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Two Knights of Indulgence

Page 7

by Alexandra O'Hurley

  Matthias froze, the blade mere inches from Nicolas’ neck. “What are you doing here?”

  Nicolas was sitting on the floor outside Britt’s door, his back to the wall. Sweat coated his face and neck, his breathing shallow. “Something is wrong with me, Matthias.”

  “What is it?” Matthias didn’t drop the blade, his hackles rising every second he stood before his friend.

  “I don’t know. I’m hearing voices … telling me to do awful things, to you, to her.” A tear slipped down Nicolas’ face.

  “Have you hurt her?”

  “I came down here—” Nicolas paused, agony twisting his features.

  “You came down here for what, Nicolas?”

  “I came down to hurt her. But I stopped myself. I don’t know how much longer I can hold it back. The two of you are in danger. You need to take her away before I hurt either one of you.”

  The door opened to Matthias’ right, and Britt filled the doorway. “What’s going on?”

  Nicolas heard her speak and lunged for her feet. She squealed and backed away as Matthias landed a punch to Nicolas’ cheek, knocking the man to the ground. He didn’t move, lying in the lump he’d fallen into. Matthias checked him, and he was indeed out cold. He stood and moved closer to Britt.

  “What’s wrong with him?”

  “I don’t know, but it started after you healed him.” Had Nicolas been right, was she leading them into a trap? Nicolas had been fine before her arrival into their life.

  “You think I caused this?”

  “I don’t know what to think right now.” He gathered her into his arms and shook her. “If you’re hurting my friend, you need to stop. He doesn’t deserve this.”

  “I’ve done nothing to him. I’ve done nothi—” She paused and her eyes grew wide. “The darkness.”

  “The darkness? What are you talking about?”

  “I sensed it earlier, when we were in the bathroom looking at his wound. I sensed an evil within him that I hadn’t felt at the hospital. It made me feel—fear. I was afraid of him.”

  “Evil? I’ve known that man for seven hundred years. There isn’t an evil bone in his body. What did you do to him?”

  “I sensed evil. Just like—” Britt’s eyes grew wide once more. “Just like I sensed the evil in the man at the hospital as he lifted his gun at me.”

  “Nicolas is not Illuminati. He has fought them for over a half century. He’s been beaten, stabbed, and now shot by those undead thugs in his bid to keep the peace.”

  “Shot?” She smiled, and he wondered if she was mad. “The bullets, that’s it! I only got two from him.”

  Why was she bringing up bullets in a time like this? “What are you talking about?”

  “I pulled a black bullet from you when I healed you. When I touched it, it was hot. As soon as I dropped it, it melted.”

  “Bullets don’t melt.”

  “Exactly. In the commotion of the situation, I forgot all about them. When I healed Nicolas, he had three wounds, but I only got two bullets out of him.”

  “Bullets? A bullet doesn’t make a man crazy.”

  “Traditionally, no. What if those bullets have some kind of evil within them?”

  “A magical, melting bullet that is filled with evil. That’s a bit of a stretch to cover your ass.”

  “I’m not covering my ass. I didn’t do anything to Nicolas. You said he was fine before he met me. He met me when he was shot. There is a bullet still embedded in him, potentially. If I’m right, it’s spreading.”

  Matthias looked at her and sensed no guile coming from her, but it was a bit much of a story to consider. Though, they had seen some crazy shit over the years. It wasn’t completely impossible.

  “If I choose to accept this story, why would the Illuminati shoot us with evil bullets?”

  “That part, I have no idea, but I’m sure there’s more to the story. For now, we need to figure out what to do about Nicholas.”

  “So what do you suppose we do about this magical, melting, evil bullet?”

  “I have absolutely no clue, but I assume the best thing I can do is try to heal him again.”

  “Nicolas thought that’s what you did to the man in the hospital. I won’t let you kill my friend.”

  “If he’s the strong, worthy man you say he is, I won’t.”

  “And you know this, how?”

  “I … just do.”

  Matthias watched her walk back toward the door and open it. Nicolas still lay on the floor where he was left. Britt kneeled beside him and then turned to seek Matthias. “Come, I may need your help.”

