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Too Wilde to Tame

Page 15

by Janelle Denison

  With a sultry smile on her lips, she lowered her head and set out to tease him in the most tantalizing, mind-blowing ways. The soft, wet warmth of her tongue lapped along the underside of his cock, all the way up to the sensitive head, and pure lust slammed through him. Her fingers gripped him tight, and when she finally enveloped him in the moist heat of her mouth and took him all the way to the base of his shaft, a deep, tortured groan rumbled up from his throat.

  It was too much… yet not enough. Needing to touch Mia, to be connected to her in some small, intimate way, he slid his fingers through her dark, silky hair until his hand was cradling the back of her head. Beneath his palm, he followed the rhythm of her lush mouth sliding up and down his sex. Again. And again. And again.

  Even as the building pressure gathered low, he kept his gaze focused on the restaurant across the street, which added to the eroticism of the act-because what they were doing, what Mia was doing to him, was certainly forbidden, and incredibly risque.

  The breath-stealing way she slipped and swirled her tongue around his shaft, all the way down, then pulled back up in a long, suctioning pull of her mouth shook his sanity and his restraint. His fingers knotted in her hair, and each time he came close to erupting, she deliberately slowed down, keeping him just on the edge of release and making him a slave to her playful whims.

  "Jesus, Mia," he growled in frustration. "You're killing me."

  She pulled back, laughing in a way that told him she loved being in control of his climax. "Would you rather I stop?" she asked oh-so-innocently.

  "Hell, no," he rasped around a gruff chuckle. "Just remember, turnabout is fair play."

  "Mmm." She licked him, her tongue a velvet caress along the length of his cock. "I'm gonna hold you to that promise."

  She took him in her mouth once again and settled into a slow and steady rhythm, making the pleasure last for a few more excruciating minutes. Finally, she tightened her grip, adding a slick friction that had his hips instinctively thrusting in tandem with the stroke of her lips and fingers.

  Knowing the end was near, he gave her a warning she didn't bother to heed. His cock thickened, and his breath hissed out on a violent shudder as his body clenched in orgasm. She took him all the way, finished him off, and sucked him dry-leaving him dazed, completely wasted, and shaking.

  He was still gasping for air when she moved away, a pleased smile on her face as she slowly licked her glistening bottom lip. He groaned, amazed at this woman's ability to turn him inside out with wanting, even after he'd just had an incredibly explosive orgasm.

  "That was… fun." Mia's amused tone vibrated like a soft purr in the darkened cab of the vehicle. "It's nice to know you do have an adventurous side."

  When it came to her, he realized he was game for just about anything-and that being adventurous did have its perks. She excited him and added an element of surprise to his life he was coming to enjoy. A whole lot. "Yeah, well, you seem to bring out a reckless, daring side in me."

  She tipped her head, causing her hair to slide over her shoulder in a beguiling way. "Is that a bad thing?"

  "No. Not at all." Now that his heart rate had slowed and his body was no longer shaking, he readjusted the front of jeans and zipped them back up. "Actually, I kinda like it."

  "That's good to hear." Smiling, she glanced out the side window. "Hey, there's two women walking out of the restaurant. Is that who you're waiting for?"

  A quick look confirmed it was Trish and the other dark-haired woman who had dinner with her. Swearing beneath his breath, he reached for the camera in the backseat. He'd almost missed her, and how in the hell would he have explained that to Doug Shelton?

  I'm sorry, but I was lost in the most incredible blow job of my entire life and didn't see your wife leave the restaurant…

  Oh, yeah, that would go over real well, he thought wryly.

  He took the pictures he needed of Trish and the lady who'd accompanied her and came to the conclusion that bringing Mia on any future surveillance jobs wasn't a good idea. The woman was just too damn tempting and distracting. And resisting her, in any way, was impossible.

  Chapter Ten

  CAMERON'S home office printer spit out the report he'd just typed up, and he tucked the statement of recent events into the Shelton file to courier to Doug on Monday, along with copies of the pictures he'd taken of his wife and the woman he now knew as Margot Talbert, a graphic artist who worked for a reputable firm in Chicago.

