moment he released his fangs she felt him buried against her womb as his own release torn through him.

  Vaughn threw his head back and howled his release. H
owled with the joining of his mind to hers, his body with hers, and he pumped his seed within her. Her body massaged his juices from him, as he slammed back into her, over and over in a never ending orgasm that rolled through them. Hers melted with his and seemed to join together as one, until both mates were sated.

  Gasping for breath and panting like wild animals they fell sideways onto the bed, Vaughn pulled her back tightly against his chest, as he scented her blood. His wolf’s instinct to protect their mate kicked his need to take care of her wound into overdrive, as he tended to his lover in his arms. Cleaning and sealing her wound as she fought to recover.

  “Mine.” He growled against her neck when he was done and she couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “I should bloody hope so after that.”

  Silver wasn’t stupid. She knew exactly what Ashley and Vaughn were up to when they left the barbecue early. She’d seen the way that the mates could barely keep their hands from each other and a pang of longing for that closeness, that need, went through her. Although she was damn well fighting the urge that she had every time she looked at her mate, which was to climb onto his lap and lick him from head to toe like a damn lollipop.

  It hadn’t gone unnoticed by her, and probably the other four as well, that Ben had a permanent bulge within his jeans. The way he shifted uncomfortably at times was a dead giveaway to how much he wanted her, and she couldn’t help the little chuckle that raised its ugly head inside her every time he looked pained.

  She wasn’t deliberately trying to be mean. She felt the mating call of her body to his as much as he was feeling it, or maybe slightly less as she wasn’t Lycan, but she wasn’t entirely heartless to his needs. She was just… scared.

  For all of her bravado and her power she couldn’t imagine giving up even the slightest bit of control to anyone. Let alone a man, especially a Lycan, and most definitely an alpha.

  Damn it, but she liked to dig her heels in and go with her gut instinct and now she would have someone else to consider before she acted rashly, or irrationally, or even just stupidly in some circumstances. Not even just someone else, but a whole pack of someone else’s.

  While the thought of his strong arms wrapped around her body made her quiver with need inside, excitement that she could only contain by keeping her shields as close to her as possible, basically wrapping them around her heart and mind like a glove. She desperately wanted to trust that fate had picked well and that she wouldn’t lose herself within him, but...

  Silver eyed him across the way and noted the taunt lines of his jaw and the tight muscles of his chest and shoulders, and knew his suffering. It scratched and clawed at her until she wanted to scratch and claw every inch of her own damn skin.

  “Don’t you think so, Silver?” Emily asked and she looked up at her blankly, her eyes narrowing in on her friends face to try to ascertain if she should agree or disagree with what she was asking, but Emily just gave her a curious look.

  “You haven’t heard a word I’ve said have you?” Emily chuckled and Silver felt relieved that Emily wasn’t going to make a big thing about her lack of attention.

  “Not really, Em. I’m tired, sorry.” Silver lied, although she was tired, she wasn’t that tired that she couldn’t have held a passionate debate about something she gave a damn about.

  “We should go and let you get to bed.” Kirk grinned first at her and then at Emily, his mind obviously wandering to his alone time with his mate.

  Emily certainly was. She was up out of her seat and practically dragging him up with her in her haste to get away.

  Silver felt like someone slapped her upside the head and she frowned long and hard, “Wait am I staying here?” She looked over at Ben who gave her a small smile and an even smaller nod of his head.

  “It’s kind of where you belong, Silver.” He informed her and she wanted to sigh, knowing how right he was and yet she held it inside.

  “Night, Silver. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Emily beamed her a dazzling smile and Silver couldn’t help but huff.

  “That doesn’t leave a lot then.” She muttered as she caught sight of the devilish grin that Kirk shot her.

  “Thanks for the heads up.” He teased as she grimaced an apology towards Emily, who just shrugged it off.

  And then they were alone.

  “Hey it’s the fog horn from last night.” Jason bounded up the back garden and towards the mates as he grinned wildly at Silver.

  “Fog horn?” Silver looked for clarity from the young man who was so clearly related to her mate. The same black hair, the same chocolate brown eyes, and the same smile, just more carefree, stared back at her.

  “Yeah, when you snore, you really let rip.” He chuckled and her eyes went wide with embarrassment.

  “I was snoring?” She winced slightly as her eyes shot to her mate for confirmation. The look of amusement in his eyes told her what she already knew, and she casually placed the bottle of beer in her hand down on the table and pushed it away from her like it was a hand grenade about to explode.