  He moved to Nicolas’ head and knelt on the floor. “What do you need me to do?”

  “I’m not sure. Lift his shirt, I need to touch him.”

  As Matthias lifted Nicolas’ shirt, he saw a dark mark. He stood and turned the hall light on to get a better look at it. It looked like a swirling black tattoo, reaching out in a sun-like shape, rays spreading out along his abdomen.

  “I don’t recall him having a tattoo when he was in the hospital.”

  “He doesn’t have any.”

  “Look, you can still see the faint scar of the bullet wound in the center.” Her gaze met Matthias’ before she dropped a hand just above the scar. “Can you at least admit my theory has merit?”

  Matthias looked at her, sensing she only wanted to help. He had no idea what to do at that moment, and he had to admit what he saw made him think she was on to something. “Do what you need to.”

  Britt looked back at Nicolas and pressed her palm to the remnants of the wound. Her eyes began to glow with blue light as she dropped the hand onto his skin. Nicolas’ whole body jumped at the contact, and his eyes burst open, blue light filling them.

  The luminescence grew to near blinding the longer she held on. Her light wavered for a moment, and Nicolas latched on to her wrist.

  “Noooo!” The deep, twisted voice bellowing out of Nicolas’ mouth was not his own. He began to buck under her touch, so Matthias pressed down his friend’s shoulders to quiet him, without much luck. Nicolas violently writhed under them, his strength appearing to build.

  After a few more moments, Nicolas pushed them off and leapt to his feet. His eyes still glowed, but now, it was a sickly yellow. “He’s ours now, and you can’t have him back, Healer!”

  The sick voice coming from Matthias’ friend, his brother, nearly turned his stomach. Matthias reached for his sword but before he could swing around, Nicolas rushed past him, crashing through the front door and out into the cold night.


  Britt shivered as the first blast of icy air hit her full force. The shattered door rested on broken hinges, and the night crept inside. “What do we do now?”

  Matthias watched her a moment before turning on his heel and rushing up the stairs without a word. She followed him up, her stomach in her throat. “Where are you going?”

  She knew he was going after Nicolas, deep into the cold night. Nicolas was in danger, but was also dangerous. There was no limit to the damage he could do with the knowledge within him. Matthias burst into his bedroom and began putting clothing on, his eyes never meeting hers. “You have no idea where he’s headed.”

  “I’ve tracked prey all over this planet. I will find him.”

  “In the middle of the night?”

  “Darkness doesn’t scare me.”

  The double entendre gave her pause. “And what will you do when you find him?”

  “Whatever I must.”

  The lethal look he passed her made her gasp. “You’d kill him?”

  “I would rather him die a valiant death than to cross over into evil. I owe him that much. And with the knowledge he has of the brotherhood, others could die if I let him into the ranks of the Illuminati.”

  Few would die to save the many. “I could potentially still save him.”

  “You have absolutely no idea what you’re doing. If you did, he’d be healed, lying on the floor downstairs.”

  His anger coiled with her frustration. She wasn’t about to let Matthias kill his best friend without giving it another shot. A man who’d been around for seven hundred years attempting to save the world deserved more than a valiant death; he deserved redemption. She rushed down the stairs and threw on all the clothing she could get her hands on and then marched back up to Matthias. “Where are my shoes? You two have hid them, I know it.”

  “You aren’t going anywhere.”

  “The hell I’m not! If I have to cut pieces of blankets and trash bags to wrap around my feet, I’ll do it. I won’t let you end his life so nonchalantly.”

  Matthias rushed forward, pinning her to the wall behind her. “Do you think for one minute that I’m not dying inside at the thought? I don’t make this decision nonchalantly. I already grieve for what I may be forced to do.”

  The hot rush of his words warmed her face. She felt the flow of energy between them, but the lust she typically felt was absent. Instead, she felt his pain, his remorse swelling within her. Tears stung the back of her lids as she felt the overpowering pain inside him.