  Thank God he'd manage to shake the lustful fog after Mia's erotic lip service last Wednesday night enough to remember to get a close-up shot of Margot's car and license plate, which had enabled him to find out her name and home address. Doug didn't know who Margot Talbert was, so it was up to Cameron to discover what the other woman's relationship was to Trish. A casual acquaintance? A business associate? Or something more?

  He typed up a few more case reports, answered e-mails, and downloaded some information he needed off the Internet before deciding it was time to call it a night. It was nearly ten p.m., and even though it was Saturday and the weekend, he'd spent the day doing background checks on a few witnesses, tracing a lead on an insurance fraud case, and meeting with Wesley at the office to follow up on the cases he and Steve had given the other man to work on.

  So far, Wes was proving to be a huge asset to the company, especially when it came to computers and electronics. The kid could hack into a computer in the blink of an eye, and he knew the ins and outs of surveillance equipment like the back of his hand-including planting bugs and hidden cameras. Wes's knowledge blew Cameron away, and both he and Steve saw this as the perfect opportunity to expand the business to include a security division.

  Done for the evening, Cameron shut down his computer and stretched his arms above his head to pull the kinks from the muscles along his back and shoulders. He needed a long, hot shower, and a good night's sleep-but not until after he called Mia for the evening.

  It had become a nightly ritual to check in with her. His days were swamped, and she knew he was reachable by cell phone should she need him for anything, but he hadn't had the chance to see her since the night he'd followed Trish. There had been no more incidences with Mia, and despite her contrary nature, fear had her laying low at home per his instructions. He didn't want her out on her own after dark with the possibility of someone watching and stalking her.

  They'd skipped going to The Electric Blue this past Friday because Cameron had a meeting with a client. Besides, even though he knew frequenting the popular bar was their best shot at finding the person behind the pictures, he didn't like using Mia as bait or as a plant. Not until he discovered who was harassing and scaring her.

  Unearthing the person intimidating Mia wasn't turning out to be an easy process. For one thing, the pictures she'd received weren't traceable, and he only had a few key people as viable suspects-with Ray topping the list. And he was proving to be a very difficult man to track-a man seemingly without a past beyond his life in Chicago.

  Releasing a tired sigh, Cameron pushed away from his desk, and from across the room his gaze landed on the hummingbird stained-glass design he'd bought from Mia a week ago for his sister's birthday tomorrow. He'd set the piece up against the window for safekeeping until Claude's party, and in the mornings when the sun shone through the window, the cut glass cast prisms of vibrant, sparkling colors across the walls and ceiling.

  Every time the dazzling artwork caught his eye it reminded him of Mia, her talent, and her secret, erotic pieces no one knew about except him. He'd watched her excitement and enthusiasm that night and had known, without a doubt, that this was what she was meant to do.

  He wasn't an art collector by any means, but unless he was missing something, he couldn't imagine her artwork not appealing to everyone on different levels. The range of her designs were so broad-from subtle, to striking, to extravagant and even eccentric. She even did custom work, and the erotic stuff… man, he knew that once the right people got wind of her s
pecialty and the word spread, she'd be set. If only she had the confidence to take the risk and follow her dreams of making a living with her designs.

  She needed to get her designs out there for people to find and buy-and not just in a consignment shop. She needed something bigger, with more exposure and the right clientele. And he had an idea of how she could accomplish exactly that.

  With his mind still on Mia and her stained-glass designs, he headed to the master bathroom, stripped off his clothes, and stepped beneath the steamy-hot spray of water to take a shower. He'd purchased the hummingbird piece for Claude because he honestly knew she'd love the design and the way it lit up in the sunlight. But he had to admit he'd had ulterior motives in mind, because his sister's good friend owned an art gallery in the city that showcased everything from paintings to sculptures and anything else that could be interpreted as a rare and one-of-a-kind collectible. He was hoping Claude would see the potential in Mia's creations and possibly put in a good word for Mia and help give her that initial boost she needed to get started.

