Gathering Their Mates ( Lycan Romance )

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Gathering Their Mates ( Lycan Romance ) Page 13

by M. L. Briers

  “It’s her.” Ashley exclaimed and Emily chuckled.

  “You don’t have to shout.” Emily tossed back and Ashley started to jump up and down on the spot in excitement. “What the hell?”

  “It’s her. It’s her!” Ashley shouted yanking open the front door and rushing out onto the front stoop. Leaving Emily even more confused than she had been a moment ago.

  “Her…?” Emily’s eyes shot wide as she realised what Ashley was telling her. Dashing around the table and across the room and hearing Ashley shrieked her glee.

  Emily’s eyes fixed on the black shape, all bundled up against the cold as it trudged through the snow towards them. Silver lifted her face up to look at her friends, and felt her heart lift within her.

  “Trust you to pick the cabin furthest from the damn road!” Silver called as her greeting and Emily snorted.

  “Told you it was a stupid place to live.” She goaded her, but Ashley was in no mood for it. Putting her hands on her hips she planted her feet and glared back at Silver.

  “Are you freakin’ kidding me?” Ashley shouted back, anger rising within her as she lifted her hand and wagged a long finger at her friend. “Three damn months and that’s how you say hello?” Ashley shrieked as she spun on her heel and stormed inside, slamming the door behind her and stomping to the bedroom.

  “What’s got up her butt, or need I ask?” Silver called to Emily, still too far away to keep her voice down.

  “You. And hormones, but mainly you.” Emily replied. She didn’t give a damn how Silver greeted them, there was time enough for explanations and recriminations, and right now she just wanted to hug her.

  “Hormones? Really? Ha!” Silver chuckled to herself in disbelief, shaking her head and throwing up her gloved hands.

  Emily rushed down the snow covered path to meet her and she couldn’t have hugged her tighter if she tried. But she wasn’t alone. Silver hugged her back just as hard.

  “God, I missed you guys.” Silver exclaimed and then pulled back away from her. “Is she gonna let me in? I’m frozen.” Silver asked holding onto her emotions with an iron fist.

  “Come on, we’ll break the door down if we have too.”

  Ashley put the mobile down and wiped away her tears as the front door opened and Emily came in, reaching back out to grab the sleeve of Silver’s thick padded jacket, she yanked her inside and gave Ashley a poignant look.

  “Hey Ash, congratulations on the baby.” Silver offered, holding her hands out at her sides and shrugging her apologies, and Ashley burst into tears again, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hands as she pushed up from the table and stomped across the room towards her. Practically throwing herself into Silver’s arms as she cursed her and blessed her in the same breath.

  “Where did you go?” Ashley demanded, as she held on for dear life just in case this was a dream. She wanted to hold onto to Silver and never let her go again.

  “I’ve been around. So how’s life with the…?” Ashley pulled back from Silver and frowned at her.

  “No. Don’t change the subject. I want to know how my best friend…”

  “What am I chopped liver?” Emily teased and Ashley bit down on her jaw in annoyance.

  “One of my best friends could just vanish. I want to know where you went so the next time you take it into your damn, stupid, pigheaded brain to take off I can come and drag you right back.” She took a long breath back in and Silver eyed her with amusement.

  “Wow. Don’t hold back…” She offered and regretted it the moment the words were out of her mouth. Ashley stepped back planted her hands on her hips and let fly with another tirade.

  “Do you have any idea what we’ve been going through?” She held up her hand, but didn’t pause for breath to let Silver answer her anyway. “We have been trying to find you since you left. You didn’t call, you didn’t write. I had one text message… One.” She snapped her head forward and Silver took a step backwards. “I’m fine. It said I’m fine. Wow, I’m fine? That explained everything, thanks so much for thinking of us. Poor Ben…”

  “Poor Ben?” Emily exclaimed her brows shooting up on her forehead, “Hypocrite.” She mumbled, but the look she got from Ashley told her to bite her tongue.