  “Sounded like all hands to the deck at one point…” Jason teased and his brother got to his feet and growled his annoyance, as he felt the embarrassment come from his mate. Jason shot him a look and swallowed hard.

  “Sorry, it’s the drink.” Silver offered, getting to her feet and walking between the brothers. Instantly the peacemaker, as she ran her hand down over Ben’s chest and felt his muscles twitch beneath her fingers. “Why don’t you show me to my room?” She watched as his dark eyes dropped down to hers and he nodded once, before catching her wrist in one large hand and pulling her with him away from his brother.

  “That was a little tense, he was just teasing me.” Silver hissed as he pulled her behind him through the house and up the staircase. “Slow down I’m not Lycan…” She hissed again, and he dropped her wrist and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her against his hip and half carrying her with him as he went. “Are we late for something?” She enquired with more than an edge of sarcasm in her voice.

  Ben back heeled the bedroom door closed and spun her around against the wall, pushing her back with his hips until he had her pinned against him with nowhere to go.

  “I want you.” He growled down at her, and without giving her time to even consider a comeback line, he pressed his lips against hers and silenced her thoughts to anything other than him.

  His lips were warm and demanding, his tongue ran over her lips until she submitted to his will and parted them, and then his tongue pushed inside, but he didn’t demand anything else from her. He slowed in his assault against her senses. Gently teasing her to the point where she was the one who was demanding, her tongue eager to taste and tease him. Her hands ran down to find the edge of his top and she pushed it up his chest, spreading her palms flat against the hard muscles that moved under her touch, as she ran her hands over his skin.

  Ben wanted to tear her clothes from her body and never stop devouring her until she screamed his name. His body was on fire with her touch and yet he clenched his fists against the wall beside her head and let her lead him. His wolf growled within him, and he ached that it went against his nature, but right now his mate was in control and he wanted her to stay that way until he couldn’t bear it a moment longer.


  His wolf snarled and demanded submission, and he wanted to put his fist through the wall to keep the damn wolf at bay. He liked the way his mate was right now and he wasn’t going to do a damn thing to ruin her mood.

  When she yanked the top up over his head, he helped rid himself of it. Silver’s hands were already on his jeans, yanking at the material, as she devoured his mouth with as much passion as he had ever felt from any woman he had taken to bed. He felt the air hit his erection and the restriction of his tight clothing gone, and growled his approval. She tore her mouth from his and nipped and kissed her way down his body, as her hands pushed the material down his legs.

  Ben took a slight step back and pal
med the wall in front of him as she worked her way lower. He watched her every step of the way, wondering if he was going to die with the need that burned within him to bury himself inside her body. But when her hot breath rolled over his shaft he held onto his desire to claim her, and prayed to god she was going to do what he thought she was going to do.

  Silver rolled her tongue over the satin tip of his arousal and he twitched and bobbed in front of her. Fisting him inside her hand to keep him where she wanted him, she looked up his body as she rolled her tongue down over his shaft. The deep growl that echoed off the wall, as his lids hooded the blackness of his eyes told her she had all the power, and as she started a slow slide of her fist up and down his shaft, she traced over his sack with her tongue before sucking one and then the other testicle into her mouth.

  “Christ Silver, you’re going to kill me…” He growled down at her as she worked her way back to the swollen tip, not giving him a chance to breathe as she took him inside her mouth and worked over the sensitive ridge. He couldn’t hold reaching for her and fisting her hair gently as she pushed down his shaft, slowly, achingly taking him inside her mouth, inch by sensitive inch, and his sack tightened so hard he thought he might explode right then and there.

  “Silver…” He growled out a warning that he wasn’t sure how much more of her mouth on him he could take. Not after all this time of wanting her, but when he felt her fingers running over the skin between his sack and his backside, he knew that she wasn’t expecting him to hold out.

  He stared down at her as she stroked up and down his shaft with her hand and her mouth, her tongue was doing wicked things to him, and he wasn’t going to be able to hold his orgasm at bay. When she pushed him all the way to the back of her throat and he felt her swallow him down, the tight constriction that massaged his tip felt so damn good, and he felt the pressure in his spine as it shot through his body and he spilled out into her throat. His forehead grazed the wall for support, as she pulled him back out and swallowed him down again furiously until he was spent.


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