  He shampooed his hair and washed his body, thinking that the introduction and recommendation had to be done in a way that didn't look like an obvious setup. He knew Mia and that stubborn streak of hers well enough to know she'd never accept what she perceived as charity. He needed the idea to be introduced casually and naturally, in a way that didn't come across as planned or contrived.

  As he got out of the shower and dried off, he decided the best way to accomplish his goal was to invite Mia to his sister's birthday get-together tomorrow afternoon at his parent's place. When Claude opened her gift, he'd let her know Mia had created the design… and then he'd let things play out from there and hope for the best.

  He laughed to himself as he thought about his family meeting Mia for the first time, and how they might react to her wearing something as sexy and wild as those lace-up boots of hers. And then there was her outrageous personality that had the ability to shock, and her open sensuality that was evident in the way she walked, talked, and dressed. Outwardly, Mia was the complete opposite of his mother and sisters in just about every way. And he was certain those contrasts were bound to make for an interesting and amusing evening.

  FOR the fifth time in the past half hour Mia glanced at the clock on her nightstand to check the time. Like a school girl with a huge crush on a guy, she couldn't wait for Cameron to call. It was silly, really, to feel so excited and eager, but no matter how hard she tried to concentrate on the romance novel she'd curled up in bed with-which was a poor substitute for Cameron actually being with her-there was no ignoring the anticipation fluttering in her belly.

  She hadn't seen him since Wednesday evening, though she spoke to him every night when he called to check in on her and be sure she was doing okay. Now, she looked forward to their easy, and sometimes amusing, conversations.

  Funny how she'd spent years trying to break free from her family's protective ways, but with Cameron it was different. He was genuinely concerned about her, but he wasn't overbearing about it and he never made her feel smothered or pressured. And because of that, she found herself relaxing and opening up to him-more than anyone else in her life.

  It was a scary prospect, considering their relationship, their affair actually, was a temporary deal that would last only as long as it took to figure out who was stalking her. Then they'd go their separate ways, back to their own individual and vastly different lives, and revert back to casual acquaintances. And because she knew the separation was inevitable, she'd do well to protect her heart and emotions in the meantime.

  She was so lost in her thoughts that the ringing of her phone made her jump. Grateful for the interruption, she picked up the cordless receiver, a smile already forming on her lips.

  "Hello," she answered, much too breathlessly.

  "Hey, there," Cameron said, his deep, sexy voice wrapping around her like soft, warm velvet. "What are you doing?"

  Those giddy flutters hatched full-fledge in her belly, like a dozen butterflies being set free. "I'm in bed, reading a book."

  "Something good, I hope?"

  "Mmmm. It's more entertaining than anything that's on TV right now." Marking her page, she set the novel aside and snuggled beneath the covers. "What would be even better would be having you here. I've been home alone all day, and I'm starting to forget what it's like to socialize with a real person."

  His low chuckle traveled through the phone line, and she closed her eyes to savor the husky sound. "Feeling cooped up and restless?" he guessed.

  She sighed, not at all surprised he'd accurately pegged her mood. The man had an amazing insight when it came to her. "Yeah, I guess I am."

  "Sorry 'bout that," he murmured apologetically. "I know this is tough, but I really don't want you going out by yourself. Especially at night."

  "I know, and I'm okay with it." Surprisingly, that was true. "Really."

  Something rustled in the background, as though he was trying to get comfortable in his own bed. Mia's imagination took flight, and in her mind's eye she could see him sprawled lazily on his bed with one hand tucked behind his head. He'd be shirtless, his chest bare, with a pair of soft cotton shorts riding low on his lean hips. And under those shorts, he'd be wearing nothing at all…

  "I was thinking," he said, cutting into her enjoyable fantasy. "How would you like to get out for a few hours tomorrow afternoon?"

  "Sure." Not only was she going absolutely stir-crazy, she was also dying to see him again. "What did you have in mind?"