  “He’s been roaming around, looking like someone stole his favourite chew toy…” Silver sniggered, she couldn’t help it. But Ashley just got madder. “Well I just called Vaughn to tell him you’re back…”

  Silver’s eyes went wide in shock, as her cheeks flashed bright red, and she looked as though she was going to climb out of the window, even thought the door was right there and still open wide.

  “You did what!?” Silver shrieked, and Ashley threw up her hands in frustration. “Are you nuts he’s going to tell Ben that I’m here…?” She exclaimed looking at the front door and swallowing hard as she saw the bulk of the figure storming towards them in the distance. She groaned and swallowed again.

  “Damn, not like this, I needed time…” She ground out between clenched teeth and Ashley snorted.

  “Time? How about the last three months, Silver?”

  “Crap.” Silver kicked the front door closed and backed away from it. “Don’t suppose you have a back way out?” Silver looked around the small, but homely cabin, and then at Ashley expectantly.

  “No chance. Face your mate.” She turned on her heels and walked away, as Silver turned to look at Emily who wasn’t any more helpful. She just shrugged and looked apologetic.

  “Damn it.” Silver ground out. Running across the room and heaving on the window, yanking it up as Ashley turned back towards her.

  “Out of the window, really? And how far do you think you’ll get with an alpha wolf tracking you?” Ashley snorted and Silver grimaced.

  “You’re right. Not a good idea.” She raced across the room and into the bathroom. “Tell him I went out the window!” She hissed as she slammed the bathroom door and locked it.

  Ashley looked at Emily as though the world had suddenly gone made around her, and it had. The sound of the front door being slammed open brought Ashley’s eyes wide and towards the door, as Ben stood there, fuming and with actual steam coming from his clothes as he glared at Emily, who swallowed hard and pointed over her shoulder.

  “Window.” She snapped out and then snapped her jaw closed again, as Ashley cleared her throat bringing his attention around towards her.

  “Bathroom.” Ashley informed him as Emily gasped out before her jaw slacked open again.

  Ben stomped across the room and pounded on the thick wood of the door. He was in no mood for niceties as he stood there, his fists clenched at his sides, just as Vaughn raced in the front door.

  “Open the damn door Silver or I’ll break it down.” He growled and Ashley went to tell him the hell he would, when she found Vaughn at her side.

  “I’ll buy you a new one.” He whispered and she shrugged.

  “Go away. I need…” Silver called through the closed door. Ben lifted his boot and kicked the door back on its hinges. They watched as he disappeared inside on a loud menacing growl, he grabbed Silver’s wrist and yanked her out after him, as she tried to dig her heels into the hard wood flooring.

  “Let me go you oversized Chihuahua…” She was trying to yank her arm from his grip, but he turned towards her and growled down at her. He reached for her and hoisted her over his shoulder, and she shrieked out, kicking and hitting him.

  “Put me down, I’m pregnant!”

  Ben gently lowered her down his body. His hands cupped her cheeks and he searched her eyes.

  “Did I hurt you?” He growled and she shook herself free, madder than she had been before.

  “Not through want of trying you big flea bag!” She ground out between clenched teeth, staring up at him with a fire in her green eyes that burned as hot as the sun for him.

  “Pregnant?” Ashley frowned at her, and Silver threw up her hands and hit him as hard as she could in the chest, not even moving him.

; “And yes, before you ask it’s yours.” She snapped. Feeling the sting of tears well in her eyes, as he took a step forwards, and she took two back away from him.

  “I wasn’t going to ask.” He growled gently at her. Taking another step towards her and she backed off again.

  “Ha! You’d be happy if your mate were pregnant with another man’s child would you?” She sneered, angrily wiping away her tears and he reached for her, but she stepped back again.

  “You’re my mate. I would take care of you and the baby, no matter what, Silver.” Ben told her honestly and she glared at him.

