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Gathering Their Mates ( Lycan Romance )

Page 16

by M. L. Briers

  “Hmm, a snack.” He drawled and Emily gasped as she elbowed him in the ribs.

  Kirk cocked an eyebrow towards Ashley and Silver as they grinned up at him. Walking over, he dropped the contents of his arms in their laps and winced.

  “Yours I believe.” He gave them a bored look as Emily turned and came back over to the sofa.

  “There’s a couple of outfits there and…”

  The sound of a paws echoing on the wood outside the front door was accompanied by a snarl and everyone’s eyes turned towards the door. Naked and laughing, Vaughn and Ben walked inside, covering their manhood’s when they saw Emily standing there and then everyone noticed Kirk.

  Standing in front of the cot, his arms outstretched either side of him, his eyes were black, his fangs were down, and his sharp claws were out. Emily gasped in annoyance.

  “Kirk, not around the babies!” She admonished him and he straightened his posturing, as he sheathed his claws and fangs.

  “Emily he was protecting the pups.” Ashley admonished and Kirk shook his head in denial.

  “No I wasn’t, I was getting to the snacks first.” He spat out as both Lycans growled towards him. Their protective instincts kicking in, even though they would trust Kirk with their offspring’s lives and day of the week.

  “Someone put the dogs outside the growling might wake the babies.” He drawled as he walked over to Emily and pulled her back against his chest, folding his arms around her.

  “Don’t you have a blood bag to suck on?” Vaughn shot back and Kirk frowned.

  “That’s no way to talk about my mate…” He pouted. “The Aunt of your puppies.” He motioned towards the cot with his head and Ben gave a good natured growl.

  “That’s pups, or babies. They aren’t dogs.” Ben reached for his clothes and motioned for Kirk to cover Emily’s eyes.

  “Spoil spoilt. I’m getting used to all these naked bodies around.” Emily informed him and he chuckled in her ear.

  “And fangs. Don’t forget you like fangs now.” He gently licked up the vein in her neck, and she pushed back against him.

  “Well it’s about time Emily, you guys practically live on pack land, you’re going to see naked bodies everywhere.” Vaughn stepped into his jeans and buttoned them up before he reached for his top. Walking over to the couch to sit next to his mate. Ben had already scooped Silver up and sat down with her on his lap.

  “And sex. Both wolf mating and human.” Ben added for good measure as Emily went back over to the cot and cooed down some more.

  “I don’t care. I just want to see my family. The wolves can bonk all they want, as long as they stay away from my leg…”

  “Emily!” Silver scowled at her and saw her balk. “Don’t knock leg humping until you’ve tried it.” She teased and Emily snorted.

  “But then Emily was always kind of a prude.” Ashley offered and Emily ignored her.

  “And a kiss arse…” Silver put in and Emily gasped.

  “I was not!” She denied hotly and Ashley chuckled.

  “Really? I’m thinking Iris…” Silver nodded.

  “Oh Iris, which is how we got here in the first place.” Silver agreed.

  “Oh for the love of…” Emily turned around and put her hands on her hips, her eyes flashing with annoyance, as Silver and Ashley grinned to each other.

  “Which we never did thank her for.” Ashley said on a shrug.

  “Well, it’s not my fault that you two…” Emily kept going, flustered, and then she stopped and narrowed her eyes. “What?” She asked, her voice getting all small and squeaky.

  “Nope, we never did.” Silver shook her head on a wince.

  “But we should make sure the kids know that it was Aunty Emily who found their mummies mates for them…” Ashley put in and Silver nodded.

  “And the reason they were born.” Silver added.

  “Hey come here.” Kirk saw his mate tears and pulled her back against his chest, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her close.

  “Happy tears!” Emily sobbed as Ashley and Silver jumped up from the sofa as one and ran towards her, as Kirk saw them coming and backed off rapidly. Not wanting to get caught up in the group hug.

  “We’ll hug you two Kirk.” Ashley teased and Kirk scowled at her.

  “I’m a vampire. I don’t hug.” He quirked a dark brow and walked away, eyeing the babies in the cot and grinning down at them. Both Ben and Vaughn chuckled as they watched him, and he shot a look at them.

  “What?” He scowled again and Ben grinned at him.

  “Nothing, Uncle Kirk.” Ben teased and Kirk groaned.

  “I hate families. I ate my last one…” He sneered and Emily chuckled.

  “No you didn’t.” She scoffed and he rolled his eyes.

  “Fine I didn’t.” He eyed the cot again. “So which one doesn’t scream bloody blue murder when you hold it?” He reached in and scooped up Jamie and Silver grinned wildly as she watched him. Jamie decided he didn’t like being held and started to wail. “Not this one then.” Kirk rolled his eyes and Silver went to take the baby, but he turned away slightly. “I’ve got this. I’m soothing, remember.” He cooed down at Jamie and the tot opened his eyes and cooed back.

  “Well would you look at that. That’s babysitter material.” Ashley chuckled and Vaughn growled. “You’re soothing too honey.” She shot over her shoulder as she watched Kirk with the baby.

  “Our son’s probably looking up thinking, so that’s what I’ve got to sharpen my claws on when I’m older.” Ben snorted and Kirk raised a brow.

  “Wait until you try to ground him and he zaps you, pops.” Kirk shot back and Silver chuckled, as she shot him a sheepish look.

  “He’s got Fae abilities?” Ben asked dragging himself up from the sofa and staring down at Silver and she shrugged.

  “Just a little…” She gave him innocent eyes.

  “And when were you going to tell me?” Ben demanded and Kirk snorted.

  “When you walked in the front door and found your furniture levitating.” He chuckled and Ben growled.

  “Silver, we need to talk.” Ben pointed to the kitchen and Silver balked.

  “But the baby?” She protested and Ben looked at Kirk.

  “Is with his Uncle.” Ben shot back and Kirk grinned.

  “Uncle Kirk…” He tried it on for size. Walking the baby across the room. “Uncle Kirk, yeah I could get used to that.” He mused and Ashley nudged Emily, who nudged Silver, who pointed to Kirk cooing, and they all started sniggering, as he looked up and scowled.

  “What?” He demanded and Silver grinned.

  “You’re just such a big old softie.” Silver teased and Kirk went to deny it and then looked down at the baby and shrugged.

  “Fine. I’ll babysit, at least it’s not like I need sleep.”

  “We’ll just make sure there’s always an extra bottle in the fridge. O negative.” Vaughn growled and the group sniggered and chuckled until Vaughn rolled his eyes.

  The End.




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