  "It's my older sister's birthday, and there's a small get-together for dinner at my parents'," he said, his tone casual. "Why don't you come with me?"

  Her heart picked up its beat at his personal invitation and what meeting his family might imply. Then she realized he was just being nice and responding to her need to get out of the apartment.

  Still, the situation made her feel uneasy. "I appreciate you asking, but I don't think that would be such a great idea."

  "Why not?"

  Did he honestly not see how awkward the situation could turn out to be? "It might be a little uncomfortable having me there."

  "For whom?"

  Frustrated by his persistence, she blew out an upward breath. "Uncomfortable for me. You. Your family. I mean, it's not like we're dating, and I don't want your family getting the wrong idea about the two of us."

  "Mia," he said softly, and with way more calm than she was feeling at the moment. "My family doesn't speculate about my relationships, and there's nothing wrong with me bringing a woman friend to a family party."

  "Why? Do you do it often?" Her tone was light and teasing, but oh Lord, was that a pang of jealousy clenching her stomach? She feared it was, and she'd never, ever been the jealous type. That it was Cameron who sparked such a telltale emotion wasn't a good sign.

  "No, I don't bring women to family gatherings that often at all," he said, and Mia could swear she heard amusement in his voice. "And certainly not lately."

  She bit her bottom lip, refusing to read anything deep or meaningful into his words. She felt incredibly torn-wanting to be with Cameron, yet unsure how his family would feel about her. Even as just his friend. It surprised her that their opinion mattered, when she normally didn't give a damn what people thought of her.

  "I'd really like for you to go with me, for a number of reasons," he said, as if sensing she was on the fence about accepting his invitation. "It'll be good for you to get out for a while and have a good time, with no pressure involved. As for my family, they'll love meeting you. Especially because you're Steve's cousin. And if you say no, I might just have to kidnap you and take you by force."

  She laughed at the playful threat, though she wouldn't put it past Cameron to do exactly that-and enjoy every minute of being in control of her and the situation. "All right, all right, I'll go."

  "Good." His smug satisfaction was unmistakable, the arrogant man. "I'll pick you up at four, and wear something casual and comfortable."
r />   She smiled. "I'll be ready."

  "I'll see you then." His voice dropped to a low, husky pitch. "Good night, sweetheart."

  She closed her eyes as his endearment drifted over her like a warm, sensual caress. "Good night, Cameron."

  MIA double-checked her appearance in the tall, six-foot-long mirror hanging on the back of her closet door and scrutinized her final choice of attire-because Cameron was due to pick her up in just a few minutes and she had no time to change yet again. After spending the past two hours trying on an assortment of skirts, pants, and dresses in her quest to find the perfect, meet-the-parents kind of outfit, she'd finally settled on a pair of white jeans with a pink sleeveless turtle-neck top. Accessorized with a pair of pink suede heels and a matching Kate Spade purse, the look was simple yet sophisticated-the exact image she'd been striving for.

  There was nothing overtly sexy or flashy about her outfit, and there wasn't any cleavage to be seen. She managed to be comfortable yet look feminine and pretty as well, and she was pleased with the end result.

  Due to the negative photos she'd been sent and the revealing conversation she'd had with Cameron the night they'd sat in his truck together, Mia had spent a lot of time thinking about her overall appearance and personality. She didn't like the self-image she'd seen in those derogatory pictures, and it had become a startling eye-opener for her. Not to mention making her more aware of how she chose to dress and the more outlandish ways she sometimes behaved.

  She'd come to the conclusion that maybe it was time to make some changes, to shed a bit of the wild, bad-girl persona and redefine who she was on the outside. That didn't mean she was going to start dressing like a nun. She still enjoyed her sexy clothes, the way they looked and made her feel, and she wasn't ready to give up everything in her wardrobe.

  But a part of her felt as though it was time to make some necessary adjustments; let go of the reckless, attention-grabbing girl she'd become after her mother's death so long ago; and embrace a classier, stylish image instead. And tonight would mark the beginning of her new transformation to a subtler, more refined appearance.


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