  “Well it’s yours, you stupid mutt…” She went to step around him, but he took a step and blocked her way. She moved to the other side, and he did it again.

  “Silver…” He went to reach for her. She tried to sidestep him, but he caught her arm and pulled her towards him, wrapping her inside his arms and holding onto her as she punched out blindly.

  “Let me go.” She cried, but he held on.

  “Calm down. Please.” He felt her still against him. Felt her body sag and held her tighter. “You’re tired. Let me take you home, we can talk.” Ben whispered gently against her cheek and felt her shiver, a full bodied shiver that wracked her from head to toe.

  “I want to go home, but I don’t have a home anymore.” Silver cried into his chest and he bent down and picked her up in his arms, keeping her face tucked against his chest.

  “You’ll always have a home sweetheart. It’s right here on pack land with your family.” He whispered as he carried her towards the front door. Ashley went to take a step forward, but Vaughn stopped her.

  “Not now sweetheart.” He whispered to her as she watched Ben carry Silver away.

  “You made me cry.” Silver’s voice was so small that he barely heard it over the howling wind, as he carried back through woods towards their cabin.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” He whispered gently against her cheek. His wolf was pacing within him. The thought of the pup swelling Silver’s belly had them both off kilter.

  “I know. It’s hormones. I was going to tell you, but not like that.”

  “How then?” He asked wanting her to keep talking to him. He didn’t want her to shut down now that she was opening up.

  “Maybe a, surprise it’s a puppy cake?” He couldn’t help the small chuckle that rolled through him, even now she was being her awkward self. Hiding behind her bravado, he’d seen thought it before, or maybe she’d let him see through it, the night they spent making love.

  “It’s a baby.” He whispered back and she sighed.

  “I know it’s a baby, but I like it when you laugh. It makes me feel warm and I haven’t felt warm inside since…” Silver bit her lip and buried her face back against him, knowing she had said too much.

  “Me either. Believe it or not, I’ve apparently been a little short tempered, moody, sullen and… what else have I been called…? Oh, a real jerk.” He informed her and she couldn’t help the smile that spread over her face.

  “So nothing’s changed there then.” She heard him chuckle again and felt the warmth that it brought to her. “Ben…”

  “Silver…” He teased back and she sighed.

  “I have perfectly good feet and legs.”

  “Yes. I remember them, but I’d describe them more as beautiful feet and exquisite legs.”

  “I can walk.” She tried again, feeling like a complete idiot.

  “Good to know.” He whispered back, having no intention of putting her down now that he had her within his arms, he wanted to keep her there, even if only for a little longer. She felt good, damn good, and her scent was divine, and he needed this moment with her, before she pushed him away again.

  “Please put me down.” She tried again and he growled gently at her.

  “Give me this moment Silver, please.” Ben asked. If he never asked for anything again, he hoped she would grant him just this.

  Silver curled closer against him. She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into his neck. If he could have this moment then so could she.


  Ben told his beast to back the hell off. There wasn’t a reason in the world that he would spoil this time with her. He’d missed her so damn much it physically hurt him every day just to wake up, just to breathe in and out. He ate, worked and slept in a robotic state, doing what he needed to and no more. This was for him.

  Ben strolled into his house, through the still open doorway that he hadn’t bothered to close when he got the call from Vaughn to say she was back. Kicking it closed with the heel of his boot, he carried her through the downstairs and into the living. He eyed the sofa and immediately regretted coming straight home, he was going to have to put her down now, and that was the last thing he wanted to do.

  Ben closed his eyes and nuzzled against her neck, taking in her scent as he leaned down with her and gently placed her against the cushions, and he didn’t think it was his imagination that she seemed hesitant to let him go. But she did, and he knelt down beside her on the floor and reached up to brush the remainder of her tears away with his thumbs.

  “Stop being so nice. I might cry again.” She grumbled, and he couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. She was here and she could hate him, or shout at him, or do a million other things, and he didn’t give a damn. Because she was here.