  She also saw glimpses of the friendship the two shared, not so much as a vision of their time spent, but an awakening as to the depth of their brotherhood. Britt now understood the tie that bound them together and knew Matthias would die a little himself if he were forced to do what he was prepared to do.

  It only made her stand with more resolve. There was no way she could allow Matthias to endure that kind of pain, not if she had the potential to save Nicolas. “I’m going with you, like it or not.”

  “You’ll only slow me down.” The vehemence was gone from his voice, as if he wasn’t as opposed to her going as he stated he was.

  She reached beneath his shirt and rested her palm on his chest. The heavy thud of his heart raced against her hand. Britt opened to Matthias completely, pouring herself into him. If she felt his emotions when they touched, she had to hope he would feel her intent the same way. If he felt the strength of her conviction, perhaps he would see reason and take her along.

  Nicolas was worth redeeming. Matthias would be lost if Nicolas wasn’t rescued. Britt had to save them both, or the light she felt when she was with them would vanish. In her mind, there was no choice but for her to go and try again.

  He softened immediately, crowding closer as she pressed her lips to his. His touch was whisper soft, barely moving over her tender skin. For such a monster of a man, she was surprised his caresses were so tender. He truly was the gentle giant she thought him. His kisses became fevered, his hands gathering her ever closer. Britt could still taste the bitter flavor of the wine coating his tongue as he pierced it inside her mouth, tasting her deeply.

  After several moments, he drew back, his gaze glassy. “We need to get going before we lose the trail.”

  He began to walk to the front door, slipping his bow over his chest as he walked.

  “My shoes?”


  An hour later, Matthias was vastly impressed with Britt. Not once had she complained of the pace or the interminable cold. He’d wrapped her in several layers and two of his coats, but he knew she had to be freezing as they waded through snow, which was knee high in places. Each time he turned to check on her, she was trudging through in his wake, holding her own. Pride filled him. She was an incredible woman, strong and capable.

  She would have to be even stronger if they found their prey.

  The moon hung low in the sky, still nearly full. The illumination helped them on the trek as they wandered deeper and deeper into the wood. An eerie hush surrounded them; Matthias hadn’t heard animals moving since they left the house. Many of the creatures still hibernated, but there were plenty of nocturnal creatures that should be out and about. They appeared to have sensed the evil in the wood that night.

  They crossed a small creek, the melting waters of the mountain beginning the long descent into the valley. The liquid moved swiftly, the roiling surface shimmering in the moonlight. Small stones created the basin, a slippery slope for them to pass. He grasped Britt close to him and lifted her into his arms.

  “I can walk.”

  “The shoes you’re wearing aren’t meant for this terrain. This creek bed is an accident waiting to happen.” Plus he liked her in his arms. He would use any excuse to have her there as much as possible.

  For the first time in his life, his mind had drifted. He was becoming caught up in the potential for a future, one filled with love and happiness. One filled with her. Matthias had never thought it possible for a man such as himself.

  Guilt filled him as well. He had been suppressing the desires of his heart since the moment he laid eyes on her. Firstly, he wasn’t accustomed to thinking in terms of the future. Secondly, he wouldn’t let a female come between him and his brother. Now, he had to stuff the feelings down. How could he be considering a future with this woman when he was a hairsbreadth from losing the one true friend he’d always had?

  Britt would save Nicolas. She had to because even though he knew in his head he had to release Nicolas from the clutches of evil one way or another, his heart told him he’d struggle to see the job done. All the years of standing at Nicolas’ side would haunt him.

  Matthias had always worried about falling in love, creating a weakness. He’d had one all along. Nicolas had to survive, had to have the evil drawn from him. Britt had to succeed. Rustling in the underbrush to their immediate north caught his attention.

  “What was that?” she whispered just behind him.

  “Stay back a moment.” He unsheathed his sword and walked forward, allowing his eyes to slowly accustom themselves to the darkness within the bosom of the trees. He heard a growl as he stepped in closer and a second later, he was on his back, Nicolas atop him.

  The black mark had grown larger. The tentacles had started to climb up his neck and onto his face. His light eyes were now dark as well, the whites completely gone. “I told you … you can’t have him back.”