  “I’m told it’s hormones.” He teased and she half smiled. He’d take that, even half a smile warmed him like the summer sun. “When did you find out you were pregnant?” He asked and saw her smile turn into a scowl.

  “I didn’t deliberately not tell you if that’s…” She started and he shook his head.

  “That’s not… I didn’t…” He ran a hand through his hair and sat back on his knees. Christ he didn’t want to make her mad.

  “Sorry. Hormones.” She bit out, cursing herself for her rush to judgement.

  “I’m a big enough wolf to take a little bite or two.”

  “Last week. I needed to get here, and then I thought you might not want to see me…”

  “Well that’s never going to happen.” He smiled and felt her relax a little.

  “I know you’ll want the pup…” She started and he growled.

  “Of course I want the pup.” He growled again as he scowled at her, and she raised her brows and stared back at him, unsure what just happened. “Sorry, hormones.” He gave her an apologetic shrug off his shoulders, and she couldn’t help the chuckle that rolled through her.

  Her eyes brightened and the colour seemed to return to her cheeks. His eyes took it all in, she was glowing radiantly right in front of him.

  “And I know you’ll want to be a part of…”

  “Wait, Silver. Let’s start at the damn beginning, because I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings between us again.” He heard her sigh and she rested her head against the cushion and closed her eyes. Was she giving up on him already? He wondered as he reached out to palm her cheek and she leaned into his touch, his warmth. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m just tired. I haven’t slept much since I found out…”

  “That’s a week, Silver.” He sounded accusing and she opened her eyes and stared back at him.

  “Nice to see you were paying attention…”

  “It’s not a joke love. You need to rest, the pup needs a healthy mother…” He scooped her up before she even muttered her next sarcastic answer and started back out of the room with her.

  “Really? Again?” Silver didn’t really have the energy to fight him at that moment, she was exhausted, mentally and physically and she just wanted the inquisition over with.

  “You can sleep in my room, I’ll find somewhere else to sleep.” Ben announced as he took the stairs a little faster than her head or stomach needed and she clung onto him.

  “Slow down please.” She gasped out and he instantly stopped. His eyes noting how her colour had drained away from her face.

  “You’re ill.�
�� He declared and she sighed.

  “I’m not ill stupid, I’m pregnant and a fairground ride up the stairs isn’t helpful.” She scowled up at him and he winced.

  “I’ll slow down.” He offered gently and she raised an accusing brow at him.

  “That’s all I ask He-Man.” She snapped back and watched the smirk touch his lips, even though he still looked a little strained.

  When he placed her down on the bed she balked, scooting to the edge and dangling her feet over the side.

  “I wasn’t going to…” He looked down at her horrified that she would think he was going to try to mate with her, and she scowled up at him.

  “I didn’t think you were. I have my boots on…” She berated him, and he did a really great impression of a goldfish, as his mouth opened and closed and nothing came out.

  She yanked down the zip and he knelt down. “Let me help you.” He offered and she knocked his hands away.

  “First I have no feet to walk, now I have no hands to...”

  “I’m just trying to be helpful…” He started and she scowled again.

  “You’ve done more than enough. I’m pregnant!” She threw her hands up in the air and then burst into tears again and he stared at her, unsure what the hell he was supposed to do now.

  “Can I hug you or will you zap me?” He growled, as he sat down next to her and she nodded and then shook her head, almost all at once. “I think that was a yes.” He took the chance as he pulled her against him again and she practically climbed up onto his lap and snuggled into his chest, wrapping her arms around him and holding on tightly.

  “I’m sorry…” She declared lifting her head and wiping her tears on her mitten.

  “For?” He asked starting to peel off the outer layers of her winter clothing. The damn stupid mittens were the first thing to go as he snatched them from her hands.

  “For crying… for getting pregnant… for leaving… for coming back…” She dissolved into tears just as he finished pulling off her jacket, and he wrapped her in his arms again and pulled her close.


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