  “I beg to differ!” Britt jumped on his back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Nicolas pushed them both to the ground, leaving Matthias unpinned. Matthias jumped to his feet and threw himself against his friend, knocking the man to the ground and putting him in a headlock. Britt crawled out from below the pair and wrenched open Nicolas’ shirt, baring his chest.

  Her body began to glow with pale blue light as her palms hovered over his chest, within inches of his skin. “I’ve never sensed anything like this before.”

  Matthias saw the hesitancy cross her features. “You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met. If anyone can save him, it’s you.”

  Her lips twisted in a hint of a smile before he saw resolve slide over her face. Nicolas continued to struggle in his grasp and nearly bucked him off just prior to her placing both palms on the source of his mark. Britt moved on top of him, straddling Nicolas’ lap to help hold him down as the light grew brighter.

  A deep bellow of animalistic pain came from Nicolas as the light intensified. Matthias watched Britt closely, trying to deflect Nicolas’ one free arm as it thrashed out, punching and slapping Britt. Nicolas grew slower as the lack of oxygen began to get to him. His movements were sluggish, his bucking less powerful, yet Matthias refused to lessen his hold.

  Matthias didn’t want to asphyxiate Nicolas, so he turned his gaze to his friend’s face. The mark began to move, back in the opposite direction. Hope flooded him. “Britt! The mark is subsiding!”

  He turned to check the female, his smile fading when he turned. The mark was moving, alright. It was sliding across her hands as he watched in horror. She was sacrificing herself for Nicolas, taking his evil inside her. “No!”

  Matthias released Nicolas, twisting to push Britt off Nicolas. If he severed the tie, perhaps he could stop the process. He couldn’t let her sacrifice herself. If a life had to be laid down for Nicolas, it would be his.

  She wouldn’t budge. No matter how much strength he used, he couldn’t make her sto
p, couldn’t make her move a muscle. He watched helplessly as the mark continued up her hands and wrists, slowly leaving Nicolas’ body. The blue light grew even brighter, even more so than when they’d been in the hospital. Matthias shielded his eyes and thrust himself at her once more, trying to tackle her to the ground.

  When he was mere millimeters from her, he hit an invisible wall and was thrown ten feet away. His bulky body crashed into the snow and slid another few feet. He ignored the pain wracking his body and rushed to her once more, only to hit a force field surrounding the pair. He couldn’t get more than a foot away from the two of them.

  He dropped to his knees, anger and powerlessness filling him and feeding the beast within. When she had touched him at the cabin, he had felt her need, her desire to save Nicolas. Never had he imagined she would go to such extremes to fulfill that desire. He was incapable of doing anything but sit there and watch Britt lay down her life for his friend.

  Rustling sounded to his left. He rose, slowly pulling his sword from its sheath as his gaze sought the reason in the darkness. Five Illuminati ghouls bounded from the forest, swords raised. Matthias felt the smile form across his face, stretching his muscles as they appeared. He no longer felt helpless. These five would bear the brunt of his frustration, and he would make them pay for their situation.

  The first goon ran straight into his sword, Matthias quickly chopping the man’s head off at the neck, blood shooting out across his chest as electricity struck him in a bolt. He was so accustomed to the hot slide of the coppery liquid on his body along with the fire of energy that it didn’t bother him any longer. The others circled him and attacked at once. Two of their swords struck him as he sliced an arm off his foe. The attacks upon him only fueled him, and he felt his inner killer come to the surface. His sword was a blur as he made quick work of the remaining four, cutting each head off in order. He stood in the center, dark marks of their blood staining the white snow at his feet as their energy crashed into him. Matthias dropped to his knees, his wounds burning as they slowly began to heal, the enemy’s surge of strength added to his own.

  The field exploded, throwing him to his back once more. When the dust settled, he saw Britt lying atop Nicolas, their inert forms still as death. Doubt suffocated him. What if they both perished? He would have lost his past and his future. His chest ached as he stood there frozen, incapable of going to them and confirming his worst thoughts.


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